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Posts posted by DragonsNectar69k

  1. For me, the spurts of realization come not so much from the words or concepts but from the energy signature of the person communicating. I cant learn significantly with depth from certain energy signatures, no matter what they are presenting.


    Do you find this?


    Depends. If I am open for such transmission. I do not like a lot of peoples energy to be honest. I don't enjoy nefariousness or inferiority most of the time. You can find these traits a lot on the internet. There is something to be said about churches and monasteries though. Heavenly Chi is nice and pleasant.

  2. The next night the 29 year old guy died, and ever since then(July 3rd) I've been sensing the spirit of an old man lingering around the front of her apartment. Sitting on the porch Walking by the window out front but but when I look and focus, hes not there.


    Was the 29 year old ill already? I hope he didn't leave his body and didn't know how to get back. Simply discussing these topics can automatically lead the consciousness towards spurts of realization and liberation at times. Liberation from death, so to speak.

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  3. @Zhongyongdaoist,


    Theurgy (from Greek θεουργία) describes the practice of rituals, sometimes seen as magical in nature, performed with the intention of invoking the action or evoking the presence of one or more gods, especially with the goal of uniting with the divine, achieving henosis, and perfecting oneself.


    What have your expierences been like with the art of Theurgy. Specifically the last part, concerning the perfection of oneself, what does that mean to you?

  4. Great post, thankyou.


    Not by projecting but by reflecting....


    I would love to hear what you have to say about where you put yourself when you are reflecting, so that you avoid perpetuating violence as it comes at you.


    Well, you laugh. The way I learned to not perpetuate violence is to simply understand that there has to be a belief of violence within one self to then perpetuate it. I fail to believe and understand the relevance of violence. It never worked for me in the past. It hurt me more than the person who felt my plight. My belief is that violence leads to inferiority. Inferiority leads to hellish state. It mainly deals with the topic of defilement and black magick. If you believe that you are divine, then you are. If you believe are you inferior, then you are.


    As an experiment, try to focus on hate and anger for a while. Watch what happens to your chakras and how you feel afterwards. The chakras turn inward as well as the energy one is conjuring. It is a strange phenomenon. Like a black hole so to speak. It doesn't feel good at all. Stress, Anxiety, angst, etc. One can develop knots in the solar plexus as well.

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  5. I'm actually quite surprised myself that I'm not going insane over this. Good thing I'm not, though because it would be WAYY worse if I did. I guess I just sort of know that it'll eventually go away.


    Regarding perception and attention- that's true! However, just like when you stop actively listening to something, your ears still perceive the sound, it's the same thing with this. It's still there even if I don't focus on it- in fact, I have learned to pretty much never focus on it, but it doesn't really help it go away...



    About the clairaudience, I wish! I don't see how this could be clairaudience... perhaps the beginning stages of clairaudience??


    Yea that is pretty much how it is, its there in the back ground. If you get treated for tinnitus or some kind of TCM and you are cleared of any illness. It's a clair. If you have yet to pray to a deity, Bodhisattva, angels, etc. They can signal you in through your ears. It's rather interesting, I remember reading about how this lady could sense spirits with her ears. She could hear higher vibrations when they were around her. It is mainly used for discernment.


    "Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance," Proverbs 1:5

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  6. Generally when you do some kind of working you want to create a "space" for what you do via burning incense, taking salt baths, using a broom, fasting....etc.


    However, lets say you clean out your space physically and astrally and are ready to work......but you also invite a person into your space whom is scared and confused about Esotericism and has never done any kind of cultivation (dirty aura) and like most people is constantly thinking negative thoughts. This individual is gonna bring tons of psychic grime into the room, shift your space and dilute and influence your practice to a certain degree even if its as simple as something like meditation.


    When you talk to people and say "Oh yeah I am doing a ritual today with Gabriel and I'm going to be going into trance to do this, this and this." Although you might not physically invite them into your space, you are inviting them in other ways to potentially clog up your space and mess with your work....intentionally or unintentionally. Where awareness goes, energy flows.....within and without the body.


