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Posts posted by DragonsNectar69k

  1. Hrmmm. I remember reading a book called Kundalini Rising and I once had a dream where this guru helped me align my chakras, was pretty cool. But in my opinion Kundalini is like any other 'energy source' or cultivation. I never understood the term activation and quite honestly I find it highly stupid to phrase it in that manor. Kundalini seems to have been a Hinduistic/yogic term that was miss translated into English that has seemed to have caused a butt load of confusion.


    Never the less, if your practicing kundalini or tantra, make sure you get in touch with the Goddess. Whatever pantheon you prefer or feel called to. She may help you sort out any issues/blockages if you are devoted and sincere. Most new agers think kundalini is all about conjuring powers and siddhi's. The Goddess IS NOT impressed by this line of thinking nor does she seek to entitle those who will only use such 'powers' to hurt and oppress others, without being taught a lesson.

  2. Hrmmmm. Interesting. Yes, some of modern day Christianity and religion as a whole can be very oppressive to those who may not be in said groups. It is very easy to look for external causes to blame and seek to nullify these complexes to 'free' one self, but that is being ignorant to the fact that no one can save you from yourself and the decisions one makes, so descending from one group will only place you in another. Not really "free'. You eventually reap what you sow. The bible and many other doctrines state this simply. There were many Christian sects before the Catholic church and Constantine, Christianity was not that exclusive as it is today. Nor would Jesus bother with most of the sac-religious stuff one can find in religion. There were still more Gospels that many of the early sects wrote that are not in the bible. Gospel of Thomas, a very profound gospel, in my opinion.


    Religion is esteemed to be a mode of operation, parameters for one's consciousness to live by and with. It does not mean that one will not suffer or that one will have a easy life. At the end of the day, we are all made in the imagine of God. We have the free will to create, and with that will we can easily create good or evil. This is what religion seeks to 'control' and cultivate, individuals who understand the need for cultivating a degree of righteousness and order. If not, man would be stuck in a state of perpetual chaos and disorder. The bible is also filled with paradoxes and wisdom that correlates directly to Buddhism and Islam as well as Gnosticism. When you get to a certain path in enlightenment, it all becomes relative. Have fun with these scriptures:


    "One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind."Romans 14:5


    "I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean." Romans 14:14 :P

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  3. Found this article on another site and thought it was interesting and worth sharing:



    "A while ago Jack had a great post about some of the reactions people have had about certain magical practices and how they might be dangerous, lead one into insanity, away from Holiness, etc..


    I liked the post, because when I was younger, I got a lot of the same kinds of looks from some people. I went plunging into the Tunnels of Set with nothing but Falorioss images on photo paper and a beat up copy of Nightside of Eden. I held a Typhonian Portal open in my bedroom for a week straight until my neighbors could feel something terrible going on. I created Servitors with no expiration date that are still roaming the city of Philadelphia 17 years later. I took three types of psychedelics at once (LSD, Mishrooms, and Datura) and became a Buddhist. I formed a cabal of the CAOTO to have all night trip explorations on psychedelics most people have never even heard of. I summoned demons for frivolous reasons and paid the price. I played games with the weather, and other people paid the price. I did a public performance of the Mass of the Phoenix in front of 30 people at a Unitarian Church and yes I bled all over. I integrated BDSM into sex magic rituals just because. I nearly wound up hospitalized for a few days because of the effects of an un-grounded Chaos Sphere. I charged half cocked into an exorcism that I clearly could not handle. I charged half cocked into another one soon after, that I did handle but would not have been able to unless I failed the first time.


    In short I learned by getting my hands dirty and playing the game. I have only met Jack once, and we never did not come up together, but I think we have some similar experiences in this regard. We both survived, and we both have friends that did not.


    So what all this brings me around to is magical timing. We talk a lot of about time according to planetary days and hours. We plan according to eclipses and according to lunar phases. We sometimes even plan out according to season, but I wonder how many of you give thought to when in your life you are going to do something.


    A lot of the things I did then, I would NEVER do now in a house with my wife and kids. Honestly some magic I would never even do once I got a job I cared about. Some of this is the type of stuff I list above the gung ho excursions of a magical youth but others are not so simple.


    Take the HGA for instance. I had friends deeply worried about me when I was doing Samekh every day. There were times that I was absolutely close to coming unhinged. Some people treat it as this thing that is the pinnacle of magic and should only be undertaken once you have accomplished years of work I think it should be done very early on in ones career because the upheavals that can be brought up in the work can be enough to tear a family apart.


