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  1. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    Well Sir, I don't think generating internal conflict is that which is being promoted either..quite the contrary, I would agree. Lets say BKA goes ahead and does the island sitting or buying. Maybe she has been seeing this perhaps as really ideal..ok , then what happens , the dream is made true, you can call it a goal met, and she doesn't have to chase other dreams until she gets bored. If she made peace with whatever she is doing currently she wouldn't need to sit on an island and when she got bored she could hop on a bus and go to the zoo. The island situation would just enforce a limitation on herself. Her possibilities would dwindle down to eating pooping washing and staring at water for the most part, which she could probably do in an apartment in San Diego. On the island she had better come to a satisfied state fast and stay there. Yeah I'm not a trusting person , nor do I find anybody being trusting of me , although I don't think I have ever been unreliable. I either don't commit or , come hell or high water, I am on it. Actually for me personally ,a quiet island in the middle of nowhere and a few amenities would suit me just fine, as you already know , (I am just not all that social of a creature by nature)
  2. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    Good you put them away to be available for better use. In that other thread where you talked about an island I was going to say that I would lend you the money to buy it but we don't know each other well enough yet. Hehehe. But I didn't because I don't have that kind of money and wouldn't be able to get access to it via any financial institution. Sure, some people win the lottery. Good for them. I hope they find the happiness they were looking for that inspired them to buy a ticket. Unrealistic dreams? Sure. There are such things. Dreaming of flying without artifical means would be one. Now wait - yes, we can fly with our mind, but that is different. We can dream we are a butterfly. Yep. Chuang Tzu. But he woke up. Sure, he even wondered about it after waking. But I'm sure at some point he had to stop wondering and become Chuang Tzu again else he would not have been able to write his book.
  3. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    It would seem to me- as a thought one could have .... that entertaining dreams is just peachy, and pursuing dreams is worthwhile , rewarding -ummm ,, and though I am not saying whether thats all true or not ,, it doesnt sound much like living in the present moment , nor does it sound much like wei wu wei, nor does it sound like the shrugging off of attachments and judgements. It sounds more like the conventional mindset which one would entertain in contradiction to the tao of Lao. IMO but by all means , do and dream as you see fit because the person who lives your life and the only proper judge of it would be you.
  4. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    Sex on an airplane dream? That's a subject for Jungian analysis ! But having a wishful and hopeful desire to have sex on an airplane ... and achieving it ... Nah! Not for me (unless it was a private Lear Jet or something). Sex with an airplane ? Now ya talking! That's more like it. Actually I did have a very strange occurrence on an airplane but off topic here ( probably the opposite of this thread topic actually)
  5. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    Awesome post, and most definitely welcome . I think reflections about dreams in general are just as important (perhaps more?) than the dreams themselves. It is always good to see things from different perspectives. I have noticed the grass is greener thing as well when you spend time with one dream, then you think oh I would love the opposite now.
  6. Turning into a tree - need advice

    Wow, it's my dream come true!
  7. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    I will share an interesting story about how more is possible than we ever think. When I was much younger, some friends of mine and I were talking and joking about what we really want, what would be our dream. So a few of us talked about living on our very own island. We all laughed. One person talked about how you could buy islands in international waters and not be attached to any particular country. Who knows if this is true or not, or still true. We were all far from having that sort of money though lol. Well anyways, I have noticed that nearby here there are islands for sale, about large enough for a house or 2 on them, which you can buy for half a million. That is half what this house is worth lol. However I do not have that sort of cash, nor do I own this house (I rent, with a roomate). Nor do I realistically see a bank loaning me that sort of money in my forseeable future... However... if I so choose, I do have an opportunity in the next 5 years (or perhaps less) to live on an entire 5km island all to myself (and hey maybe a couple of my friends), in trade for island sitting... as long as I want. I know the person who is presently doing this, and he will be retiring soon. Who would have thought? I wouldn't get to own it, but still! Well 20 years ago I would not have thought this was possible, and would have laughed... however... It is just one example. I have also laughed at other things which came to be a decade or 2 later.
  8. Over-engineering your practice

