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Posts posted by DragonsNectar69k

  1. Listen up...you need to put down the weeds and stepping back to read what you are writing here. I am telling you that you can accumulate merits by asking the existential questions of life and to examine the nature of your own suffering. Doing good and moral deeds. Have compassions for sentient beings. The door to higher spiritual learning will be open to you, after certain years. Yes, years. Now, your confused mind is telling me that you don't have to do all that. What? In fact, you are going to do whatever you want because you can reach enlightenment however you like with any means.


    Really? Let's just say I don't think. :) There are ways you can verify it but I would rather leave it at that.


    You do realize that their are shamans who live in the Andes mountain range of peru who consume herbs daily and who are able to testify of reaching and experiencing 'enlightenment' all throughout their lives. Shamans who are able to go beyond the body and visit other realms and worlds. Shamans who are able to converse with spirits of all kinds, benevolent and malevolent. Reaching enlightenment is NOT about merit, it is about what YOU choose to cultivate and become through out one's life. Enlightenment isn't about getting some where, it is about becoming. You can not realize a state of awareness until you become it. This 'door' you speak of is simply a metaphor of one being able to realize what they have become.


    Furthermore, you think Buddha reached enlightenment because he was Buddha... NO. Because he willingly chose to throughout several life times, to become enlightened, and in each succeeding life he was able to grow spiritually and morally to then become Buddha. Mind you, if this last explanation does not cause you to stop and think, I am done conversing with you.

  2. Another nonsense. Dogma? To earn merits in your cultivation path in order to open doors to higher spiritual learning is called dogma? What if these merits including doing moral deeds. Not to kill or harm people. To show compassions. These are dogmas? Hahahaha...... You are right, they are dogmas if your intention is to cultivate an evil path with aimless goals. These are dogmas. :)


    No. You will learn what I mean, EVERYONE is capable of obtaining good merits, that is a no brainer. Not to sure how you have chosen to define dogma, but this is how I see dogma..


    An example based on Christianity... "A principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true: "the Christian dogma of the Trinity".


    Feel to plug in whatever religion or spiritual philosophy you like. For example:


    "A principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true: "the Tao is the only way".


    "A principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true: "only Buddha was right".


    "A principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true: "one should only worship Kali because she is described as the mother of all...".


    "A principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true: "one should only follow Jesus Christ because he died for us all".


    and the list goes on and on etc...

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  3. Another nonsense. Dogma? To earn merits in your cultivation path in order to open doors to higher spiritual learning is called dogma? What if these merits including doing moral deeds. Not to kill or harm people. To show compassions. These are dogmas? Hahahaha...... You are right, they are dogmas if your intention is to cultivate an evil path with aimless goals. These are dogmas. :)


    There is no 'merit'. The end result of what one is cultivating is what I guess you could define as 'merit' and to be honest I don't really care for what your cultivating. <_< Life can unfold in an infinite amount of ways. There is no right way. It is all up to the individual to choose what they are seeking. Said choices are beyond 'merit' alone. They can make the path or you can choose to prescribe to a certain religion and follow in a known path, mind you.

  4. @ChiForce, I see dogma. Dogma without taking perception into account. You do realize that their are people who have never studied your doctrine, nor probably ever will, that still have spiritual experiences and awakenings as well? I've seen Hindu's, Muslims, Christians, Buddhist, dare I say even Satanists who have had spiritual awakenings and experiences. You do realize this right?



    “There are many paths to enlightenment. Be sure to take one with a heart.” -Lao Tzu

  5. Invocation is treated in a variety of ways these days.


    Chaos Magic people and the those who fall into the psychological/archetypal/jungian interpretation of Gods often treat it as a way to strengthen deficits in ones personality. Chaos Magicians will invoke cartoon characters, made up characters, tv characters as well as Gods or Spirits...

    I have used invocation in these ways as well over the years, with some good success, but {to me} it seems to be lacking something.


    As I said in the Grimoire thread, I see the Gods as being real and the ancient Gods have always felt far stronger to me than say spongebob.


    Its just I have never had the kind of results with fictional characters as with ancient Gods... lol anyone suprised?


    I was reading Michael Cecchetelli's book of Abrasax the other day and he pointed out that most people don't invoke to completion. They Invoke to, and stop at some point before full possession. I agree.

    Full possession was a sacred phenomena in the old mystery schools, be they Hermetic, Neo platonic or other.


