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Posts posted by DragonsNectar69k

  1. sree is already dead the rational and intellectual mind has taken over.time is an absolute and real thing to him and he is not able to escape. he is in hell meaning separated from the whole. That is why his mind does not except views from outside of the "frogs well" he lives in. Anything mystical will rub his ego the wrong way because it already has full control. Health wealth and happiness the taoist motto to you, Now sree tell us all about being dead.

    Hrmmm. Possibly. That is a good way to describe hell to be honest. But I grew up always wondering what it would be like to visit hell and well, I got bored and left. lolz.


    In my opinion there is nothing wrong about living within the mind. There is nothing wrong with being wrong. Nothing at all. It is the mind itself that dictates and stirs one consciousness to what one may randomly desire or to think that one needs to experience or have something to subsist. What is interesting and is something that I have noticed concerning the mind IS, if one stirs to the left, it also seems that you automatically get pulled to the right as well due to momentum, so to speak. One could easily be enlightened and not even know until SOME ONE else says hey... I think your enlightened! Do you think the Buddha knew he was? Who the heck told him!? How did he know? :P


    Full of it life, yes and the opposite appears as soon as only one side is pointed out. well done


    Hrmmm. Possibly. But what is wrong with being full of it? It all seems ambiguously relative to me ^_^


    @spree, you seem like some one who is rather bored with life. You seem like you don't like have to sit and watch your money all day. You would rather be doing some thing else. As money is something that is a mere illusion, an abstraction. I guess a good question to ask is, WHAT IS REAL and NOT AN ILLUSION? Pretty sure a buddhist perspective could answer this.


    You also raised a great question about the purpose of life and why you are here. I use to think the same thing all the time. Until I realized, that just maybe, I was apart of the creation some how. That a part of myself, that I have realized through OBE's and Lucid dreams is eternal and that living on earth is heaven for those who chose to view it that way. We are all creators and it seems many of us enjoy manipulating and coercing this abstract creation of money. We all seem to be fascinated by it, but in reality it is nothing, just a creation of the mind. If I had the means to go and live in a farm I would. F8ck the rest of society. I know who I am and whom I want to be, or at least I believe i know. But $ is always the issue isn't it? <_<

  2. You have convinced me. The meaning of the character within the context is wisdom.


    Yea I agree. One can be 'book smart', but it does not mean they are wise does it? lolz. It simply means they have filled their minds with the method, tools, and thoughts of others who have came before them.

  3. I would like to space out and realize my true self too but my existence needs to be funded.


    What do you do to fund yours assuming you are not living on public financing in a nursing home, medical facility or prison?


    I work a 9 to 5 job, live within my means, and give no shits about the superficiality or stereotypes of life. Mind you, I also don't live in New York. Your only racing yourself by the way ;) You may be better off getting into real estate to generate a stream of cash flow from renters than dealing with such a complex scheme like the stock market.. Every one needs a place to live at the end of the day. Just a thought.


    As for 'zoning out', you should try it some time. haha. A part of me wants to question why a stock investor like you would even bother spending time on a forum full of 'bums'. Are you at odds with yourself or are you still trying to figure out life? It is quite simple, live simply.

  4. You know, y'all making some seriously good points, all of you.


    If there's a Tao of dying, then it's bound to be the same as the tao of living, two sides of the same coin, and the coin is the Tao. But the sides are an abstraction of the wholeness of the coin; so there are no sides after all.


    Do you think we are living to die or dying to live? lolz. ^_^

  5. I have been earning a steady living doing this for the past ten years ever since I quit my job. It was a crazy move at that time but I felt compelled to do it to prove to myself that I was serious about my convictions about doing the right thing. I couldn't go on reading the Tao Te Ching and telling myself that it made sense but go on living in a way that contradicts the principles it expounded. My girlfriend at the time who was quite happy being a Daoist (like Rene or the other females forummers) thought I was going mad and getting spiritually radicalized. We shared a lovely apartment in the Upper West Side of New York City and were living a pretty fancy life.



