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Everything posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. New split thread to carry on the other conversation if folks want to: I put it in the pit since most of the posts are about a particular member and it didn't seem fair to him to keep it in the public section (though mods feel free to move it).
  2. It's $39 at a bit overpriced but not to bad?
  3. Er, I don't think the owner actually makes any profit... doing the math, I think he loses a bit (but is OK with that and feels it is worth it) .
  4. Now that the migraine has subsided, I think I'll reword that a bit, and just say I feel you are reading a LOT of things into my posts that aren't there at all. Also that I don't appreciate being insulted.
  5. My perception of it is, a one off interview where the teacher doesn't even come onto the forums, is fine, and not the same thing as some teacher coming on here and having more say or privileges than any other member.....
  6. Depends on the chatroom... Btw, I hid about 200 posts within 2 hours by the Captian, while he calms down.... he can't post for a bit (in case everyone wonders where he got to). 99% of his posts said the same thing.
  7. I emailed three well known authors to see if they would be willing to do an interview with us . I'll just leave the "who" as a surprise for now .
  8. Captain Mar-Vell, please cut it out with the huge pile of random off topic posts one after another, thanks. Yeah I know I'm not mod, but guess who gets to clean them up?
  9. I pasted the legalese somewhere else on the forum, the last time someone threatened to sue TTBs... But basically it boils down to... it's a forum, with people who we don't even know who they are, who don't even use their real names; thus TTBs is not legally responsible for what is posted here. Forums are under one of those fancy new laws they had to make for the internet...
  10. That would be... the taoist method for the NONE EVER (or at least not for 100 days) orgasmic man or woman .
  11. Did you know that 33.5% of the google searches that bring people to our forum are for "John Chang"?
  12. Neat . It's $400. Less than some other distance learning Bagua, more than others...
  13. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I think y'all need to work on your insults...
  14. I never thought of contacting him! lolololol I do have a couple of other folks in mind too . I've done a LOT of interviews, I think I'm good . Hmmm speaking of that, perhaps we can post a few interview templates by members to give interviewers ideas.... I'm thinking of creating a "hey please come be interviewed by our forum" template too... and perhaps get a few others as well that people can start with if they want.
  15. In case you want to use our awesome stats to help entice folks to come be interviewed by us: We have 3880 members Over 100,000 topic views per month (not sure if that is members only or general public too?) On a side note, apparently my PPF is the most viewed!????
  16. I read a how to make crystals thing on the net the other day that instructed to mix bleach and ammonia together... I thought everyone knows to not trust anything on the internet without checking into it... but I guess not... perhaps young teenagers don't.... or maybe brand new folks? Nothing wrong with grounding wires, they have been used for orgone type stuff for centuries (and cause no damage) . Hey maybe we can have something like Amazon book reviews, on each PPF! Joking We all know half of those are the author's friends or enemies.
  17. Hey Trunk, and sorry if this has been answered, I am skipping most of the posts.... what if I go to interview some really awesome Daoist author... get 50 questions from members, and some of them are just... uhm..... not the sort of questions I would want to ask a respected elder sort of thing? I can selectively choose the questions I use right?
  18. While I don't agree with all of what he says, SotG most definitely has the whole make some really good awesome use of your PPF thing down extremely well! (though I really do feel he should ask for some sub categories to use lol). Sure some folks don't agree with what people write in their PPF, but I haven't seen any PPFs on here that are worse than most of the books you find out there, some better even . Also if a teacher bases the forum on what they find on someone's personal blog (what the PPFs are pretty much in comparison to other forums), they really need to re-asses things imo . Btw, the interview section is UP and functional!
  19. Martial Arts Section?

    What would you like it called? (btw, you don't have to stick to only one sub forum, and you can have sub fora of your sub forums too ).
  20. Username change request

    Right . Perhaps that other option is just for folks like me who can't remember what my old username was .
  21. Username change request

    PS you can change the login name too as an option (in case that is what you meant by change the display name only).
  22. More Pie Guy's Tips On Saving Money

    Or freedompop free cel service . For $25 per month for everything cel service in Canada just go with Wind, Chat-r or Koodo. Wind is $35 per month unlimited everything.