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Posts posted by DragonsNectar69k

  1. They are similar....you can use them for anything, they are not intrinsically bad or good, it's the intent and programming behind them that matters. I have never used them, but supposedly they can be a very useful tool for some magusus.


    My 2 cents, Peace


    Yea. Tis what I figured. Hrmmm. I am curious to know what kind of abilities are also needed to interface with them. Clairvoyance and clairvoyance? I can only 'interface' with the unseen when I am sleeping or right before I wake up.


    I have seen other things like angels and other beings as well in my dream state or in my minds eye before I wake up. So I guess the question is, how does a magus learn how to use elementals... hrmm.

  2. Either we will face a great apocalypse brought on by ourselves, which could either destroy us or fix, or we might just more or less continue in this direction...now that's a future that might happen, but what really will happen, is that after I cultivate myself and master various powers and abilities, I will rewrite the rule book to reality for a lot of free thinkers out there...in other words, I'm the next Avatar


    I've met many people who think like this and I can't help but laugh. This is the kind of thinking that has got man to where he is today. Self-importance. No one really gives a shit when some dies or passes on, besides Hollywood celebrities. Look att what the world did to some one like Jesus who claims to have actually gave a shit about 'sinners' or even the Buddha himself or any other Godly figure or pantheon. :huh:


    Whether or not man evolves or dies off, it does not matter, because man has yet to truly understand the beginning and true meaning of his/her existence. Is man merely physical bodies or does man truly have a soul? Etc... Maybe we do not know these things because it would be easy to tamper around and destroy ourselves. Needless to say, I know that I am more than my physical body due to various OBE's and I know there is STILL more than meets the eye concerning our reality. Hence why I don't bother with apocalyptic thinking nor do I care for it. If the higher beings are, who they say they are, they will be there in our time of need. We are supposedly their children. Even satan watches over his hapless minions. This thing called 'love' is what drives our world and we have to get it right due to inherited biases and greed. :mellow:

  3. Just had to share this experience today. Ok so my roommate is female. A nice agreeable person no complaints at all. A few months ago she got this new bf so most of the time is not around very often which is cool for me cause I get the place to myself a lot.


    Well this afternoon it just so worked out that I was back from school and she was there for a while taking care of some stuff. So we are sitting on the couch watching tv but I'm really tired so I'm kind of just sitting there with my eyes closed.Well I guess the first thing I noticed was that I was tired in the first place which is why I was closing my eyes. Well second thing I notice is that I feel a bunch of my energy going into her. It was weird but I perceived it like this cloud or field around me going into her. So in my thoughts I'm like "NO! don't take my energy!". With an extreme exertion of my will I feel it stop going to her. At that exact moment she made some kind of random sound which distracted me from that, and made me think of her again (simply the fact that she was there). At this point I feel my energy resume to go to her. So I exert my will again for my energy to not go to her, but basically the whole time she was sitting next to me like that I had to concentrate my will in order for my energy to not to go her.


    After about a minuet of me stopping my energy from going to her, she gets up off the couch and continues to go about doing her stuff. After this incident it occurred to me that with her being gone a lot lately that the contrast suddenly hit me. I realized that when she is around that I am usually more lethargic, but sort of the same flavor of lethargy as I experienced after talking to the girls at the clinic


    Speaking of the girls at the clinic. Today was the first day of the summer semester so we were back in class. Now last week one of the girls who was also making up hours at the clinic was in my class. Usually she has been very quiet and kept to herself, but she was very chatty today which is very unusual for her. She is another one that I felt very tired after talking to last week.


    This is all very odd. The only difference lately is that I have been meditating a LOT. Freaky experiences lol.