    What are you getting at? Are you an Occupier Wall Street conspiracy theorist who believes some big players are manipulating the small guys? I am not a day-trader darting in and out all day scalping pennies for a living. But I do track my investments sitting at my computer screens displaying live feeds from newswires, forex and securities trading platforms, and cable TV business channels. I wish I don't have to do this but I can't stop if I want to maintain my freedom which cost money.


    There are no market-makers. Nobody knows what's going to move the markets. Haven't you learned from the last financial crisis how complex and unstable everything is? Like I said, there are no market makers. Everyone is up to his eyeballs in debt and nobody is telling. I am just a guy with a stash riding the Titanic that has struck the iceberg and water is filling its hold. My mission is to sense where that water is going in order to move my stash away from the lowest point of the ship and not end up like the rest of the world drowning.


    There were some individuals who did predict the crash before it began. They merely understood that many people were using way too much credit to afford things in such a risky manor concerning interest rates and knew that their own material possessions were not worth what the market was asking for, so they sold and ran like wolves waiting for the slaughter. Finances can be fun to study, but sitting down all day and speculating about what is going to happen would be a bit stressful for me, since I am an idealist at heart. Life is short. I'd rather hack the cell phones and emails of executives and then play ball in the stock market, but that would be 'cheating'. :D Plus through personal dreams and revelations, spending my time pursuing money would mean nothing in the larger scheme of things concerning eternity. I can't come back in another life and hold claim to that money, so to speak. It is said that practicing the dharma or prescribing to a certain school of thought or religion regarding virtue can help one realize their True self and True worth and begin pursuing the path to freedom from one's own inherited ego and self-limitations in this life. We shall see :P

  6. Hrmmm. I don't remember who it was, nor do I really care, but I remember a tid bit about a eastern sage who once said he wish he could study the Tao Te Ching for 40 years and THEN live the rest of his life before he dies. To live life in such a way that not a moment was wasted before death...


    From my perspective, I don't care about death. If one is practicing the dharma or adhering to some sense of virtue to SOME kind of regard such as a form of religion, the afterlife is not something one should worry about in my opinion. One's conscious will be open and willing to move on to whatever stage of life there is at that point, there will be no regret or indignation. Tis why I don't make a big fuss about money or material things. They mean nothing, I could 'die' tomorrow. Sometimes the best thing is to do nothing and 'listen' in silence. Furthermore, heaven or hell is not something I expect after dying. I expect to only know what it is I will experience in that moment and in my opinion that will be up to me as well.


    I also must excuse myself spree, I can not move your mind for you. Many of the things I have chosen to study and experience may mean nothing concerning material sustenance, but I have learned a lot and enjoy discussing spirituality and the experiences there in and have realized there is more than meets the eye to who we are as individuals. Needless to say, you seem to enjoy making money and seem to have no reason to question life nor one's state of mind. In my opinion, you will simply be the same person you are today when you die if you chose to be. Tis simple. :P


    I am able to refute anything that is untrue and irrelevant. I earn a living trading the markets and anything to do with them is relevant to me. Out-of-body experiences, sutras and vedas, second deaths, eternity - all that are not relevant. I need to stay focussed on real things. Emptying my mind of irrelevant psychological clutter keeps me sharp like an eagle. Animals in the wild don't mess around. Their senses are keen and their reflexes sharp. They are true Daoists.



    You are stuffed up with knowledge that has no relevance to living a sane life. Chapter 19 - abandon knowledge. Not all knowledge. Just the irrelevant crap.


    Hahaha! Sane huh!? You actually believe you can make a living trading in the markets! A phenomenon that makes no sense and is usually pure speculation.


    Riddle me this you 'daoist', what is the force that moves the markets and who are the market makers...


    Also you have assumed a lot on my part concerning knowledge and my own expierences as well. It seems money is more important to you than growing spiritually, which is why you seem concerned with death and which is probably why i am seeing this black orb fly around me. A possible demon?


    You should probably throw away the Dao as well. Seems a bit dogmatic from your perspective. All the knowledge i have gained has been through keeping an open mind in this life, not following some doctrine so i can 'get to' heaven. Id like to know where in this Tao where the topic of sanity is discussed... If anything the Tao is not sane.