    Once again I blame the stuffy Victorian mages, uncomfortable with the raw out of controll nature of possession for this being 'generally' de-emphasised in most western traditions. De-emphasised to the point where most western Hermetic paths barely count as spiritual systems.

    I dont know how many rituals I have been to over the years where Gods/Goddesses were invoked to some place where everyone had some 'feeling' of their presence being there with us, then offerings and requests were made, depending on their traditions and then it all wrapped up. Its nice like that, but its also sad to think that even 1 more hour of solid invocation could occasionally have had a God step into the room.


    Possession Changes the psych in deep and wonderful ways. When I first experienced full possession by Pan, He left me with a vastly enhanced sense of smell for several years. I could smell people round 50 ft away and could smell 'things' about them... I also felt part of something Greater, part of trees and nature, part of the ground. A vastness of being. It lasted for years.


    My goals now are to work with the planetary Gods, following the Theurgy path. I wish to carry this out as fully and completely as possible, by Invoking each planetary God to full possession, at least several times, over what ever time period is necessary to fullfil that task.


    Just to add another point though, some people have had horrid experiences invoking something into themselves that should have been an Evocation... All to try to be Baddass...


    I guess that explains why I saw Goku one night in my minds eye. Very interesting.

  6. The vast majority of humans have entities in and around their space. For most they enhance the robotic nature of typical existence and do not cause outstanding problems.


    Eating habits and what could be called "incorrect thinking" are perhaps the most common causes of entities becoming real problems. The habits then trail off in the direction of beings taking control of whole portions of a persons energies.


    As this occurs the overall vibration will be raised by the entity(ies).


    Have someone take their index fingers and squeeze fairly hard with the pads of the fingers in the dip just behind both of your earlobes at the same time..

    If it hurts like hell - you have fairly busy transmedium channels - these are channels near the top back sides of your head.

    A favorite place to plug and play for entities.


    It is not very hard to remove entities - and there is no reason to fear them at all - but if they are allowed to amp up in the process of removal as was described above, then they can appear to have very real movie like strength.


    The problem is not in removing them if you are trained or know what you are doing - the problem is with the patient - they must intervene within themselves - change habits, diets, thinking, protocols etc. They must lower their vibration and

    guard against elevating it.


    Fear of entities is almost completely unwarranted but the fear creates the scenes described above. I have never seen a case in which an

    entity was as powerful as the owner of the body - not even close. But many a time - I had to coax a spirit back into "owning" its body and regaining stewardship.


    If you know what you are doing - and the owner spirit is in agreement - you can remove any entity and leave it no choice in the matter - kind of like an offer they can't refuse.



    Very interesting. Yes, seeing what I saw as a child, it was f*cking crazy to say the least. I forgot to mention that there was a second exorcism, just to make sure this entity was gone and strangely enough there was a second out burst, but I remember that the second time was not as bad, the relative no longer suffered from this entity. What sucked was the witch doctor sent all of this energy BACK to the other relative and she ended up having to cope with what she put out unfortunately, to teach her a lesson apparently. Hence, the build up of energy. Very interesting stuff. I am very happy to finally find some answers to this stuff. It always stood in the back of my mind growing up as to what I saw as a child, because most people rarely see such events occur.


    Yes, I highly agree. Depending upon where I am located through out the day, or when I happen to engage with certain people I do tend to feel a sensation behind my head. I have been able to feel this even more so after keeping a steady meditation schedule as well kicking all the bad habits to explore and remain 'clean'. I even sometimes feel entities while merely surfing this site. lolz. Some times it feels as if some one is tapping into my pineal near the back of my head. Sort of like this diagram. I some times even feel things that seek to attach themselves to my lower dan tien or seek to penetrate it. I had felt a hand once in my lower dan tien, it hurt like hell. That same night I got a vision of chakras. They all had light in them, except the top ones. I felt as if some one was seeking to extinguish them. Strange stuff.




    In my many years of practice I have come across many entities of the good and bad kind. Some of the bad ones were horrific and are movie potential. One got me in my sleep, froze me with its power until my soul came out of my arm as a last resort and applied the fa to destroy it. It made such a terrible cackle as it shot away to avoid my fa. One entity hit me on the head during sleep (one is far more vulnerable when asleep and any evil entity will come at that time) and I woke up with a terrible pain in my head. Wasn't going to have any of that, tracked it down and destroyed it! Most entities are not interested in people unless they do things that attract their attention. This is why one must be very careful with any spiritualism, any invocation and such the like practices.

