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Posts posted by DragonsNectar69k

  1. You bring up perhaps the most important point about PUA and the "game" of picking up chicks. For cultivators or people getting results from their spiritual practices, all the ego-games played on the battlefield of interpersonal relationships become boring and unappealing. The most noticeable result for me is that I'm not attracted to as many woman as I once was and those that I am attracted to have very juicy energy.


    But once one can feel and read energy even the "perfect tens" become zeros if they're operating at a low level.

    Still sometimes I do get tempted and even succumb to a "perv attack" from a really hot babe!




    I learned this lesson a while back. My penis found itself in a well that needed some energetic cleaning. I told myself never again, because I could totally feel the difference in my aura and ambiance. It wasn't worth it to me.

  2. Attracting women has to do with your looks. You can throw down some Vajrayana mantras and stuff, but good lucking getting instruction on that.


    SORT OF! From most of my expierence, it comes down to energy. I just posted in a thread about this, synchronicity at play here. lolz.


    Most of the PUA stuff is so the male can get laid, which is easy if your not constantly jacking off and you are honest about 'looks' then you get laid tomorrow rather simply. It comes down to energy. Looks are just a barrier concerning sex. A lot of women and men are vampiric these days.


    What I mean is, there is always a point in intercourse when you can feel the energetic connection between you and the other person. This is what many people crave because it is a form of ectasy, in that moment 'looks' go out the window. An ugly guy can score a 'hot' girl if she is hungry enough and is witty enough to get her in bed. :P

  3. Actually that is exactly my experience, or was. I've noticed at school since I started avoiding chatting too much and making eye contact with the girllies they now seem kind of annoyed with me, but at least I'm not as drained as I was like a couple weeks ago lol :closedeyes:


    YEP! It's F*CKING POWERFUL. Pardon my french, but that is the only way to describe it. I've been experiencing this phenomenon for almost two years now when I have a good trend of retention going. Some girls HATE ME for no reason, because my presence either makes them feel "inferior" or they feel as if they are not in control. It is merely energy at play and for those who are aware, it is quite the game to play.


    An interesting example, was just this last semester. I have been retaining for almost two months now. There was a girl in my philosophy class who was a good looking young lady. There was a lot of sexual tension between me and her. Sometimes in the class I would have to pair up with this female and another male to discuss homework and group projects. Needless to say it was interesting to see how she treated the other male compared to me. The other males was submissive and flattering towards this female as I was not. His energy was 'weaker', for a lack of a better term, due to masturbation (he told me he does) and she seemed to favor conservation with this male rather than me most of the time because I apparently did not "agree" with her philosophical perspective on life. One day when I was engaging with this female, I got ballsy and decided to look her in her eyes as she was talking and strangely she sort of began to melt and she put her defenses up right away since she was not in control. Psycho-emotional complexes at play. It seems the subconscious mind knows how to read energy naturally and some woman have been conditioned to NOT to want to be around males who oppose their Yin. Preferably women with 'daddy issues', since this female was raised by a single mother it seems.


    Just observing and reporting.. ;)

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  4. Yeah I was working night shift and so no one was sucking up my energy and I biked to work in the winter in the middle of the night. I needed some quick food and so resorted to the junk food machine - a big metal box. I tried to put the quarters in but they stuck to the side and when I put my hand from them the quarters were rolling up the side - I could move them with my hand.


    So then I checked my hands by making a qi ball and sure enough I had strong qi energy pushing my hands apart. I had not even realized I had built up my qi but I did so since I had solitude. Soon after a female at work began stalking me. haha.


    Yep. That is usually how it goes. Stock up enough on that life force and the mother of the damned will send one of her daughters at you in due time.

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  5. Nice webpage... :-) Dabbling in the "dark" arts, or even the "light" arts only really deals with half the dualistic equation in my view. Yes, they are very real, but certainly not continued required learning.


    Often people will pursue "magick" as some sort of ego gratifying experience to exercise control over others.


    And certainly one can invoke "entities" to serve as "protectors"...


    A friend told me a story yesterday about how he was in his acupuncture class and observing his classmate working on a woman who was of native American heritage. She had an etheral "snake" that she had invoked to protect her wrapped around her right ankle. The student felt the presence of this thing and decided to try and remove it. Before my friend could stop him, the student was "bitten" by this entity. His hand even swelled up like a snake bite would.


