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Posts posted by DragonsNectar69k

  1. Truly depends. I rarely eat meat. But when I do, I do notice my body does a good job or absorbing the all the fat and nutrience in the meat. A high carb diet is definitely needed if one is constantly working. If your a monk who is meditating most of the day or hardly doing any physical work, being a vegitarian is quite easy. Your body wont need to burn as many carbs and you can enjoy the hightened sense of awareness that comes with not eating meat. But there are other things to eat, or blend with a blender that can help one's blood vitality. What comes to mind is blending up a bunch of celery and increasing one's iron intact. Our energy is in our breath, for the most part.


    Meat definitely grounds me, but it is not a huge deal concerning the fact that I rarely eat it. Maybe once a week or every two weeks at most, if that. Mostly fruits and veggies for me, and alot of grain.


    It is interesting to see that some yogi's will never touch meat as well due to beliefs. The path of asectic to say the least. But once again one must take into account the amount of physical work said invididual is doing and the diet involve. Then again, some yogi's are fat.


    I would really like to talk to a kung-fu master or qigong master who is fit and in shape. It is possible to stay gain muscle without meat and keep it.

  2. Oh I forgot to mention this dream. I feel that it was in the higher realms. I was around people of indian descent. I found myself in a room with everything I ever needed. It was highly luxurious and quite spacious. I remember finding a pair of shoes I wanted and for some odd reason decided to steal them from this place. But before I tried to steal these shoes I was roaming around these mansion like rooms. I remember walking outside of these buildings that looked like apartments but when one entered they became utter mansions. Literally make-shift mansions. It was amazing. I remember sneaking out with these shoes into a dinning hall where there was a golden mermaid swimming about in a large pool side fountain and a bunch of indian men who I have never seen before eating at a big table laughing hysterically. I rememebr trying to leave this place, to only be told that I could stay and have whatever I wanted by my conscious was set on stealing these shoes :( and then the dream ended. I remember having another dream in this luxurious building where I was studying something, but have not been back since. Was it heaven... beats me :mellow:

  3. Oh yea I forgot to mention. I also had dreams with some catholic preist. The preist wanted me to become a catholic preist as well. This preist seemed to have spiritual powers as well. I felt him push his energy on me in a playful way in the dream. I found myself in a cathedral with this preist I have never seen in my life. I also think this preist had a minion because he had a little helper with him who was wearing the same clothes the clergy men wear. Pretty trippy. But I am no longer a catholic. So becoming a preist was out of the question.

  4. Not to sure where to start this rant. But I would like to share what I have expierenced in the last year or two, to hopefully help others learn from my expierences and hopefully gain some light from all my trials and mishaps. Since I do not study under a master.


    I began studying magick after witnessing a relative of mine (brother) got involved in some dark arts, due to his poor health and not knowing what else to do, it seems he caved into the 'dark side'. This was after the fact that I had learned he was doing such things in my home and was already kicked out. All I remember before I had learned about his doings, was I remember coming home one and feeling very depressed and negative. I was crying for no reason and was not aware of what was going on in the other room. My brother had complained of hearing pounding on the walls at night, while no one else in the house heard anything. Eventually my mother had found some candles and some sorcery/witchcraft stuff hidden in my brothers closet with her name on it and decided to kick my brother out of the stuff. Apparently he wanted to harm my mother because he felt she was the cause to all of his issues and problems in life. Not very logical or sound thinking.


    Needless to say I was already studying esoteric teachings such as eckhart tolle and reading into hermeticism and what have you. I ended up finding some people online who were also studying magick but I ended up with more questions than answers. I did not care for the dark stuff, since I grew up in the catholic church as a youngster and had seen some exorcisms of people who practiced voodoo and such. Needless to say, I was scared straight. But after my brother left I did feel very disempowered for some reason. Apparently my brother had been paying a mage of some kind to help him get what he wanted in life. Which was to disempower his own mother and since I decided to agree with my own mother, myself as well. Typically bs these days.


    Where my personal journey really starts was after I had got in touch with these people who were studying magick. I remember one night in a dream I had seen a black figure with static energy surrounding my field of consciousness. Sort of freaked me out. I was also heavily addicted to porn at the time as well. I was feeling hapless since my father decided to leave with my brother. Luckily whatever that was went away. A week after or so I remember having this burning chi sensation near my balls. I felt as if my balls were going to go into my stomach and it f*cking hurt. It burned like no other. I thought I was going to die. Luckily this went away as well but I was at the mercy and knowledge of the group I was studying with. There was some people in the group who were good and some who my intuition told me to stay away from but I failed to listen since I wanted to understand WTF my brother was doing.


    My dreams began to get even weirder. I remember waking up to a black cloud over my body. Luckily that went away as well. I remember hearing other people, who I felt I couldn't trust asking me what it was I desired. But I would wake up before anything could happen. I had plenty of good and bad dreams. My most memorable one was when I woke up one morning and saw the image of an angel in my mind's eye. It was curled up in the fetus position and it began to stand up and a ball of light began to shine with it as it expanded its wings. I remember hearing a womens voice saying it was time for my awakening. No idea who she is.