    You need to ground your energy back into the lower dan tien if your not already doing so with your qi-qong practice or meditation, circulate the energy around your aura, and then concentrate it back into the 'furnace'. All of it, especially if your around females. What happens is that male and female energy will automatically polarize and create a circuit so to speak where energy can be transferred back and forth. Since this chick is dating some one else, she is merely using you as a surrogate boyfriend so she can subconsciously harmonize or balance her energy. It's not until you get a girl friend, or if you had one in the past, that you will see how it is possible to energize each other sexually with not a lot of effort. By grounding all of your energy back into the lower dan tien, she will have to turn you on sexually to get your energy, so it will be harder. If your really good at cultivating, you can transform your energy to a higher frequency, shen, and she may not be able to 'feed'.


    Also don't try thinking about it. Allowing your consciousness to go there, allows energy to flow there.

    I've also read about bringing in the aura skin tight, but I have never bothered with this, if one practices focusing enough you can make energy stand still.



    Since I am not always around females, I don't cultivate enough Yin chi it seems. Any time where I am around females for a extended around of time I tend to drain them or they became irate because I fail to reciprocate since i am so focused on personal cultivation and studies. Genuinely, it is suppose to be a win-win, give and take situation, where balance can be had naturally.

  4. Sure - there is something people call a "crown orgasm" which is when the jing energy rains down from the top center point on the skull - rains down through the whole body in deep orgasm feeling.


    But when the third eye opens then there is permanent magnetic bliss in the center of the brain - and yes it is very much a child like enthusiasm - more respect for primary perception - seeing things just in an innocent playful way like the way a baby is filled with joy by the simplest perceptions.


    Also like a baby - the body changes - but.... anyway you want to talk about "brain orgasm" - I think I even posted on this online - maybe you saw that on google or something.




    Nope - i called it brain sex.




    Interesting way of describing it. Never experienced such a state. Does the heart need to be open?

  5. What drives this 'singularity' is there are those who feel it is needed. Many are OK with truly living with and cultivating darkness, fighting wars, and upholding 'pride' as love, which is NOT true love. As long as there is some kind of opposition or misunderstanding of cultures, the reality of 'the survival of the fittest' will drag on and on. A vicious cycle where people 'get it while the getting is good' and can only ascend to the heights of spiritual ecstasy while climaxing with another partner. Hence why sex was and is considered so sacred for most religions and cultures, when really sex is normal for the God's. Being able to create life at will and uphold it as well.


    Believe it or not, there are higher states of awareness that go beyond bliss. Many worthy one's have written about it and have visited these worlds. It is the greed here on earth that does not allow man to ascend yet. It keeps him locked into his lower self where he thinks that is all there is.... Until he finds himself materially rich but spiritually poor, but it is too late because said person is usually already old and dying. Cultivate wisely.


    Essentially man needs to go beyond money, power, and sex. To truly change himself or the world for the better. If you ever get the chance to spend time with 'rich folks' you will see that not even money can 'save you'.

    • Like 1

  6. My understanding is that the way you vibrate in life is the way your going to vibrate In death. We can consciously change and heighten are vibrations through cultivation.


    My 2 cents, Peace


    I have to agree with you. After going out of body, it seems easier to leave and move about when one's consciousness is not weighed down with heavy emotions or thoughts.

  7. You may find this helpful for your situation:


    "One time when I was out of my body I encountered, for the first time, a threatening black elemental. Instinctively I reached for my sword. I thought I was a knight fighting an evil enemy. I immediately realized that was not the way to fight elemental.


    Well how did you fight that that monster? I said smiling. I created with my mind an elemental radiating white light and directed it against the black elemental. You never fail if you know how to do that. Kostas then went on to say that whenever he feels that an elemental is too powerful for him, he just runs back to his body for safety." The Magus of Strovolos by Kyriacos C. Markides



    My 2 cents, Peace


    Haha. Very cool. What exactly are elementals and what do people use them for primarily? I've read that they are kind of like servitors and it seems a lot of satanist and greedy psychics/witches use them. I've yet to see a healer use them.