    With many preliminary practices there is a narrowing of the mind, a fixation on something usually with the ultimate purpose of creating a favourible trance state to weaken the power of existing unfavorable trance states. But ultimately you are still dreaming and continuing to create new dreams even if its a better dream. Whereas in liberation awareness is completely open and unfixated free from all trance, so both states are of different taste and nature. I know I'm probably in disagreement with many masters but the nature of the two modes of awareness are in contrast as far as I can see so its possible they may not have anything to do with one another.
  9. Turning into a tree - need advice

    I touch most trees that come within reach... high five em as I walk down the streets of LA... There's one tree in a nearby park, I have long, barefoot, intention-breath conversations with on a regular basis... Recently I became lucid in a dream, where I was inside an egg, that was inside a tree, running the MCO... roots seeking deeper branches arching to the light dancing with the wind
  10. The Wit and Wisdom of Plato

    That makes perfect sense when we see the sun as the metaphoric Source of the macrocosm. When we look at the microcosm of ourselves, the Corpus Callosum would be metaphorically the same as the sun in the macrocosm. Mind. The Source. The connector of the right and left brain, also maybe analogous to the yin yang interweve between light and darkness. Perhaps the left brain is a form of darkness, of illusion, until the right brain, the innate intuition, is accessed. Traveler said: Experience is the best teacher. Stand in the center of your head and look up. What do you see? There is no right or wrong answer to that question. What is seen there shifts as you reach deeper and deeper levels of consciousness in meditation. I had an odd thing happen yesterday morning when I woke up. I woke up to a doorbell, ding-dong Avon type (which we don't have) into a lucid dream. I was looking up overhead into the source of a light that were beautiful chakra colors; light pink, lavender, white - all furling and moving around each other. Funny you should mention looking up into your head! Isn't synchronicity something?
  11. Did Carlos Castaneda make it all up?

    Yes, I tried to 'find my hands' in the dream state and experienced a lucid out-of-the-body style experience. It was quite awesome.
  12. The history of this planet is so fantastic that you can not even dream it. Before our Adam & Eve, there was Atlantis. Atlantis had its own Adam. Atlantis was destroyed with their Apocalypse. Before Atlantis, there was Mu. Mu had its own Adam. Mu was destroyed with their Apocalypse.
  13. Just a minor update..last night during meditation I experienced a tingling up and down my left leg for what lasted about 2-3 minutes..I made note earlier in my thread about feeling "numb" on the left side of top of head; almost as if that side of my brain, it hasnt been functioning. Also along with the tingling came muscle twitches in the left arm. I cant say the tingling was unpleasant at all; in fact it felt good. I also had a mildly erotic dream, something that has been totally absent for some time(any hint of sexuality has been absent).. I also awoke with what seemed like 100 images in my head, none of which were unpleasant, mostly of things in nature like beaches, mountains,etc. I also cried a bit out of nowhere during meditation last nite. My emotional capacity has been severely blunted lately so I took this as a good thing and it seemed to have released something because of the dreams,etc. Just thought Id make a note of it here.
  14. Holy Guardian Angel

