Wu Ming Jen

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Everything posted by Wu Ming Jen

  1. Mo Pai and Neigong

    like the light of awareness put it in a lantern so the "wind" wont blow it out. Water comes up to temp quicker with a lid and produces steam instead of just boiling away. speaking metaphorical of course. People get fired up easily and if they do not keep their emotions cool, turn to smoke and ash not pleasant to be around.Joyful, calm and collected people have ten thousand friends. This alchemy benefits everyone and all things not only the person practicing.
  2. Mo Pai and Neigong

    The furnace of attention, not too hot, not too cold regulated with the bellows. When fire is bellow water it needs a vessel with lid to regulate water not evaporating or spilling out to put out fire.The two elements are moving in different directions this produces the steam.
  3. Mo Pai and Neigong

    Fire rises and water sinks so the descending channel is associated with water front of the body and the ascending channel up the back is associated with fire so your post is confusing to me. Sink chi to the LDT, Water sinks to the sea of chi
  4. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    We are all immortal at different degrees but like water the spirit can be frozen / mortal or liquid / immortal this state of being can change with a single thought, immortal one minute and mortal the next. There is no where to go so no crossing issues and your spouse is already immortal so no worries there. If we remember where we came from we see we never left. No inside or outside only mind projects that type separation.
  5. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    I do Wu Dang Gung Fu this is just one of many....Daily activites Still-sitting Meditation ------ life and death depend on each other. And they cannot work without the opposite. The law of innate nature and life force are main focus of regimen and longevity. Innate nature refers to heart in some aspects, which serves as the source of heart, yet the letter (heart) demonstrates itself in intangible form. People’s hearts are always subject to changes every now and then, just as restless as an ape. In Taoism theory, there exists one popular terminology as subdue dragon and take captive tiger, which teach us how to calm down the heart to have Chi arise naturally. Because corporeal body, heart and true intention can be congealed into one unit--the highest attainment of unifying humans with the nature, the ancient sages advocated cultivating encompassing Chi.
  6. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    You are very kind. Yes inner vision. I like the term sink chi to the LDT because "sinking" gives the vision of downward motion, gathering, related to the the descending channel in the front of the body associated with water thus sinking chi to the "sea" of chi. The ascending channel up the back being associated with fire, rising all that wonderful stuff. your comment on western medicine and mis direction, look the other way is spot on in my opinion, Thank you
  7. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    Energetically my dan tien is like a gold sphere, why gold, what is the color of light? I will call it gold. Why a sphere,it is something round. Why is it like this, because it is not actually this. it can be heavy enough for others to feel or light enough to be unnoticed. I can change the frequency, use it to attract or repel, its marvels are not limited to the physical realm.
  8. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    Ldt is the center of the energy body and the physical body you can't have one without the other.People can argue about existence and nonexistence all day long but you can't have one without the other. to mistake energy body as a physical thing is confusion. Primordial is before existence before having a physical form, the energy is present before being born we don't have to "do" anything to make this happen. The temporary body is important while we have shape and color. What has no shape or color is also important.Yes there is a LDT and yes there is no LDT are we talking about the physical or energetically. western medicine looks at what can be seen,this method would have discovered a physical LDT for all to see. Chinese medicine is concerned with the whole picture, not just what can be seen by the eyes. If there is no confusion then Does the LDT have a physical location, shape, color, form? I think this is a great subject to discuss, right and wrong put aside, let personal experience reign supreme.
  9. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    I love how primordial energy gets a physical location. Its like a chakra opening and closing do spinning wheels open or close? Does the LDT empty and fill, what empties and fills is non physical and this directly influences the physical body. What empties and fills physically is obvious air, food and water. Move and breath from the LDT. just like a baby who is still connected to the primordial, mind has not got in the way.......yet
  10. What does awareness mean?

    The shinning mind, Selfless unity what is not awareness.There is no know-er involved. Self awareness the know er is active, limited in perception, right and wrong, alive, dead. True awareness unifies and eliminates confusion. We live in a world of self interest and people make decisions and do things from a very limited perspective. Knowledge for the sake of knowledge is a crime against humanity and the entire living universe. What if knowledge was used in interest in all living things.
  11. How do I retain my seed/energy?

    Reproducing is extremely important we need to reproduce waking up, going to work, paying bills, healthy relationships,going to sleep and so on these are all a matter of reproduction. True vitality or jing is not a physical substance at all like semen. If you become aware of vitality in a non sexual way the most powerful energy in the human body of reproduction becomes manifest and you can have sex all day long or not at all. Our lives may change and shift constantly so there is a time for everything. Forced retention with intention is an error it can only be natural or it becomes an obstacle to overcome. Most retention teachings are directed towards those searching for something that they think retention leads to. There are two sides of the coin but I thought I would flip this one over for a minute.Good results are good results.
  12. One "issue" I have with this site.

    I wish I didn't see that last post.
  13. One "issue" I have with this site.

    Taoist = living in harmony, I see how "issue" could get in the way,take someone off the way and not see the way out. Embrace all and vision is not so small and one sided. like the frog in the well his view would not allow for something to be different than his own. The frog from the sea was a dick because no one knows the well better than me. (sarcasm) Who really cares about this site and what does it even matter. Only what one attaches to it decides. For me "I" come and go as "I" please with no attachment, absorb what is useful and what is not....pure entertainment.
  14. Meditation leading to increased blood pressure

    If you get a blood pressure devise like the doctors use you can increase and decrease you blood pressure. Proper belly breathing and relaxed body will lower blood pressure, Hipper ventilating and a tense body will increase blood pressure so you could find out your self how effective breathing and meditation is. Then there is ST9 that is hit martially to make the body think blood pressure is rising and a dangerous thing not to be played around with. Hyper tension is a chronic condition because the body is not allowed to reach its natural state over a long time of misuse in this case some Chi Gung forms should not be done until the body returns to a more natural state, eliminating hyper tension.
  15. What Are "Legitimate" Qi Abilities/Power?