    Any folks who do suffer, or think they suffer from entities I can beg the Immortal masters to draw them a holy amulet and it will gone as soon as they hold the amulet.


    How did you go about destroying this entity? I've never destroyed an entity, but I have deflated one once in a dream. I had first saw it in a tree, the thing began circling around my head and was complaining about too much peace of mind and it slowly began to dwindle and deflated into a balloon. lol.


    In another dream, I had seen another relative who had a black orb floating around her which I shot energy at in my dream scape. I had seen another black orb floating around my room. I woke up out of body and shot energy out of my right hand at the orb and never saw it again. This happened instantaneously without thought. Mind you, it seems I was cleaning up what was weaved by some paid psychics or sorcerer. I have learned so much by just observing my family and learning about all the skeletons in the closet. It's a shame, but you can definitely find light in the dark.


    I've also been socked in the eye once by a dragon apparently. I wasn't aware of chaos magickians, but after reading about people being able to invoke cartoon characters I had seen Goku appear in my minds eye and protect me. lol. Crazy stuff.

  7. I've read plenty of things about the pyramids. They are supposedly apart of ley lines and how they are apart of the earth's magnetic/energy system. That they communicate with aliens. It is also said that in the left foot of the Sphinx there are records of Atlantis.

    I've even seen pyramids in my dreams with reptilians and Sumerian God's. I once read on facebook something posted by a muslim friend about the carbon dating of the capstone on the pyramid and how it had direct relevance with the date of the Quran and how Pharoah had built it because he did not believe in the Abrahamic God... etc...


    In my opinion, the pyramids were some kind of energy structures that were used. Meta-physical/spiritual in nature and were possibly built with the assistance of a higher being of some kind because the pyramids of Giza are very precise concerning the architecture involved as well as meso-america.


    Thought I would share this find as well.. 400897_4470725207100_1076849294_n.jpg

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  8. Don't tell me you regularly converse with Christ and Buddha.... :) First, I had a dream of having sex with Kali and she told me something...instructions. That was it. I never saw her again. Second, I saw Tatra (in Buddhism she is Kuan yuim), Kali counter-part, who was cutting a blanket over my head in order for me to see. I was crying in the process because I was afraid to see but not sure what. That was it. I saw her no more. Third, a talking stature head in clear blue of Arminius burst out from some sand dune on the ground. The whole sky and the ground cracked open and turned red. I fell to the ground and in some sort of terror, looking up at this massive giant. Here, he smiled at me and give me a sword because he said that I deserved it because of my innate ability to grasp and gain knowledge without external aids. I saw it once and that was it. Here, I knew nothing of these deities until I saw them in my dreams and did some research on them. How can you even negotiate with these ancient, mythological spirit beings??? :) Talk to them for more than once? What's matter? You didn't get the message the first time?


    Hrmm. Yes I have seen Kuan Yuim as well. One's sense of consciousness is different in a dream though rather than waking consciousness, mind you.

  9. It sounds as if the black dragon represents the unconscious, the reptile brain, fear of attack, fear of being tricked, fear of the unknown, and the occult shop the power of your subconscious to unleash its dragon of creativity filled with spiritual power of lightening, electron flow. Unconscious fear of this power taking on a life of its own and opening you up the Pandora's box of the unconscious worries, attackers, haters, sabotaging influences beneath the surface within you. Horus being the upper brain or super-conscious that rules the unconscious was able to put the snake back in its bamboo and protect you from any harm. So the dragon is really a gift, a sign that your unconscious wants to work with you, and that your super-conscious will protect you as you do, it's up to you to trim the dragon with super-conscious white and gold. Cool dream!!!!!!!!


    Interesting interpretation. I remember falling asleep upstairs and briefly imagining a pentagram on the floor with canldes, but I figured it was a figment of my imagination. Possibly a portal of some sort. Needless to say, I felt that this dragon needed to be balanced or else I could have ended up hurting some one if I was a selfish or careless person. I still feel that this dragon I was given was a dirty trick to harm me, to desecrate, the act of depriving something of its sacred character so I could then be vulnerable to attack by those crazy witches. Reason being, I once talked to a channel-er who had told me about a gold dragon from a past life. I have also had dreams about wu-tang and how supposedly there use to be a fued between blacks and asians. That was another crazy dream, because there was a bunch of foot soldiers in that dream. I dont know if it was past life stuff I was digging up or what, but it sure felt that way. I had another dream about another man fighting and killing others in a sports like fashion. I believe this was wu-tang. The victims blood was then used to paint the patio where this man and others would meditate. Strange stuff.


