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Posts posted by DragonsNectar69k

  1. DragonsNectar69k,

    That was correct, I was not talking about human beings earlier which is why I used the term "demonic forces". Btw I'm no expert on the subject but such forces come in many stripes and levels of what could be called inverted intelligence, (to a point anyway) thus there is the importance for a spiritual master that may deal with same to be "beyond the point of no return" on the path of truth - meaning that they could not be turned, corrupted or defeated even by the demon of the 7th hell being that they have already faced, understood and passed through relentless tests of soul related to parallel like forces within themselves. (then "la la land" talk is no longer just talk but the real deal of quintessential purity and truth beyond any measure!)


    Hahaha! That's one hell of a demon. Most of this la la stuff I talk about is merely me observing what I indeed experience in my dream states and when my third eye is open and fully aware.


    I don't worry all that much about this sort of stuff these days, but I do feel it is good to inform others. Once you meet higher beings, you sort of can't go back from go, so to speak. Demons could care less about virtue, but there is something to be said when others of higher intelligence are watching over you.

  2. I think 3bob is speaking generally about energy and demons. If you ever get time to read up on this, you can ask any seasoned magus or witch who isn't out to manipulate/influence you about the dangers of conjuring demons. Most of the work is usually keeping CONTROL of the demon. True demons are NOT intelligent, they are utter brutes.

  3. Isn't part of loving kindness meditation to give heart energy to your enemies? And wouldn't a vampire be considered an enemy?


    I see anyone that I feel anger toward as a vampire. Is fighting against an energy vampire giving them more energy? If someone does something to anger me the sooner I forgive and forget the less energy they get from me.


    If someone is taking my energy consciously, and I don't feel like I am in control of breaking the exchange, then what can be done? I have done visualizations of shields, of cutting a rope of energy, of sending off a massive surge like a shock wave, and of imploding myself through inter-dimensional planes in a sort of liquid light that disperses and disappears at the same time.


    Hrmm. I have only expierenced this consciously when I stupidly allowed it. If the other person does not agree to stop, you bust them in the genitalia. There is a reason why the Buddha supposedly had a sheathed penis and testicles it seems..

  4. I think it should be noted as well, there seems to be a energy threshold in the body. Even after several weeks of semen retention for me, I seem to have peaked, so to speak. Unless I can convert the rest of the energy into Shen some how, maybe that is where the infinite awaits.


    But yes, vampires, those with unquenchable thirst who never truly seem to sleep or wake.

  5. I think the secret to recharging quickly is really opening up your third eye (if I've understood what he's been saying)


    Yea I remember reading some where that if one is pure enough and the third eye is open, you can take in light or be fed energy by goddesses.


    So the over all picture here is basically saying that a lot of man kind may not be ready for higher truths or knowledge until Love becomes the true focus, rather than survival of the fittest. Interesting.


    Yeah people have invoked me. haha. So it seems people say to get your energy to a higher frequency so that the psychic vampire can not sense it. Qigong master Chunyi Lin talked about how some psychic vampires were stealing his energy and so he just let them and then he recharged himself as they were taking his energy. So then the psychic vampires were forced to an unfortunate conclusion - they could not "steal" his energy since it was an infinite supply and so it was not even really "his" energy. So then the psychic vampire realizes their whole materialist win or lose mentality is wrong.


    Our WHOLE Western culture is based on this "win or lose" mentality - consider say Burma in contrast, the national sport is a form of hacky sack with mind-blowing manuevers but the goal is for everyone to cooperate and help each other and then to go into a trance while doing it - everyone is a winner, there are no losers. haha. That's their official national sport!!! Obviously I'm not idealizing Burma but as far as sports go that's pretty cool.


    You explained it a lot better than i could. I definitely need to learn how to recharge from the infinite like Chunyi Li because like you said vampirism is simply a western "win or lose" ideology. It is NOT the Truth. Which is definitely something worth teaching others.

  7. What I have also found, the more I focused on purity and light, there were times when it seemed I was merely being targeted because I chose to focus on that. If I chose not to meditate the next day and simply think about sex and things concerning the lower self, nothing bothered me that day at all. <_< Oh the irony.


    Not until I learned to focus on 'Holy Fire' or fire energy in general, it became easier to focus on purity and not being bothered by others and their influences.

