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Everything posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. Of course you can, open to all TTBs members .
  2. I wonder why Canada is not listed here?
  3. I skipped fri too, 14 hours of travel that day was enough . Don't like practicing in public? But, martial arts is sexy, and some attractive folks might notice you practicing . Or just go practice in an underground parking lot, either way. lol Or at night when no one is out.
  4. The only problem with this would be finding all those threads! Though there could be links to them all in the first post. But imagine 50 some odd threads about Agrippa all in Hermetic somewhere! This was much easier when I was tech and could just move stuff around lol.
  5. Agrippa Organization Discussion

  6. Agrippa Organization Discussion

    Thank you very much! It might take me a couple of days since I'm going out of town Friday, but will definitely PM you. TBOP-BK1CH1 would rock....
  7. Agrippa Organization Discussion

    Thank you very much :)
  8. Agrippa Organization Discussion

    Yep, should be able to do it that way . Will have to move a few posts over (only about 10-12), eventually, but aside from that will be all nicely organized, woot!
  9. I lived in the USA for 8 years, didn't like it much. I found not as open minded about... well anything. Places such as Egypt, well the open mindedness could use a lot of work, but the people there are much much more open and loving in general to make up for it.
  10. Awesome! Well fortunately it is still pretty early. I haven't practiced yet today either.
  11. [TBOPB1C01] Agrippa Book One Chapter One

    Oh? References please? Why yes I am looking for more reading material in that direction
  12. Agrippa Organization Discussion

    That layout would require staff to create a new sub section within Esoteric and Occult to do so though.... *looks over at our friendly engineer*
  13. [TBOPB1C01] Agrippa Book One Chapter One

    To clarify, by mental/intellectual third/plane etc. I include such things as the astral plane, and magic using with thought/mind. Neat idea about using a telescope . Based off the older idea of using clear crystals I figure... and perhaps stronger?
  14. [TBOPB1C01] Agrippa Book One Chapter One

    This last bit is interesting, "it doth instruct us concerning the differing and agreement of things amongst themselves". This could speak of how to work with various things in multiples which get along and work well together, to enhance their properties, create something entirely new from mixing two or more things which work well together, or even to create something based on how the items differ from one another. One can purposefully make use of items which do not get along, or are opposed to one another, for various magical purposes . So combine various ingredients, then get the stars, planets, elements, or spirits involved . Yep, that sums up much of magical practice. So the various plants and stones and etc., and the Divine force and spiritual workings... but I unfortunately am not sure what he means by mathematical; astronomy perhaps? Here he is obviously talking about the physical nature of these elements, but we already know there are 3 levels to each element (from the first chapter), so we can see this on a deeper level, which combines the 3 important principals of nature. Elemental, celestial and intellectual. So astrology in relation to the timing of various works. To me it seems as though he is again talking of how some things are considered lesser parts of other things; the stones and herbs (etc.) as "lesser" (perhaps meaning not as refined or specific) parts of the stars, planets, etc. Also it seems to say that the stars are parts of the sun, so that whole lesser and greater thing again. Seems we have Agrippa's definition of theological practice here . How words, figures and seals (and most likely talismans as well under figures or seals), are used. Awesome, those are some fun chapters . So, so far we have magic is done by and is the divine, the angels, then the various stars and planets, and elements (and perhaps more in this category), utilized as well as shown through the elements, then down to the herbs, stones and other physical objects containing said specific energy, and how to work with these forces utilizing seals, symbols and the like. Sounds good (and standard magical practice) so far. Second half coming later....
  15. [TBOPB1C01] Agrippa Book One Chapter One