  8. If man is able to accept change the possibilities are numerous, greed is the main issue these days. What I do see happening is the end of the USD and paper currency with the use of the internet to exchange funds. I also see the possibility of renewable energy systems that are not oil based. I also see the possibility and great understanding of light being used as a technology to generate electricity as well as storing information. I believe space travel will eventually happen on its own. I also see the possibility of new knowledge being dispensed by higher beings for those who are ready to learn, are responsible, and willing to accept it.


    It is also my hope that people will do away with dogmatic religion and begin to focus on self-mastery and arouse higher bodies for the sake of evolution and become 'energy' minded.

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    Invocation: This is an act that involves drawing an entity or person’s consciousness into your own for either partial or full possession. The benefit of doing this can be to obtain information, achieve union with an entity, or as part of an offering ritual to the entity. I’ve experimented with the process of invoking one’s self into an entity or person, because I’ve found that invocation is a two-way street. Invoking yourself into someone else can used to help that person work through a trauma, though it can also be used for less ethical purposes[1].


    So that is what happened! When I started reading about magick and practicing I unfortunately had a run in with a under cover satanist who used magick for nefarious purposes. I did not find out who this person really was until I began noticing astral attacks and such when I would dream at night. This individual would ask me to hold magickal 'objects' for him, stupid me not knowing that i was merely giving this predator a link into my subconscious. Eventually I cut off communication with this person, but this is very real. Especially when your dealing with a individual who has low self-esteem and blames the world for their problems. I learned the hard way, but it was a lesson well learned. I studied the the phenomenon so much I can literally feel when others are unknowingly looking to control me or take my free will away. You can feel it near the stomach area, as if some one tries to take a hold. Conflict of interest, to say the least.


    What are some good techniques besides grounding to dislodge others? I usually tend to push back when I feel this phenomenon happening or imagine some one's arm breaking. I guess I should be asking what is a good form of exorcism rather than banishing...? Should be on the list! lol!


    Thanks for posting this by the way!

  10. I get these weird "pulses" in my brain. It's like a moving headache except it doesn't hurt, idunno. It feels like a golfball is rolling around inside my brain and nasal cavitity/throat.


    This "loss in intellect" is very profound, I feel like a absolute vegetable around people and myself


    I feel like any type of cold logic/book smarts/superfluous thinking I've gained is leaving. It's especially scary because writing was an important part of my life, I don't really do anything else- I'm not doing much of anything lately


    Ahhh yes. The hapless void. The serenity of nothingness. I can't define this for you but what your experiencing is basically the letting go of the ego. If your practicing Kundalini meditation, this may be normal. Eventually you will realize something about this once you accept this state of awareness and you will move onto greater states of knowledge and knowing. The thing about higher beings and the universe is they are constantly willing to teach you stuff that makes NO SENSE to us humans and our rational mind. It's from a higher perspective. Most schools of thought agree that having a mind full of facts is useless when one can easily keep the mind empty and fill it with only the stuff it may need for the moment and then let it go. Travel lite.

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  11. I need to focus on dying. This is the one thing that is controlling how we live our lives and we are all living it badly because we don't know how to deal with it.


    It amazes me how the brilliant masters of the universe - like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Carlos Slim (the richest of them all) - were and are not seeking the solution to this universal human problem. Rats in the maze, all of them. And Steve Jobs had no excuse because he was into India- style spirituality and Zen Buddhism in a more serious way than all of us are into the Dao.


    I am keeping this thread going because I find your mind amusing and entertaining. I like seeing how it works. I am not too sure if you want to be taken seriously or if you are merely hung up on why we must live to then die... It is a great question to ask, but ONLY you can find the answer.... ^_^ Since one of your 'masters' is Steve Jobs, who is dead by the way... Maybe you should look into his finally moment of life here on earth...




    “Oh wow.” Two words that can have many meanings.

    Steve Jobs’s sister Mona Simpson has a moving tribute in the New York Times detailing some of his final moments and his last words.

    According to the article, titled “A Sister’s Eulogy for Steve Jobs,” Jobs’s last words were “OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW.” (The words were rendered in all capital letters in the essay.)