    The woman obviously was not prepared to let this thing go, as she had invoked it for protection, and seemingly it worked!


    The power of thought never ceases to amaze.


    Thanks for sharing.


    Hahaha. That is rather interesting. Could your friend 'SEE' the snake or was it simply intuition on his part that he felt the presence of this entity?


    I always imagined what it would be like walking around with a highly developed sixth sense or higher bodies all day long. Reading people randomly and seeing into what many call the '4th dimension' where this entities and conjuring's seem to call home.


    I remember I was fasting and sleeping a lot last year and constantly surfing around in the astral. Sometimes I could view other people's astral avatars before I received a text or call from then minutes later that would wake me up. I saw the astral bodies of religious figures, voodoo's, shaman's, witches, free mason's, and even CEO's! Strangely enough, a old friend had went to New York one week and something did not feel right there. I could feel the energy coming off of her photos on facebook. So I decided to project there that night and sure enough I stumbled upon this woman astral figure there who was using magick/spiritualism to manage her company apparently. Some corporate figure who was highly aggressive it seems. Anything to get the upper hand. :closedeyes: Her astral avatar was interesting to say the least. A dark dark purple back ground with a woman who looked like that lady from 101 dalmatians, Lenora DeVille is her name I think.

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  6. Yes. But sometimes it is not so pleasant. If you want to see energy without going through the process of enlightenment and moving the mind. Go find major power lines and don't look at them directly. You will usually see a brown fuzzy aura around the power lines. Chi looks different and I have never seen it with my naked eyes.


    Interesting enough, if everyone could see energy, people would easyily be able to see the nature of others and their true intentions.

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  7. My ex-wife is from Siberia where there is a lot of Shamanism. She is a super devout Christian so when she tells this story its in a negative context but interesting nevertheless. So she was telling me once upon a time in Siberia that she knew of and/or saw this one native Siberian Shaman woman turn into an animal of some sort, and then her brother who was also there confirmed that he saw it too. Pretty weird stuff, but as Siberia is so vast there are large portions of it that not too much westernization has affected the local natives.


    Apparently their cousins on our side of the Bering Straight in Alaska have similar stories of such happenings, that I heard of when I lived there.


    Yep. The supernatural/spiritual side of things can be very interesting and reality twisting. It just goes to show that one can live and create their own world if they humbly chose to.

  8. http://www.amazon.com/The-Book-Abramelin-New-Translation/dp/089254127X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1369102080&sr=8-1&keywords=abramelin :).


    I'm of the belief (and experience) that magic is not learned from books.


    Hmm, stuff to do with magic, well healing is pretty awesome. Helping folks out of a terrible place in their lives ranks up there too, but this is likely considered magic for self (as it is for a person). There is also the whole self refinement thing, sort of necessary if you want to get anywhere with it.


    I think the rest pretty much falls under super handy stuff to improve one's own life and surroundings :). I'm sure I missed some things though.


    Maybe it is just how I have been initially exposed or influenced by magick that makes me so cynical.

  9. Can any one suggest any good TCM herb books?


    Also, I remember visiting a TCM school once. The head master literally gave my brother dead snake heads to brew as a tea. I'm guessing there was some spiritual alchemy involved in that tincture since my brother was very ill.

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  10. Don't make it soo complicated. "INTERNAL POWER" is a force that comes from within. There are forces in your body that happen naturally. The production of cells, semen, blood, etc. When you start to feel this inner 'power' it is simple you becoming aware of this hidden aspect of yourself, your consciousness being able to 'control' matter at will. It takes focus, concentration, and a open mind.


    A good example is when a mother notices her child is in danger and is able to lift a car to help her child. She is thinking about whether or not she can lift the car, she simply does. Her consciousness has no time to think about whether she is strong enough to lift the car, she just knows that she has too, and so she does.

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  11. From most of what I have studied. It seems most magick today is used to influence a person or situation for one's own personal gain. There seems to be plenty of books on magick at one's own local book store. Most of it seems to be fast food magick. Rarely telling the neophyte about the inherit danger and knowledge of one's True Self. We are all God's/Creators with free will and are able to create good or evil. It is unfortunate that author's tend to market their craft this way for money and power. But I guess any neophyte has to learn the hard way at some point.