  8. Whoever ancestors helped last night, thanks!


    Woke up from a dream with a native american women and some kind of altar of sorts. I woke up understanding that others energy can be 'cursed' due to past lives, pacts, and karma. Things they have done to themselves due to stupidity, stubbornness, and greed. If one engages in any kind of ritual or transference of energy, one can tarnish their energy field with the karma of others. There are individuals, satanist, witches, who understand this energy phenomenon and chose to desecrate others due to their own indignation and lack of maturity. A dirty trick basically, where one comes with a dump truck full of 'spiritual garbage' and dumps it on one's front lawn. This energy can look like static energy or 'chaos' energy as well. The whole intention is to provoke anger, hatred, etc in the victim (this can also be viewed as a satanist/dark initiation if the victim is seeking a ticket to hell) . Essentially becoming infected with the aggressors very own problems. The energy will usually look black and clouded and absent of light, concerning the aggressor. Which is why purity is KEY concerning proper cultivation or light. In the Kabbalah, these individuals would be known as the dark brothers. Basically a life long power trip, until some one of equal caliber can set such a person in their place. These people are known as the goat keepers apparently.


    Needless to say, that was an interesting dream. I was basically told that I learned a very hard lesson and that I should not have native american curses in my blood/energy and they were taken and that these people's ancestors will be taken care of the rest of the problem. I literally felt the sensation of 'pride' being taken from my heart chakra. Interesting and this picture comes to mind..




    Which brings up a great point. If one is ever to engage in any kind of energy work or magick with others, GO WITH YOUR GUT! It never seems to fail!

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  9. i never really meditated, i just dont worry about everyday stuff like gossip and what people think of me, or finances, family issues, etc.. my mind is in a relaxed peaceful state, no thoughts of sex, hatred, or anything negative, i believe it's because of my past life that i'm experiencing these inspirations now, it's like an invisible hand guiding me towards the right path, i'm born into a buddhist family, a lot of stuff makes sense now, it's like i know who i am now and i'm not just another number in this world,


    some can say this world is heaven and hell in a way, some people are born into bad families, a drunken father, povertry, disease, some live in peace and tranquility, some live in a lavish lifestyle, the karma you create in the past will determine your next life, if you're selfish and evil, you'll born into an enviroment and family where selfish and evilness exist, three days ago, there was a homeless man that jumped off a 4-story garage and killed himself right across my college campus, it's sad because he was in depression, lonilness, nothing was going for him and he took his own life. i'm thankful for the life i have, my family is wealthy and we're all practice dharma in our daily lives, we have been given the opportunity to practice dharma, i'm thankful that my family is safe and we have a roof under our heads, im thankful for coming across buddhist teachings, monks and gurus...i believe it's important to feel gratitude in the situation you're in, being thankful for given a life on earth to learn and improve your positive karma


    keys to happiness

    1. solitude

    2. gratitude

    3. compassion

    4. being healthy physically and mentally

    5. developing yourself, conquer yourself, find out who you are, what's your role in this world

    6. be positive, be happy for others, smile at the world and the world will smile back


    sorry rambling again haha, i love to talk about buddhism and spirituality,


    I highly agree! I experience many dreams as well, but I have yet to help feed others it seems. I have only helped people cross over to other realms so they are not stuck here. What happens is a door opens with all white energy that I can see in my minds eye and you can see the outline of the ghost/person crossing over. You no longer feel this person's presence around you anymore as well.


    I have yet to look into cultivating with mantra's, but I agree with the dharma and may have to look into this because it seems the dharma is a great answer to help those who may be stuck on the path or are suffering from bad karma or choices that stem from witch craft and dark arts. Some thing needs to be done with the bad karma. Right?


    I once had a dream with a monk as well. Bald head. Huge smile. Dark red robe. Seemed Buddhist. Basically I went out of body in the dream and I watched him float over my body as he meditated over me. The next day I woke up with a force field around my head. It was serene and the thought of utter nothingness is what came to mind. I remember being at work, literally zoned out to... NOTHING. I was in utter bliss for no reason. After while though, the people around me brought me back down to hell and frustration ensued. It was a great experience though. I only saw this monk one last time in my dreams. Needless to say, there are some who are going a tremendous work on the other side to help those in need!

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    But it's a bleak worldview to see only the hustlers. Working relationships charge both sides because both parties give. Let your lover fill your entire field of awareness, she will be charged and in turn she'll charge you. And as you receive more, you'll have more to give, and so goes the upward cycle.


    Listening is giving, yang within yin; where attention goes, Qi follows.