  12. Winged_Wolf, most spirits of a non-material origin point do not require foreign energy for their own maintainence, as they already have a complex matrix of energies which, by various governing laws, sustain them on the astral level. As Dion Fortune also notes, only those human souls which fear The Second Death and have the resources to attach themselves to our world for a period of time are subject to both entropic laws and attrition damage. Spirits such as these are required to feed off of energy on this level of existence, not fully existing on the astral realm themselves, and therein not able to sustain themselves with the raw energies in the astral. However, such human souls are few and far between, though often the source of hostile hauntings and extreme psychic-vampirism. The most common area of such hauntings today is South-Eastern Europre, where various Black Lodges reside, and therein do exist many talented necromancers who know how to escape the Second Death and sustain themselves as a soul via vampirism.


    Apparently the spirit is not hostile, but I would still practice keeping a shield up, as well as setting up construct barriers in at least one room of your house, preferably your bedroom, so that the spirit can not enter there. This gives you both an undisturbed place of rest and study, as well as a "safehouse" of sorts in the event that the spirit does become hostile. http://forums.vsociety.net/index.php?topic=2941.10;wap2

  13. Hahaha. I fell asleep and took a nap. I believe I met some one from the article. Said his name was Mike Esnow. Huge tall guy, REALLY tall. Sort of looked like a Eskimo kind of fella. Shook his hand and then woke up.


    It is my honest belief that some maguses and individuals who play with energy and magick end up getting stuck some times in the astral. Known as the second death. It is heard of the book of revelations as well as some vampiric cults who understand the danger and mishaps with doing what they want and forsaking higher beings, aka love. They are then stuck helping themselves some how.


    Found this interview quite fascinating. He talks about Grimoires, Qabalah, dealing with spirits....etc....Good stuff. Enjoy :)http://www.hadeanpress.com/2010/01/a-conversation-with-jake-stratton-kent/

    My 2 cents, Peace

  14. Hrmmm. Just the other night I noticed my left and then right temples on the side of my brain were acting up. Twas strange. Not too sure if it was a clearing or what not. Meditation is still the same, just a lot more sexual energy stored up.

  15. Found this interview quite fascinating. He talks about Grimoires, Qabalah, dealing with spirits....etc....Good stuff. Enjoy :)http://www.hadeanpress.com/2010/01/a-conversation-with-jake-stratton-kent/


    My 2 cents, Peace


    Yea. Very interesting read. It is always nice to have a group that is well grounded, already gifted, and truly interested in learning a craft rather than wanting power and glory, so to speak.


    What I find interesting about grimoires and such is what happens to these spirits? Do they not want to move on and progress into eternity? I know in some cults one must make a pact to serve in their after life, in the astral or whatever, until some one comes along and takes the reigns apparently and hence the lineage goes on.


    I also know some people are able to create spirit entities through sexual magick for their own uses and such, but I can only imagine the karma involved. :mellow:

  16. Past lives are relative. All of life and energy is relative. What masters tend to do is they focus on their state of being and the purity of their energy and inner-kingdom, so when they do incarenate, they are most likely to attract others of the same state. One can intentionally keep good memories as well as bad memories depending upon the person you want to be in said life. Tis why some people are born with siddhi's and powers straight out of the womb and tend to live their youth in learning about themselves again to then decide on what kind of person they want to be in their current life and what it is they seek to pursue. With enough revolvutions one will eventually become an immortal, a God, what have you. That is if one does not utterly destroy themselves in the process. The suffering begins to end and then you begin to seek to help others who may be suffering because they're is nothing else to realize. Usually one's own kids or previous family members. So be nice to every one and hold no biases. lolz.

    • Like 3

  17. Dreams seems to be important to you. We are led to believe that they are nothing more than random brain activity during sleep. You see differently. And you want to be taken seriously.


    Hahaha. Seriously? No, please don't. The world does not need a new religion. We just ARE.

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  18. you can put your index fingers against your thumbs. Do mind concentration. Reverse breathing.


    Avoid eye contact.