  8. Knowledge being information found in a book, this is my assumption, forgetting this will result in one needing to learn and experience in their own sense, this will result in forsaking wisdom, because one will have to make mistakes to know what truly works and what doesnt. Tis why i say, there is no Tao but the Tao it self.


    The body is not a mere vessel. It doesn't exist. Just because you see it in the mirror and you pat yourself on the head you believe you have a body.



    Just listen to yourself. If you talk like this at my dinner party, no one at the table would say anything. Nuts. You need to get a grip of yourself.



    I have no interest in the Christian afterlife, Buddhist Nirvana or the Taoist Jade Heaven. I have to make a living with one foot planted on Wall Street and the other in this forum to take the pressure off. A second death is a bit too far out for me even after the market closes here. Money never sleeps let alone die. I just placed some trades in Asia.


    Interesting. What does the stock market have to do with OBEs and how can you refute something you have probably never experienced yourself? As for the afterlife, there is only eternity, tap into your subconscious mind if you will and you will see with the inner eye. This is something you must seek and i am no teacher to the unbeliever, that is your own problem, or should i say i will pray for the higher beings to wake you but you may not like what you see...

  10. I am not afraid of death. My problem is being alive. What's the point? It's like being asked to report for duty and no one comes forth to present me with an assignment. Here I am standing around waiting for instruction or some explanation why I am in this world. I want to get on with it. Volunteer at a hospice? This whole world is a hospice. I was put in this hospice of a reality the day I was born. And no one wants to die because none knows how.


    Do you get me sweetheart?


    HAHAHA! YES! I AGREE ENTIRELY. I have felt the same way for many years. Fortunately I have found ways to fill my time with entertaining things and challenges. Life is what you make it.

  11. Tibetan book of the dead? Wasn't that a training manual for how to die and how to ensure rebirth in the 'chosen' family? After a strange personal experience (more strange dreams...) in which I helped a dying relative as he selected his next life, I looked into this a bit http://www.psychopomps.org/ because I wasn't by myself in the dream, the process was helped by a character I can only describe as a 'death midwife'. For myself, I have no idea.


    Yep, eternity. Tis why it is silly to spend life fighting others. We will always be with one another, in heaven or hell, mind you. This mid-wife may have been a previous spouse in a past life or higher being from a higher world doing her heavenly duties, and from my experience some of these females are REALLY nice and very giving. In certain religions, such as mormonism, baptisms for the dead is practice to help relatives who may be stuck in the 'pre-mortal' world, astral realm, whatever you want to call it, the realm you can only see with your inner-eye, to pass on and initiate said relative with higher beings and angels, according to those who practice said religion.

  12. What do you mean? I am talking about the Tao of dying. This means the Way of dying.


    No body lasts for ever and each of us has to live in connection with the body. The body knows the Way because it is connected with Nature. Are you connected to the body? If you are, then you are one with the body and vanish as the body checks out and stops breathing forever.


    This is how I see it. It is like riding. If you know how to ride well, then you are one with the horse. A good rider knows the Tao of riding. If you know how to live in oneness with the body, then you know the Tao of dying.


    Yes, but I have had plenty of out-of-body experiences to know that the body is a mere vessel at best that is designed by one's own inherited DNA. There is something that pervades the body, one can call it whatever they want, but it is something eternal that stays with us for eternity. This spiritual body, conscious body, subtle body, etc, whatever you want to call is what cultivating is usually all about. Certain sutras and vedas speak of the rainbow body, diamond body, a meta-physical body etc. It is all up to the practitioner to cultivate what they are seeking.


    Dying in this sense is of the physical body. Comparing my OBE's, it is more enjoyable to have a physical body because it seems one is limited in their spiritual body due to their extent of realized consciousness or higher self, etc. With my physical I can do more and experience more in this plane. But I have also done things with my subtle body that I can not do with my physical body. So it is all relative. Dying is merely moving on to another life in the path of eternity. I have heard of very healthy people 'dying' and leaving this realm painlessly because it was their 'time' to go as well as seeing most people die miserably because they do not want to accept their life/current fate. Tis all.


