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Found 7,591 results

  1. Haiku Chain

    Life is but a dream sing it sing it sing it sing till dizzy you fall.
  2. mystical poetry thread

    In silence I am free from the world of this dream. You are the sun. I am your moon, full with reflection. I am alive! Your love, the flame in my heart, will burn forever and ever.
  3. A Path To Enlightenment

    Allinone, Yes, what you described above is “Avijja”… when we are little children we learn how to act like the adults around us by watching them, and doing what they do… we also watch children older than us and learn from them… we want to act like adults so we mimic their actions… even when we “play”, we play by pretending we are acting like adults…if adults get angry, we learn to get angry… if adults lie to each other, we learn lie to each other… if adults hit each other, we learn to hit each other… whatever we see and experience around us, we consider to be normal behavior… and our actions and reactions, and the emotions that they generate become automatic… our actions and reactions, and emotions that they generate are no longer controlled by our conscious mind, they are now controlled by the subconscious mind (our Citta)…we then forget that we learned these actions and reactions, and think that they are our “gut reaction” to the world around us…we no longer control what we have learned, it controls us… we have been brainwashed, and don’t even know it… this is what Avijja (delusion) is, and how it controls our conscious mind…this is why we need to purify the Citta (subconscious mind)… before we can reach “awakening”, and why enlightenment is called “awakening”… it is like awakening from a dream…that seemed so real that it deluded us… Dawg
  4. Drugs or Meditation?

    When being awake we have no clue, so now we can learn, gain knowledge. There is no time so we experience change (the brick) arriving, which is creating time, space and the (brick) experience. This is knowledge and that is what moves the corps away from the arriving missile. I guess you can say that one being without identification is having no preoccupation about anything, we can be no elsewhere. The mind or consciousness is as clear as it is, and so it provide the awaken one with the awareness of the alarming fact that knowledge and change in reality is coming - Deal with it or "it" will deal with you. It is death. The experience of being is coming to an end - but the awaken one is not coming to an end because it ends the experience of coming to an end sooner than the end arrives. The feeling of the energy impuls from the impact of the brick carries no subject identity. It is not hurtfull, no pain and no joy either, just a vibration of energy. If you like to think that "you" are not a brick, you will soon learn the consequens of the misunderstanding. The brick is a part of the body anyway and one can be no elsewhere than the body - You are it! Expectation or reasons are nothing but dreams - and as being so the "you" is not awake! How can one know? As such - being awake, one oppose any dream, "choice, otherness or out there" there might be. Knowledge is what kills the question, and sometimes it prevents any further questions from manifest because being awake imply that one is only caring for the question, not the answer. - The answer is only a dream anyway. The awakened can have no interest in harming the body or getting hurt at all - It is it! Knowledge finish the question, therefor the experience is brought to an end. You don't need to repeat that feeling, besides repitation is the source of pain. So the body just move away and the brick smashes in to the ground in stead of the head of your corps. Look at how a missile moves the air in front of it away, with no effort at all. It just happens - something there about -
  5. Spontaneous Qigong; A Report.

    Yea, I don't see why that topic was locked before he even had a chance to finish posting his series? Seems rather harsh... Whoever he is, I would like to hear the rest of his commentary. Maybe he can post it up somewhere else. I think different viewpoints are helpful and all sincere feedback is useful. If people disagree, they can always offer rebuttals. If they agree, then they can find some support. Either way, people may find some more more clarity through open discussion and various interpretations of shared experiences. Or...they may just find more confusion, and question what they thought they "knew" even more! Although ironically, realizing what you don't KNOW, may actually be a step towards greater clarity. Possibly akin to recognizing the possibility of the dream...just being a dream.
  6. Kunlun follow up poll

    Oh, so your type of manifestation has to do with imagination, and not the objective reality that we share? Or...if you will say that there is no objective reality, then I'm just a dream character in your world. ...So why are you wasting your time here with us unreal dream characters?
  7. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    ~ They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. Edgar Allan Poe~ One of my favorites.
  8. Being probed..maybe..