    Yes! That is how it "should" be. Higher and higher states of awareness and energy. The technique of a vampire is the EXACT opposite. A developed vamp who knows that they cannot willingly vamp you due to having higher energy will try to bring you down to their level, essentially bringing you down to hell. It is a dirty trick. This is where one SHOULD defend them selves and do every one else a favor by disabling this person. The Truth hurts some times, but they will be thankful later. Hell only has one purpose and that is to refine said individual before they end up back on the path. So they can acknowledge themselves and their inherit choices. Not to bring others down with you, who may not truly belong there.

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  11. Also, prostitutes, hookers (they tend to live off the Qi of others), casual sex encounters, strip clubs, 'dark lodges', covens, cults, etc are great places to pick up dirty energy and find real world vampires as well as astral entities. Empower yourself by knowing and please don't fall victim and become one.

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  12. I don't know what the Tao of dying is. Do you get it? I just know we can't go on dying off in a horrid fashion like US Army soldiers getting picked off by snipers in Kandahar. The bullet comes out of nowhere and takes off the side of your face. You run for your life and another slug takes you down and you can't feel anything from the waist down. In real life, you won't be that lucky. You won't have buddies carrrying you off away from the line of fire and getting flown off stateside to get patched up and given the best medical care. In real life, you are on your own, buddy.


    It's ok, if you go off to sleep after a nice night out at the Bingo Hall and never wake up again. Chances are, it won't happen like that.



    I'm glad you are asking this question. As long as we keep looking for the Tao of dying, there is hope. Why accept a situation of torture and gruesome ending like prisoners of war? There's got to be a way out. And if we have to die trying, then what's wrong with Plan B to exit with dignity before you lose your hearing and your teeth fall out? Each has his own exit criteria. For me, if I can no longer run an 8-minute mile, it's time to go.


    Hahaha. So your stuck in your lower self and worried about survival. That is normal when your consciousness is lodged down there my friend.

  13. Hahahaa. Where is drew concerning all of this right? I see.


    The Powerful seek the Truth. The wicked seek Control. Now allow me to paint this picture for any of you neophytes or any one who has ever had to deal with such non-sense. Especially for the vampires.


    Vampirism is real and it is alive. There are literal books on amazon as well as 'covens' for these people to congregate and share the same cause, that is making others miserable. One can easily google psionic-vampirism. These people usually tend to be satanist as well.


    When I first started studying magick, I tend to believe in the notion of diving head first into things and then figuring the rest out later. Many of us are not lucky enough to be taught by a loving and wise Master of The Craft who cares about his students. Unfortunately, this path of learning began with a energy vampire who has seem to appear nice and charming.


    Mind you, people are exchanging energy all day long, it is a natural thing. What makes a energy vampire a TRUE vampire is when they have 'awoken' and realize they have abilities and the potential to manipulate and play with energy at will. This is why in most energy schools, the Master does not teach a student some things until they feel the student is 'ripe' enough or responsible to carry on the knowledge. This is to save the student from themselves and the karma they may develop in this life and carry onto the next. It is done out of concern and compassion, not control or pride. As undoing such karma can take life times because an individual can become blinded by them selves and their 'talents'. They cannot see others and the numerous possibilities, but only what it is they want and seek. They can become manic suppressive and high minded about themselves as well. They will use love as a tool to get what they want rather than upholding it as a value or principle. If one could see this person's soul, it would look like a huge black hole with a infinite land fill inside of it twirling in space.


    The vampire I stumbled upon was some one who was highly lethargic and was wanting to use magick to get what he wanted at the cost of anyone else. This person's energy made me soo lazy, I started to get fat after a few months and all I could was sleep. For a few months I was experiencing astral attacks as well as OBE experiences of entities and beings seeking to cast energy and spells as well. All of this happened due to me having a open mind. I could have easily stopped studying magick, but I kept asking why and as the saying goes, curiosity kills the cat. This vampire framed and had me believe that I needed to let my spiritual defenses down (which was a white aura around me and my house, according to the vampire who could see his target) so I could learn and study magick, being stupid and naive I agreed. Needless to say I got to witness the grim reality of others and their intentions when it comes to seeking magick here in the West. I knew no relative Truth nor basis to go on. It was like being in the aftermath of a nuclear bomb and hoping you survive. I ended up in the hospital after a few months of repeat episodes with random individuals in this man's coven who had nothing better to do than abuse their abilities and take out their strife on others like myself. Luckily while I was in the hospital, I ended up encountering a higher being one night and was assured that all these things would stop. This being was a woman who radiated unconditional love, mind you. A total different sentiment compared to the rest of the people who I had originally trusted.