    In my, now converted to everyday awareness, 'religous practice' I 'own nothing'. What am I but receptor organs for my creator and Goddess; Nuit? I exist so she may gain expereince in the world of physical incarnation, therfore all experience pain and pleasure, complete fulfillment and an empty heart howling at the Moon are all hers. Amidst the canyons of the heart the winged serpent flies ... around the stone of the heart the serpent is coiled. One is flashing rainbow hued, the other green. Green has two phases; one can be likened to Venus and a heart encurled by Venus is what many experience, when Venus rises up to the 'heart' directly it can be a problem (Venus : veneres : venom : poison : a magic philtre / potion : hormones - very hard to resist a 'poision' and hence the heart CAN be encirled in a restrictive manner considering the position of Venus in the 'Psychological Tree'. The other side of the green snake (perhaps what Crowley writes about) can be seen in the context of 'glittering green' the colour of the robes worn by 'Kidur' the Sufi '(apparitional master' and 'guide') ... who in true Mercurial fashion (with the elemnt of the trickster ... or by 'riddle') points the way. In this aspect Venus passes through Mercurius (hence becoming the Rainbow Serpent) ... which is the correct and modulated path for Venus (or Mars) to approach the Heart / Sun / Ego. From there it rises, to eventually complete the cycle that started it all; from the 'heavenly black snake' (Wallenganda - the dark middle of the Milky Way) that spat her water upon all of us which created the great dream of existance. (see creation myths of Austrailan Rainbow Sepent and Book of the Law : II : 26.
  15. Underground City of Reptilians: NEWSPAPER ARTICLE

    Curious. One may notice (looking to the left) that I myself am a lizard. Under my floor of the cabin (right under the hearth) is a lizard 'congregation node' (on the physical plane), on the 'non-(entirely)physical' plane it is the entrance to a tunnel, which connects to many others (with nodes of 'quantum jump off points' that connect to 'quantum receptor' points). The tunnels were made by snakes but lizards guard them. Do I give them 'real, hard, literanist, everyday, meet-a-person-in-the-street, western materialist rationalist' validity? Of course not! Do the indigenous give them the same ? Of course not! Would I bother to try to prove their existance in that same realm? No ? ... what for? Can that ''Daimonic Reality" 'interpenetrate' into the 'Mundane reality; yes it can ... but in a different way. [ Goanna is my friend (or if you like totem - at avery young age I was introduced to him when an Aboriginal Man {at a snake and reptile show] realised my connection and placed on on top of my head ... tourists freaked out ... Australians laughed thinking it was a joke ... the Aborigmal man, me ... and the lizard knew different ... we were bot very comfortible with each other and stayed there until the Man removed him). My girlfriend at the time didnt like them. She didnt like the spot and got freaked out about me as she had 'strange' dream about me being under the house with goannas in a cave doing 'things' with them, I turned and saw here and angrily shouted "Get out!". She told me later as a small girl she was scared of them, they used to sunbake on the concrete path that led to the family thunder box (ourside dunny / toilet - thunder lizard guarding thunder box ) It got too much eventually for her (she who purported to be a magician and witch !) when she went outside to see what the noise was and there was Gungali amidst the pulled apart garbage (as she left the lid off the bin) happily chewing away on one of her old thrown out tampons. ... they used to tease her ferociously (as all deamonic entities do that do not get proper acknowledgment .] Xrays, plans ... physical evidence ??? A rare and unusuall person might be able to 'catch a faerie in the gloaming' and shut him in an iron cage ... but in the morning he will be gone ... as they say..."vanished into thin air" . Why do us westerners have the need to try and PROOVE on the material planes that such things exist? I see it as fault in our perception ... a sickness actually. But hey! Thanks for posting the story!
  16. It's comforting

    You're right, Marbles. It was only a dream. Matter is the Thing with the intelligence, after all.
  17. Holy Guardian Angel

    The headless one - "for Me" was the initial voluntary step forward to acknowledge that Quest. I took it serious, performed it over a period of time. various paths were "lit up" before me, and I choose the ones I felt I was being led to. Sutekh, constellation of the thigh, Abramelin, Enochian, Necronomicon (NOT the mainstream stuff) Kundalini was my multicoloured dream coat
  18. It's comforting