    My 2 cents, Peace


    Yea I always wondered how that worked. I have heard of people 'creating space' for their craft. I always thought it to be looney tunes, but it makes sense now. I guess I have never had my own space it seems. I have always been in the presence of others... learning.

  7. Not invented. People influence each other. For instance have you ever been punched in the face? It kind of influences you.

    Also any real background with magick will give you countless experiences of others being Influenced ~ regardless of whether they 'believe' in it or not, or are even aware of it to begin with.


    The universe is not all about what someone believes...

    This makes no sense. No one interferes in my Magick, because I tell no one what I am up too...

    I get the strange feeling you are trying to 'teach' us?

    Poor them...

    Wow, have you had lots of experience with these groups to draw such conclusions from?


    This idea of being punched in the face. If you know some one who is seeking to get a reaction out of you, why bother? That is simply violence and violence only begets more violence. Someone's indignation is not mine. If I bare the mark of another man's plight. It is still his plight. He has simply created his own world and the ugliest that is within. I never understood what the buddhist would mean when I would read about certain beliefs of being responsible for this life we are currently in, but it certainly seems to apply to magick now does it not?


    Depends on what you truly know for sure. What is this universe about?


    I used the word invented because I have seen subtle devices before. You can invent magick. There are covens who believe in portals apparently.


    I don't really care to teach. Simply stating what I know and hopefully it helps some one. This is a forum.


    As for your magick, this depends on HOW your magick is working. For example. Just this last week I had went to a casino with family, I do not gamble. I encountered a very attractive woman wondering in my presence. I was in the arcade of the casino and had happened to be walking outside before my eyes actually received a glimpse of this female. I LITERALLY FELT HER INFLUENCE ON MY PENIS AND ROOT AREA BEFORE I SAW HER. This sensation was dominating and actually hurt. I had felt a sensation of arousal and demand for attention. I laughed at her as she was wondering what was so funny. I began to read her and she became bothered by my presence and disregarded me. This is heightened awareness. A siddhi. Enlightened bodies can feel the conjuring, charms, and work of others very simply. Tis why I enjoy going to the casino at times. There are many who believe that they can some how influence others or hold superiority over others. While it seems many are all trying to do the same thing towards one another. It is interesting. I deal with this ALL the time concerning family members who practice black magick as well. I know when some one is up to no good because one can simply see and feel what is going on, the subtle body. I can feel when I have a spell on me, when energy has been directed toward, when I am being read, when someone is seeking to talk to me, etc. That is how I study magick. Not by projecting but by reflecting and studying what it is I am being given.


    Now please excuse my opinionated rhetoric. If your magick works for you, then good for you. I seek no bias, so please do not seek mine. I am simply studying and searching for Truth through sharing and experimentation. Tis all. Strangely there is nothing new under the Sun I have found. Most of what I have found has already been written about.

  8. In my opinion,


    Magick should be focused on alchemy. Changing one substance to another and vice versa.


    This idea of manifesting stuff is NOT magick. Telepathy is not magick as well. These are simply siddhis concerning the subtle body.


    Magick is truly about Creation and HOW TO create. How to maneuver. How to BE. How to see. What for and why. The photosynthesis that occurs within plants is simply magick. The Dew of God is simply magick.


    When you speak of spell work, you are simply discussing MOTE. Best to study Tao and how forces work. You don't have to be a superior wizard or mage to pull off a trick or two. You simply have to know and believe what you are doing. Imagine that it will work, and so mote it be. The only issue I have found with this is, you will be held responsible for what you create. Forces will offset, and you may piss off some one elses God in the process. Best to play nice and be patient, people know when they are being bullied, even if they are not practicing magick.


    I think one of the biggest tricks of all time is those who found the use of blaming satan for everything. Even though I am not a satanist, scapegoating goes all the way back to the OT. Failure to accept ones own ability and responsibility of creating. We are powerful beyond measure. Be careful what you wish for.