    I have yet to truly come across a book that is neutral concerning its influence on the matter of magick (literally some books are so freaking enchanted I tend to throw them away) and is able to truly teach a neophyte about the magick of 'creating'. We have plenty of scripture from various religions, schools of thought, as well as cults.


    I think the TRUE inherited danger is that one may not truly know ALL of the truth yet. Plenty of enlightened beings have warned those who may still be blind that most of this existence is an illusion.

    That there are higher realms and dimensions beyond this one and that is futile to create karma that is going to keep one from ever progressing, buddhism, taoism, christianity, etc. But I guess we all learn something relevant through out life.


    It also seems that one can easily rise above the influence of magick by simply seeking to raise their consciousness and awareness. Simply observing without any mental or emotional attachments. Plug in whatever school of thought or form of meditation you like here.


    I guess this is the only site that i have found that's influence is not over the top concerning the topic of magick.. and most of it is rather straight forward and simple. No silly gothic stuff.


  12. Found this on line.. "How to create a dark servitor"




    Now I DO NOT advise using such a spell to influence others to be honest. Bad karma in my opinion. But I guess that is how it can be done. One can easily create their own servitors other ways it seems.


    Also be careful with that site, some one definitely enchanted their own servitor or entity on it. You can SEE it and FEEL it. Seems it was made to get people to buy their stuff. lolz.


    It would be cool to create a servitor that actually does something beneficial, such as one that fights other servitors from your home. .

  13. Yea. I tend to identify with certain animals at times. In my opinion, they are symbolic and represent certain facets of one's own self and can help one realize something about themselves. At the end of the day, we are all one, so no one is more animal, human, or God than they think they are.


    You may see spirit animal or totems in your dreams as well the spirit animals of others when meditating. I've once seen a witch morph from a weasel into her human form when I was dealing with influential magick. I almost killed the weasel and so she transfigured back into her self apparently, since I was not seeking to be influenced. But all spirit animals hold a certain value and trait that can teach one a lot.

  14. Wow, I love it, very informative. Would you mind going into more detail about how these people can make you feel so lazy?


    I've read and have come to various conclusions about this laziness effect, as I have experienced it myself.. It could be a number of things concerning such an individual. It could be there diet, their karma, their sense of consciousness and how many fail to realize that we are all cultivators at the end of the day and we are products of that cultivation, one's state of mind, dare I say 'genetics', some one who has had too much casual sex with others, focusing on negativity and emotions such as fear, doubt, depression, disillusionment, loneliness (this is a big one), and simply lack of focus (energy flows where attentions goes, and if your focusing on things that are not SO productive.. Then one is merely cultivating a useless land fill. Hence, why Buddhist tend to teach emptying the mind and 'nothingness' meditations. To allow one to become 'aware', so to speak.) As well as drugs,(even too much Tylenol).


    If you have ever been in the presence of an individual who is 'STRONG' energetically/spiritually, you WILL also see that this person tends to also focus on purity and keeping a high degree of balance or possibly holding no opinion at all, nothingness. I have also noticed that these individuals are great at giving observations without upholding opinions or beliefs. This allows them to maintain their internal balance while possibly effecting the outside some how. Funny how wisdom tends to increase in this manor.


    I simply resolve this issue with some simple meditation, clearing my mind, grounding any dense energy I may feel around me, then possibly going for a run or a work out to get my energy flowing while i imagine my energy centers becoming 'unclogged', so to speak. I don't practice qi-qong or tai chi, but I could imagine how a seasoned individual would be able to feel and deal with heavy/dirty energy. Or whatever one chooses to call it. If you wanted to experience this first hand (I AM NOT SUGGESTING THAT YOU DO, SIMPLY A EXAMPLE), you could easily get initiated into a satanic cult. Unfortunately most initiates don't have clairvoyance and are not able to see the energy they are dealing with concerning such schools of thought who believe in utilizing 'dirty' energy to work magick and such. It takes a seasoned Master to be able to deal with energy that can cause harm or illness ( as well as a sh*t load of bad karma in the process). Like drew said, when your awareness heightens, cancer can smell like rotting flesh, which is why it takes a lot of integrity for healers to be able to do what they do. It is a realm that usually has some kind of gate keeper to access at times. Such as Shamans, Priests, etc.