    I had a dream last night that the universe was a great wooden helix that worked like clockwork; one great machine with wooden sticks of various sizes connecting all the stars with the sun, the earth, the planets; Rotating in predictable and cyclical patterns. Carved upon the wooden sticks were us, part and parcel of the wood.
  19. I've been doing a lot more S-M meditation lately and my dream life just flared up like crazy. It is like I'm being dumped into action movies all through the night. When I awoke in the middle of the night and had to go back to sleep I just had to laugh at myself and say "Here we go again." I know that it is said that if the Jing is full there will be no dreams, but I've been celibate now for more than 2 months and the dreams are of a different quality, not exactly vivid in a visual, colourful sense, but I'm very aware of everything and recall is way better than in ordinary dreaming. Last night I had a long episode where the world was being invaded by evil aliens and I had to fight them. The night previous I had to perform an exorcism on a room similar to the one in 'The Conjuring', which seemed to be successful (I've watched that film one too many times). I also had bouts of premonition while in the hypnogogic state knowing an SMS was inbound and somebody was about to call my name.
  20. Best Free Books on Meditation on the Internet

    Here's a 'Course on Consciousness' a week by week course on indepth dream work. Seems like a good method, well thought out, well done, but personally it didn't help me. If your interested in dream practice its worth a look and maybe a print out. Michael
  21. Burning up karmas...

    Past karma is nothing more than present mindset. Your primary thoughts in this present time are the determining factors which govern how acutely affected you are by the past. Extending all the way to the dream world as well. What occupies your mind most of the time now? Look deeply at this. Then you will understand why the past has got such a grip on your present mental continuum. You cannot change the past, but you certainly can change the way you think about the past. A practical way forward, i suggest, is to apply mindfulness to your thoughts, words, and deeds from now on. There is no need to force change. Force creates tension, and tension will only reinforce and strengthen the very chain you are trying to break. Another practical option is to create a new chain of good thoughts, good words, and good deeds. Immerse yourself fully in this project of being fully attentive to all three activities. Over time, this new chain will replace the other one. Although you will still be bound, but at the very least, its a chain worthy of nourishment. Until such time when you uncover the Real. By then, you will hopefully have gained enough wisdom to see through the illusion of both. Then you will lol at how silly and fraught with unnecessary fears you have been. Be like water. Water yields, and seek the lowliest level always. That is how water is able to support all things. No matter what garbage gets thrown into it, or how polluted it becomes, it will always return to its essential pure state. Because of this profound, endless potential, it is not afraid to remain yielding, always welcoming, rejects nothing. And it never disappears... Embrace your present aliveness with both hands, get down on your knees and give thanks for being alive! Life is so very precious. We really do not have a long time to indulge with petty foregone notions of how unfair our past have been. We can die at any time. Be grateful for each moment you can flip open your eyelids lest they close one time more and will never open again.
  22. Burning up karmas...

    Maybe I was looking for a proactive, yang approach to make these karmas disappear. FYI, my dream about my old job is quite pleasant. I was usually finding myself helping my staff and working for free. Even though I knew I don't work for my old company any more. It was an interesting sensation. Is like you walk into a company and starting to work and helping the staff there and you knew what to do. But you knew you won't get paid doing this and the management won't approve it. These dreams are bad since I want to get away from them. And I don't want to work in the same industry anymore. My college dreams are a bit tricky. I always find myself looking for my next class or finding myself looking for a room. No, I didn't enjoy my time in these college. It wasn't bad but it was a waste of my time there.
  23. ...

    I think you have the right motivation with the wish for more spirituality, but I guess it comes down to what you are hoping to achieve by doing it. I wish you success in all cases, though you probably have next to no chance if you are a virgin. The key thing is not to give up if you blow it. I forgot to mention before that there is another possibility. There are four kinds of mudras (or consorts). From here: You may find that you are able to transmute the demon ladies of your dreams into consorts and practice within the dream state. This is just as powerful (if not more so) than actual physical union, as it is unconstrained. This is how tantrics can utilize the "poison" and create divine nectar from it. The manifested females are reflections of your anima shakti. She is deathless and always beautiful, you left her behind at the gates of the womb. You seek the shards of her reflection in every woman you will ever meet.
  24. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 12