    This reminds me, in esoteric circles, as well in the book of Revelation in the bible, there is something known as the second death. Read up on that if you will. The second death I believe deals with one's spiritual body. But it is hardly taught or talked about in most churches or dogmatic religions these days and as far as I am concerned, there is more to the bible and the book of Revelation than meets the eye. Unfortunately the early leaders of the Catholic Church dismantled some of the sacred text and we are left with what we have today. The rest, one has to fill in by Spirit.

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  13. It's radicalism on both sides of the fence, in my opinion. The war in the middle east has only fueled more hatred to the issue. Plus the fact that a first world country invaded a third world country, or at least it seems that way from the muslim perspective and the ignorance of both cultures being blind to each other's religion and beliefs. A true muslim does not kill as well as a christian. The terrorist argue that the American's are just as guilty as they are for killing innocent people, but it seems it is pure indignation that seems to escalate such disillusionment.


    Also this 'madness' is a profit engine for those that are positioned to earn $ from it. Any time you have such inequality and a high degree of chaos and uncertainty, it means some one will be there to sell the 'solution', which is utter bullshit. If the solution is NOT to look within one self, how does expect to find it in any one else? Hence the cultural imperialism and western values that are being expressed in the east as the solution to their poverty and problems that they inherently reject due to cultural pride and stigma.


    If you look at Dubai, it is a great place in the middle east, compared to the rest of the middle east. It is open for business with the US and does not seek to opress or repress to a certain extent.

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  14. My experience with black energy is usually experiential in the waking state...


    It typically appears around people that are arguing with one another or are trying to argue with me. I do possess somewhat of a developed "extra" sight, and have questioned this phenomenon quite a bit. In my view, these "energies" are composed of mental energies. They have "ego" since there is ego essence in the mental excretions of human beings. Their "livelihood" (an ego-based construct) is dependent on emotional excretion from people "in body".


    When I see people get emotionally triggered or activated, often these energies will appear. If they are black/gray it typically accompanies a ramped up expression of "negative" energy.


    I had an experience in January where I was psychically attacked by these types of energies, since I did see them manifesting around me like a black/grey fog. A deep feeling of dread and hopelessness accompanied this experience, and eventually the psychic stimulation became such that the thought of self-termination crossed my mind. At this point I regained control of what was going on and started writing out all the thoughts I was having, such to read them back to myself. What I read was very much NOT an accurate expression, and I recognized and allowed myself to believe that I was in fact facing a psychic attack.


    In the dream state, these have appeared to me as well, but it never really set-in for me as "viable" until I experienced then in the waking state as well. Of course, when it comes to emotional expression, there is little difference between dreaming and waking.


    Perhaps you can energetically clear your sleeping space before bed? I suggest grounding yourself as well, if you don't already.


    Ultimately, these energies are our greatest teachers, just my view. It may not seem that way since you had a sexual run-in with someone's grandma, but they are attracted to those who have the potential to give them what they need.


    Again, just my experience...


    Thank you for sharing. Tis what I figured. Some thing seeking to influence or enact harm is what I figured, since I do not dabble in the dark arts nor do I care about them. But when stuff like this comes around, it is good, in my opinion to understand them. I had a similar expierence with floating black orbs about a year ago. I had fell asleep and could literally feel the energy from this orb attacking me. What ended up happening was I fell asleep, woke up out of body and shot energy at this orb with my hands and it went away never to be seen again. I also remember this old lady who looked like the one who sucked me off in the dream as well. It seems she was seeking to reduce my Jing energy to weaken me. It seems a relative of mine has a favorite psychic of some sort she uses to invade my privacy and home, to get the "upper hand" in a current family fued. Talk about ridiculous.


    I've prayed about it and have yet to recieve any consultation concerning the matter from higher beings concerning this sorcerery and attack. Not to sure if it is a harnessed soul, ghost, or energy 'agent' that this psychic uses, but I'm getting tired of this wench and the relative behind this. :angry:

  15. Does any one here know about seeing the phenomenon of a black orb in ones dream state. I went out of body this morning and noticed a black orb hovering over my chest during my dream scape. I also had oral sex with some old lady i was trying to shoot with a gun but she ended up sucking me off any ways. I have a hunch that seeig a orb like this in ones own space and time can be a sign for black magick or witch craft or sorcerery... Any ever expierence this sort of thing?