    I began meditating regularly in the shower and now have this dim violet ring of energy around my minds eye when I meditate. I now have plenty of visions and dreams. I had to stop all drug use sicne the last time I smoked marijuanna I felt my self come back into my body as a jolt of electricity on my right side of my brain. It was trippy and scared me straight. No idea what I did or where I went as well. I've had plenty of other OOB dealing with the magick of my 'family'. One night I was attacked by a witch astrally. No idea why. But I remember seeing the image of a witch in my minds eye. It was sort of like an avatar at first in my minds eye of a dark green skinned witch with black clothing. I was then looking at a chunky woman who had these galaxies in her eyes, I felt mezmorzied, who then 'pushed' energy onto me as she seemed irratated with me. No idea why. It felt cold and disillusioned. I then witnessed a tribal group burn a dog and direct the energy at me. I believe this was animal sending. All I remember hearing from a higher being was, "just love". It was all I could say that night. I remember waking up from work and trying to meditate this thick grey energy off of me and my aura. I was shaking violently. I had heard a voice within ask me if I needed deliverance and I replied with yes. I then felt fine and went to work that day without any further problems.


    I began to have plenty of dreams and encounters. I kept in touch with one person from the group I use to talk to. I began to not eat and became very sensitive to energy, and had failed to ground myself. Needless to say I felt as if I was stuck in the astral realm. Sort of still do feel that way. I traveled to other worlds and planes that I dont really remember. Higher realms it seems. But they were really cool.


    I was having dreams with other people and even recieved some help in exorcising my own home at one point from some people I have never met in my life. I had traveled into my brothers room and had noticed a homeless person's soul was laying on the bed with a news paper over its face. Which is why I think my brother was involved in sorcery. I told that person to leave in the dream. I had also witnessed reptile like spirits in my home, one of them being very malevolent, I sought to kill these beings but I woke up. I ended up going to the hospital due to not eating and having a low blood count, aka psychosis. I am better now. But during my visit at the hospital I kept going OOB and had some interesting dreams there as well. Some people in the hopsital had dark pitch black eyes. I was going a bit crazy and wanted to assisinate the pope. I felt i was working for the government and could use telepathy to activate a rogue to kill the pope. (dont ask). I was pissed at the pope for ordaining the 'saint of death' as a real saint. I felt it was sorcery and witchcraft.


    While in the hospital I had a dream with two Goddesses who helped me settle down and simply acknowledged my anger for dogmatic religions. One had these really majestic eyes and the other was literally levitating when I saw them in my dream scape. I also had dreams of flying around in light space ships. It was freaking awesome. They were orb like ships.


    After being in the hospital for two weeks. I then came home and had several dreams as well. I had one dream about the saint of death and I witnessed a table full of candles and a woman like witch who was watching over these candles. I saw plenty of statues as well. But luckily after praying she left me alone. I had another dream where I witnessed a sorcer's frustation with me since I did not care to cooperate but to only observe his ways.


    And then my last and final dream in which everything seemed to clear up was with the Goddess Kwanyin, or atleast it looked like her, even though I had never prayed to her in my life. I had felt asleep in my mothers bed. I remember falling into a meditative state and went OOB with her. I noticed a man sleeping on the couch where I was sleeping beforehand who had blonde hair. I remember going into my brothers old room and feeling the energy there being a bit heavy but nothing was there. I then remember hearing a woman's voice with a deep OMMM mantra plugging away at my heart. I heard Kwanyin say I wasn't suppose to be here and I began focusing on the meditation as it was resounding and loud in the dream. It felt great and then I woke up. Now my dreams tend to be normal. I still happen to stumble upon people who tend to be vampiric now and then, but I still feel stuck in the astral. The last cool dream I had was when I traveled to this other star system in a light ship, and it was almost like star wars with other ships there. It was cool.


    Needless to say. These other realms are real as well as the higher beings. We are all spiritual beings it seems. There are good and bad groups out there. From my own expierences I have found that many are seeking power to understand themselves and fulfill their desires and ego. Some people use magick as a 'technology' while others are looking for ways to 'get back' at others secretly, to empower themselves. It's rather sad though. It creates a endless cycle of suffering and pain. I see why one should possibly study under a master to learn etiquette and self-mastery. One can learn alot more if one practices restraint and compassion towards another than to attack back.


    I am more focused on my health these days and bringing balance to my body. Since most of my chi has been focused to my head. The astral body still needs energy to operate. Which I am assuming is shen. Oh yea, I also got to witness some immortals. They had really huge heads, but they were nice. After all the traveling and trials I have expierenced, I am a bit more laxed about my journey. I feel things will happen when they are meant to happen and that one should not rush into spiritual pursuits to fulfill one's own sense of self. There is plenty to do here on earth to reduce the suffering of others and one's own sense of self. Escapism is not the answer, lol.

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