    As long as you dont have a tingling spread between any two insides of a pair of fingers ... you should be right I get that ... and tinglings where you describe in the neck - but I have a cervical vertebra with a bur that is digging into that nerve in my spinal column .... I have to probe it myself, hold one finger against it and with the other hand twist my head : 'crack' ! . Perhaps a small 'crick' in the neck while you were sleeping caused the feeling and the feeling caused a dream to be constructed around it. ~ Like the one I had about that idiot workman outside my window that kept ringing a bell ..., turns out I slept through the alarm (not that my boss believed me )
  9. Kunlun follow up poll

    Hopefully I'm completely wrong about Kunlun being 100% problematic but I feel very comfortable claiming that Kunlun is either "partially" or "highly" problematic. At the very least, the average practitioner should have ongoing contact with a qualified teacher. ~~~ Here are some misc notes: I had a few bedroom encounters where I've strongly sensed the presence, felt the touch of, or seen entities. At the time they happened, I can't tell you whether I was awake, dreaming, or somewhere in between. One time, they put their hands around my neck and squeezed rather hard. The event had an erotic goth tone to it and I had mixed reactions about the encounter. Same for the dreams that I had... definite sense of fascination but vaguely uncomfortable undertones. I had this one dream where Max kissed me on the lips... a bit erotic but non-sexual. Reminded me of the Hindu notion of the demon kiss (inauspicious btw ). I had another creepy undertone dream where Max was standing on the moon. As far as channeling goes, I could ask yes and no questions and my head would nod or shake and I bet I could have run an Ouija board successfully during this time but I wasn't ready for automatic writing or having them "speak" through me directly. I asked if they loved me and they said "yes." That sort of thing. My practice of Kunlun was sometimes just shaking or doing simple taichi like motions but it mostly was of praying and bowing to the four directions and simultaneously grinning and frowning hugely and also doing a frantic lower MCO orbit lead by my hands with the orbit going up the front and down the back with this crazy facial expression and a sense of urgency. And lots of sword finger mudras. The facial expression and the finger mudras were coming up more and more in my regular life. Sometimes very animalistic motions and sounds esp cat-like and snake-like. So the vibe was a bit creepy but there was still a strong sensation of love and mysticism in the air... so it was sort of a toss up as to whether to go on. My more advanced Kunlun pals said that things got weirder in the future and that was my sense for myself as well if I had stuck with it. Getting out is a whole different story... is that even possible? Will RP keep on trucking forever? Will it just lay dormant ready to pop up during inopportune moments? Did I mention that my 8 year old daughter once woke up in the middle of the night doing some serious kunlun? That's a whole different aspect to all of this! Jmo, Yoda
  10. No, depersonalization disorder and enlightenment aren't the same. I've experienced depersonalization MANY times in my life - lack of sleep can induce it, and when I was a kid and even recently (i'm almost 22) I still get it. I always used to call it dream vision, since I felt like I was in a dream, and it would occur for no reason. In my opinion, dpersonalization disorder is a feeling of detachment, non-connection, confusion. Enlightenment is supreme understanding, no concept of self or separateness, and profound understanding.
  11. I'll take a shot at counting the sparrows here, its something I enjoy anyways. Bed imagery is fairly universal, and especially in this case (as in most dreams) with the double meaning of a "resting place". Rest in this sense could even be a reference to nirvana or the eternal ever renewing moment - the source, or origin of experience - the true "home" of awareness. In your case, the bed was missing from your family situation, indicating your recognition of the restless nature of social manipulations, and your non-identification with learned associations - even if it is at a subconscious level. You will have to answer this yourself, as to whether the character of your sister was actually a representation of her - or instead a mask of sorts for something else, in other words a symbol that evokes certain feelings so that you will understand what the energy is doing. So this part requires more introspection on your part because it could also indicate some sort of familial issues are affecting something - and you experience it as an amplified situation in the dream so you can relate to how it might affect things.
  12. .