    Why are GMOs hiding in the food supply when it is suppose to be so good for the whole world? We should use our Chi abilities to cut to the root and expose it. Hiding is harmful chi.
  16. What Are "Legitimate" Qi Abilities/Power?

    I will bad mouth and point out any harmful practice. cheng sen feng level 72 on the web site of mo pei I am from wudang and this is a lie and has no affiliation whatsoever with Wudang. A blatant lie to create a fake linage. Ask any doctor east or west about seman retention, wrong and harmful. Thinking true vitality as a physical substance produced like seman is laughable. There are too many errors to mention. Anyone using acupressure should be able to manipulate the human or animal body it is not magic or a high level skill. If one has benefited by a practice that is awesome but do not be easily fooled by beginner methods to achieve something worth value.
  17. What Are "Legitimate" Qi Abilities/Power?

    The whole lighting paper on fire with chi has caused so much harm, I would disappear as well if I promoted anything of the sort. Something as natural and simple as our own intrinsic energy leaves no questions or a need for belief. It is when people try to promote some kind of authority or power that it all goes wrong. Power and greed among other things is just corruption for there being something to gain, fame or whatever. I personally know numerous masters with true skill healing and martial, young and old but outsiders should not be mislead by anything that is not useful and does not benefit the person and all things. Mo pia should serve as a perfect example of a system corrupted and gone wrong, leading people into a fantasy world and escape from reality. The weak have a need for such things instead of fully engaging in life's ups, downs, good, bad and all the rest.
  18. What Are "Legitimate" Qi Abilities/Power?

    Im with you, the reason I train is because muscular force li increases and then decreases with age. with chi properly cultivated we may maintain our youthfulness even in old age. My heros in my life/training are very "old" people not like the old in "developed?" countries.
  19. What Are "Legitimate" Qi Abilities/Power?

    The greatest chi ability is no need to prove something to others. Then we would be using our chi properly. We are all born with prenatal chi it animates the body, no one is special, its natural and nothing needs to be done to achieve this. How we use and maintain/ destroy our chi during our life is a much different subject. The whole self thing, look at how great I am is called a miss use of energy splitting into benefit and harm, the wholeness is gone.
  20. Wu wei - a bizarre realization?

    In the midst of meditation with out altered states or a need to achieve something, just simple, simple no method meditation. Are we Taoist or Buddhist? a man or a woman? black or white? Nope we are none of these things. When walking into a religious church one is full of self identity, I believe this, I am this not that,,instant conflict with the world It is amazing to me how some cling to these labels for a sense of identity. Even in traditions that are there to transcend this lower level of understanding in the world the people still cling to the self for concepts, systems and contrivance for identity. When we engage fully into this world with out contrivance, spontaneous with out agenda then this wu wei becomes alive, when we are active or still (pick your Yin Yang Pairing here) the world then becomes a better place for all race, creed, orientation, animal, plant, mineral every thing benefits not just one group with thoughts of how things are supposed be because that is a selfish act.
  21. Jhana in Taoism?

    May I suggest kjenx that you let go and be free from Buddhist or Taoist or any written material or system or try to conceptualize your experience, Let it be. You may find in these traditions they may be pointing to one of your experience but only pointing. It is you that experiences. Get rid of the crap so you can continue or it may stunt your own personal growth and ability to achieve higher levels that need no verification from any system. Good Luck, Truth is universal and knows no borders. Doing is knowing, knowing is doing.
  22. Qigong and qigong teachers

    Do we understand our own energy, how to recharge or destroy this original battery, how to harmonize with outside energy of "others", the environment,the cosmic and terrestrial energies, how to harness the beneficial and be un affected by harmful energy. Is inside and outside the same without separation by not pretending that our body is a barrier making us independent and separated from everything else.<br /><br />Since we are talking about energy work or chi gung. personal I would be more concerned with what we are doing rather then what it looks like or disagree about seeing auras or what color it is. The ones who judge need to be given special powers to have authority in this made up scenario. I do not believe this is the case skill is obvious and apparent.
  23. sexual energy reproducing also means reproducing waking up, reproducing going to work,reproducing paying the bills, reproducing healthy relationships. When you are successful at this then all the 3 dimensional things like house, car and material items come to you then your heart will feel achievement not because of material items but because of achievement and satisfaction you feel, then you will be ready for love. It seems to me you may not be understanding the vitality you feel, waste and direct it in a purely sexual manner. This vitality can propel your life in the manner you want to develop and the things you want to achieve in life.
  24. The method of Alchemy, according to Liu I Ming

    Consciousness and open awareness are two sides of the same coin. if consciousness leads the inner government is out of order. Lu is saying they are combined into one. The unity dissolves the duallistic mind creating the unified mind, no separation between oneself and all things.
  25. Tao no-thing or nothing?

    The Tao being no thing should leave the mind peaceful and tranquil, just pure open awareness. Tao being something that needs to be understood will lead one way of the mark, full of contrivance and pre conceived thoughts. The center of the map, keeping to the center, all directions become clear. If you shoot an arrow you pull back in the opposite direction and hold, build up resistance and then release. store the energy of rejection, failure, you cant do it and so on, store and release in the direction you want your life to develop.