    Crossing the Abyss is another one. Unless you are doing it through meditation (which is more effecient and smoother than any more active magical method) it might be best accomplished before one is settled, or after one is retired. Than again, different people lead different lives.


    Lots of Tibetan Buddhists get asked to do Ngondro, which usually requires 100,000 full prostrations. Some Lamas brag (or get bragged about) that they did it two or three times! When they dont mention is that they did it when they were 12. Doing 100,000 prostrations is a great way to keep a 12 year old monk occupied. Its a challenging task for someone in their early 20′s. It can be downright harmful to overweight western suburbanites in their 30′s and 40′s, and every year at least a few people blow out their knees doing it. Good practice wrong stage of life


    Not that long ago a friend of mine that is my age was talking about engaging in a long series of Ayahuaska based magical experiments and wanted to know what I thought. I basically told him that ship has sailed. He has two kids at home a few years older than my kids. I asked him how would you feel if you got an emergency call that your child is in the hospital, and you still have 5 hours of tripping your balls off to get through?


    Everything from ritual equipment you keep out, to things you invoke in the house, to ways that you alter your mind state, have serious impact in real life. Doing something when you are in college may not be a good idea when you are raising toddlers. Than again revisiting that in later life, might be ideal. In fact, it is the last phase of life that many cultures consider the most spiritually productive. Many people who ask to become Sadhus get told to wait until they have a family and career first, than become a Sanyassi after they retire.


    I wonder if any of the people that were criticizing Jacks practices were simply at a place in life where the kind of psychic or circumstantial upheaval that could be caused was unthinkable to them, yet very easy for Jack to handle. I know that is how it was with me, and I need to remind myself when I talk to some people, that is how it is with them now.


    How has your stage of life effected your practice? Have to put anything away for the kiddies? Any good stories of youthful psychic shinanigans? Got anything planned for the empty nest?" by Jason Miller


    Link to original article: http://www.inominandum.com/blog/timing-of-magic-over-lifetime/



    My 2 cents, Peace


    I honestly fail to see the relevance of such practices. What was obtained besides amusing memories?

  4. The best position in any war is not to have a position. A position of "non-position". A state of neutrality. Nothingness.


    "form is emptiness; emptiness is form"


    “Remember that we sometimes demand explanations for the sake not of their content, but of their form. Our requirement is an architectural one; the explanation a kind of sham corbel that supports nothing.”

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  5. Go to a strip club kid and ask yourself if any of the females you see are worthy or capable of being a mother... Also imagine the sight of cottage cheese oozing out of these females vaginas, because that is what they have to do to become a stripper, it is apart of their initiation ;) . That should help you get your mind off of sex.

  6. Joseph Smith was a conman. The history of Mormonism's creation is so dodgy it goes past even being funny.


    Southpark has done the best take on the subject I have seen.





    Just because he peddled a few 'occult' ideas in with his 'I am a higher authority than Jesus, give me your women' ideology doesn't mean there is anything of value in it...


    I have read plenty of theories concerning the fella. But some of the stuff he wrote was rather interesting. He was definitely studying the occult or got his hands on some ancient stuff, in my opinion.

  7. Indeed, I was listening to another story by the same guy. He asked an angel to help him get enough money by giving him a bunch of gold so he could retire and dedicate his life to spreading occult teachings. The angel said "yes" and then a week later he got fired from his job and the only way he could survive was to write like madman and get his works published. Be careful what you wish for. Angels can be evil. :P


    My 2 cents, Peace


    Yep, be careful what you ask for. Higher or lower beings do not concern themselves with the mortal state. Time seems to be something they do not care for nor need. Human's have a tendency to think linearly, from what I have experienced other beings tend to see the world in a totally different light, whatever that may be.


    If you one takes the single topic of time and correlates it to the available scriptures in almost any religion, concerning eternity, there is no haste.

  8. I havent watched this video, I started then I got distracted and stopped.


    There is no interest so far in this, from the rest of the board... there is resistance to mormons ... is this because of the Osmonds and Mormons going door to door too evangelically and squeaky cleanily.. or is it because of the many wife thing, all of them with long hair , no make up, and drab clothes.. and, I hear, often chosen from books when they are 12 years old..


    what is good about mormonism?


