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Everything posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. I read your thread on wall knockings... on second thought scrap the middle pillar for now, perform the LBRP as well as the greater banishing of the salt (ie sprinkle salt around) if you get a negative feel in your place. Though finding out first if they are friendly wall knockings or not (magicians are often prone to kick out things before they even find out first) might be a good first step. I also think stick with just the LBRP for a few months first before moving onto other stuff, and see how it goes. I say this especially since you have had some energetic troubles in the past.
  2. banging inside walls

    "What part of turn off the *@* lights and computer when you are trying to work with us didn't you get?"
  3. banging inside walls

    It's called wall knocking, very well known activity for dead folks/spirits. For fun one evening (after I stopped being spooked out of my skin lol), I did a "one knock for yes, and two for no" question and answer period with them... The interesting thing is that they can do this with concrete walls too! Also, check to make sure it isn't just pipes that are banging, as that sounds similar to knocking as well. However pipes don't give one knock for yes, 2 for no, and silence when I stop asking questions .
  4. Magical Knowledge

    ROFL, I like her already! (even taken within context I mean, as in just that won't do quite enough).
  5. The same dangers are inherent anywhere IMO, and are countered by grounding and rooting, a LOT of it . I have seen folks have troubles from both unfortunately. Also a balanced focus on physical as well as mundane activities are good. I would say a teacher to help you make sure you go through this next stage of your practice well..... but you can find many folks online for advice along the way.
  6. They are completely different practices from what I have experienced and seen in many others. The only drawback really is the LBRP can diminish the psychic perceptions a lot in many folks. Though if you are drawn to Ceremonial Magick, definitely go for it, just know that it is different than qigong/neigong etc. (PS the other folks in this forum section might disagree with me greatly )
  7. Nei Gong Forum?

    Wow, that is impressive! I usually ran into 1-2 spoken languages (and none written). Though Egypt people know 4-7! Sooooo what were *you* doing over in Haiti?
  8. Nei Gong Forum?

    Hasn't google come up with any free awesome hosting yet? Hell they even stop by to do my dishes for free for me once per week (as they scan my internet usage).
  9. Nei Gong Forum?

    Aside from the several free hosting companies around the net... most websites cost $20 per year for hosting, or $30 per year, depending on quality of hosting company. Then it is $10 per year for the domain name. I of course mean just regular simple free forums. I ran some on services like the above for many years...
  10. Magical Knowledge

    Hold on... this will take me a bit... I'm still busy being impressed by the web design .
  11. Nei Gong Forum?

    I know, I just thought you might have some further insights along those lines too .
  12. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    Emptying the teacup first no matter how experienced or evolved one is, works really well too .
  13. Magical Knowledge

    Page not found...
  14. Nei Gong Forum?

    Where all does Zhan Zhuang fit into all this?
  15. Filling in the gaps of the spiritual type

    Oh here I thought you read the first sentence as well...
  16. Nei Gong Forum?

    When I was over in Haiti 99% of the folks I met (small village) were illiterate. Though they were laughing at me because I wasn't getting the songs and dances as fast as was standard for people over there . They were also far from unintelligent.
  17. Nei Gong Forum?

    I don't know yet, but his might be MP based only, whereas your/yours talked of including other forms/systems of Neigong... so I still vote go for it .
  18. Nei Gong Forum?

    Easy, make someone do something they have no clue about how to do. For example if they have never worked with their hands, have them build a house. If they work with their hands, have them learn to play an instrument. Have the run a business. Have them learn to sing, draw, whatever. Hmmm, I think I challenge myself with my forms of iq tests all the time; it's fun .
  19. Nei Gong Forum?

    I started off with a little light trolling *Disclaimer, I do not in any way represent the views posted or expressed on the particular forum above, nor am I anything more than just a regular member of said forum that some friend of mine runs....
  20. Some I Ching resources on-line

    OK so we have most of the globe covered between the 2 of us... .
  21. Nei Gong Forum?

    Albert gets points in my book for hairstyle alone!
  22. Nei Gong Forum?

    As long as those conclusions and insights don't come about in the middle of a time/place where the overly thinking mind should be switched off and also the ego/self kept outside of the ritual space/treatment room/neigong practices. Then brought back afterwards to analyze the whole thing if need be.
  23. Nei Gong Forum?

    I don't know about neigong (much yet) but with magic, the ones with the highest IQs tend to be the most difficult to teach, since they have to shut up the monkey mind, and also go with intuition, not thought/intelligence while doing the actual practice. The mind can really get the in way, as well as bias things..
  24. Nei Gong Forum?

    I think it's a 50/50 between natural talent and how much you train. IQ etc. is sort of irrelevant to Qi and/or neigong stuff IMO. Though a good amount of humbleness thrown in can help a lot.
  25. Nei Gong Forum?

    Fuck IQ tests, I just got 20% on the timed Mensa one!