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  1. A thought on Max

    Come to a KAP seminar or come see Rob Williams, or Tao Semko or myself. I hold seminars every few months or so. Read Glenn's books so you get in to that "head space". To me "Kun Lun" and all that stuff is all Old Bon po, Bon goe back 15- 20,000 years. Ku Means dragon Lung is shakti/prana. A lot of Bon practices are similar to Taoism & Other forms of Shamanism. Obviously today Bon is very Buddhist but its much deeper than just that alone. There is an order in learning things you first start wth Ngong Dro and then move on from there. Well Real Bon Po is very shamanic & very primal. The thing in Bon Po of today is very buddhist and sutric mixed with the old Bon Visuals & Buddhist practices. To get the OLD bon you have to do the visualizations and go deep with whats there. I trained for 2 years with a Lama. Did Dzogchen, Zhine, Ngon Dro, Tummo, Father Tantra, Mother Tantra, Phowa, Long Life practices (very much like REIKI/ Energy healing) , Retreats, various shamanic healings & Offerings, Dream Yoga, & Trul Khor (the roots of Qi Gong & physical Yogas) Very much based on the use of Tummo & Various postures to open channels etc. Every thing you need is in Dzogchen Ngong Dro But you have to know how to dig it out or access it. Most of the power comes from the transmissions and then applying what you know. Now the truth is you want to learn bon now you have to go through a LOT OF LAMA ASS KISSING, Dogma, religious bullshit that has nothing to do with the actual shamanic/shakti practices. I was lucky that I already had a kundalini awakening and this particular lama was being very generous with Tao & I so we learned fast. Also we learned by the energy exchanges. (Glenn's method). what impressed me the most is that its core it was a lot of the same stuff Glenn did. My suggestion is if you really want Bon study some type of siberian, nepalanese tibetan shamanism. Also you can find som real BON elements in Nyingma.... that mught explain my Max studied nyingma. I have researched with friends in Indonesia and my Silat teachers a lot of Kejawan & Ilmu is very close and similar to Bon Po...could be cause of its ancient Persian conections & ancient Tantric connections. New Bon is an attempt to save Bon but also make a "church" . I can tell you they have a lot but they hide the good stuff in order to keep people in their "relegion". Also most Lama's like the power and control issues...I can't stand that bullshit. I was given a Name and a "status" i do not use it nor wear tantric robes. I like being much more down to earth and normal : ). It aint the time to be galaventing in miami in tantric robes...might end up in mental ward : ) When you see a system go past it to its roots and then go past that as well. Peace Santiago
  2. Left in the Dark

    Drew - are you down to do a little 5 minute blurb on something for the taobums? I had a dream about this. Your reflections on full lotus and music are unique. Dibs on camera work.
  3. The Oxherding Pictures

    Yes that little tale explains what Buddhism is all about: we all live in an eternal dream. Didn't Zhuangzhi discuss something similar? Thanks for linking it here.
  4. KAP Kundalini Awakening Process Dr. Glenn Morris

    : ) Well see i did not Dismiss Path notes...But Glenn told me its just my notes its not everything. And that is the truth. I am not putting a gun to your head and saying this is the END ALL PATH....: ) Here is the will never stop growing or evolving no matter what "LEVEL" of attainment or how much Kundalini you have aroused. Also everyone has a little kundalini active otherwise you would be DEAD. However there are biological signs of a "full" Kundalini. One is a definet Glow in the aura from head to Toe of Bright Whitish Gold & Purples. Another is all chakras full open and emitting out a field that is pretty big by most standards, another is being able to raise ones own kundalini in their body and bring the Downward flow down aswell and also circulate it. Another is being able to tap into the Earth's Kundalini and the Sky's Kundalini. Most of that is in tibetan Thigle/ tummo practices and taoist practices. I added some things to KAP as Glenn requested i came from a tibetan/hindu tantric Background and was able to raise my kundalini up to crown before i met Glenn which is what he liked cause it ewas easy for him to take me further with out much effort. I have been able to raise my kundalini to crown since i was 18 years of age. I am 31 now and I am in a constnt stae of bliss and energy is flowing 24/7 with out much effort. I usually do not toot my horn nor post here but i have seen so many things about what glenn did or did not do and or what kundlaini is and isnt and what is real and what is not that i figured i would share my 2 cents. There is a distinct feeling and occurance biologicaly that happens when you start opening your kundlaini and you get kriyas, and then when you take to crown and you get a SAMBIJA SAMADHi (Bliss with object, but this high fades in time), and then when you go past the crown and merge with void and you get a NIRBIJA SAMADHI (Pure Bliss without object , formless this bliss is permanent) where you are in a constant state of bliss and arousal you are for the most part "ON" all the time. Most people with partial kundalini are not rooted and also are burning up their own "Ojas" and body in the process. Hence why kundalini can be dangerous. Full Kundalini is balanced it is you as a bridge between Earth & Sky, Lower universe and upper universe. And then on a quantum level all that stuff is within (thigle). You have to realize that not everyone is the same hence why Glenn wanted to make sure it was all put into simple ways and also it would cater to many paths. He believed that having kundalini fully open is like adding catalyst to what ever you do. Path notes is a great read but again I am telling you cause I got it directly from the horses mouth....NOT everything is in there nor in Shadow Strategies. He left some keys hidden so you would have to go see him. I know cause I was there I went through it with him and it wasn't just "once" I was close with Glenn for many years and he was both my friend, teacher and also my student when it came to Tibetan & Hindu Tantras. You do not have to take my word for it. But there is a reason i have a certificate signed and stamped by him : ) . Peace Santiago Yes its a way to establish a "inner domain" to work out your practices. In the higher stages you do a lot of your actual practice in Damo's Cave. This allows easy work with Dream Yoga, Manifestation, etc. It is a Shamanic practice. And again what is in Path notes is just the beginning. The cave is "huge" asset to those that know how to use it. Santiago
  5. Shuigong