    Yeah sure, ill give it a shot. I learned pakua when I was a teenager and then went 'off the path'. I came back to focus on Chikung around 2002 and did it religiously with the concept of ascension in mind till 2005. Around 2004 I learned the Daoist Dream meditations and such. I am not going to go into my credentials and certifications because I dont want to be seen as a teacher here. Im not going into the pakua or magic stuff prior to 2002. Leave it at that. 2002 Left to my own devices I began to reconstruct what I remember of chikung and begin practicing on my own this time. I got the same skin crawling sensations as the first times. Et cetera. 2004 It wasnt until this year that on my own my consciousness began to shift into the emotional state and a lot of emotions began to resurface. I began to see a white mist around myself and others for starters. 2005 I met my girlfriend and from her, I naturally began to piece together the stuff I misunderstood from friends and my previous teacher, about feeling. She helped me to learn to communicate with and sense spirits, sense objects. Raise my vibrations. 2006 Went to see a sorcerer in Brazil 2007 Learned a healing technique in a Dream session from a fire spirt on a devic world. That is not even including recent stuff. To me what is talked about, alchemy, enlightenment is just learning to feel yourself or things outside your body. The smoother your energy through emotions and actions the easier it is. Everything seems to be about a constant shift in greater awareness. Recently Im addicted to learning "Go" I believe this game symbolically teaches us to strike a balance between life(centralized protection) and death(attack and spreading influence). So rather than view it as something that can be confirmed, yes it can be. It does exist if thats what you mean. There is so many methods and ways even outside of daoism to do things. I think it is just hard for some to believe it enough to try. If I was to speak in terms of how I accomplish things in this field now. I was a thinker before, proving things by facts and such and using critical thinking. Now I feel. It is all about emotions and sensation. Turning off everything else but that for the most part is what it is all about. Critical thinking and worrying about not having enough information isnt going to help. Visiting people who have higher energy vibrations has been known to jumpstart progress. Also attempt visiting a vortex suggested by someone with credentials this has also know to spike ones awareness. There are other ways too. Just make sure they are truely certified.
  13. What can you do without a teacher?

    You do not need a teacher and the world has many waking up right now who have "done nothing in this life" in terms of traditional viewable practice, but it is easy to become well established in fear along all sorts of lines and hiding in all sorts of proclivities within which you defend yourself and cage yourself. Group dynamics and a teacher can be a great benifit on all things - and the obvious is to help disengage from the blind spots mentioned above. All that said - truely understanding that your body is a great vehicle that can with your help as spirit soar beyond your wildest dreams. Learn to dream and see in your minds eye - exercise your thinking skills - learn about diet - and set aside competition. Fear nothing including the humility to foster a healthy relationship with your body - don't override it, shame it and beat it with a whip. Breath in the whole world as you.
  14. What can you do without a teacher?

    Is a lot easier if you have some real emotional and psychological issues because your entire path would be guided by those issues and the resolutions of those issues. There are Taoist immortals. They will appear to you when the time comes. After all, many immortals appear to the realized cultivators in their sambhogakaya forms (dream visitations) to transmit their teachings. If you see nothing is wrong with yourself and the world you are living in.....well, your path is going to be not so extraordinary. You may become one of those new age practitioners who dabble with some Eastern philosophy and religion and once in a while you may impress few like-minded practitioners. Hehehe.......

    Well, not needed since I experienced events not knowing why or how...until I did some research into the subjects. Only recently I read up on the Tibetan Dream Yoga and to really understand the concept of a Clear Light Mind. Yeah, for the OP, emptiness is the Clear Light Mind. Take the concept literally.....emptiness IS luminosity. You can google "Clear Light Mind."