    Ahhh. Yes the religious politics. If you follow any path long enough, one will garner some 'kind' of enlightenment. Meta-physical in nature.


    I would have to answer your question with another question... What is good about any religion or 'way of life'?

  9. Around 12 pm, after three hours practice, I went to bed. Remembering some joke, I chuckled to myself. I felt something jumped around my throat area. Then I heard laughter of a young man. The Qi felt on my neck spread to my whole body quickly. My body started shaking, very vigorous that the whole bed vibrated. My comforter got a life of its own. It clung to my whole body like a saran wrap. I saw a faint golden light face from my third eye. Then suddenly, everything stopped. I saw a bed with blue and white bed spreads and a toy bunny.


    After it's over, I felt light and good. I could hear the the birds singing outside at midnight. What was that? I have a few guesses.


    1. A stagnant Qi triggered a chain reaction of events.


    2. Normal going to sleep process, I just noticed it then.


    3. An astral friend played a prank on me.


    Any ideas? Thanks.


    Possible possession or exorcism. A higher being came and cleaned up the whole ordeal.

  10. Haha I just finished feeding the hungry ghosts this evening and then came in and saw this lol.


    May I ask what exactly are you doing with the ghosts? Are you simply feeding them or are they working in exchange for food?


    If they are exchanging for food, your going to develop karma with them and eventually will be on the other side of the equation mind you. Just an fyi. If it is some kind of pact/contract and both parties mutually agreed, then that is surely different. But without giving a statue of consent, karma becomes to the underline factor for consent whether in this life or the next.

  11. What is the deal with all this satanic coven stuff. Is this a conscious thing or an astral thing, dragonsnectar69k?


    Simply searching for what is truly TRUE. I am not a devoted satanist. I have read and researched about certain covens and what they believe, but I found them to be no different than your typical satan hating christian. Just a different kind of dogma and cult compared to the Christians at times.


    Most satanist are usually concerned with self-empowerment and matters of the lower self. Some groups are very straight forward about teaching magick to their initiates and to develop a influence of hate and treachery. I have been pestered by a few satanist before. I saw the servitor or avatar/demon of the 'goat of mendes' once in the astral realm. Which was quite interesting to observe because the characteristics and attributes of that being was highly choatic. As well as your usual grim reaper.


    But I am simply studying to become a seasoned alchemist. No more, no less. As I have paid the cost to gain the knowledge and witness of what I have seen, but it is something I enjoy doing with my life. These days I simply poke and prode around when the opportunity arises.


    “Remember that we sometimes demand explanations for the sake not of their content, but of their form. Our requirement is an architectural one; the explanation a kind of sham corbel that supports nothing.”


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  12. I'm curious as to why you used the word "Satanism" in the title to this thread. I watched the video and it said that Smith was a Freemason, but it said nothing about him worshipping Satan. You mention that people are turned off by the word occult, it is probably due to the association with Satanism.


    The word occult means hidden. So while Satanists would be considered to be occult, not all occult practices are Satanism, and I would guess that probably only a small part of them are. Unless you are an Evangelical Christian, like the creators of this video, in which case anything other than Jesus would be considered to be Satanic.


    Ahh yes. Too catch the attention of others ;) I also titled it after the topic of the youtube video and yes I am well aware of the occult and 'satanism'. It is unfortunate that most Evangelical Christian's do not care for spiritual science. Joseph Smith was an interesting man and revelator, in my opinion.

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  13. So this just happened a few minutes ago while I was sleeping. In my dream, my bottom part, i guess hip/ pelvic/ leg area start rotating/ spinning, I don't know if I was awake at the time, but the pelvic area was rotating for like 20-30 seconds. It felt kinda good, didnt feel bad, but at the same time i can't move, and then i kind of forced myself out of it, i guess i was dreaming in another dream so i woke myself up from that dream then woke myself up again, it's confusing, but yeah i also heard a sound frequency, its a really high pitch sound, just imagine holding one of the tongs or whatever next to your ear, the highest frequency. i'm 110% positive my lower chakras were spinning!


    I remember when my crown charka was spinning a few months ago during the middle of my sleep, i woke up cause my crown chakra was spinning and it was still spinning while i was awake, it was the same sensation, as in the spinning and rotating for 20-30 seconds as of my lower chakra/ pelvic area.