    Believe it or not, I woke up one morning (before going to the hospital) with fang marks on my neck from a astral vampire who I saw in my sleep the night before. Basically this vampire was highly skilled and possessed psychic abilities as well as martial art abilities to harness and weave energy at will. I believe this individual took up vampirism to obtain a short cut on the 'path' to acquire more energy so he could do what he wanted. This individual felt highly alone and suppressed as a child. He told me he was even gifted as a child when he was born, but suffered a lot of trauma and heart ache growing up. It seems all of this turned in-ward and he began taking out his pain on the world. As intelligent as he was, he did not seem to care about his karma and about digging himself into a deeper hole in the next life. Heck, he may have even been a vampire in his last life. He did not care about cultivating anything besides utter power and control it seems.


    Needless to say, vampires are individuals who only care about themselves. They only cause problems and they learn early on by causing problems they can obtain what they want, it seems to be a mind set more than a way to work with energy. It is highly selfish and truly unwise. These individuals will stay stuck on the path until they accept responsibility for themselves and stop blaming others for their life. It is my opinion to not bother with a TRUE vampire as it is their intent to leach and not have to worry about practicing or cultivating energy, it truly is STEALING for the benefit of another. If you encounter a vampire in real life and feel the need to hinder this individual, you should aim directly at the genitalia and cause it to be wounded, either with energy or physically. This will greatly hinder a vampire and may cause them to quit cold turkey because not only will they not being able to 'enjoy' the energy they have stolen, but they won't be able to harness or produce energy at a higher level until they heal themselves directly. I only say this because I am no healer and if one truly knows they are doing another a disservice, than I see no karmic reputation on my part besides teaching this individual a hard earned lesson. That is how I heal others. :P


    Because these are people who DO NOT WANT TO HEAL and become self-sufficient, they simply want to leach so they can have more sex and over-power others. They tell themselves that it is OK to do so because they deserve to be happy while others suffer. They want to blame others and spread their psychological virus as far as the world can see, due to their inherit conviction and indignation. It is that simple. Stay away from their energy and if you cross paths with a vampire, tread softly because you are dealing with some one who does not care about your well being at all.


    Also, for vampires who have yet turned full blown draconian, a less brutal method is too imagine a cord going from that individuals genitalia to the ground. This will ground the vampire and hopefully help them and their problems resolve.


    Also, looking at this issue from a wider perspective, TRUE vampires tend to create MORE vampires. They know this and do it on purpose. The technique is simply to drag others down to hell with them knowingly.


    Cultivate wisely and focus on what matters. I learned a lot last year and I am still learning, need less to say. But vampires should not be tolerated if one is an honest individual on the path.


    Also, if you get a chance to talk to an actual healer I am willing to bet a few quid they can tell you a slew of vampire stories.


    And YES I have a vendetta these days concerning such individuals. :ph34r:

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  14. errr... thanks man but I seriously think whatever benefit I get from this is outweighed by the side effects of the sleeping pills I have to take lol.


    That 21 days was an anomaly; I've ejaculated pretty much every day of my life since age 13 and many days I ejaculate several times a day. I'm still in my 20's but most ppl think I look several years younger.





    Hrmm. I guess you don't have high amounts of stress. Interesting.

  15. I did this for 21 days a couple of months ago in order to investigate the effects of all the heat buildup in my body. By week two there was tons of heat and I could warm up any part of my body just thinking about it, but I had lots of twitching, insomnia, and agitation, and I couldn't sleep at night. I was doped out on sleeping pills. Finally I ejaculated and felt better. I make sure I ejaculate daily or at the minimum once every other day to prevent this.


    Ummm. I don't know how old you are, but you are going to want to savior this. Being able to direct that heat any where in the body is a good thing to be able to do, helps nourishes the body and bones. Keeps your energy field intact. If you are constantly masturbating and having sex, by the time your 30 you will feel as a old man. Just an fyi.

  16. Hrmmm. What is this day 25 since my last nocturnal emission? I don't have a problemo with masturbation or porn. My focus/concentration is sharp and deep, which is something I've been wanting to cultivate. I could probably go longer if it wasn't for nocturnal emissions, but I have have been at this for over 100 days already and now I am able even resist ejaculation while i am lucid dreaming. I noticed that I am able to fight off entities/beings that subsist off of sexual fluids.