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  16. This is unfortunately very diametrically opposed to the whole grounding thing.


    I remember meeting someone about 25 years ago who was running a metaphysical store, who was trying to convince me he was Merlin in a past life. This did NOT encourage me along his path lolol. Nothing wrong with remembering, but unfortunately often the ego gets in the way and joins in! It is mostly about remembering though. First you start out with this life, remember as much as possible to as young as possible. Then remember more, even the crappy things you forgot. Then remember to when you were even younger... the more we remember of this life, the more that other stuff is allowed to surface. Just make sure not to use past life searching as a way to avoid this life (many do).


    Yea. I use to know some one who told me they were Merlin as well... ^_^ lolz


    In my honest opinion, if you want to know your past, look in the mirror and see what kind of family, culture, wealth (material/spiritual/etc), knowledge one has in the present moment. All of this sums up to who you are now and what you have inherited. Karma is merely a system of measurement to compensate for lack of foresight and fortitude. You may have even chosen to challenge yourself in this life after visiting higher realms.


    If one realizes that time is a mere illusion. People can spend entire life times being monks and sages and know that it means nothing in the bigger scheme of things, we are eternal beings who never truly die unless we choose to destroy that part of ourselves that goes back to the dawn of the ages and even then demons and souls can be resurrected from hell with enough energy, mind you. It all depends on what you desire and are seeking. Those who seek virtue and wisdom are merely souls who may have already walked the same path several times and know that said path like the back of their hand. Their intuition is keen enough to know that suffering in such a way will no longer garner more Truth, so it is best to move on and forward. Self-Mastery... Imagine what lucifer chose to realize through out eternity.. ;)


    Is there something you missed in those lives?

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  17. Woke up around 4 AM with a raging boner after seeing a brown/black lady in a bikini and a yellow snake on her shoulders. She had appeared on the computer tablet I seemed to be using. lol. It felt as if I was being empowered.


    Not to sure if she was trying to help me, but after waking up and then going back to sleep making sure I didn't wet myself. I then had another dream. A very hateful dream concerning a relative of mine, a grudge I have been holding it seems. I grabbed a can of hair spray and a piece of mail. Ran to this kitchen, lit the paper on fire from the stove, (all of this I was thinking to do IN the dream :wacko: ) then ran back to my relative and attempted to burn him by using the hair spray can as a flame thrower... :closedeyes: It didn't seem to be working and I then decided to choke this relative and tell him why I was mad at him. I told him I was pissed at him for buying black magick candles and using them on his own family and then making up lies to hurt his own family. I was squeezing him soo hard that he ended up exploding and I then told my other relatives that I solved the problem...


    My vision then changed to a strange multicolored bird in the sky by a tree, with multiple layers of different colored feathers. This bird pissed me off for some reason. I took my hands and shot an energy ball at it and said f*ck you. I then saw a bunch of surgeons working on my heart. It had a huge black gash in the middle of it, as if it was cut open. Probably why it hurts.


    What is the best way of getting rid of hate, anger, and aggression? I've tried to practice restraint and not be a violent person, but when your subconscious goes into overdrive like this... I guess I need to express myself a bit more. I also saw two other black women before I woke up from my dream sequence. No idea who they were. Never seen them in my waking life. Were these voodoo goddesses or some thing? I also heard some one say that the snake turned white telepathically while I was still half asleep.

    This was a lucid dream. I tend to astral project and go lucid almost every night. This is why I practice self-restraint and non-violence. I do not want to harm others spiritually, because I know what that is like first hand. It seemed I have killed my brother's entity. Which is something that should have been done a long time ago, but the people who he employed to help him only used him for his $ and he has been sick for a long time and resorted to black magick to empower himself. :glare:


    When the presence of the snake in your dream is neutral or friendly, it suggests that you are dealing with fears or concerns with assurance. It is an indicator that healing is taking place. http://www.snakedreams.org/snake-dream.html

    That healing being my heart and the treachery that was involved. Hence the surgery on my heart.