    What's happening? is this good or bad? and what was that high frequency sound??? when i was awake, i could still hear it but i was in a kind of sleep paralysis where i couldn't move my body until i forced out of it and the sound was gone


    I was saying mantras at the same time just to ward off entities just in case, plus i have blessed buddhist statues in my room to protect me as well, i know when you're in a sleep paralysis, your open to entities, but there wasn't any entities, it was my chakra spinning and i heard a sound frequency, and when my crown chakra was spinning few months ago, it was the same although i didn't hear any frequency

    it sounded like that but like i could hear it louder if you understand what i mean


    sorry for my grammatical errors, typing this in a rush


    Lower dan tien is 'working'. Do you meditate/focus on your lower dan tien? If this was in a dream, this is most likely your subtle body letting you know it is there. Usually one can open up the energy channels by rotating one way and then close them off by rotating the other way.


    The high pitch noise your hearing is astral hearing. You can actually hear Higher Beings when they are around you as well as when energy is transforming to a higher frequency. Usually this high pitch noise can be considered a good thing because it wards off disembodied spirits who may be in the vicinity. It is sort of like a force field as well as an attunement. Ever wonder why some monasteries have those huge gongs? hahaha. As well as some mantras. I remember when I first met the Goddess the KwanYin she greeted me with a deep resounding OOMMMMMMMMMMMMM. That vibrated my whole body. It was great.

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  14. Haha yes I get a lot of this too. At my school a lot of people tend to think meditation is a vacation or an entertainment and they talk about all the angels and beings they saw when they flew to the land of Oz and everyone ooohs and aaahhhs lol. Then they ask me about my meditation and I tell them the exact same thing as you "well I sit there for an hour or so and focus on my breath going in and out" and they keep waiting for the punch line as in "and then what happens" lol. Seems like a lot of people don't want to really meditate, they just want to be entertained lol.


    Becomethepath: its probably just your qi channels and such adjusting I wouldn't worry about it or give it too much mind. ;)



  15. Similar stuff happened all the time to me back when I used to attempt astral projection. Honestly, there's not much to be said about it. Just that chi seems to flow with more intensity in preparation to project a chi body out of the physical body.



    One important thing I've learned over the 2/3 years I've been cultivating: the flashy stuff many people are attracted to is NOTHING compared to the dull-sounding stuff few are attracted to. NOTHING! Practically irrelevant.



    Does shamatha - learning to focus the mind on one point - sound dull compared to OBE's and crazy chi sensations? I can imagine telling someone I spend at least an hour every day observing the breath sensations at my nostrils and them wondering how I can do something that sounds so boring... well, it's absolutely wonderful, profound, transformative. But not in a flashy way, not separate from 'mundane' reality.



    Nothing is really mundane. Thusness is just as present in a lump of dirt here as in the radiance of more 'spiritual' realms where devas live. Cultivation is all about removing the fetters to seeing thusness, not weird phenomena. They will happen if you cultivate right, but are not the goal in themselves.




    Hahah. Yes. There are days where sitting in meditation is all I want to do. Sitting and observing. No animosity or anxiety. It is great cultivation when the mind is empty!

  16. haha! Thanks for sharing :-)


    My friend could "see" the snake, yes. He removed an entity from me once that was trying to get me to kill myself. 7 months later, I had the opportunity to remove another one with the same intent, but I did it on my own this time.


    This has been my most empowering "spiritual experience" to date.


    My "4D" vision is intermittent, but over time has become more consistent. I dabbled in the astral for a bit of time, but I have difficulty staying grounded as it is, so I don't particularly try anymore. I can't say it was ever as effortless as you have expressed.


    I am not surprised to hear of all the stuff you were experiencing and seeing in these realms. It is truly amazing to see and marvel at the creative potential of the mind, both individually and collectively, and then to see how it filters down into "3D".


    Thank again for sharing!


    That is unfortunate. Yea, I had a buddy who was playing around a lot with the dark arts and as a part of a satanic coven but couldn't figure out WHY he was suffering from depression and lethargy. :glare: He had a slew of entities all over him. The day he began focusing on fire and purifying his subtle body he felt a huge release. Some people know this and it is usually a dirty trick to hinder others.

