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Found 1 result

  1. For a while I used to attend the meetings of a spiritualist group. Once, after the session was over, the usual conversations were taking place. My attention was caught by a woman approaching Sam, the group organizer. I gathered that earlier and somewhere else she had made contact with the spirit of a man who had died long ago in America (this was in London, England). For some reason she had been very disturbed by this and asked Sam for advice. Now Sam is very excitedly telling her not only what the spirit was telling her, I forget the details, but that, amazingly this character was in fact one of his (Sams) previous incarnations. Both seemed to think this was significant. How can a 'spirit' reincarnate yet also be available for seances? I would normally have dismissed this as rubbish, but I knew Sam and to a lesser extent the woman, to be highly intelligent and knowledgeable people. I therefore ask, is there any form of spiritual belief that could accommodate such a scenario?