    Not sure what else to suggest.


    I mean in the old days if someone was a perv then the man would just beat them up -- but now adays that would be abuse if the perv was a female or whatever.


    Obviously I don't recommend that -- but yeah I really don't know how to stop the energy from being taken by others.


    Actually a female healer I was talking to at the Level 3 class - she said she had the same problem and she didn't know how to stop it.


    ummm..... so of course that's why there were monasteries or the Taoists in caves, etc. or the kungfu masters go into hiding to train, etc. in some remote shack or something.


    The Buddhist text I read recently said the prerequisite for training was at least a mile from the nearest village.


    I was like YEAH - that's the kind of remoteness I'm talking about!! haha.


    So how many could met that prerequisite today considering population density or just sprawl, etc.


    Anyway to sink the energy back down to the lower tan tien - I was told I need to build up my energy so much to a higher frequency so that other people can not even sense I have the extra energy for them to take.


    So I suppose the more higher frequency the energy then the more easily it is to redirect the energy by intention - to keep it stored up.


    I know at that level you do have to control your thoughts also since every thought has power to it.


    umm..... but to get to that level - yeah


    It seems you can get to a certain level where one's energy field is no longer 'clouded' and is pure. Others will not be able to notice it, hence the higher frequencies and being able to go along your merry way. Its sort of how higher beings come and go on this plane, in my opinion.


    I remember reading some where else as well that once you get a certain point in 'purity' you can literally transmute light into lower energies if one desires to do so. The strange thing about light is, it only takes a little to light up a whole room. Like photosynthesis lolz. ;)


    If your dealing with a individual who is knowingly taking or feeding off of your energy so they can go on living within disillusionment that you honestly know is getting in the way of one's personal cultivation. (There are people and cults out there who actually do this unfortunately, to gather energy for there 'craft'.) You need to redirect this individual or person to a higher being or pray for them some how.


    Fighting with this person will only reinforce their lower self and give them cause to prey on you further. Most of the time we are mere babies crying for a bottle, in this case, one's lower self seeking sex and a sense of belonging and security. If you actually come across a true vampire, who has been practicing for many years, too much energy can actually make this person "sick" as they are use to dealing with lower energies and purified Qi can cause strange results in these kinds of people.


    Some times these people who develop vampiric tendencies are hookers, prositutes, cult members, satanist ( who practice a form of vampirism), sorcers, and witches. Just a matter of being able to manipulate energy, but being able to do so can distort one's own energy field to manipulate energy. Hence why most energy teachings are considered secret or taught under a master who is able to gage when a student is ripe enough to do so because one can end up hurting themselves if not prepared or knowlegable enough.

  19. Hahha. If you really want to control inner desire, live with an old person of the opposite sex for a while. They will zap your energy and sex drive for sure.


    Then stop living with said person and you will notice the difference and then hopefully control your desire. Most of the time it is mere excitement that causes a neophyte to go wild with sexual energy. Hence the current porn pandemic and chronic masturbation. Anyone who is learning TCM or is knowledgeable about cultivation can make some decent money helping those who are not 'learned' concerning the importance of respecting themselves and their body, sad to say.


    Cultivating emptiness can allow one to go long periods of time without ejacutlating. With enough empitness, one can be around the opposite sex when they are naked and not feel compelled to expend their energy. But there will always be some amount of energy transfer around the opposite sex due to polarization. Mostly Shen it seems in my expierence, if one is not having sex. Fun stuff to learn.

  20. Hahaha. Almost forgot to post this. Woke up from a dream the other morning. I was in a hostage situation with a bunch of people. In my hand I held a chunk of bread. Before I woke up, I had heard a voice say "Were making a life for a chance to live, not a chance to die..." I then dropped the bread on the ground for the hostager and woke up as I began to walk away. The bread symbolized life, possibly Christ. Beats me. But I found it rather ironic concerning this ongoing thread.


    Those with eyes to see and ears to hear, will know.


    Good Day! ^_^