  17. Well I wouldn't take it too hard about your solar plexus, most people's are blocked lol at least you realize it and that is good. Whats bad are people who don't realize it. In my school there are a lot of new age people who talk all silky of love and light and angels and such but they are doing it from their solar plexus rather than their heart. They just regurgitate all the silky new age stuff that they hear everyone else saying. This would explain why they get all catty with each other and gossip and back stab, and then when that person walks into the room they put on a nice big fake smile and say "oh hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" and give each other big hugs lol.


    Of course to be fair this isn't just in the new age crowd. When I was in church there was lots of this there too. It reminded me of a pharmaceutical commercial where the church people would say we love everyone and then there is the fast and subtle disclaimer about all the exceptions lol.


    So like after my break up last summer these people were totally useless. When I would talk about how angry I was with my ex they would say very helpful stuff like "oh just forgive and forget" and when I told them that I could say I'm not angry right now, but then I'd just be in denial and never really deal with it, and I think they understood my subtle reference that, that is how they do things and then the light and love kind of disappeared quickly haha.


    Yea. Sexual energy will make the lower self go crazy, especially if the person has blockages they fail to acknowledge. This is the energy seeking to move upward and it cannot due to past traumas and possible beliefs within the subtle body. If your able to see Light in your minds eye while meditating this usually means that your channels are working properly and can complete the MCO. In the bible it speaks of 'damnation' which one can relate to having their channels blocked. hahaha.


    Yea and I have found that most church people are passive-aggressive as well. Forgiveness is useful when it is MUTUAL because you are able to deescalate something before you hurt yourself and another person even further. But if you know if you have been wronged and it was done willfully, forgiveness is not always the remedy though. What usually happens is a person will seek to get the other person back or said person will realize HOW stupid the whole situation is and move on. Because forgiveness means reconciling, and sometimes that just isn't possible if one feels they have been taken advantage of or disrespected. The bible talks a lot about this and how it leads to 'damnation' and perpetual hell.


    The best approach I have found is to simply forgive some one but to tell that what you truly think about them and to tell them that you are forgiving them, not because you care about them, but for your own good. No point in holding onto to poison.

  18. I would like any seasoned mage or practicioners take on this video. Putting religion aside, Joseph Smith wrote some interesting stuff concerning Spirit. Unfortunately the occult tends to turn people off right away, especially here in the west. It seems to be one big secret for most. Quite silly in my opinion.


    Also has any one here ever practice Talisman magick?



  19. I've been able to see qi my entire life though, and I'm far from having cultivated my qi channels ;). I also know several other folks who can see such things just fine, but could use some work in cultivation as well as qi channel cultivation... One theory I heard for this is past life stuff.


    Martial arts is extremely difficult (at least for me), as is computer programming, and music. With computer programming it takes a certain sort of mindset, which some people naturally have, while others do not, same with qi stuff I think. I'd rather teach folks to see qi anyday over trying to teach them programming (or in my case html) LOL.


    Btw, I've noticed qi balls are easy enough to make, since all metaphysical based classes teach this. Folks can feel them usually in some way, but not usually see them for a few years.


    Yep, the age old saying.. "What you think, you become..." Quite simple. You practice something long enough, you become it.


    This is why I love hanging around "Taoist". Much more open minded than Westerners concerning the occult and esoterics. Most are deep seated in doctrine/religion and never truly get to see the wonders within right away, unless they have been devoted for years.


    I've never been able to make a qi ball though. I can imagine one, but I can not feel them.

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  20. Qi can be seen by the Yin aspect of our consciousnesses which can be accessed in dreams, deep trance states and even mere imagination if one trains a little bit.

    Generally, in cultivation this is not considered an high achievement because it's something that everyone can learn in a few days. It's a sort of additional trick: many people don't care about those things.


    To see the energy with the yang consciousness is a different matter...




    WOW! PLEASE SAY MORE! I've never heard it described this way. Yes, I am able to see with 'Yin consciousness' in my dreams, but not in my waking state with "Yang consciousness". Where can I read about this?

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  21. Sorry I can't claim expertise in either.

    Sticky subject. Spirits are real. What they are out side of that, who knows.


    I don't really want to fall into any particular set of conclusions about them other than that they are real.


    They like being treated as real. Some spirits find the psychological view of them mildly amusing while others find it insulting.


    Some people have said they are split off parts off ourselves which makes no sense to me any more. Had to many 'shared' spirit encounters to accept the psychological interpretation. That came from Victorian mages who wanted to retain some 'credibility' by being all sciency... thanks Crowley.


    Some say they {generally} cloth themselves with our expectations.

