Wu Ming Jen

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Everything posted by Wu Ming Jen

  1. Meat or Not-For chi development

    Each type of food to me has an energy / Chi of its own, how it is raised and harvested is an energy. whoever prepared the meal also passes an energetic to it. My internal system changes like the weather and seasons change and age change so to develop internal awareness and to be in balance with the changes Chi stays in balance. My mental thought can change how food will affect me so what I eat is awesome and will benefit me. If I say I should not eat this because whatever reason that creates a reaction with the food. The Taoist diets that I am aware of are complicated only because of change and do not exclude any type of food. Change is not a factor in conventional diets. I might not just drink dew and eat pine nuts but I am strange I forget to eat. Who does that? I actually have to think back if I have eaten or not
  2. An Altar for Sree

    Yes, the vibe is not good I agree, pacifier is part of shanlung post not directed at or for you. I see a lot of energy wasted, manipulated and misused as well.
  3. An Altar for Sree

    I take it as you have a lot of compassion K So I will not take a pink pacifier away from someone constantly crying for one. Just saying
  4. Violence and Peace

    I look at conflict in a different way without conflict the world would stop the planets would not be able to move. walking is an act of conflict both legs are moving in opposite directions. What others call conflict I call harmony. If my opponent is violent I am soft and yielding when the force is gone I may act in a violent manner if necessary, staying in harmony of the situation. Being human is not always humane.We may always have the the two opposites peace and violence. true peace and freedom can not be fought about.If there is no violence in oneself it may not attract violence. The imaginary boundaries drawn in the sand are political boundaries which creates wars. we have inherited all of history when we are born. Politics are based on strife and conflict but people are people no matter what government maybe in power. We have the greatest tools to avoid conflict by moving to a better position but personally I choose both options. The greatest skill to me is seeing situations before they arise.
  5. The Tao of Dying

    Full of it life, yes and the opposite appears as soon as only one side is pointed out. well done
  6. An Altar for Sree

    Is sree setting up his alter of hate here? So I would suggest 1 bowl full of stagnant water, 1 bowl of rotten fruit, 1 bowl of un-acceptance of others and a statue of himself that should do, simple and straightforward. Mentalist put there mind over nature and the tao de ching for that matter.sree you should seek a true teacher before you embarrass yourself any more unless this state of existence is normal for your experience then hang on for dear life. Direct experience makes all the greatest words ever written useless. when you cross the river you get rid of the boat it served its purpose and is no longer useful
  7. The Tao of Dying

    sree is already dead the rational and intellectual mind has taken over.time is an absolute and real thing to him and he is not able to escape. he is in hell meaning separated from the whole. That is why his mind does not except views from outside of the "frogs well" he lives in. Anything mystical will rub his ego the wrong way because it already has full control. Health wealth and happiness the taoist motto to you, Now sree tell us all about being dead.
  8. Taijiquan Styles

    I practice Wudang Kung Fu USA and Wudang Shan China .This is a big umbrella of internal arts Tai Chi Chuan, Ba Gua Chang, Hsing I and a list of other forms like tiger taming boxing not as known to the general public plus weapon forms and so on. Before Tai chi Chuan or other higher forms of martial arts are practiced there are forms that are taught first the first form has "basic" moves done to the right and the left. I love how these forms are "basic" with jumping and spinning kicks and combinations kicks for the legs, extremely low stances many different hand and elbow strikes, grabs, pulling, twisting chin na. But I know why it is "basic" only a few moves (36) done fast in about 90 seconds compared to a long form taking 15 to 20 min to perform. We begin each session with walking running using,kicks hand movements or whatever to warm up the body circling the courtyard then Chi Gung for a while then 900 kicks up and down the courtyard with a mid step shuffle before each different kind of kick left then right leg. After that we work on whatever form each person is learning. The masters leave for about 45 min to let students work and drill their own forms to muscle memory. Masters return and you show them your form and they give corrections and you're next few moves. This is a three hours Then it's lunch time and break. Afternoon class is another 3 hour class. I love midnight practice in the courtyard while other are sleeping or resting. I was blessed to have Masters join me out in the courtyard. I also spied on after dark classes for fun Personally I never had a new aged Tai Chi dancer for a teacher. I started at a kung fu temple age 16 so I do not know much about "other" styles under respected family names that are not a martial art. My preconditioned thought of things like old, skinny, fat or unfit looking Masters have been shattered forever. So many stories to tell. I like reading stories as above thanks for sharing
  9. An Altar for Sree

    Spiritual the unseen world (seeing the unseen) Materialism the seen world, chasing after the illusion, Deities are actual people that have lived and some aspire to be great. Spirit the unseen "you" can be Dark or light, sharp or dull. spirit in western system is the living dead ahhh. Ghost is an alive person that forgot where they came from, western, Ahhh the living dead. God means unified mind, in the west a man you fear and who judges you Ahhhh.
  10. The Tao of Dying

    Like talking to the deaf around here. Stick with what you know. If not versed in all the Taoist saying from above maybe another system is better suited for you.
  11. The Tao of Dying

