Wu Ming Jen

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Everything posted by Wu Ming Jen

  1. Transgender Problem

    We also need bathroom for a sexual people that want to have sex in a bathroom all the time. One bathroom that simply says undecided. Another bathroom for men that like girls, one for women that like women, one for women with a baby, one for men with a baby one that you can stand up or sit down, one you can sit down only, one handicap bathroom, one bathrooms for short people I did not say midget because I am all politically correct.one for men that like men. one for people with a man body but at one time may have had a girl body. So thirteen bathrooms should do it. Now if I am outside and there is no bathroom are there like a special tree or other landmark that will allow me and other gender specific people to know where to go and its OK?
  2. Science of head transplant and energy body ?

    Its funny that people identify themselves with their body. A temporary vehicle and when it wears out that which animated the body leaves. Investing time in what does not die is more interesting to me. One day with a head the next day with out a head and apparently you can grow a new head and after the new head is no longer functioning then what we have more heads or less heads. Was the first head better then the second head? Maybe we should have more then one head. Before I head to bed I will check to see if their is actually anything in my head worth keeping.
  3. Dao De Jing - A Modern Work by Matt Parsons

    Knowing the unknown, pure poetry Stosh
  4. Dao De Jing - A Modern Work by Matt Parsons

    Well done A good thing for westerners is that knowledge is NOT an impression but an expression. Western system is Greek with two opposing forces, not related and hostile to each other (very weird) because nature is not like that at all. knowledge is not something known because there is no know-er or known. For there to be a know-er they would need to be not part of all things, separate, opposing and hostile to all that is not them. Difference depends on sameness, they crete each other, this theme is used over and over again, Yin and Yang addressing all aspects of life with the classic Taoist text. The background or outer world is necessary with knowledge. If I look at a person with no background I can not see the edges of the person maybe just some eyes and a mouth hanging in space. The background being the entire universe is us and eternal. We can not have one without the other. Polar complete philosophy can be hard to understand with western mind / rational mind or a knowing mind.
  5. Question about stages in Neidan

    The sensation of ants crawling around on the top of the head (Heavenly palace) seems to be a common description for that spot.
  6. Where can I buy legal psychedelics online?

    psychedelics only work because we have the ability with out them. Fire is inside wood.
  7. Translation of the end of TTC chapter 1

    The cavity of the Mysterious Gate is the most important gate in the body. The cavity is the mind within the mind. Its not made of flesh and blood, yet its the spirit that directs everything in us. The spirit dwells inside a substantive form. It is there, and yet not there. Darkness is female not a negative or void it gives life ,the gate way to all mysteries. This must be paired with the light of awareness well beyond self or ego. If any sense of self is present the gate vanishes or never appears. ​
  8. Science of head transplant and energy body ?

    All our body parts have consciousness it is fascinating to hear the stories where people develop traits of their dead persons organs. No thanks, I accept my fate without intervention from the mad scientist.
  9. tao and relationships

    Once you know in meditation where the lonesomeness is coming from inside of you then you can correct it. In meditation you will find we have a relationship with all things maintaining balance and harmony, creating good relationships as our own character and true self emerges your path will light up with out doubt. Feeling is beyond conscious mind alone so listen to the wordless tune and answers appear. The work of removing all separation is only in our mind We are not separate from anything, we are complete and one with all things.
  10. Daoist attitude to diet in the modern world

    90% of our energy comes from breathing 10% from food so choose wisely. Commercial foods have a low energy value. Health care in america allows us to buy the most expensive high energy value organic foods and actually save money and not feel sick. We are all worth it, get the good stuff. Food is medicine so do not put poison on what we eat and dont buy tainted foods made for profit.
  11. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 5

    Good and bad, the apple is good then it rots and it is bad then the seeds create a new tree with lots of apples and it is good then it all starts all over again. Evil is not present in the natural world. In the world of men being mis directed, lead to believe mental contrived thoughts and removed from the natural world creates evil. The reason the Chinese refer to western people as foreign devils is because they studied the bible and thought westerners worshiped a devil. Man against nature is also a very weird mental concept that is just not found in the real living world. Translating Chinese classics with a western mind is a mistake. I guess it is just easier to have something like a God responsible then we do not have to be responsible for all the ten thousand things and each other.
  12. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 5