    Any ways, thank you Horus for helping me in a vulnerable moment. Whether it was past life stuff or not, there are some crazy power hungry people out there in the astral realms.


    One thing I have noticed as well, I was born with a keen sense of awareness. When I tend to hang around certain people and places, like bars, strip clubs, etc. This gift gets fuzzy and I can literally feel the difference in my brain. I guess darkness does that to the mind.


    I guess Horus sort of explains why I always see the Falcons when I am outside. Very interesting stuff.


    There is so much more. A lot of this stuff stopped after I saw KwanYin the Goddess in a dream state. I remember when I took my mom for acupuncture and had fell asleep in the car, probably because I wasn't grounding myself properly. A women had came into my field of view and was pissed at me apparently. No idea why. She was wearing oriental clothing and said she was going to be working on me. The next morning I had a dream where I had find myself with some old friends and we were smoking weed. I had felt the effects of the weed in the dream. I was wandering around and had happen to swallow a whistle in the dream and literally felt it as if it was real. I woke up and had heard some one say "materialize" but the sensation went away. It was f*cking crazy. I was very confused as to why visiting my mother's acupuncture therapist triggered an attack on myself to say the least.

  10. Any practicing mage here familiar with sequences? I was told I was stuck in one in a dream I had a while back concerning some family members.


    From what I can garner it is a spell or 'psychic letter' or something of that sort that is casted for a certain scenario to unfold or to be pushed upon the victim. I wanted to read up more on this and figure out wtf is going on. Some of my family members don't know how to get along and resort to magick to get what they want :glare:

  11. I am posting this because I wanted to inquire about a dream I had about a year ago. I had to go out of town to visit a relative at her house who lives sort of near the coast. Needless to say one morning I had woke up from one hell of a sequence of dreams.


    In the first dream I had went out of body and found myself walking around town. Interesting enough I had walked by a 'spiritual shop' there in town and had saw the imprint or outline of a dragon there, which was also by a chinese restaraunt (go figure). It seemed to have been guarding that local area because I could not walk past it in the dream state.


    I then found myself in some other realm with who I think was a sage of some kind. This man had a magickal shop. I remember on the banner for this shop, there was a pentagram of sorts. I walked into this shop and this man, who was wearing martial art like clothing, all black, had gave me a toy black dragon. I had no idea why. I had asked the man if he could put some white or gold trimming on the dragon and he told me I could do that myself. I remember after holding the dragon, I then saw it 'activate' so to speak. I saw a dragon flying the air in a lightning storm.


    This is where the dream got weird. I then found myself being attacked by a bunch of witches and Ms. Cleo looking women. Oddly enough a being that looked exactly like Horus the falcon God appeared in the dream and the attacked stopped. He appeared in the sky. Interesting enough, ive never prayed to Horus in my life.


    I guess giving me the black dragon was a dirty trick I suppose? Desecration? I can't find myself identifying with it.

  12. To me the ego is something that doesn't know what it wants. It is a mere state of being. That is all.


    I think Shamatha is enough in most cases, atleast for me. I am not truly familiar with all the buddhist terms, but there is definitely something about 'nothingness' that my soul finds relevant. Something eternal.




    Also, where can I read up on the Buddhi mind? Besides google and wikipedia... Any scriptures?

  13. Hrmmm. After not having sex, no more porn or masturbation, I do tend to feel a lot of my 'jing' in my feet and lower region. Rarely do I feel I can get this stuff to circulate. I do feel more energized these days since I am not constantly depleting myself. But I have yet to experience what it is like to circulate Qi in a productive manor.


    I guess sitting in meditation helps me a lot with quieting my mind as well as practicing the deer exorcise and breathing deep into my pelvic floor, but no signs of circulation yet. But I have noticed, when my stomach is not full and my body is well, I can feel Qi in my brain. It is rather refreshing and revitalizing at times.

  14. Next time, if you see the homeless people, ask him if he's hungry and offer him a comforter, which is more comfortable than newspaper.


    Practice charity in your dreams as well as in real life.


