Wu Ming Jen

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Everything posted by Wu Ming Jen

  1. Why do you say "school"?

    I just wanted to share this with those who have everyday effectiveness with internal alchemy that not only enriches their own life but all things are blessed a thousand times over. The great image is imageless...... if one sees any image, throw it away. If any have altered consciousness provoked by self or others meaning that which maybe considered outside of ourselves (like that is even possible) trash it . If you see Buddha on your path kill him..... these are all obstacles in the way. Mind feng shui, in the land of nothing what so ever get rid of anything you can trip on and impede movement and stillness at the proper time.
  2. Why do you say "school"?

    What is the color of light, we call it gold. if one was to actually see golden light it is not the light we are talking about, The light of awareness will dissolve the impurities because what we call impurities will follow the light and get on the right path. In the true light both sides are one, the fake and the real., the pure and the impure But we can not make the pure more pure or less pure. Cutting up the one light that is always present into many pieces is the source of confusion. It's like adding many different spices to a pot of soup it it just has a bad taste and in the end none enjoys it. I am curious what is awaken's school? I can make a guess but would like to know from her.
  3. Taoist view of Afterlife?

    The many spirits and consciousness of our internal organs that make up one human body is usually addressed to the speculation of reincarnation making it very unlikely that the same consciousness all come together as one to be reincarnated. Taoist seem to not speculate placing being alive and living to be a much higher priority then any thoughts of life after death. If all things are good in life now there is no need to worry about future or death. The whole death thing is duality in action not realizing what is born ages and fades away, what is always present throughout all life being non material is the spiritual practice. The harmony of material needs and spiritual life NOW is of the up most importance.
  4. Is social media dead?

    What are your thoughts of the new face of facebook? My feed is loaded with ads, fake news and more news. Then there is the issue of everyone talking about things in the media, going along with thoughts that are not even their own. I like the anti social part (not being there in person) of creeping on friends and family to see what they are up to and read about their own actual experiences. The comments most of the time is like someone picking up a phone when someone else is talking and instead of hanging up they ease drop and talk about something entirely different or what they think one side of the topic is. I no longer go on facebook it is dead to me for a while now. This post wants to know whats on your mind?
  5. Taoist view of Afterlife?

    We are one with the tao, What is actually born, a physical body. The immortals which includes you are an archetype of the highest human virtues and how to live life in balance and harmony with all things meaning you are not separate from any thing. The only thing I know is I came from the unknown and return to the unknown basically nothing to know.
  6. Is social media dead?

    Thats awesome.
  7. Is social media dead?

    That's cool Marblehead,I know you have something funny to say,your not holding back are you? In my mind I think you live in England. I lived in Florida quiet a bit me self but you do not seem to fit my generalized profile.
  8. Lower Dan Tien Question

    The clear full moon reflects in all bodies of water. The real moon is not two. The real body is not one or two. The real body has no location yet fills all spaces. Like space it is boundless.
  9. The Other Side of Power

    Alone together, crash landing, deafening silence, Parking in the driveway.
  10. Zhan Zhuang and Neidan

    Love it, Grand heavenly circulation.
  11. Hillary and Trump

    Trump wants to build a wall, Mexico is paying for it and America is outraged. There was a slight mistake in the planning so according to the blueprints Mexico gets texas and california back. Both states are now ready to succeed from the union. In other news the amount of mental energy spent by US citizens on a very long and painful election process has left many exhausted. Germany and China have offered to build the wall saying they have the best experience for the job.
  12. Looking for qigong for vision improvement (eye sight)

    Sebastien is onto something to be proactive. Tightening of muscles around the eyes as we age diminishes sight. There are many Dao yin or 8 brocade sitting exercises, massage, acu pressure, heat (rubbing hands friction converts to heat), liver meridian and so on for the eyes but more importantly doing the entire set is beneficial for the entire system since it is all connected. It is perfectly fine to have eye glasses. Other will judge you, think you are smart or not smart for being a loser and not taking care of your eyes. How did you let that happen they will say with their perfect eyesight look at me, no really look at me.Ha just kidding.
  13. wu wei

    Spontaneous uncontrived action or not acting, non action . There is no goal, agenda, gain or loss. I don't want to do the dishes, I am the only one that ever does the dishes, I get no respect Why Why Why This form of contrived behavior of gain or loss uses way more energy than washing the dishes. let the water wash the dishes, let fire do the cooking allow metal do the chopping then sit back as you are active and enjoy the ride.
  14. Zhan Zhuang and Neidan

