Wu Ming Jen

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Everything posted by Wu Ming Jen

  1. Where is the real middle way?

    Knowing is doing, doing is knowing
  2. Where is the real middle way?

    Once we remember that we all use the same light of awareness and all that we see is part of us and shared by everyone, perception changes transcending a temporary situation in duality and re united with the eternal. The materialist have taken power and would rather not have people become aware, it makes them unnecessary. There are many systems in place to mis direct humanity for very lowly ambitions used by religions and politics for example. Many true spiritual traditions cause the disciple to fully engage in duality, ego, mind so they can for themselves discovery that they simply do not exist. As the saying goes "I can not pacify my mind (teacher) then show me you mind (student) I can not find it (teacher) now I have pacified your mind for you.
  3. Fu Zhongwen interview

    It is interesting That the Taoist of Wudang Mountain had the emperors seal which is written on a huge stone tablet (literally written in stone) on top of a massive stone turtle protecting the Taoist from any interference like being drafted to war and more. Once the mongols took over government The Taoist lost the seal, some Taoist left the mountain. Historical records show one such Taoist arriving in Chen village. If we look at Yang Chen Fu's brothers they retained more of the fighting style of their father but many could not endure the training. Yang Chen fu had no interest in Tal Chi until his father passed and was taught by his uncles. His angle with the modern use of the gun for killing was to say Tai chi has much more value then just fighting skill alone. Yang Lu Chan put Tai Chi Chuan on the map before not ever taught publicly and defeated all challenges with his amazing skill
  4. daoist breahting techniques

    We are all born Taoist breathing then chest breathing then throat breathing and the last breath is mouth breathing. Turn around and go the other way through the gate of life. Taoist breathing is mixing pre natal energy with post natal energy if you include lifting the perineum floor on inhale you are also massaging the organs and toning core muscles. It is simple, inhale stomach moves inward filling the lungs, energy and body is rising,lifting. On exhale abdomen expands not forcefully as energy descends, body sinks, very natural. Blow up a balloon the abdomen will expand as you exhale. au natural My suggestion is the Tao of Tai Chi Chuan by master Jou Tsung Hwa explaining the 9 ways of breath and usefulness.
  5. what is the point of existence?

    One minute existing the next minute non existing. like clouds passing through the sky. As I am watching I no longer exist but when I attach my thought to the cloud like its beautiful or rain cloud or white and fluffy cloud I exist but then the cloud simply disappears.Chasing my own shadow existing one moment and not existing the next. So I dance to the string-less tune of eternity.
  6. what is the point of existence?

    Invest in loss. tossing away the question for the answer that just is, just being is beautiful. Sage seems to be full of thought and ramblings that is a beautiful nature and his words do not even have to match one thought before it jumps to the next. creativity, the world embraces talent.
  7. what is the point of existence?

    There seems to be unlimited points existing at the same time. One of the points is each of us and we are all living each other's lives. This particular planet is an amazing playground full of adventure, discovery and play. I would suggest using the point, the center of the universe and create something beautiful. war, politics, religion, we have a lot of self discovery of who we really are to get rid of the harmful and self serving interest to make all lives so much better. So if anyone feels lost, try losing thoughts so we can feel peace and bring it back to this world one point at a time.
  8. Feng-English: Discuss The TTC

    Not exalting the gifted prevents quarreling. "A great musician may not be able to build a house Find the gift within ones self and not other" (Who is better superman or Bruce lee, let the quarreling begin) Not collecting treasures prevents stealing. "Know when one has enough" Not seeing desirable things prevents confusion of the heart. " to desire thing not attainable is more destructive then living without" The wise therefore rule by emptying hearts and stuffing bellies, by weakening ambitions and strengthening bones. "Empty your heart of desire, eat well or being full eliminates uneasiness, ambition is less important then a healthy body without health we can not enjoy great riches" If men lack knowledge and desire, then clever people will not try to interfere. "Clever people means to scheme and contrive to attain something that is not truly theirs. If we hide our light we don't need to worry about others interfering". If nothing is done, then all will be well. "Wu wei doing without contriving or scheming or to interfere in things to make it better" ​The best part of the Tao Te Ching is that we can choose a different topic altogether to describe meaning using the same principles. My Teacher once said if one thinks Tao is sweet and another thinks tao is bitter both are right.
  9. 8 Brocades and Burning sensations

