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Found 6 results

  1. The Millennials are coming

    The Millennials are coming. No one can deny the Millennial presence was strongly felt in the 2008 U.S. election. Here are some good resources explaining their traits. Their conformity, obsession to fit in with everyone else, inability to go against the group, inability to find their own path in life, their proficiency with and reliance on technology, expressiveness, narcissism, their extremely high unemployment rate, their inability to take criticism, their need of constant praise, optimism and belief in themselves regardless of reality, their conventionality, why they have ideas like achieving consensus is more important than your own personal beliefs, how racially diverse they are, how comfortable with and accepting they are of inter-racial and gay marriage, how so many of them love tattoos, their civic mindedness, how unified they are politically, and their Liberalism. Their core traits are that they believe they are special, and they are sheltered, confident, team oriented, conventional, pressured, and achieving. Neil Howe- Neil Howe on 60 minutes- CBS 60 Minutes on Millennials- PBS research-
  2. Generation X

    Videos about Generation X, born generally from about 1961 to 1980. Explaining their cynicism, apathy, their greed, their attitude of I'm out for number 1, attitude of survive at any cost, attitude of get more for less effort, their lack of commitment, lack of involvement in civics and politics, and conservatism. Neil Howe- News pieces about Generation X from 1994- Gen X and 911-
  3. Millennials Rising on C-SPAN

    Interesting to look back now today at what was predicted back then-
  4. Characteristics of Baby Boomers

    Neil Howe Explains their individualism, moralism, idealism, obsession with values, culture wars, how divided and split they are politically, their hypocrisy ( take drugs to expand consciousness while young, use drugs to control kids and make them behave when old) and strange ideas like "it's the journey, not the destination man"
  5. The Generations of Today

    Recently I have been extremely interested in how people are affected not just from in-born instincts, but from their cultural upbringing as well. Within a culture, depending when a person is born and grows up, they may end up being very different from people born at a different time. Today we can see a wide variety of generations co-existing in one time period. The generations today are G.I's also called the Greatest Generation, The Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials also sometimes called Generation Y, and the new Homeland Security generation also called Generation Z. Here is Neil Howe on the Generations-
  6. The Fourth Turning

    The concept of Fourth Turning, and a repeating pattern every four generation, is extremely interesting-