Wu Ming Jen

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Everything posted by Wu Ming Jen

  1. The function of the concept

    Welcome to reality. When existence and nonexistence are the same source.
  2. The function of the concept

    Welcome to reality.
  3. The function of the concept

    You maybe missing the point of polar complete reality. Ultimate reality knowledge is not used. objective and subjective are the same source. Existence and non existence are the same source it does not matter whether the pie is there or not. There is pie and there is not pie. There is no argument here but you label my words as incorrect, to what is it considered incorrect to?
  4. The function of the concept

    If you blindfold a person and touch them with fire it feels numbing if you touch them with ice it burns. the persons perception is not wrong because fire and water are polar complete realities not absolute of themselves. This is the failure of western philosophy and the down fall of western civilization.
  5. The function of the concept

    The Greek system would say this is fire and this is wood The Taoist system would say there is fire in wood. Colors in reality are all colors just more themselves then other colors depending on background, lighting, perception and so on the greeks would say this is absolute red and this is absolute black. If you do not agree this color is red you are wrong so we now have right and wrong yet if someone taste a pie and says its sweet and another says it is sour they are both right.
  6. The function of the concept

    Seeing the unseen is truly seeing. A philosophy that specializes in what is seen and the other half of being, the UN seen is simply put off, not answered is called absolute fragment philosophy. The fragment is only looking at one thing at a time not the whole picture. Knowledge means other, out side of self. The original chair is the earth, the first cup is your hands together. so how do we know cup is a cup is a preconceived way of deception. Tools are meant to be used for a specific use and then put down. you can not run around with a hammer of logic and think it can be used to build everything as well. If so it is not efficient. Concepts are a partial picture of reality.
  7. Requesting a general introduction in chakra's

    Well if we change the words to elixir fields and gates it would be more comfortable.
  8. Requesting a general introduction in chakra's

    Chakara, chakara, chakara, the sound of a wheel going down a stone road, wheels spin they do not open and close. The first chakra we are born with and there is no doing involved. The next is to get a job, food, clothing, car, house with ones own ability. Then the heart chakra, we are now ready for love and raising children. Then the third eye of awareness as we are now responsible for a new life. As example say when you were young and your mom is upstairs, you open the fridge and your mom yells to you to stop drinking the milk from the container, you can see how her third eye is working perfectly. Then the crown you have raised children and now they have all left the house. With all this accumulated work,experience and time we reap the benefits of life like a fall harvest. Retire from the world and invest our wealth into ourselves. I apologize for being so mystical in this approach of the chakra system. These energies have no physical location so dont waste time looking for them in a physical location in your body.we also call energy by different names and manifestations but it is really only one energy.
  9. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Feeling of emotion or feeling of being? the divine is right now not separate from ourselves, not from another world, false teachings that depart from ultimate reality will never stand the test of time.
  10. Fear is the root of All suffering

    It is true that geek philosophy was polar complete before socrates then the battle for world view began. Lao Tzu was the alternative to an absolute and fragment view of the world. Aristotle on his death bed renounced his teachings as false. Purely philosophically the greek philosophy is a philosophical blunder that is designed to wear out with friction because of things in opposition instead of harmony, it simple.
  11. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Greek philosophy uses the rational mind to understand the world around it, a useful tool but not ultimate reality. The greek's ultimate reality is a higher world, a supernatural being that is separate from nature that can only "know" the answers, like life is a question to be "known". Western philosophy did not transcend mind itself to reach ultimate reality. Polar complete reality symbol is the yin yang symbol. western philosophy symbol would be two blocks one white, one black that are separate from each other. This represents that everything is independent from each other and absolute, the big mistake in greek philosophy. If a god is responsible then mortals do not have to be divine, not know their true self, ultimate reality. This is a cowards way out.
  12. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Its interesting that we refer to eastern as mystic and greek as rational. greek philosophy leaves the knowledge of no form to gods in a mystical place and in the east no form and form are part of nature in this world, not mystical but natural.
  13. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Kindness that does not know one is being kind and detachment yet fully involved and responsible may have some truth to it. If we choose to only look at one side I think that is called unbalanced and out of harmony. Heaven and earth shows the way. Who can be a companion of heaven and earth? My mind of comprehension fails every time, the picture of reality is divided into this and that not ever knowing that this and that are two parts of the same thing.
  14. Fear is the root of All suffering

    Fear is the root of western culture. We are taught to fear god to fear everything If something is not like us we use western medicine techniques of kill it or cut it off. Adapt or suffer, only we can choose to suffer or not. A good state of mind with balance and harmony with all things does not know suffering. So when the commercial comes on with all the kids or animals starving or abused send some money for our own suffering minds.
  15. neidan for dummies?