    I personally tend to favor the aspect of seeing what it is I am doing, as it can save you from cultivating energy that may not be beneficial for you. While others tend to favor the aspect of 'feeling'. It is my opinion that sight tends to have more pro's over feeling. As it is higher in the realm of 'self', but it is emotions that have been around since time eternal that can instantly tell some one whether they should do something or not. Being able to see energy seems to be just as key as being able to feel it. All depends on where you seek to start in the path.



    Hopefully you found this empowering and enlightening, and remember, we reap what we sow. So sow it well, because the moon does not shine without the Sun and the stars don't glow without the dark.

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  15. I can relate with that. I also did not lose consciousness. It was not in Utah while out skiing. I was in Ulsan, Korea, while out drinking soju in a tented sidewalk snack bar with a buddy and the merriment got in over our heads. On the walk home, we slipped on the icy sidewalk and I fell flat on my back hitting the back of my head on the floor. So lethal was the soju that I didn't feel a thing. We just lay there laughing in minus 20 degrees winter. It would have been a wonderful way to die.



    Do you think that solitary state has to do with a wrong way of dying? We never go until we have to be executed and evicted from the body. The unwillingness to go brings a pall on the situation and nobody wants to be part of an unhappy event. Why are we afraid to depart and give up the body?


    Wonderful as it is, life has no purpose. The dragonfly on a stalk of grass at the water's edge has no purpose. So, why that unwillingness to let go?


    Your mind is moving very close to the realm of 'nothingness', which is not a realm at all, nor a state of mind. The gateless gate. hahahaha. Have fun. Don't kill yourself also, it gets better.


    Interesting monk in this song as well... You MIGHT enjoy the dialogue...


  16. Me not human? Hahhaaha. I never saw me that way. I guess you are right. I am not human. I don't think that was a goose either. We just call it that in the same way we call us humans


    I also don't know anything that has not been made up by us humans. You are right again.


    All knowledge is arbitrary make-belief. This is the Earth, that is the Sun, you have a father, he is a Chinese-American and we all are going to go through five stages of hell before we die.


    Does it all make sense to you now?


    If knowledge is arbitrary, why do you fail to understand and accept death? You can not leave a room until you exit it.


    Also, hell is a state of mind. When I imagine hell, it is merely a place where many dwell because they enjoy not forgiving each other, they enjoy fighting, they enjoy being blind, they enjoy NOT helping one another, they enjoy superiority at the cost of making others feel inferior, they enjoy worshiping idols, they enjoy perverting love and believing that pride will suffice. They basically enjoy the quarrels of the lower self and all the issues that can be aroused when one's mind, heart, and subtle/energy body is not clear and balanced.


    It also seems to me that you have taken the path of knowledge very seriously, as I have as well. But remember to stop and feel and enjoy the view. Also remember to die, it is fun. You will learn much more.

  17. Having just babysitted my one year old niece -- I posted a thread on this.


    Baby energy is VERY PURE - they exist in the heart love oxytocin love realm. Their brains are not even developed enough -- lack of glutamate - to be "working" people or scheming, etc. despite the claims contrary that have become the new norm -- maybe this is due to personification of babies as adult minds like from the Simpsons?


    Anyway so as Master Nan Huai-chin says babies are always kicking their legs since their leg chi energy is very strong and that is the key for opening up the chi channels - to develop the yin chi energy of the legs from the bottom of the feet. Qigong master Chunyi Lin says to calm a baby massage the bottom of the feet and when I do this it releases the chi energy from the baby.


    So baby's actually HEAL adults if only adults are opening to listening to the love of babies - but it is a very pure heart love with no lust intentions like older females thinking they need to get into a man's pants for love or something. haha. Sad but that is the effect of patriarchy on parenting because the pediatricians tell parents to abuse their babies, causing the brains of babies to be damaged - this lowers their oxytocin heart levels and increases their cortisol levels. The baby is turned into a mind controlled zombie - and the baby even becomes abusive! Why? Because the baby innocently has to defend themselves against the abuse they are experiencing! And so even at such an early age there is "dissociative disorder" and brain damage and it becomes hard-wired into the baby for their life time development and also the "abused" becomes the "abuser."