    Haha. Yes yes! I know! I could have been more nice to this soul who was in my brother's old room. I did not have the courage at the time since, I, myself, felt I was under attack and did not realize that the entity that may have been pounding away at my brothers walls was this homeless soul, paranoia took over. Luckily that person did have a comfortable bed to sleep on for quite some time and this news paper was covering this person's head strangely enough. Sorcery is definitely mean in my opinion. I could only begin to imagine how that homeless soul got involved in black magick.

  15. Rant:


    I remember when I first began meditating, I use to smoke some weed from time to time. I remember coming home one night from a buddies house high as a kite. I feel asleep and awoke around 4 AM that night after I found myself jolting back into my body from my crown. I felt electricity all on my left side. I felt as if I had went out of body and came back. Mind you I was not practicing any grounding techniques back then and this scared the crap out of me. I haven't smoked pot since. Well over two years nor do I care to.


    Another friend of mine had tried LSD once. She was in college and was in the forest that night. She explained how she could literally see energy emanating from the red wood trees and could see the aura of others as well. This allowed her to realize that there is more to life than meets the eye to say the least. She was happy about her experience, but it did not have a long lasting impression on her sense of self. Metaphorically speaking, it was just a brick in the road.


    I also had another friend who had claimed to try DMT as well as many other hallucinogens. She had plenty of spiritual experiences and even met Lucifer himself apparently. But her sense of self, the inner 'I', did not evolve or make her a joy to be around nor did it reduce her sense of suffering. It was merely an amusement ride. But there is a interesting book out there known as the 'Spirit Molecule'. I have never read it though.


    @ChiForce, your idea of merit truly depends on the culture in which one is raised in and is taught in the West, but is not held as a necessity. I can agree to a certain extent as to why using drugs is looked down upon. Having access to a realm in which many people tend to work towards, to earn so to speak, seems like a great way to cultivate responsibility and integrity at the same time. Such traits that tend to be lacking in neophites and drug abusers. I know that many esoteric schools usually train their neophites for a certain period of time to garner self-respect and responsibility before they begin to even study the 'mysteries'. You can read all about it concerning Free Masonry and many of the old esoteric schools in Europe like the Pythagoreans as well as most Shaman sects.


    But the idea of merit being necessary will obviously not stop anyone with the 'balls' from exploring and seeking. Merit is simply a self-check for one to express integrity as well as virtue. The dangers of playing with energy, working with spirits, and practicing magick are numerous. Hence why there is so many cults and individuals seeking power; knowledge being power and realizing 'God' or the Tao, or whatever name that one identifies with, brings said person that much closer to manifesting a higher understanding of themselves and why they may be alive; essentially finding themselves. It is usually why many people even try drugs, to begin and try to understand themselves. Unfortunately, I have learned that many love the 'power' they may find in practicing esoteric arts, but some people also hate themselves as well, which I am assuming is why MERIT is something that is taught in mystery schools and monasteries. So the practitioner does not destroy themselves, but rather values the idea of self-esteem and self-respect.


    @Hypnagog, I find it very interesting that you did not want to be 'fully' awakened, I think it scares some people to know how feeble we may be as humans and how close we are to the God's but how blind we are at the same time. From what I have studied and read, awakening never seems to happen on it's own by mere will. Usually a person is either born with spiritual gifts, they are assisted by a higher being, or they chemically induce a different state of awareness through drug use that tends to stick with the person after the drug is long gone. But I have yet to read or know someone that has 'opened' or manifested any spiritual gift on their own. Hopefully i can be proven wrong. Depending on one's school of thought, even in black magick or nuetral schools of magick, there is usually a spirit or entity that is used for gaining access to abilities that tends to possess an individual after a while if one is not careful. But needless to say, opening the third eye to me is something that happens when it is suppose to happen in my opinion. Seeking abilities through entities and constant drug use is something I would not advocate personally, reason being it is not 'my' gift, but some one else's. lolz.

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  16. Hrmmm...


    The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao
    The name that can be named is not the eternal name
    The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth
    The named is the mother of myriad things

    Thus, constantly free of desire
    One observes its wonders
    Constantly filled with desire
    One observes its manifestations

    These two emerge together but differ in name
    The unity is said to be the mystery
    Mystery of mysteries, the door to all wonders

  17. Hrmmm. Where do I start this rant..


    I only began noticing this thing called the inner eye after I began making it a habit to meditate every mornning, with no intent in mind. It came naturally. As well the heightened level of awareness and the interesting phenomeon of quiting the mind. My dreams became more lucid and then this dim violet ring of energy began to appear in my minds eye. Mind you, I had one expierence that I did mention in another forum post where I was told it was time for my 'awakening' while I was in a lucid state one morning. I saw the vision of an angel in my minds eye and the rest is history.