    Talking to a snake suggests that you are engaged in a process of understanding higher knowledge about yourself and your world. It indicates that you are open to receiving information of a more mystical nature.

    Realizing that the snake turned white after killing my brother's entity. A good sign in my opinion.




    Dream Meaning #1: Yellow snake, symbol of the intellect and intuition

    A yellow snake in a dream could represent the intellect and how you’re using it to sort through tricky situations. wisdom. Another meaning associated with yellow snakes in dreams is about your intuition, your inner light or guidance, opening to new insight and awareness. Yellow represents the color of the light of the spirit, of consciousness shining through. Dreaming of a yellow snake may be a call to step forward and use your intellect to resolve the a situation or issues in your waking life.

    Dream Meaning #2: Betrayal and passivity in your life

    Yellow snakes represent cowardice, betrayal. The dream could mean that someone is betraying you or that you are betraying your own ideals by acting a certain way in your waking life. The yellow snake dream is an invitation to grow your self-confidence and ability to deal with a situation that requires you to analyze and make decisions based on a clear vision.


    After to listening to spirit for a while, it seems I was aroused/empowered sexually with primordial or energy of the opposite sex to kill my brother's entity since I have chosen to be celibate for over a year now. Some thing dark and bloody had exploded in the dream near him after I sprayed his auric field with fire and choked him out. Interesting to think about.


    The bird that flew away after this happened was some one else's spirit animal who I believe did NOT have my best interest at heart nor did they care about my own cultivation or self-development. Which is why I told them to F OFF and if I had the chance I would have possibly killed the bird to finally make my point. I forgot to mention in the dream the bird flew off skreeching as if it was going to warn some one else, this is what I felt and thought in the dream. I am very aware in the lucid state. (It sort of looked like rainbow bird from pokemon.) My family fails to get along and is constantly seeking to influence one another. Some have resorted to magick and energy practices in secret to domineer and belittle others since they fail to agree and blame other's for their lives. :glare:


    Whoever helped me on this site, thank you! ^_^ Choosing not to attack some one back due their negligence is quite the virtue and waiting to be empowered to help the enfeebled is quite the blessing.

  18. Woke up around 4 AM with a raging boner after seeing a brown/black lady in a bikini and a yellow snake on her shoulders. She had appeared on the computer tablet I seemed to be using. lol. It felt as if I was being empowered.


    Not to sure if she was trying to help me, but after waking up and then going back to sleep making sure I didn't wet myself. I then had another dream. A very hateful dream concerning a relative of mine, a grudge I have been holding it seems. I grabbed a can of hair spray and a piece of mail. Ran to this kitchen, lit the paper on fire from the stove, (all of this I was thinking to do IN the dream :wacko: ) then ran back to my relative and attempted to burn him by using the hair spray can as a flame thrower... :closedeyes: It didn't seem to be working and I then decided to choke this relative and tell him why I was mad at him. I told him I was pissed at him for buying black magick candles and using them on his own family and then making up lies to hurt his own family. I was squeezing him soo hard that he ended up exploding and I then told my other relatives that I solved the problem...


    My vision then changed to a strange multicolored bird in the sky by a tree, with multiple layers of different colored feathers. This bird pissed me off for some reason. I took my hands and shot an energy ball at it and said f*ck you. I then saw a bunch of surgeons working on my heart. It had a huge black gash in the middle of it, as if it was cut open. Probably why it hurts.


    What is the best way of getting rid of hate, anger, and aggression? I've tried to practice restraint and not be a violent person, but when your subconscious goes into overdrive like this... I guess I need to express myself a bit more. I also saw two other black women before I woke up from my dream sequence. No idea who they were. Never seen them in my waking life. Were these voodoo goddesses or some thing? I also heard some one say that the snake turned white telepathically while I was still half asleep.

  19. Light in the mind. Darkness in the heart.


    Light in the heart. Darkness in the mind.


    How is that possible? I've seen some of the most 'feeble' people have the most generous hearts I have ever seen and some of the most 'intelligent' people have the darkest hearts...