    So it's a good question because the energy transfer is about jing energy but there is "yin jing" energy and "yang jing" energy - I would say that because of the strong chi energy in babies from their strong heart energy then they have lots of yin chi energy as "yang jing" energy - and so qigong master Chunyi Lin even made this point at the Level 3 class - how babies can cry and cry but after just maybe resting for 10 or 15 minutes their voice is just as loud as it was before. I don't recommend this but his point is that babies do have strong jing energy as the voice transmits and expresses the jing energy. To hear the voice of a baby in a happy loving energy transmission is the best - a singing baby is so pure and full of love. Or the baby just learning to speak - learning as an expression of love.


    Yea, I remember reading a book about this lady who had very acute clairvoyance and said that most babies tend to have a bright white aura around them. This makes sense why their energy is so pure and how it effects the other people around the baby.


    Babies can bring out the best in people and definitely open the heart chakra when needed. It is also funny how most women will begin to lactate when they hear a baby cry. haha.

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  18. Well my personal opinion is that my Metal element is not strong enough yet as I was kind of talking about in the 5 element thread. Since the Metal element is about boundaries this would explain why a while back I was super sensitive to other people's emotions, and now why I suppose I am sensitive to being drained.


    I've noticed that pretty much the only grey hairs I have anywhere on my body are along my metal element meridians (lung/large intestine).


    Also in the past I used to feel sad a lot. So I think all this meditation is improving things as the sadness and emotional sensitivity issues are not really so much a problem anymore. Just seems like the draining issues remains.


    Back when I was working on the sensitivity issue and I did discover about myself eventually was that I was kind of over empathetic. It was like I cared too much about what people were feeling so it was like my mind then followed suit and picked up on what they were feeling. Lack of boundaries, due to lack of metal lol. Seems like what happened was that the more I meditated and built up qi through mindfulness that it must have strengthened my metal element (along with other things) so I was able to be more detached and thus have better boundaries. I also found the homeopathic remedy Phosphorous to help too as its good for people who are too sensitive to others.


    As far as being drained I think it might be related to my intense desire to help other people. Thus the whole reason I'm studying TCM in the first place. Of course the problem in the past is I've tended to martyr myself in the process. So my hunch is that this is showing me that I just need to develop another level of my metal element so that I can exercise detachment on this level too and further improve my boundaries.


    Hope that makes sense.


    All of my experiences with vampirism came to me due to me looking to 'grow' and 'understand' energy. In doing so, I opened myself to the sh*t storms of this world seeking the 'Truth'. What I found by studying this phenomenon about people who practice vampirism is they themselves can be highly empathic. There is no ONE way to work with energy, but the path is all the same in the end. Vamps are able to feel the energy of others, when this happens they sort of zone in and begin to see what will push this other persons buttons. Sometimes they will try to do it covertly, in this case, A TRUE VAMPRIE. Not a unconscious individual with 'social problems'. Either by direct contact or they will begin arguing with you for no reason or they will begin telling you about their problems and expect you to do something about it. They will be highly aggressive or mean in the process or they will even use depression as a tool against their prey. Essentially belittling their prey with negativity and seeking a release of energy from their prey in the process. Sort of like a defeat cycle... Yin and Yang definitely at play here, but in reverse order. Tell these people to F* off until you've developed a higher sense of posterity. They will only drag you down to hell with them.


    For the unconscious vamp, the best thing to do is to RAISE awareness for this person so they can see where their energy is going and how they are using it. If this person is servilely blocked in their meridians, vamping may have began as a coping mechanism to get through the day.


    Now for those people like yourself who are empathic and are able to feel and maneuver with other people's energy, you NEED to be mindful that others people is not always are PURE as yours maybe. This can make you sick or HIGHLY lazy. When your simply engaging with your friend, you may be exchanging energy and this exchange could be her energy that is making you tired since your so sensitive. Remember when you begin meditating, you automatically begin purifying your own energy system and in the process you will become a recycle bin for others as well. It is strange, but I have noticed this common occurrence. Probably why monks enjoy training in solitude or others who are practicing as well. If you were to see 'dirty energy' it looks hazy and resonates in a chaotic manor in the mind's eye, as energy can take on certain attributes when the body is out of balance.