    Someday i will be like heaven without a thought or act of kindness I will show kindness to all things. Someday I will be like earth without a thought or act of care I will care for all things. Someday I will breath in and contact the root of earth and breath out and contact the root of heaven much like a bellows, empty and able to move the unseen, unlimited power. Someday I will guard my vital energy, the one energy that regulates all things Words have no meaning to my vital energy so I will be quite. Straw dogs are not born out of love or burned to death out of hate to think so is to be a child of circumstance. Someday I will invest time in my vital energy, birth and death have no meaning to my vital energy, Someday I will realize Yin and Yang are one
  13. Ttc 56 - Talk or not?

    The wordless teaching is necessary for a topic that is beyond speech and conceptual mind to comprehend. Using the mode of mind that does not require speech or thoughts (thoughts are in word form) to penetrate the mystery. The shining mind or original mind sometimes in the form of wisdom, intuition, feeling, awareness of just what is, is used daily by all. the communication of body and mind is feeling this function does not require words for the miracle of body to function. The universe does not require words for the planets to stay in their orbits. I bet we could come up with ten thousand things that do not require speech. Silence is the absolute balance of body mind and spirit. Silence is the cornerstone of character. Transmission of true awareness from silence will lead to correct action. Try not to let the thinking mind filled with endless words get in the way.
  14. Is Tai Chi quantum physics

    After a mere few thousand years, modern science is beginning to catch up with Lao Tzu and you will find quotes from the Tao Te Ching in various modern scientific texts, especially those relating to quantum physics and quantum computing. The Tai Chi symbol shows the eternal motion and interplay of yin and yang around the central point of stillness. Each contains a little of its opposite (the “eyes” of the fishes) and as each reaches its extreme, its opposite arises again. The circle enclosing all of this represents the Tao. (Interestingly, subatomic particles created in the depths of space always emerge as pairs of opposites. It is this phenomenon which gives rise to Hawking radiation from black holes as one of the pair crosses the event horizon and is captured by the black hole while the other remains outside and becomes part of the radiated heat around it. Stephen Hawking has likened this to yin and yang at this fundamental level of the universe.) Tai Chi Philosophy and Daily Life Tai Chi teaches us the importance of balance and harmony in all things. We gain a sense of equanimity, a kind of detachment from the ups and downs of life and an ability to remain on an even keel. The interplay of yin and yang tells us that everything has its opposite, so however bad things get, the good times will come again, and when things go well, we don’t become complacent but appreciate what we have. We begin to see unity in diversity – that everything in creation operates according to the same basic principles and is essentially the same. We can see that all people and all living creatures are of equal value and we are all part of an integrated whole, like threads in a tapestry. This leads to greater tolerance and respect for each other and for the planet as a whole.
  15. We outgrow our shoes. One minute to the next our foot is not the same as the last time we put our shoes on. If we keep forcing our ever changing electromagnetic fields to get back into old shoes it may slow our progress. Moving forward as in the direction of creation leaving the old patterns makes room for the new patterns that attract endless good energy into our lives. This makes it feel like we are not even wearing shoes at all. I have a pair of shoes that are very old but not worn everyday but once and awhile...... I use these shoes. I am glad to see a topic about shoes, very exciting!!!
  16. Is Tai Chi quantum physics