    Is not a statement. Is one of my experiences. Ever woke up to a samadhi and followed by the Clear Light appearance, early in the morning? Only during sleep your mind consciousness is gone and your dream world or your mind is solely guided by karmic forces. When these karmic forces have been resolved for whatever reasons, your mind would naturally be emptied and in its pure essence. Clear Light will emerge and you may experience a huge influx of Chi flowing throughout your entire body.
  17. To everyone with actual advice, Thank You. To everyone with criticism for my views on humanity, your thoughts have been noted. To goldisheavy, I don't think brutal honestly would seriously allow me to accomplish my goals and only stand hinder them. Losing a job isn't going to help matters. I need a place to shower and wash my cloths and cook my food, in order to maintain a job. Also being brutally honest about my world and religious views e.g. the world we live in is an illusion, or the idea of self is an illusion all identities and therefor people are illusory etc would most likely wind me up in a mental institution for some sort of dissociative disorder even those are valid Buddhist concepts. Even though institutionalization might have some perks, having my neurons fried out with neurotoxic chemicals and violent electroshock therapy would most likely end any chances of liberation this life-cycle. This whole existence is a giant game, those that don't play by the rules set forth by this society are violently punished, and swept under the rug to keep them out of the site of other people. People caught in this illusion have a vested interest in maintaining it. So I have a role to play here if I want to maintain some degree of freedom. I have to pretend to be a normal person, I have to look and act respectable to maintain employment, I have to chum it up with my roomates and help them with their daily drama. I don't really see an alternative, unless I were to inherit some large sum of money or win the lottery. Sure being myself, and being honest might feel good and be liberating in a psychological sense, it would (or so I believe) have the opposite effect in a spiritual and real world sense. wudang, Maybe you could watch the original planet of the apes and that movie idiocracy each about ten times, then go to sleep. Maybe you would dream a dream of being trapped in a society of ignorant shit flinging apes, and being dependent upon their society for survival. Every day pretending to be one of them, but in your heart knowing your not. I don't really know if china could offer me anything I don't already have. There society seems worse in terms of personal freedom than ours. I am sure they might have some great masters there, but I have no idea how to find and test them, if I did find one I deemed advanced enough, he would have no obligation to teach me. My biggest complaint about car living, was when I experienced a breakdown for more than a day I was homeless. The cost of car repair and maintenance, and rental fees still is very expensive. Also having to keep a gym membership to shower, and eating mostly canned foods, run ins with police asking why I am parked in some rural isolated dirt road, police harassment in general, all take their toll on a person. I decided in the end it was less of a hassle to live with other people and have a place to shower, wash clothes, refrigerate and cook food, than it was to live in my car.
  18. Can we not love our brother as ourselves?

    Hahah...are you Muslim??? My dear friend, I have a precognitive dream about the new existential threat the Israelis are currently facing. You can say I am almost Jewish and how else I could have some Karmic affinity to the Jews. Hahaha......A Jew and not a Jew? A mere semantic. LOL..... Just remember that this is Tao Bum. Some of us have "special insights" about the world beyond your traditional worldview.
  19. Something basic?