    Here are my personal interpretations of what Agrippa says Basically to collect the properties and energies from. For example bringing the energy and power (for specific magical influence of course) from say a particular star, into a particular stone, water, tincture, or etc. Yep the elements and the physical, the various divine (and perhaps not so divine) beings, and us/our minds/concepts/the intellectual world we have created. Hmmm slightly similar to the Daoist body, spirit and mind? Sure this could be seen as that whole hierarchy of beings thing, I see it a bit further than that even (if that in the first place; I'm not sure yet). So take the star of Algol for example... we have some herbs, and some stones, and some symbols which all have a bit of Algol within them, I mean more than other stones, plants etc. which aren't related at all, or less related. So in the sense of Algol (or any other star, or planet, or element, or force) it comes in degrees. Also any spirits of Algol (only speaking of one particular type of spirit is limiting perhaps), including Angels, are also part of the forces of Algol, which can be worked with to bring about the influence of Algol into your life (if you are bored and want to wreak havoc that is lol). As we know already, from Agrippa's writings, as well as about everyone else's writings, most view that the Divine or whatever you want to call it, is within every single thing. So in this case, we are just calling upon and utilizing very specific aspects, slices, or bits of this force/being/deity/god/omipotance. Also within each plant, metal, animal, etc. we could perhaps be speak of the varying degrees of Algolness, as in alchemical transformations of such substances. In this thread there was mention of the standard 9 spheres; still wondering if Agrippa used this particular number (there were many different layouts back in the day, anywhere from 7 to 30, or perhaps not even meaning a layout with the planets being a sphere each and in a particular order of one each. There are an infinite number of things which one would refer to as "worlds" when exploring the magical universe. For example, this is very similar to experiences many magicians have had: There are also various worlds which house various spirits, energies and such. From this, we can also assume that each world Agrippa is speaking of, would also have Algol aspects and items within it. So in other words, bring the energies you are wanting to work with, in directly from Source. And also perhaps utilize these for the alchemical transformations of the materials mentioned earlier (and oneself too in the process of course). So we are basically finding, bringing forth, and utilizing the virtues of the specific plants, animals, metals, etc. for the particular work we are after. Interesting he talks about mixtions, so combining plant, animal, metal, stone would perhaps be the ideal operation. Of course then utilizing the stars and/or planets and/or Angels and Divine being/s to enhance things. The Angels of the particular stars and astrological signs being called upon alongside (to enhance, deepen and expand) the particular energies of these forces I figure. Call up the old Gods to help out . They didn't name a heap of them after the planets for nothing... Well also he is referring to the various magical ceremonies, which go back to ancient times, when they were used in a religious context. While Agrippa was most likely actually Christian.... one must also keep in mind that he would have been burned, jailed or hung if he wrote from a perspective which was not very very Christian flavored. Though I figure anyone who could write a book such as this easily saw beyond one particular beleif system or structure.
  16. Agrippa Organization Discussion

    So 50 Agrippa threads? Not that I mind that, but might be difficult to find the right one when needed....
  17. A year of Agrippa :)

    But if we start early, by the time it reaches 20 pages, it'll be all organized and such .
  18. A year of Agrippa :)

    What does BD stand for?
  19. A year of Agrippa :)

    Does Agrippa speak of this particular layout later on in his book? I don't actually remember, been quite some time since I read it cover to cover. Personally I took it to mean either the various worlds of the astral, etheric and etc. planes, or perhaps the myriad of neverending worlds similar but different to ours. I would be interested to know what the original Greek prayer/text was which the prayer you are thinking of was based on? Not that I know which one you mean since I'm not up on my Christian prayers, but I do find it interesting to dig up the original sources of them. No one has some up with a handy cross reference website for this yet .
  20. People.seem to keep a very good distance from me when i practice at bus stops while waiting dor the bus lol. Did zz today.
  21. A year of Agrippa :)

    I could always do a seperate sub forum for each chapter if i were to do all this in my ppf, however not as many folks read/keep up with the ppfs. I like the table of contents linking idea, if anyone would like to do parts of it i can edit the Forst post to include it. (or y'all can wait about a month when i have no classes
  22. ereader recommendations?

    So they are not like a cel phone where what is on the screen just gets larger, no matter what the format is?
  23. ereader recommendations?

    All of what I will be reading is scanned books . Many of them thanks to the lovely folks at google. However google's PDFs don't look any different than anyone elses so likely not the fancy sort you are talking about. They do tend to have been put through OCR though. Hmmm, now I wonder if Kobo takes kindle files, and vice versa....
  24. ereader recommendations?

    Thank you for the suggestions everyone . Which ones of these can you make the text/images on the screen larger and smaller by touching the screen? (like a smart phone) Also where you can slide across the page? I have trouble reading little tiny text. Fortunately I have been peeking over people's shoulders lately who have been using various devices, and the text looks large enough. Though their devices look a little larger than the 6" standard...
  25. Hold on a sec, aren't you the member who PMed me several versions of the TTC, as well as commentary on it?