  9. I beg to differ:


    Ultimate reality vs. Relative reality is what I refer to.


    It seems that magick has one standing a twixt the chasm of the two, not seriously committed toward Ultimate reality.


    I have know drug dealers, drug users, alcoholics. Suffice to say that selfishness is their God.

    Their selfishness contorts them as it did me & you.

    Every person has either allowed or not allowed themselves to be molded by upbringing &/or life events & other forms of conditioning. So be it.


    Suffice to say that selflessness is qualitatively different & not a "path" sought after by many.


    OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti


    Hrmm. What is selfish? Is it selfish to live?


    It has been said that hell is locked from within. To be selfless, I must rely on the ability of others to sustain me. It all goes back to.. Why am I alive? Why am I here? What shall I do with this life?

  10. boundary breaking, illusion, chaos, forces of order..


    Interesting interpretation. I'm not to sure what to say. These cops have become a common occurrence. If there are spiritual forces in the astral or dream scape, I have experienced plenty of different kinds in the last few years, even governmental ones. All who were some how seeking to hold their dominion in that moment. Whether this was a good or bad entity in my eyes. They all failed to understand that I all wanted to do was.. UNDERSTAND. The only being who understood this was HUGE and lifted me up with his hand in the sky. He was mighty, but very gentle. In His presence I felt sustained and understood. I did not feel imposed upon or restricted. I felt as a child would in the presence of loving parents, free and unconditionally loved. Every other being has been on pair with my own sense of being, all seeking to be liberated some how.

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  11. This thread sure lives up to its name, its dark in here. The bottom line to kundalini burnout, and that is what we are talking about, a rampant wild fire burning through the body, is that it exists in the physical body. Yes, there are spiritual facets to it, but primarlily it needs a physical vehicle for us to use it.


    OK, before you guys hang me up, listen up a bit, kundalini needs a physical system to hook us into the spirit, and that is the nerves, the nervous system is the vehicle that chi can travel along.


    What I am getting at is that kundalini burnout, psychosis, nervousness, depression, OCD etc are all nervous system issues, they all link in at the Central Nervous System, the brain. Thats why drugs affect our senses, thats why traditional taoist masters made sure their novice students did not practice kundalini raising exercises for years until they had learned to manage and control it.


    If kundalini burnout, or kundalini syndrome, is physical, then is can be cured through the physical. Most importantly are the chi earthing exercises, water, swimming, showers, Kava root, Vitamin B complex in high doses, magnesium in high dose... we can repair our nerves that have been damaged, through natural means.


    And it is physical damage that I am takling about, the myelin sheath that wraps around the nerves, is easily damaged. To go into the chemical side, stress of any form causes adrenalin to be excreted by the adrenal gland, if this sits in the system too long it breaks down into adrenochrome, a very nasty neurotoxin. This hits the nerve sheath and rips the myelin off it. The result is exactly what I am reading here.


    May I mention one treatment that is drug free and the most powerul treatment for neurological problems? Its called Neurofeedback, I have mentioned it previously on this site. It trains the damaged nerves to function properly. I recommend it to anyone with raging kundalini syndrome, anxiety and depression, to put it simply, it works.


    This is interesting because you describe this as a physical phenomenon? Have you studied the diamond, subtle, or immortal body? How do you think Kundalini plays into such a body?


    Also it seems you have had experience concerning physical manifestations concerning spiritual influence..

  12. laugh all you want dude. i only label it as "oneness" because someone suggested to me that that was a glimpse of it. In no way did i say i got the full experience. It was the most profound and scary thing i have ever experienced, but if you want to be critical of it and pick it apart- please take it to the thread i made in my PPJ where i describe one experience of it in more detail.


    I don't care to. I was simply reading you my friend. Tis all.

  13. 1. Why define magick & what for?


    This is obvious man: Knowledge sake.....Defending myself against kooks & malignant people & forces...perhaps????