    The 70 /30 advise is out standing because what is now 70% range becomes 50% and less. Difficulty in the beginning after practice all joints should feel warm soreness in the legs from deep stance work. Look at your palms they should look like marble, rosy color with little white spots That shows the energy circulation is happening. synchronize your breath with the movement to oxygenate the blood and understand how the power works meaning sit down exhale stand up inhale natural way of breath. 8 Pieces is a great set to start with and can be modified shorter time spent in repetitions maybe a higher stance in the beginning. Seems to me your are experiences positive effects from practice. Funny how it all looks effortless until we start doing the exercises. All weakness in body structure will vanish to dust with enough practice.
  10. Bagua mastery program

    Eight Trigram Palm, A great system for those who get bored with self defense of just a few opponents at one time. One on one defense can make some people very sleepy and lose interest quickly.
  11. 10000 kicks.

    One kick practiced ten thousand times would be most effective. Here is a daily work out called 900 kicks on Wudang. A specific kick is used with a shuffle and momentum between kicks repeated up and down a long court yard then the next kick and the next and so on completing roughly 900 kicks. Good times,although some would think it is torture.
  12. Feng-English: Discuss The TTC

    Interesting, Aristotle philosophy represents liner and rational thinking as the source of knowledge. Lao Tzu continuously debunks this type of philosophy transcending mind its self. ​Aristotle represents absolute fragment reality (like absolute darkness exists) fragments are like thinking the kidneys have this function and are not related to the other organs Lao Tzu represents polar complete reality. Greek is two opposing camps that are not related to each other.That makes friction that eventually runs out of power. This is not eternal understanding.
  13. Feng-English: Discuss The TTC

    This, That, Not-this, and, Not-that ​Non conceptual event unfolding, a beautiful symphony in tune, If we could only carry a note to heaven and earth. Who can care for all things without caring as the earth does continuously, without break? who can. show kindness to all things without being kind as heaven does? We have a lot to live up to to even come close to who we really are as humanity (Jen) we are nature, not separate. We should act as the host not the guest. We are responsible for our guest and each other to insure all have a great time, play, survive. We have an incredible playground. Why we wish to destroy it and each other is just psychological damage, a form of mental illness. We need to heal that.
  14. Feng-English: Discuss The TTC

    But I DO know that there are evil people. Look at the present American presidential election. That is hilarious d.a.d. For something to be evil means it has to act from selfish desire with no regard for the rest of humanity. Luckily we have nature to teach us a lesson On the 7 day men created God in their own disgusting image so they can act as nasty as they want and not be responsible kind of the opposite of what Lao Tzu is showing humanity, their true divine nature. A tangled web we weave.
  15. Feng-English: Discuss The TTC

    'Under heaven all can see beauty as beauty only because there is ugliness. All can know good as good only because there is evil. Maybe we can fix this translation once one consider something as beautiful that can only exists in comparison of what that person considers ugly. This point out how the mind in duality can not penetrate the mystery, a higher awareness is needed. This principle is repeated with a different topic Good and evil to fix this translation we must understand evil is not present in nature so a person from a different culture is trying to use words they know to describe what they are reading. Good and bad are dependent on each other they can not be split apart. What is once good like an apple turns bad and then seeds grow and is good and no one eats the apple and it rots and is bad again. Lao Tzu is pointing out reality. Encouraging people to use a higher mode of Awareness. He will test our ability to see through the the Fail-icy of our own minds and how it is just a tool for earthly survival not to be used for realizing reality..
  16. a couple of points about post heaven Qi cultivation.