    An interesting thing to notice as well, is if you have ever had a mate or sexual partner for quite some time, you may notice that eventually your sexual energy or bodily secretions will smell like theirs after enough intercourse. A good TCM practitioner is able to smell the jing of another and tell how healthy this other person is due the practitioners inherited purity as well (hopefully). An interesting that tends to happen with acupuncture therapist and TCM practioners is they will often come across patients with terrible energy and every neophyte eventually learns that it is essentially to know how to ground yourself and to close the energy channels within the body before seeking to help another. People have different approaches for this since everyone sort of learns there own way to read and work with energy, some are able to absorb the toxic energy and transmute it, while others will close their chakras and meridians while practicing, and some will even gather the toxic energy and then release it out in nature when they get the chance. Strange stuff right? lolz.

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  19. You know what? I have never inhabited a goose body. What we see here is a goose corpse, like a human corpse.

    A corpse is neither dead nor alive. It is like an uninhabited ice cube taken out of a freezer and left to melt.

    So, nothing died.


    Am I inhabiting a human body? Seems so but I don't think so. Anyway, what's on your mind? Spit it out, buddy.



    Hahhaaha. So your not a human. I see why your so ambiguous about this topic then. Now it all makes sense. What can you honestly be sure of sree besides the fact that you don't know anything...

  20. So I go - o.k. that sounds like the different levels of samadhi. I was thinking of how it's described in Patanjali's Yoga Sutra but I didn't reference the book. I said - so you actually become the chair. Qigong master Jim Nance then said: I can become all the chairs in this room. I said -- so your awareness -- your being actually expands. Who you are. He said yes. At this point it started to really sink in that this is the Emptiness formless awareness -- the God consciousness -- in action.




    I shared how I had this telepathy experience and qigong master Jim Nance said that I would be amazed at how those experiences would be more common and even become the norm. Qigong master Jim Nance said that there could be a building in the room as high as the IDS tower (our local sky scraper) - that this building could just appear during meditation so that you would not even be able to see the other wall in the room. I said - so is it like spirit travel? He said - I wouldn't even try to name it. He said - just be aware of the experience and appreciate it to see how it develops.


    Hahah. Cool! This tends to happen to me a lot in my sleep. Random visions at times. Telepathic moments. I will literally get visions of text messages on my cell phone from people seeking to talk to me or I will see some one's photo in my mind's eye as if it was a skype call or something. hahaa. Very cool stuff!


    I asked qigong master Jim Nance if he had healed other people while he had been talking to me. He said he had. I asked qigong master Jim Nance if he can hear people call his name. He said that he tries not to listen anymore but that sometimes he is aware of this. I asked qigong master Jim Nance then if people call on his energy so then he sends them energy? He said that sometimes he is aware of this but that otherwise his energy just gets sent - like a formula. Qigong master Jim Nance said how sometimes when people call on his energy then his energy goes to combine with their energy but neither of them is aware this is happening.

    Yea. This can be annoying if you practice any energy work with shady people in the past.




    So now I had the proof!! The qigong masters really could see inside my room!! But I wanted to make sure so I said to qigong master Jim Nance -- I said - not that I need proof but can you see my family members? He said that would be an intrusion into their privacy.

    Hahaha. Bio-location! Amazing!


    Thanks for posting drew! Very cool stuff! I wish I could meet this man. He could probably teach me a lot.

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  21. Hahhaha. The thing about opening the third eye is well, you will see things differently for one and you may not like what you see at all.


    It usually happens if you keep cultivating, I was told one needs to raise their energy level to open it properly. Doing it through magick or ritual and cause bumps on the path as well as entity issues that can leave your sight third eye sight blind and bias apparently.


    I am sure there is a Buddhist meditation for this, but seek to cultivate awareness basically. Open your eyes, take a snap shot of your surroundings, close your eyes and imagine where you are physically. This can help.


    Also, are you familiar with kitsunes? Nine tailed fox? :P