    2. O.K.


    3. O.K.


    The bottom line is that the duality "Good vs. Evil" is not "good." It keeps a person stuck in duality.


    I'm of the persuasion that we must go beyond "Good vs. Evil" by examining our motives & means & ends.

    Ultimately, there is only ONE reality, not 5 billion different flavorings of it. No matter how the expressions may be presented.


    So, I don't like the White, Black, Grey magick schema. Magick is magick....I even question the motives of so-called "White magick" practicioners: Who taught them? Why were they taught? What is the moral fiber/character of these magickcians?


    Dubious business indeed.




    1) Open palm or closed fist? To defend yourself is to hinder growth and the opportunity to grow. There isn't a right or wrong answer here. If you believe that there are evil forces out in the universe, you have already found them in your belief. If your seeking ONE reality, this also means you will have to see past the vices and ills of others. Drug dealers, murderers, rapist, etc. The reason people abhorred such relations because of the treachery and agony that is inherit in said individuals. They are experiencing hell within.

  14. It is a principle of magic to keep silent about what you do, magically speaking. This I because people's thoughts can effect the outcome of your work if they know about it, people could do this consciously or unconsciously. However, after a period of time in which you have "finished" a working I don't think there is anything wrong with talking about your experiences....thus Grimoires....though its probably best to wait for the inner cue that you can talk about.


    My 2 cents, Peace


    An invented principal that I can talk about all day long concerning meta-physics and dynamics. It is not crucial to believe in what others think or that others possess the ability to control your reality. The only reason people BELIEVE this principal of magick is due to the way they practice magick. It deals with wanting to be in complete control over a matter and not wanting others to interfere. Strangely, what ends up happening? OTHERS INTERFERE. Hahaha. Which is why this line of thinking comes about. One fails to realize and accept that some one else may have just as much 'mote' as they do, so they keep silent. A way to shield the ego. Magick through obscurity.


    I don't practice in the dark all that much. I tell everyone my business, even if they don't like it. I look for Truth every day. I plant seeds in every ones minds and usually end up wanting to know how others minds work and perceive the world so I can accustom myself to work with said person. As if the world IS my canvas rather than a hunting ground to get what I want. People call this 'Light working' and those who have found success in the dark usually grow irritated by such crafts because they have yet to find their own illumination and realize that others Light causes them to grow self-conscious of their own short comings and inferiority. Most of the time these are covens of individuals who have found a craft that works for them and seek to exalt this craft above others. When truly, it is simply awareness being garnered. The dark has its purposes as well, light can not shine without it. But it is vain, in my opinion to uphold and glorify Yin without acknowledging Yang in the process, and vice versa.


    There are several ways to acquire what one wants. Praying or 'casting' is the simplest. Casting one's intention into the void and hopefully some one viable and caring can help or praying to a God or Goddess. Etc. It is all about HOW you wish to acquire what it is one seeks, hence why there are so many systems of magick.

  15. Hahaha. The very night I posted this I had a very interesting encounter with a old zomibe ghost looking spirit. Had a very old raspy voice. In this dream I was randomly experiencing some boys youth as this kid was being branded on the leg, sort of like how farmers brand cattle. I did not FEEL this branding, but I did perceive it. But did not notice what it said. I noticed I was in some kind of basement of sorts as well.


    Randomly after the branding, a certain side of the basement had changed its surrounding to a very old wall like structure. Old, dirty, and grey. There were two sets of windows, I became the young boy through a sense of one-ness and had looked into the windows and noticed a strange ghost flying around. Before I woke up, I had heard the spirit say with its raspy voice "knock knock" in my right ear. I woke up and DID NOT invite it in. Not out of fear, but this spirit seems like one of those who were stubborn as all hell. Strange experience. I have had several spirits seek to 'knock' to engage with me in dreams and in waking life. It is a bit surreal and rather interesting how manors are upheld in such a way.