    What is written on internal alchemy uses many key words. Many of the key words mean the same thing just put differently. The text are not like a text book or a way to learn something they are communicating experience of the unified mind, peaceful and tranquil like original mind itself. When one has had such experience the meanings will jump off the page. without experience it is only speculation at best.
  16. What is the most powerful energy we possess at birth? Vitaliy makes the body, chi moves the body and spirit or in most cases ego/emotions (energy in motion) moves energy. During sex where is self? if self (how am I doing? what do I look like? this is me) is still conscious sex is not so good. Vitality of reproduction is way more then sex it is the power to do the dishes and go to work everyday. We reproduce our actions with great power comes great actions to make our lives and all near us become awesome. Music transcends the 3 dimensional world into the formless realm of existence we all experience, happens with sex, happens with doing what we love some call it being in the zone. When awareness of the formless and our material shape is united in blissful union. We know this feeling in our hearts that can not be told with words so we come up with all kinds of different words all over the world to let everyone know how awesome this sex is..
  17. Taoism have karmic laws like Buddhism?

    Taoist seem to realize their own immortality while alive. Taoist also seem not to speculate about death if you want to know the end go back to the beginning. Re birth seems unlikely because the mind of self dies, the body does not live forever even though one is immortal. Who knows what shape if any our spirit will take after death and it doesn't matter if we are a true whole person right now. Karma is just cosmic law at work. Our world of heaven and earth holds all the answers by mere observation. Water sinks, fire rises it is not mental concepts of how things are developed by sages.
  18. apocalypse confirmed by science

    Interesting thing about conflict we could not walk without conflict two opposing forces moving in opposite directions. harmonious conflict keeps the planets spinning and perpetual movement of yin and yang on earth growth decay, birth death all of it. Seems human mind looks for beginnings and ends attaches thoughts and emotions to the perceptions of things. Happy of birth, sad and fear of death. The world has ended so many times in my short lifetime, over and over again. Conflict with government environment groups of beliefs and so it all goes but I will choose harmony and balanced with all things.
  19. Preventing Jing Loss

    Jing being a physical substance is a mistake. Raise your vitality to increase Jing. Extreme sexual desire creates loss find the middle way, retention practiced with too much thought and energy is unnatural and is an extreme. Blood flow to your genital region is higher after a workout, making your sexual function go off the charts. Testosterone levels also skyrocket when you exercise, so you’ll certainly be in the mood. Having sex can improve your sleep cycle, lower your blood pressure, ease stress, burn calories, clear up nasal congestion, fight depression and yes, can help you live longer.
  20. Socialism does work

    There is good and bad with all things. Good for you to take the high road. I find it much easier to travel that road then to blame worlds, countries, groups and all the rest on how sucky they may have made their lives. Personally I do not like politics, people are people all around the world. It just seems that the heady ones get mixed up in stuff that takes their lives away. congratulation on retirement you worked for it. If America had lost the war against britain my life would be the same well beyond the world of politics.
  21. Gender Option Change

    You can kind of tell by the post members make as to what gender they are BUT WHY!!!! do people think I am a girl with a name like wo men jen its Wu MIng Jen aka human no name. Maybe I am a secret lesbian because of my love of woman and have a soft tone to my post. Maybe I have the traits of both genders and can be anything at will round or square it's only natural. Maybe I think it is natural but its really not. OK boys do I have your attention, Just kidding
  22. Socialism does work

    As a small business owner in the US why did I choose to be a LLC? Business profits are taxed as personal income no matter if it stays in the business account or drawn as salary. I might need to take a closer look at becoming a corporation, but its about dollars not billions right now.
  23. If not a Creator, then What?

    Thats hilarious!
  24. Socialism does work

    On taxes uber, google, starbucks as example as a US corporation you do not need to pay taxes on profits when to be used as a reinvestment so take the money, hide it in foreign bank accounts and you quietly amass large sums of money tax free. Seems a bit wrong but perfectly legal.