    If you want to know the end go back to the beginning. people fear death there whole life but when death is at your door it can not come fast enough. Head towards the gate of life turn around and go the other way back to the beginning.Death of illusion, the self, now you're on your way home. we may forget a lot of things with our awesome physical form while we are here even forget how to get home.Do the work of a thousand life times now, there is no begining or end and what ever "thinks" differently actualy does die. Taoist are not interested in death or dying, does not give any speculation on after death at all. All is alive be here now fully present Needing to know how to die is an ego that needs to be killed now.The ego is the only thing interested in such things
  12. Laozi versus the logicians

    Stosh I think you raised some good points of the blend of cultures. As common people we can start the change but imagine brilliant western trained minds stuck in a pyridium that is fundamentally wrong, a philosophical blunder. The original mistake in my opinion must be fixed. The western system is anti human it only sees a slice of reality and fights to maintain its view. Look at our attempts to prove darkness as absolute and independent. To prove this we make a death chamber, an unnatural environment that humans can not live in yet thru these thick lead walls protons pass thru and give off lite. knowledge for the sake of knowledge is a crime against humanity. In a polar complete system men and women face each other. in the western system the man is over the women, far from reality. we use patch work to cover up these mistakes. allopathic medicine the answer to our problems kill it or cut it off thats some life giving pro human stuff right there.
  13. Laozi versus the logicians

    That is a great ability in my humble opinion Thank you Chi Dragon
  14. Laozi versus the logicians

    I was being sarcastic, But this is fun, Please translate "I worked in the garden" I am having trouble with this because I can only figure out how to work in the garden, I do not know how to do this in the past or in the future.
  15. Laozi versus the logicians

    When one preconceives a future event do our thoughts ever match up with reality? It is not the destination it is the journey that is important, living in the now
  16. Laozi versus the logicians

    Western system uses human mind. one thing against the other they have no relationship, no dot within yin and yang called absolute fragment philosophy. chinese system is polar complete. one paradigm can not "talk" to the other because of this difference.Look at western science does astrology talk with physics or biology or other branches of science? There is no common source to unite them they are separated.The closest we have is quantum physics proving Taoist understanding daily. Note :modern astrology is based on BC chinese science called Observation. All is alive, death is change not an end. Energy can not be created or destroyed it only changes form. Throw an apple in the air potential energy when it falls kinetic energy.Rub your hands together friction turns to heat and so on.Past, present, future are elements of human mind.Depression dwelling in the past anxiety dwelling in the future. worry comes from future thoughts. When a philosophy does not transcend human mind we have excellent earth science ie the knowledge of the visible world.What completes the whole is left out of the equation do not look over there. Why is there only present tense in chinese language does this not seem odd?
  17. eternal Tao? No way!

    What is constant and eternal is change, Harmonious change makes "self ignition" possible yin and yang one turning into the other begins this eternal movement the pulse maybe. The one primordial gave birth to two, This seems like a crazy text and translation The one gave birth to water??? Is that not fragmental and absolute? it separates and singles out one element from all the others, How can one element be completed and set into motion continuous with no friction to slow it down or stop it? Just saying
  18. Laozi versus the logicians

    Battle of worldview how we see ourselves in the world. Lao and Chuang both put down the logicians weak understanding of reality and win. In the west about 2500 years ago the opposite happened, the mentalist logical and idealist way at looking at the world won the war of worldview, Now in the west we can see all the harmful effects of such a philosophy in action. We could even say that western philosophy, religion and science is fundamentally the same and goes into all branches of western civilization law. medicine and so on. Imagine If the founders of america before america became a capitalist corporation (we were forced to join the world bankers before then we printed our own money with no interest) had known of an alternative to greek philosophy. Personally I am not that old to remember these things, really I am not that old.I am not in denial of my age. How old am I? I don't even know.
  19. Non Doing

    Non doing, doing without contrivance. Do birds wake up on day and say I don't feel like flying today or do birds just fly. How do you apply the concept of non doing in your daily activities?
  20. Non Doing

    Purely unintentional Cat but funny, also meant to mention the female "nuns" (Kuan Tao) along with the monks that were awesome to be around
  21. Non Doing

    True that Cat Hanging and living with the Monks was so much fun, life is good (and death when it is time to go)
  22. Non Doing

    Cat, Monkey mind and horse spirit LOL
  23. Non Doing

    CD, Act with out acting. Does not benefit but benefits all things. I was talking to a Taoist priest about the classics one day and he was not even interested. My Master told me to simply observe nature it will show the way ie no contrivance or some other similar word in meaning.
  24. Non Doing

    Wu Wei might not even be an intellectual concept or philosophy.By observation nature acts in the state of Wu Wei all the time. Nature does not do so to benefit its self or others.
  25. Non Doing

    But isn't adversely in contrast to something being correct, This is subjective and relative to something else. Correct me if I am wrong but an act of kindness is only true kindness when we are not aware of doing a kind act.as example. We cant even say that being kind is a good virtue because being too kind can bring harm like being taken advantage of.