  16. I saw a cop today again in the astral who stopped me. I was trying to climb a fence to get into some movie theater it seems. The entire dream made no sense. A bunch of random police cars and fire engines. I witnessed some kind of accident in the astral as well.

  17. because i experience it as me projecting my negativity onto other people and i see them staring at me with either the same angry or scared feelings i feel all the time and it scares the shit out of me


    i don't know what word to use other than "handle" to describe not freaking out when i start experiencing this, maybe "accept"?


    i am scared of myself and the entire world, when i feel threatened i pretty much crumble and fall instantly


    Hahaha. Pardon my laugh. But your experiencing 'Oneness'. Where there is no distinction between you or me. A certain state of awareness before non-duality. Be glad you are experiencing this in a non-violent manor. Many wiccans fail to understand this truth when spell casting and they end up reaping what they sow, becoming what they need to be for their spell to be successful. I also just saw a imaginary spider crawl across my desk... I will let you interpret that.


    It also seems you have been feminized. Your experiencing this through the Goddess within you. The Moon. The left side/hand. Google Kundalini sun and moon. Read up on the left and right channels. Then there is the narrow path, the middle path as well. Refers to Christ in the bible as well.


    I cannot tell you much else, because to speak of such awareness is unknowing. You must experience it yourself to truly understand.

  18. "Truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." Max Planck


    Except for some groupthink changing event, Planck seems pretty much correct. The ideas that you ponder upon are not mainstream,...although some in the West appear to be embracing a path of minimalism. In the rest of the greater world, it seems like materialism is alive and growing exponentially. Much of what has been called Third World just began their materialist thirst. For those who haven't seen the world yet,...sorry,...it mostly looks like workaholic America these days,...with McDonalds and Subway on one corner, and Starbucks and Pizza Hut on the next,...with EVERYONE focused on their moble devices,...and how to get more money, to buy more. In the mid-size town I live, there are 2 new super malls going up (Maya Chiang Mai and Promenada),....and the existing malls near always full of shoppers.


    I like your idea above,...been doing it myself for many years. My motto is (although I didn't coin it),...relate with what will never leave you, and from which you can never leave.


    One drawback to the minimalist plan is job security. A sustainable 30k job is great in one's 20's,...but leaves little for investing, insurance, and incidentals (hey, did I just create a 3 i stategy?) For now, mortgage and utilities on a small condo may be under $1k monthly,...but condo fees will surely rise,...and if a problem occurs,...which they always do,...a special condo assessment could hit you for an additional $1-5K at anytime.


    I'd love to see a billion people embrace your plan,...not only would it help to sustain those wishing a minimal carbon footprint, by empowering political leaders to advocate such lifestyle,...but would truly bring more happiness, and greater spiritual understanding to the world through reduced attachment.


    Wishing you all the wishes you wish for.


    Many Americans are not happy. America is FAT and OVER WEIGHT. So is the economy and it is going to deflate for the time being. Many corporations know this and have gone abroad to find 'growth'. The only down to earth people I have seen who are genuinely happy are farmers in America. They work the land and ponder all day long, they go home, eat, sleep, and do it all over again the next day.


    Everything else in Amurrriccaa is a game of politics and sorcery. Literally. People are usually too busy working or seeking to obtain more money. I see nothing wrong with other nations seeking to establish a higher quality of life, but do not seek to be American when it comes to fast food and materialism. Many have committed cultural genocide and have forgotten their ancestors. Many have forgotten about others. America is ranked the top nation for mental health disorders. It is a mess here. Especially in the cities. The country side is nice if you can find a decent job out of the cities.


    Blessings to you all.

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  19. Not really full experience of it, but i have had some really scary episodes that the only explanation for them is non duality


    Have also experienced forgetting crucial parts of my reality momentarily


    i don't think the realization of these things is the most important part, but what you do with it. This kind of knowledge can and will drive people insane if they don't know how to handle it, which i don't.


    Why do you seek to handle it?


    " I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things." Isaiah 45:7