    This is just my take on it. It's not authoritative because while I like Taoist writings and sages, I do not claim to be a Taoist myself. Taoists believe in immortality. Even the so-called philosophical ones believe it, except the difference is in what is immortal. One of the primary Taoist sages, Chuang Tzu, acknowledges impermanence. Impermanence is embraced fully by Chuang Tzu. But there is a sense of something immortal in Chuang Tzu as well. Maybe call it something timeless or beyond-mortal. Something transcendent. The religious and alchemical Taoists believe that you can give birth to an immortal body right from your physical body, and then you can emerge in that new body. This new body grows in your physical body regardless of your gender, and the process of how to grow it is secret and there are many disagreeing bits of information about it. Some say it's a purely spiritual process. Others say you have to ingest mercury and other chemicals. And so on. There are also rumors that Taoists who have attained immortality disappear from their coffins. Like there is a story of one master's coffin being opened after burial, only to find his robe and staff and shoes but no body, or something like that. So there is all kinds of discordant information about immortality within Taoism. Taoism is kind of famous for its diversity of viewpoints. It's not as neatly organized as some other religions/philosophies. Yes. In philosophical Taoism it's not as important, but the answer I think is still yes, even in the philosophical Taoism. Hell and Heaven are living conditions that are created by your own mind and they manifest like actual places, like this Earth, but even so, just like this Earth, it's nothing but mind. Never heard the term "circular". I think people talk of linear and non-linear time though. Linear time is when events progress along a well ordered time line, and this time line is considered to be set in stone, so to speak. It doesn't change. It cannot be reinterpreted. It cannot be exited or entered. It just exists as is and time marches forward along such line. A concept of non-linear time was "invented" to address the short-comings of the time as we know it. In non-linear time, the time flow is not absolute. In other words, there is an experience of time, but is time going quickly or slowly? It's hard to say. Is even B definitely and always after event A? That's flexible. Using non-linear time, you can go back and forward in time. An experience of timelessness is meaningful within non-linear time, but if you think in terms of linear time, a concept such as "timelessness" doesn't refer to anything and makes no sense at all. So "non-linear time" is a way to enrich our language to talk about more diverse and stranger experiences than normal conception of time would allow. For example there is a story of one guy wanting to become a Taoist immortal, but he wasn't sure. He thought maybe earthly life was good. Maybe not. As luck or fate would have it, he met a Taoist immortal. This immortal gave the guy a pillow and told him to sleep on it. So the guy falls asleep and in his dream he is born, raised and lives an entire earthly life, with all kind of troubles in it. So he lives something like 60 years or more worth of time in his dream which lasts only say 8 hours of time. So non-linear time is a concept you can use to refer to an experience like that. As the guy wakes up, his mind is made up. He decides that he's had more than enough of earthly life and it's time for him to become an immortal. To enjoy life! The entire purpose of Taoism is to maximize enjoyment. Things like spiritual practice, kindness, contemplation, they improve the quality of life. And that's what it's all about. When people try to enjoy life in a naive manner, they often face obstacles and disappointment. So enjoyment of life actually requires wisdom, because if a person tries to enjoy life in a foolish manner, then a period of enjoyment is quickly followed by intense suffering. Philosophical Taoists don't worship. They contemplate and meditate. Alchemical Taoists may not worship either. They practice alchemy and meditation, but they usually are weak in contemplation. Religious Taoists worship Taoist gods by lighting incense, and making offerings. The way I understand, Taoist gods are kind of distant and don't really care about humans. Taoist gods used to be humans at one point. As they evolved spiritually, they helped other humans to evolve also. But once they reached a high level of evolution, they enter into realms of being that are imperceptible by ordinary humans and thus they don't really care about the old human realm, cause they have a new life to live in a new world, so they have their hands full. So in this sense, Taoist gods are more like examples of what is possible and not necessarily something to worship, but still religious Taoists light incense and make offerings. It's a way of life, so it's a philosophy first and foremost. But people can't help themselves and often form religions around certain cool concepts. I don't think Lao Tzu or Chuang Tzu were religious at all. But after they died, religious Taoism appeared and people started to worship those guys, along with other deities. The 3 primary ones, as I understand it, are: Tao Te Ching, Chuang Tzu, and Lieh Tzu. There are many many Taoist texts, but unfortunately most of the are untranslated. I've seen some Taoist texts of surprisingly low quality when compared to the three primary ones though. So I don't think it's surprising that people don't hurry to translate all of them, because not all of them are of even quality. But there are also many untranslated gems.
  20. As for what Chunyi's goals are - he said his dream is to go back to do long cave meditation as that was the best time of his life when he went into heaven during his 2 month non-stop full lotus cave meditation. So he has I guess talked about taking advanced students to China for cave meditation but at least when he is older he will probably retire to long term meditation like that - and then he can probably regrow his hair back, etc. haha. He said he knows of masters in the mountains of China who have the golden aura - meaning creating the yang shen immortality. And yes Chunyi did quote from the Taoist Yoga book - when I had the book with me in his class - it was in my bag so I never had it out in the open to see physically. But he quoted from it when he said he had just done a very deep small universe meditation and he say falling snow in the sky. This was during the summer but that quote is a specific step in the training right before you create a yang spirit in its initial form. Basically at that level of the practice it says if you don't act on it then you miss your chance. So I agree that for now Chunyi is focused on doing healing work but then as he said he plans to live to be very old - so then will continue doing the alchemy training.
  21. .