    zhan zhuang involves a form of standing meditation - one where you become "mindful" of every detail of your posture and alignment. In so doing you develop a foundation on which you can build structure. That structure should then be solid enough, and dependable enough, to permit efficient, effective action. Unlike other forms of meditation, martial meditation has more specific goals. One of these is improving efficiency and efficacy of martial movement and the foundation of all of this is how you stand. ​The taoist arts are all unified so depending on one's own interest apply the principles every day. Training intent has very positive applications guiding chi in this sense describes this channelling of thought into efficient action
  15. I am from a different school that is a very old lineage. dao yin is practiced daily and has many benefits. Immortality training exist because we are all immortal not more in sages or less in those who have no training. The true master is within so my advise is not to ever transfer our abilities to an entity outside of yourself. The identity or who we choose to place above us to judge or help is a reflection of the true spirit within us. We are all equal to the ascended immortals so play laugh and sing. we tell this to those who get too heady or lost about the tradition it is about being, so be well
  16. It has always fascinated me that the Taoist Gods were exemplary people that lived on earth. The Taoist Gods are an archetype of the best qualities of human nature and their different positions or jobs show how this can create civilized harmony on earth.
  17. Does Dan Tien translate as 'belly'?

    What you can do is to follow. That is very wise and awesome awaken I look forward to having real conversations with you!
  18. Does Dan Tien translate as 'belly'?

    The three treasures that have associated location are pre heaven (no form) and are actually one energy. the post heaven techniques (with body) are equally as important. If you look for the elixir fields they are not there. Feeling the elixir fields they are very much there.
  19. Does Dan Tien translate as 'belly'?

    Empty your mind and fill your belly. empty your mind and fill your heart. empty your mind and fill the spirit. Three elixir fields vitality, energy, spirit or Jing, Chi, Shen these energies have no physical locations so are spoken in association of what does have a form, our bodies. The temporary body is not the true method it transcends the material world so do not let the materialist that govern this world know, it will put them out of a job. With out gain or loss ends that game quickly.
  20. Is the wudang orbit all that it's cranked up to be?

    I just did more research because "red dragon" mco as named is not a thing on wudang and yes the list taught is endless. Yes you can also train with the hermits and learn secret forms a few years in on your training. From Winn's web site "I call my new method the Spinning Dragon Orbit." Winn has developed this exercise to sell which is fine and anyone can say it is Wudang which gets the name out there so whatever. I think Spinning is a good description of energy centers sense the do not open or close but have a spinning frequency. From another web site "The most powerful variant is the Spinning Dragon Orbit, my variant of a Wudang practice originally called the Red Dragon method.". ​I am not dissing any practice but Winn and his mentor like to play the sex card because it sells. The true foundation is vitality. Any form of exercise including MCO with belly stimulation release the hormones that are active in sexual situations. Vitality is what makes the body, gives life and the energy to do the things we need to do. Start at the foundation Jing, Chi then Shen we call them three but are one. There is no skipping steps because they natural lead to the next step up to reach the highest mountain. ​The swimming dragon forms That Winn is performing in his video are found on Wudang and many schools especial Hing I Chuan schools.
  21. Is the wudang orbit all that it's cranked up to be?

    Nice post silly bear. Maybe he was trying to stop his menstrual cycle with the red dragon method
  22. Is the wudang orbit all that it's cranked up to be?

    The swimming dragon form was a prescription for Michel to loosen up his chest his posture was too military style in the chest. Others may also benefit from the practice but it does not change the MCO method. It is an additional exercise. Red dragon seems odd to call his method. This is a marketing method, the secret form which can not be traced hence red dragon IMO so precede with caution Micro or small heavenly orbit is practiced sitting. Grand heavenly circulation is practiced standing
  23. Is the wudang orbit all that it's cranked up to be?

    I study on Wudang the method is the same as in many other schools, It is all in the details. I had a Taoist priest show me a detail in opening up the descending channel, front of the body. It is a simple 5% tilt forward on the beginning of exhale. visually not really noticeable but feeling the drop is noticeable..
  24. Swede's ramblings and questions - Welcome in!

    I would suggest doing this type of meditation........It was at this time, around the age of 17 or so, whilst sitting there gazing through the window, I had a sudden realisation that I was somehow one with everything. I felt an immense peace, and however fleeting it was, it lasted for quite some time and it translated into everyday life. Nothing seemed to stress me out and the typical teenage woes did not bother me as I felt at peace. The great image is imageless there is nothing for mind to attach to and there is nothing to accomplish you are already complete and not separate from all of creation. Its funny how we take in information it's like it comes in through one of the senses and gets stuck in our body making up me, self, ego we just have to remember that our body is also floating in the infinite awareness right along with everything and no thing around us.
  25. This is why we have elections. We direct your attention to two opposing camps that represent the same system. while you are distracted and feel as though you are apart of it you easily hand over your power, time and money and not go after the system Once the programing is completely downloaded you will pay the system when you gain or lose money.funding corporations, war killing, and starvation of the so called others. You will be schooled to believe the others are not anything like you, so different and are very dangerous to you. live in fear that (we are all united by the light of our own awareness and co creators of this planet) excuse me I mean they all must be killed or at least be very poor so we can feel we are superior. Racism is just like eating dessert it adds a little sugar to the same system that created it.