    Clairvision can be a great blessing to a student as well as a healer who gets to 'see' and get to the root of an issue or discussion. It is also very helpful in studying and reading the numerous esoteric teachings and books that we have here in this world. But with that said, once this eye opens, YOU WILL see the world differently. I had to overcome alot of fear and accept the fact that many do live in a unconscious state and are blind to the spiritual side of things unforunately. Sometimes the very people you love or consider family. But it can also make religion fun as well. lolz. Going to different churches and sites to expierence the spirit there in and to truly see what is going on. Very fun.

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  18. My case of dealing with entities. These things are real. They are easily contractable through unwarranted sex, practicing magick, having a weak energy field, living in a haunted home, or being directly attacked with a physical object usually given as a gift to an innocent person.


    At the age of 10 I got the rare oppurtunity to witness a exorcism of a relative who was severely sick for over a year. This person became highly possessed and their body was producing excessuive amounts of puss and mucus. Surigical bags were implanted in the stomach area to drain this stuff. The doctors did NOT know what was wrong or what to do. It wasn't until the catholic preist at the time, who my family knew, brang over a witch doctor. This women had some very interesting eyes from what I remember, she was defiintely 'special'. I remember witnessing this women recite some unknown language at my possessed relative and the reaction was something no one in the room was ready for. Mind you, this relative was bed riden for over a year and could not even walk. My relative stood up and began to scream and yell like a maniac with a deep voice. Eyes in the back of their head. It took eight men to get this relative to the ground. The preist knocked this relative over the head with the bible. (Go figure! :blink: ) I remember the witch doctor reciting something else and then something, invisible, literally knocked on the door. Another relative had opened the door and the entire energy in the room had changed, out went the fear and a sense of infinite compassion came in. The possessed relative fell to the floor and needless to say, the relatives illnesses left as well. The witch doctor said this relative had contracted this entity due to black magick/voodoo on some one elses part (another relative :glare: ). A black egg was dipped in a coffee cup and was given to drink to the relative to weaken and possess them spiritually. Some kind of ritual was also done at a cemetry to conjure the entity. :glare:


    Needless to say I got exposed to the 'other side' if I may say, at a very young age. Standing in 'holy places' and staying clean is quite the virtue in this day and age of unwarranted sex and pornography. You can easily feel these entities around you if one has developed a sense of awareness and is open minded to enough to explore. Mind you, I WOULD NOT invite them in. Funny thing is, the good one's will seek your permission for healing while the bad one's will hide their true intention and seek to decieve the being they are seeking to possess with 'powers' and 'abilities' :ph34r:. Seeking energy to avoid the 'second death'.


    I also got the chance to witness baptism's for the dead recently. I talked to an individual who mentioned being able to see these spirit bodies while his body was used as a proxy to baptise these other souls. No idea what this does energetically speaking. Apparently it is suppose to cleanse the other spirit being. Rather interesting stuff.

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  19. Hello OldGreen,


    Thanks for the advice. Yes influence is a big deal if your a neophite. I stopped talking to said people once I realized that my very own free will was being manipulated, which I did not like at all, for the egotistical fantasies of others. If anything I learned to trust myself even more and that making mistakes can also be the best teacher as well.


    But I am not aware of the use of purple and gold around one's aura, I guess it is all in the intention. On good days I can sense if I am being read or possibly tampered with. If I am meditating I can sometimes catch glimpses of beings reading me who tend to flash in and out of my minds eye. It's rather interesting seeing these beings that people assiociate with. Some people can begin practicing magick and may not even realized who the entities they are working with or are possibly possessed by. Lack of awareness can be a grave danger, especially in the dark arts.


    Ive had a couple of dreams and third eye moments where I have literally seen psychics and mages in my field of vision. Unfortunately in the hispanic community, relying on psychics, mages, sorcerers, tarot card readers is a big phenomeon. Many people will come to these kind of people who are seeking 'help' with their desires and intentions, which are not always pure to say the least. The idea of dominance and taking advantage of lessed developed souls is what tends to happen. My entire journey of awakening began because I knew I was being tampered with spiritually but I did not have the eyes to see or the hears to hear at the time. I remember the first night I had stupidily let my guard down (to explore and understand) and I had felt someone shove their hand into my lower dan tian, it hurt! Constantly being hit with heavy energy and dealing with the lies of your own family is no fun. It takes a toll on your health and can give rise to psychological stress and paranoia. I know when a family member is up to something because they usually show up in my dream scape with a candle or an object of some kind or I find I am being attacked by some sorcerers spiritual slave or demon. I have seen the goat of mendes as well a few times. But I have also seen catholic saints, Jesus with a rainbow body, monks, Goddesses, disincarnate souls, etc..