    Confirmations are tricky things. They range between being meaningless to being meaningful only to a particular practitioner. Just to throw one random example at you, one time some Buddhist practitioner had a dream of cutting many many people's heads off. Wow! What a terrible dream. Surely a sign of bad karma, right? The teary-eyed practitioner goes to see his master and master tells him it's an excellent sign. It means he will enlighten many many people. See? Does this mean master is right and student is wrong? Not at all. It means experience is empty of its own essence. It's malleable. It changes based on interpretation and many other factors. It's possible to get some inner certainty from some experience, and in that sense it can be like a confirmation. But what it is and how it works is a mystery. Certainly it's not something that is universal and can be described in objective terms. To give you an even more extreme example, take day to day experience. To an enlightened person, normal day to day experience is a confirmation of enlightenment. The exact same experience is a confirmation of being stuck in the cyclical mundane world to the non-enlightened. How can the same experience confirm two different things? It's because it is empty (which is to say, it lacks own-essence, which is to say, it has no inherent meaning -- it has any number of meanings, but none of those meanings is inherently THE meaning).
  22. Why does it matter ? Who cares.? Does it really matter what's right or wrong in the world . Do we want to live the right way or wrong way .? What's right for one person can be wrong for another . So how can we ever really know what's right , what's true or what's false , or what's wrong . There's a way . What this yin yang thingy and who cares if it's just opposites , so what , Who put the little black and white circles in each side ( unlike my avatar ) and who said they could do that ? What's the significance of those two little additions and what about blue green red yellow purple . Why just black and white when there's so so much more to life than black and white . ? Why was I pulled out of the fifth grade and told I could just play all day , roller skate , no school work no home work and then tossed back into jr and sr high school only to fail miserable while others excelled and graduated while I dropped out . Nice ! Thanks sooooooo much . I'm from the city of angels in calif , born and raised . There was no education in this subject and as far as I know , it's not correctly presented in any educations , in any country in the world. Threes no " planet earth users manual " that comes stock with each life form . You're on your own so to speak and I will tell you form my own experience that life on planet earth is a jungle baby. People killing animals , animals killing people , life forms eating other life forms , insanity , deceptions, Illusions , and the list goes on and on . Sorrow pain happiness gratitude. Pleasure and joy , agony and defeat success and confidence ,fear and love . What a bloody mess. It's all stirred up into a mass of confusion just waiting for us to be born into and try and sort out . How the heck did all this stuff come to be and who the heck did it . It didn't just " happen " on a Sunday afternoon did it " Who " really " knows . How can we ever know ? I mean we got prisons , and billionaires, rich people and the poor . Cars planes boats water sun moon and stars on a merry to round of light and dark It's no wonder so many say hey stop the ride I wanna get off and yet there are others who say let me live here forever and never die , I love it so much . You can read books watch tv and chit chat about life on earth until the day you die and still be no better off than the day you arrived . Is it all an illusion ? A dream ? Oh yeah ,, what's up with that ? Dreams , nightmares. I had one the other night . Haven't had one in a while . It fast short and horrible. ( lol ) then I woke up . Then there's the internet , are you kidding me ? How convenient is THAT? But looks what's in it . More of the same insanity , truth , lies , humor and everything else that's already here on the planet . Then we've got religion , war, nukes, submarines, presidents and dictators , little green men with big eyes made from silicone rubber from planets far away and living beneath the earth . WHAT ? WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON????????????? WHO IS RESPONSIBLE HERE ? I want to have a talk with who ever is . : ) Can anyone help ? Let me know . There' IS a way to know .
  23. Some Info on Hu Yaozhen

    I can tell you my personal experiences as well. I do not wish to recount for students or others who I have taught. Their experiences should be relayed by them alone. I was afflicted with Childhood Fibromyalgia (A very sever case which I am in only .5% of the population deal with), scoliosis and chronic Myafacial syndrome. I can live a fairly active life, caring for my parents, training twice a day and teaching 7 days a week despite dealing with these issues. This does not also account for all the injuries I have received over the years, including crushing my T-11 while working. Am I fully cured? No. I will be. If there is a specific timeline for success in being fully healed I do not know what that is. I am no longer interested in someone else's perception of how fast something should work. That is their issue. I however have been working with others as well with great success. I do Field Healing on my Mother who has a Tumour on her Pituitary gland and I have volunteered for energy work at the Cross Cancer institute here in Edmonton. An MRI from 2011 and another in 2012 had shown 60% shrinkage of her Tumour. Something the Doctors were baffled with. I remember when they were viewing the images in the Hospital. They were so amazed they had called in other surgeons to view it for themselves. They had never, NEVER seen that happen before. Dr. Broad, My Moms Surgeon had 45 years experience up to that point. Every couple of days I do Qigong in the room with my parents and work directly on my Mom. So, I can honestly say it has made a significant positive changes in our lives. EDIT: I did not account for all experiences, this is just a very very quick run down of the last 25 years. I did not include dream experiences or and "Unique" waking elements as well. I should also note I have been a Practitioner of Flying Phoenix since 1994. I have been doing the Hunyuan and Yi Chuan for only a year, but with great success and I enjoy it immensely.
  24. OK people I am coming clean...

    Life is a dream in conciousness. :-) You can be the butterfly or you it's all you! See:
  25. OK people I am coming clean...

    Having the 'ago' in the 'now' is having the past in the present. Since all we perceive is the present moment even the past is coiled up in the now. But wanting to have it thus is not the point. Since wanting denotes the lack of something and if we have the present moment and the past instantly then we lack nothing since the future is only the dream of possible inter-realtions of the things in the now yet to come.