    Very nice post. Tai Chi requires more than simple throws and absorbing or dealing hits to attain victory. Tai Chi art requires more than strength flexibility, or any combination of simple physical characteristics. It requires an understanding of geometry, space, and the physical laws that govern their physical interactions. ​Physics are a big part of Tai Chi practice. Tai Chi is applied science or advances physics.Quantum physics seems to get closer to the non physical aspects as well Newer developments in physics, specifically in the field of quantum mechanics, demonstrate that objects exert influences even without directed physical contact. Through a phenomenon called Quantum Entanglement, one can measure a particle and instantaneously affect another particle in an equal and opposite manner no matter how far away they are, even faster than the speed of light.
  17. As soon as one says they are enlightened the opposite of what that means to you will appear in their character. If one says they are awake that could mean they are not sleeping. Awareness of something that does not fit in labels and does not need to known, limitless of what is and what is not, nullifies all opposition because all of existence is not in opposition to all things. Some call this ideal enlightenment, some call it immortality and others call it by a different name but it is all the same light of awareness which we all use on a daily basis. We need to realize we are all complete at this very moment. searching or trying to attain something we already have is a bit silly. Those caught in struggle and conflict, feeding on the negative, creating the negative reality for themselves and others are complete as well it is really a matter of choice the reality we choose to make for ourselves.
  18. Correct words of Patriarchs

    The words written are only words that point. If one may have similar experience or quantifies a reality for oneself there is comfort in that. All realities exist at the same time so it is not a case of correct or incorrect. It is the observer that determines the out come or interpretation of words. High vibration understanding does not translate to a lower vibration thought process. so if we get it, the message and not the words then great. I believe Lao Tzu addresses this in his first chapter....words change meaning and the topic is beyond speech.
  19. Is my metaphor correct?

    I view enlightenment as remembering where we came from and where we return, the unknown. Knowing the unknown, seeing the unseen. hearing what has no sound. tasting that has no taste. In this way when "things" come up in life we see the source and set the correct course of action or non action.
  20. Methods, transmission of them and miracles

    Thanks dawei, I know, I had a rather jaded experience living on the mountain....Oh well.
  21. Methods, transmission of them and miracles

    My experience while living in China and travailing around was that there was not much drinking going on.Of course I was not at bars and clubing with the weekend warriors. I bought a beer and it was like 2% alcohol which is fine with me. The martial arts are a living art, not a dead art of coping others. All the greatness should be made real in ourselves. All the un great should be eliminated in ourselves first. The skill of Internal Martial Arts controlling our electro magnetic energy fields to heal or disrupt these fields in others are a real skill available to all with hard work, time and dedication. Respecting or disrespecting Masters that have achieved these skills are a waste of time. Those with out achievement may judge and even dig up dirt to help themselves fill the void of what is lacking in themselves.
  22. Standing Rock

    "but if you try sometimes you might just get,,might just get, get what you need". (Rolling Stones).
  23. Killing the Ego

    Why does this thread smell like pancakes? No killing necessary, ego is like a lost child that wants to control everything and make your life as difficult as possible. Once the true self or spirit is put back in charge that little kid will love spirit like its mother and listen and do anything for the spirit. Life becomes so great it seems like all those lost kids and all their suffering and problems are not even real, just pretend With the ego not in charge of affairs and knows its proper place as a guest we can live with all the shit the lost kids are creating for themselves and others. the difference is our lives have always been complete I need to go make some pancakes.
  24. Internal cultivation for martial arts

    I would tend to agree when interested in having martial skill. I began my training at a kung fu temple as a young student it was necessary to have martial skill before I was taught the higher arts like Tai Chi Chuan.. A lot of hard work of controlling ones own body and doing physically demanding routines is extremely beneficial as I have found as I get older. People of my age complain of many aliments and body problems that just do not exist for me thanks to my training. To this day I train the cardio of kung fu forms as well as the high level internal stuff. If one happens to begin training of Tai Chi Chuan with a martial proficient teacher they may be more concerned with your ability to move and how you use force before discussing cultivation. The funny part is that you will be cultivating the whole time.
  25. the meaning of "I think therefore I am"

    That quote needs some context. I get annoyed seeing this quote placed on libraries and schools by people who think it means something to the effect of 'education is good'. It is the first step in 'proving' Cartesian Duality, and can be understood as: "I was wondering whether or not I exist, and realized that I must because I couldn't be asking this question otherwise." Cartesian duality is considered by most philosophers and scientists to be a flawed argument, but the validity of step 1 (your quote) is up for debate. So it doesn't qualify as a fallacy. Some great minds do think it is wrong, however. They attack the concept of "I" and point out that from a strictly materialistic perspective, a person is a collection atoms existing in space and time. Believing that individual people exist is a categorical mistake.