    Please feel free to chime in. It seems like a few like-minded souls have found each other. This is truly a treat. Regarding the above two quotes, the second one seems to address more specifically the blockages of the soul, the error thinking. I too was taken by that paragraph by Pike when I read it, maybe two months ago. The cone of darkness is exactly proportionate to the size of the sphere, or the amount of illumination on the planet. At what point will there be no cone of darkness? Is that even possible? and the closer the sphere gets to the source of manifestation (sun) the longer the cone of darkness will be. I seem to recall later in Morals and Dogma that the end result is for the earth to merge with the sun. At that point there would be no further cone of darkness. this speaks either to the planetary set-up or the inner configurations of us. That is the key - to merge with the sun, or the source of enlightenment. Perhaps a type of dynamic manifestations happens within the cones of other planets as well - but the balance of nature seems to happen just on the 3rd rock from the sun, or at least the visible manifestation for which our particular rods and cones are set up. Venus would have the longest cone of darkness due to its proximity. The third chakra down is the one in the throat area, is it not? That is the chakra for manifestation, or how we present to the world. Maybe there's an analogy there too. Desires are the blockages. No doubt Josh has a desire to be away from his father. His remedy would be to transcend that desire, to learn to love his father for what he is, an imperfect alcoholic; a nearly impossible task for a teenage boy. 'The most virulent poisons are the most sovereign remedies'. Hasn't this been what we've been talking about, both with Stephen Hawking and with Joshua? Their blockages were of their own manifestation, if looked at from a totally non-judgmental perspective. As in my dream, the young girl had to swim her own way to the top, there could be no help from Lance. Perhaps Mr. Hawking engaged in some error thinking, even pre-natally, which caused his lifelong malady, although his brain certainly took off into the ethers in a scientific sense. But maybe not in an inner sense? Darkness within darkness. That is beautiful. The cosmic soup is darkness, and our cone of darkness, of error thinking is the black within the black. Only blacker. BTW, I love Stephen Mitchell's translation of the TTC. He made a noble attempt to modernize it, to place it more within today's framework of speech and metaphor.
  25. Meditating in a graveyard

    First off, there is no such thing as a stupid comment. It does not exist. A quote from Osho comes to mind about death: When I was a teenager, I liked to take girls to the graveyard on dates. I liked the old tombstones. This was certainly a good test to see if the girl was going to be a good mate. I got turned down a few times but some girls liked the old stones as much as I did. They got asked out again to do something more conventional. I also liked taking dates on walks through the forest. I love nature. Again, I got some rejections and some yeses. I ended up marrying a girl who loved walking in the woods as much a s I did. I have felt fear in many places, including the woods. Looking back, I think I brought the fear with me. It wasn't real. I've felt evil so thick it would stop my heart when entering some places and resorted to a magic spell to cast it out of me. This worked. But, that was a long time ago. I haven't felt this fear or evil anywhere for the longest time. There was an exception about three years ago, in the fall of 2010, when I was entering a trail at dusk. I felt a strong warning telling me not to enter the woods there. It was a physical feeling, and emotional; it gripped me and shook me, telling me that this hike was not a good idea. I entered the woods anyways. The feeling of not being wanted there continued to be very strong. I took a side trail to a picnic bench and sat down to enjoy the wonderful play of light at dusk over the verdant rain forest. Looking back at the main trail, I saw two very tall personages covered in long blond hair walking along the trail at a good speed. They were female I felt. Suddenly, a large black-haired male strode up to my bench. I stood on the bench to be eye to with him, but he was still taller. I said hello in my mind. His forearm was injured, I could tell since I was a healer; I reached out and touched his forearm to give him a healing. The hair was incredibly soft. Without warning, his hand shot out and entered my chest, tearing my heart from my body. I fell over dead, then came too as if emerging from a very life-like dream. No hairy personages in sight. I left the woods after that; the instant I reached my car, the strong foreboding feeling of eminent danger left me. This occured a week or so before receiving my third Reiki degree. I don't think this was a daydream. I think I received psychic surgery on my heart which was in dire need of healing, emotional healing, at the time. P'taah says, "We live in a safe universe".