    Pre heaven Chi is what we are all born with like a battery. We can deplete or restore the charge.When the ego / emotions starts leading the show the spirit gets exhausted. there are 5 internal robbers that can steal this energy. There are hundreds of methods to restore. Post Heaven chi is from food, water, air and environmental factors again can deplete or restore. Chi Gung methods can restore. Neidan Internal alchemy is the method of becoming Immortal (practice of consciousness)..The spirit takes back control like a kind minister where the ego was like a violent general.Now we leave the physical and enter the formless gate, the pre heaven energies, The temporary body methods are continued and the formless body is formed. Great Topic
  17. Feng-English: Discuss The TTC

    I'm all in!
  18. Why

    We just like to say hello. Maybe learn a little something about you. What brings you here. What are you interested in. (besides being angry that will just be like bombs going off in your own body and stealing your energy.)
  19. How do you explain Daoism?

    Outstanding advice.
  20. what is the point of existence?

    what is the point of existence? When we look for one point of all of existence we create chaos. When we look at all of existence we create harmony. seeing the unseen is truly seeing. knowing the unknown is truly knowing, life is not a question, it just is and we have a choice to make. My choice is adapt or suffer. acceptance.
  21. Straight back

    Horse stance elongates the spine. The spine has 3 natural curves to it other wise every step would be a crushing blow. Stand with intention of lifting the crown with out force and feet rooted in the ground a nice bouncy and rounded posture ready to strike at any moment like a cat or snake. (Standing post) Lifting the spirit has a few meanings, one having agility, balanced and posed and also lifting the spirit implies heighten awareness of all 8 directions as well as internal and external awareness simultaneously. If you have back pain sitting in folded leaf posture helps open the joints and relieve pain. Sitting the Ming men gate should be open meaning sit up right not using the back of a chair. Slouching creates the Ming men gate to close This point is located between the kidneys When refereed to as the Ming Men with an S that is actually referring to the kidneys. The kidney tap is effective to stimulate the adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidney. With loosely cupped fist strike the kidney area (lightly) 32 times then relax and bring your awareness to the kidney region and give thanks to the work your kidneys do. Great for lower back as well ( kidney Tap) Also rubbing lower back briskly up and down with open palms, this transform friction into heat and helps relax the muscles good luck.
  22. Do you believe in telepathy?

    Thanks..Awesome you caught that segal. You seem to have very high awareness of your own energy. Huge hug from me.
  23. World Peace Day 2016

    I am thankful for all the countries that are not in a war. May they truly enjoy world peace day. For everyone else not engaged in battle with themselves Happy World Peace Day and spread the love. Too bad love is not something you could buy then americans would be all over it, even overtake every other corporation with the highest net profit. Think of love merchandising and insurance industries. Take out a policy that guarantees love for $400.00 a month and if you get in an accident and lose some love you could get a pay out, much less than you actually payed in but it's the thought that counts.
  24. Do you believe in telepathy?

    I grew up on a family farm with lots of animals Animals seem to know how we are feeling, our intent has a feeling. If you have a pet you may have experienced doing something like going outside to play and they get excited and ready to go without a sound or word. It is just something to play with there are positive and negative reactions depending on our feeling/vibration. Once a boy would go swimming in the ocean and all the seagulls would land near him and play. One day a man on the beach asked the boy to catch a bird for him. When the boy went into the water that day not a single segal came near. I believe all our senses plus a few more are actually one. telepathy seems like an older, more honest and more efficient communication that was latter replaced by words, deception needs words to work.
  25. Do you believe in telepathy?

    I believe we all use telepathy in some fashion or another and it should be trained, Intent is the root, Listening skills are the ability to "hear" without the ears to know others intent. Great story above demonstrating this ability. Words are very deceptive as well as faints or fake movements visually. We practice sensing skills, one is blind folded, place hands in front of you, palms facing and let your partner pass a hand between them a catch their hand with a clap. Another is standing facing a wall with a partner throwing tennis balls at your back and dodge the balls. I think animals are another great way to train energetic communications.