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Everything posted by BaguaKicksAss

  1. 93 years old and still flying -Bagua Practitioner: Video

    This is what I`ll be doing at age 74
  2. 93 years old and still flying -Bagua Practitioner: Video

    I hope whatever that is, it isn`t still sitting in your fridge.. .
  3. Siddhis in Taoism

    Hmmm, is the ability to help folks heal considered a siddhi? If so, that is a pretty awesome one . But it is also sort of more common than I think siddhis are generally considered to be?? Beats.... say levitation..... though .
  4. Siddhis in Taoism

    Hey knowing what others are thinking isn`t always a pleasan`t ability! I think everyone should train for powers, since the work required to get said powers is generally really good quality spiritual work . I think it is more that other things become more important. Also... one day I decided I wanted to run a mile (major lifelong illness, a mile was pretty far to even walk, heh). So eventually ran that mile. It was pretty exciting... for a time. Well of course then I wanted to run 3, then 5, then a half marathon... At least with races you get a tshirt . I guess it`s sort of neat that I can now do something I never used to be able to (with training). I guess it is really handy when I`m about to miss a bus or am late for something... The analogy sort of sucks, and only covers one aspect, but ah well .
  5. 93 years old and still flying -Bagua Practitioner: Video

    He doesn`t have a fb page, he died a few years back. The folks who are trying to make $$ off of his vids are who has a fb page.
  6. Is it possible to erase my account?
  7. Satanic Temple *UP-DATED*

    Looks like the Devil tarot card to me...
  8. Mopai nei kung, there has to be an equivalent!

    There is some responsibility that goes along with power too...
  9. Mopai nei kung, there has to be an equivalent!

    So for those with some ability and/or natural talent... I guess the thing would be to ask yourself what do you want to spend all eternity doing? Do you want to spend it as you are now with your present thoughts and any internal turmoil you might have? It's generally best to clear all that crap out first, as what you are made up of can end up being your very thoughts, fears, anger, and your strongest emotions if you aren't careful.
  10. Mopai nei kung, there has to be an equivalent!

    The making fun of MoPai (for those who need to get it out) thread is over there in Thunder_Gooch's PPF .
  11. Why on earth would one practice more than one system?

    So so very true!
  12. Mopai nei kung, there has to be an equivalent!

    Fortunately every single thing on that list (accept #6) is very very extremely rare. It would be more about what Clyman teaches him than anything else really. IMO.
  13. Mopai nei kung, there has to be an equivalent!

    4. Hanging out for many years (or perhaps even decades or centuries even), but not eternally . 5. Joining the celestial realms (whether this is for all eternity or not is up for debate) 6. Become partially a wandering spirit (ugh, bad option) 7. Reincarnate but with your present memory and abilities 8. Become a functional still evolving spirit after death 9. Become a shade/litch/etc. (though this is probably very similar if not the same as #4) Now I'm curious what MoPai/level 72 makes you into?
  14. Good online source for Chinese herbs / meds?

    Po sum on works better anyways . Make it into a plaster if you like. Though you'd want a few bottles if you are going that route.
  15. Good online source for Chinese herbs / meds?

    Shipping from Hong Kong is good, means same shipping price to Germany.
  16. What to do about Djinn...

    No, no the Djinn, not the mods .
  17. What to do about Djinn...

    Duh, why did I assume you didn't have a strong connection with a protector Deity? (prob cause many people don't, and I know nothing of your path). Scrap what I said, go with CT's suggestions above . Also... stuff like that can only attach to us if we have unresolved things we have not yet worked through, so the more we work through, the less they can affect us...
  18. Good online source for Chinese herbs / meds?

    It would cost $25 for me to ship it to the US, might as well have me ship it to Germany... Which would prob be $30. Though I have to admit, my getting to chinatown is sort of random as it is a 2 hour return trip by bus. I always have the best intentions, but do have to be honest about my follow through lol. I will be down there for sure on Feb 2nd for the new years parade though . You didn't like my idea? :> It might cost less actually... PS sucks for chinese stuff lol.
  19. [Qigong] Where does the food go? People are scared

    I don't know about other stuff, but with Bagua, we all laugh about the huge food intake... everyone's appetite increases a LOT with practice, it's just odd. We all giggle when newer practitioners talk about how hungry they are all the time . No idea if it's related to the OP or not though..
  20. Good online source for Chinese herbs / meds? has them all too .
  21. Good online source for Chinese herbs / meds?

    701 plaster is awesome!! I pay less than $5 per tin here in Chinatown . I've seen the prices on amazon and been tempted to start a website lol. I also very highly recommend Po sum on, which would likely work even better for a heel spur actually. It is usually $3.50 per tin (or $10 on amazon lol) There's also of course various dit da jow (sp?) that works well also. If the heel spur is fractured po sum on is best. has all that stuff.
  22. What to do about Djinn...

    People create things which seem to act like entities (at least to themselves if no one else) all the time. Just turbid energy. Or sometimes some negative aspects of ourselves seem to gain more control than we would like, but we externalize them.
  23. What to do about Djinn...

    Of the folks who feel like they have entities inside them, about one in a few hundred thousand, actually do. Fortunately, methods for getting rid of entities, and methods for balancing oneself out are often similar .