    Needless to say, in dealing with such crap, I found that sending whatever energy back into the earth is a great way to nuetralize whatever it may be coming at one's self. I also tend to send ghost to the post-mortal realm, since I don't believe in sorcery and would want someone to help me cross over if I was stuck in a rut on earth after death. I believe they are not suppose to be here and feeding them energy is like having a pet animal. Hence why I said that many who practice magick tend to be looking for power. We reap what we sow, and this I know.


    In developing this sense of self-defense I have realized that I missed a few things concerning cultivation just so I can be 'aware'. Which sucks. I am hoping to perfect and pursue better health for now and continuously work on learning and cultivating a sense of understanding, every trial being a blessing in disguise I believe.

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  20. The only light i notice in my third eye is violet. Sometimes its dim and sometimes it is deep and rich. I also notice white dots of varying size. Sometimes they are other colors gold, red, periwinkle, hot pink, or blue. But that is rare. I do feel i can see shadows as well, they tend to dim the surrounding light, but it is only noticeable when i close my eyes and bring my attention to my inner eye.


    Also reminds me of something, when i was in a state of psychosis in the hospital i literally saw gold and white orbs with my eyes two times. It was cool.

  21. I felt heat by my balls this morning. It felt like my youth was being restored. Rejuvenation. Lolz.


    I also find it interesting that i decided to search this very topic today and noticed all of these recent post. Interesting.


    I also woke up from a dream the other night. Someone had introduced themselves to me and offered to heal me at their clinic. Whoever this is, thank you for your humble generosity. I didnt get the name though, i woke up when i realized i was talking telapathically to some one.

  22. Hypnagog, yes I have only found myself in a library once. I was shown books by who I believe to be was a minion. I was also shown a certain form of divination by two witches it seems. They took a newspaper and then a piece of cloth and sewed them together and this would some how divine the future. I don't exactly remember how or why, because I don't practice divination. I also remember in this dream session. I also found myself surrounded by angels who were going in and out of caves to help others. The universe is a vast place. I definitely want to go back to the light ship. A very amazing expierence in first person view.


    I also wanted to make a note about 'predators'. There are people who are very skilled at psionics and energy work. People who have invested the time to study and know they have spiritual 'gifts'. I remember when I began to notice my level of increased awareness allowed me to know that some of these people who I use to accompany would find their ways into my dreams, dream weaving without me knowing. It was how I became aware of other people's conniving nature, especially over the internet where you don't get to meet people face to face. I would highly suggest not practicing magick or anything spiritual with individuals you have met over the internet, unless you acquire the chance to know this person personally for a extended period of time. There are people who will take advantage of a neophite concerning esoteric arts, sad but it is reality for some. If this life ever permits me, I would love to study with monks as they make excellent teachers (of course) and tend to NOT have subliminal motives, like acquiring money and such from their students.


    An example of a predator would be an individual who is seeking to know many personal things about yourself, which is obvious. Who may come off very innocent and benign, but are really a wolf in sheeps clothing to say the least. There is actually a whole genre of psionics on 'vampirism' and techniques one can use for energy work. But I wouldn't suggest developing such traits, as most of these people who take this path have a low sense of self-esteem and tend to hate everything about themselves and also developed addictive personalities and demonic chartacteristics that one can see and feel if one has the eye's to see and the ears to hear.


    Grounding all that negativity aside, I have also had plenty of benevelont expierences with monks and higher beings who I have encoutnered in my dream scape at some point in time. I remember having a dream with a bald monk who had shown me a form of meditation in which the energy around my head became very serene and peaceful. If I could describe it, it seemed like the ultimate state of nothingness, or nirvana perhaps. I remember going to work that day, being highly content for no reason at all, with this force field around my head. In the dream I went OOB in my room and had witnessed the monk levitating over me while he meditated in full lotus posture. A very interesting person who I never saw again. I guess having these dreams is a perk of keeping a highly open mind.


    Cat, where would you suggest I copy this too?

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