    Lately I have been having dreams where beings have been asking to me to jack off or I encounter some one who seeks to control my free will and my hand begins to masturbate in mid air. It's rather funny and stupid. I've even had dreams where I am imagining my self cumming in the dream, but when I wake up, I am dry down there and still have my energy intact.

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  17. Here is something that you may find enlightening, whether or not you do, is truly up to you...


    Here is a picture of a goose... It seems to be dead right? But yet it still exists.... So what truly 'died' sree?


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  18. On the contrary, reality does change based on what you see reality as because conciousness is what you are. If you see yourself as a human being, that's what you are. If you see yourself as a man (or a woman), that's what you are. If you see yourself as a person with a body and a brain with its own consciousness, then that's the reality.



    What do you mean by mastering the consciousness? What is your reality? Do you see the consciousness as something you can fiddle with? How do you master the sense of sight? Are you the seer of things and the toucher of things? Are you the listener who hear sounds? Are you the thinker who is figuring things out and making the choice to master its own reality?


    What are you? Hold your head with both your hands and ask the question again.


    Once again your simply projecting your own lack of answers and insecurities onto others. Your the one looking for answers, remember that. Only you can 'have' those answers, no one else mr. stocker investor.

  19. "In our age of "i want this right now," there is a constant search for easy methods and quick solutions. In fact there is no royal road to magical practice, any more than there is a royal road to any other skill or ability. Those who promise quick and easy solutions to complex developmental processes are usually either charlatans or people who have nothing real to offer students."


    Quoted for its truth, that I have been realizing lately; Wrong reasons become right on the other side of night.


    What I have found most of the time, is most people tend to have some kind of middle man in the astral realm. An entity that sort of does of the behind the scenes work. Whether this person is a necromancer, a magus, a witch, a priest, etc. There seems to be so many different entities in the astral realms Gods, angels, demons, etc.

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  20. Everyone is dying and will never live again.

    Says who? You? Right.... No. F*ck you, I can live again if I want to. That's consciousness for you sree. You see?


    Really? I am listening. Please tell me about immortality.

    Quite simple... You imagine it. What you think, you become. Pretty sure you've heard that several times.


    Sounds interesting. Please explain to me the nature of this consciousness - my consciousness - that has nothing to do with life or death.

    It is not your consciousness. The world does not revolve around you, it never has, and it never will. That is TRUTH. But many do not enjoy acknowledging such Truth. It is simpler to ignore said fact and believe that everyone cares and loves us. That one is some how SO important and worthy of everything. Which is far from the Truth. Most people are afraid and look for security. They don't want to die, not because dying is hard or easy, because they are simply afraid of the unknown. Dying can be fun, if one makes it so. Dying means NOTHING. But yet people are afraid of it. Just as you may be afraid of losing all your life savings on the stupid stock markets, it means nothing. Your the one who gives it meaning, when the market is simply reacting to how it has been created and implicated.

  21. It's not that hard, first time I read about it was in IIH. Also there are other books specifically on creating them.


    My 2 cents, Peace


    Yea I am going to read about it when I get the chance. I honestly don't know if they are worth switching up my current 'methods'. Most of the time I am in first person view when going astral it seems and can do things in first person. But it would be interesting having a middle man of sorts between me and the astral realm so to speak.

  22. I think consciousness is immortal. But as long as I feel that this consciousess comes from my brain, then when the brain dies, I am going to go out too.


    I see. Now riddle me this, how far can you truly see? As far as your arms can reach? Hence my focus on OBE's sir. There is more than meets the eye and those with 'eyes to see and hears to hear' KNOW THIS. Mmmmk?


    One cannot describe the vision of a bat if they are blind themselves... You see stock investor? You may know where the market is going to day, but I surely do not. I have not cultivated or developed the means to know so... It's that simple. If you want to die and never live again you surely can. If you want to live and be immortal, you surely can as well. So in this case, there is NO death, there is NO life, there is only consciousness. Which is all THAT IS.


    Also don't argue with me or take my word for it, because that is silly is it not? Taking a stock tip from a reviling investor... :D

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  23. I've seen two immortals who looked like wizards with robes and hure fore heads, in my dreams mid-sleep. They looked like cartoon characters in the dream or avatars so to speak. They had white beards as well. Twas an interesting experience. They laughed a lot and said they're heads were so big from storing up knowledge.