    I don't mind that, as long as it doesn't become an 'all gods of this type are the same being' kind of thing. Some times one Jupitarian god seems to be a very different being to another for instance.


    Some say they are not psychological manifestations as much as manifestations of our own true nature. To that, well I would say why stop it at us. Our divine spark is part of the One which all things come from so why would I try to rob spirits of their own divine spark? {by believing they just come from me and mine}


    Some bring up Construct spirits, servitors, and obvious examples of a culture changing a spirit into some other kind of spirit, like Ishtar into Ashteroth as examples.


    That is probably the trickiest area. Ishtar is still Ishtar, invoke and see. Some Mages still get Ishtar when they Invoke Ashteroth but some specifically get a male demon.


    Having strong animist leaning, I tend to towards the universal mind being an ensouling process. When a part breaks off the body of a mountain spirit, that 'rock' has been born as a new being.

    From this perspective, I might say that Divine Mind imagines or contemplates all beings into being.

    And when a Mind {within Divine mind} Imagines a new type of being, it is an event also within Divine Mind so it comes into being. That still gives me no ownership or rights over the new being {not talking about uninteligent constructs} and I can not even claim the Idea itself. All Ideas that I have are alive prior to me within Divine Mind.


    So I lean that direction but not totally, and it is not even that important to me. What is important is that I treat spirits with respect, and admire their abilities and continue to learn from them. They are real for me and for anyone who gets some decent interaction with them.


    Could you try to explain what invoking is like and what do you mean by seeing? As seeing with the naked eye or seeing with the minds eye? I ask this because I am not a shaman and have not made friends with any underworld beings nor have the means to yet. You seem to have a lot of first hand experience, so thank you for sharing!


    Also, I agree. They are REAL. I have tried to study this out for a while. I found some interesting stuff within the Mormon religion concerning spirit. According to Joseph Smith, when he was a seer, he had supposedly revealed that spirit is simply finer than matter and that to see spirit one needed purer eyes. (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/131.1-4?lang=eng) The man also wrote some interesting stuff that literally instructs believers in how to discern "just' spirits from non-just ones. Tis interesting, since it all deals with Light. (https://www.lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/129?lang=eng) Quite the Science to study.

  22. Yea another part of it is that women are so NOT used to men who are powerful that it kind of freaks them out cause they are not used to it lol.


    There is this guy in my class and he even calls himself a perv, (he literally calls himself this) and he is always following the girls around like a puppy dog, and that is what women are typically used to. My roommate is always hanging out with her bf and his friends cause they are like that too, and most of the rest of his friends don't even have gf's though they want them bad so they all just give my roommate their energy and she just soaks it all up. She does not even realize that she is addicted to her bf's house nor why, but that's why, She is the queen of her own little kingdom there lol. I think the fact that I don't play that game confuses her.


    On the breaks I'll go off to some corner and maybe try to do some stretching or check email and the girls will seek me out and talk to me lol.


    So yea as far as the girls that hate you. What I've noticed lately is that first all these girls were wanting to talk to me more and more as I abstained and meditated, but when I got chatty with them they would drain my energy and I would be exhausted. So I wisened up to that and learned to hold back my energy. Now they are starting to be annoyed with me, and what I think it is, and probably in your case too is that since most people operate from a solar plexus perspective (power play) if they can not take your power (as they are used to with 99.99% of males) then they feel disempowered by you and that makes them angry (even if they don't know why they are angry).


    Ahh. Yea, my solar plexus are actually blocked. It sucks. I don't reciprocate well concerning emotions. A couple of weeks ago I pissed off a female in the astral realm because she told me that Love is a universal law and that I am stuck in my head, too busy cultivating awareness and observing and that i needed to forgive others. I had a different opinion on the matter, but none the less. Yes, most females tend to get showered with attention and energy whether they realize it or not. Supposedly they have a bigger lower dan tien as well compared to males. They only lose energy during menstruation.


    I remember reading about this woman who was a High Priestess who practiced cultivation and she expressed how she valued retention and learned that she didn't need to have an orgasm to feel satisfied, apparently she was a lawyer and had lived enough to realize how people can be very parasitical towards one another. She enjoyed savoring her energy and learned how to cultivate and circulate her sexual energy (SHEN probably) with her husband without causing both of them to deplete there energy (JING). This she said, made her a High Priestess because she understood the underlying importance of JING.