    What is the dream state? From the Taoism Doctrine we find the explanation of the Po suppressing the Hun. Hun is a relation to our Soul, and resides in the Liver Sphere. Po is a relation to the Jing, and resides in the Lung Sphere. The Po suppresses the Hun during sleep, the Hun wanders around, and dreams are a result. Hun sponsors life. Po sponsors death. Innate Nature is an Original Owner of the house - Hun - Disposition is like a thief that takes over the house and holds the original owner captive - Po - How to free the Innate Nature and transform the Disposition? Most think of the act of "meditation" as a posture when we cross the legs and sit without moving. This is usually the starting point of meditation practice, and for a very good reason. This is the most beneficial posture to discipline the heart. If the heart is not disciplined, then if one were to try and practice in the "sleeping" posture on the back, they would just drift off into "ordinary" sleep and loose consciousness. Cleanse the Heart / Self Discipline / Laying the Foundation Cleanse the Heart Mind of all Deluded Thoughts When the Heart Mind is clean and empty enough, Qi will come and naturally reside in this empty place. So it is generally taught, one uses the laying posture once the heart is disciplined, and also the meridian network has become opened, and Qi has been cultivated to some level. I close the eyes, and sleep; journey into the dream realm. I open the eyes and awaken from sleep; journey in the waking realm. The act of waking / The act of sleeping. Going back and forth, one depends upon the other for their relative existence. What if we were to "awaken" from this? The Great Awakening......... Change the defiled Ego into Wisdom. Such Wisdom can embody the equality of everything. Undifferentiated State. Everything is myself........ Myself is everything....... No discrimination.....
  6. Shuigong

    No different. Its the conditions within the mind which cause the difference of views when experiencing states. Thus the reason why certain things happen in a dream state and certain things happen when not in the dream state. But alsso know that the dream state is said to be a state because one's body is resting and there appears to be an existence of forms and emotions at that time. The waking state is not any different. The only time there would be a true waking state is if the discriminating mind were dropped. Then all states are no states, and there is nothing that needs to be manifest, but is manifest just for the sake that there are those who still hold onto views. Peace, Lin
  7. Shuigong

    this distinction af boarder between waking and dreamstate... think about walking on the boarderline between wake and dream state. would you like that ? enjoy that? what do you think? sigh..
  8. Shuigong

    Yes you are totally correct here and also that in the dream state, our afflictions are more obviously in our faces and easier to see, than in the "waking" state. In the waking state, we view our afflictions as enjoyable, and harmless, but the same afflictions appear in the dream state as extreme situations, demons which appear and harm, emotional craziness, etc. It is more emphasized in the dream state for our intellect is just that much more put down while in that state, yet not in totality. Peace, Lin
  9. Shuigong

    It is just as Dao Zhen's cultivation brother explained it. Its just meditation work. With diligent and a well foundation in cultivation, meditation, etc... dreams and waking reality are not different. There would be no distinguishing the two. If a high cultivator is seen to be sleeping, he/she is really not sleeping. Their sleep is meditation. Its neither awake nor not awake. This is why they can do specific things in their "dream states". Its not a mystery, just takes one to meditate: Just meditate, do not get stuck in states, do not be arrogant, greedy and do ignorant things; control your behavior, characteristics. Any sign of attainment is just an outcome and not the highest point. So drop any emotional ideas that there were attainments made in one's cultivation; do not share attainments with others for it breeds arrogance, and ignorance and is the food for attachment to views. Seriously speaking, if one's waking state is full of frustrations and confusions, it is not clear. Why bother with dreams as though they were something different? Peace, Lin
  10. Good day!

    Hello everyone, and thank you Sean, Following your joy seems to work; it's lead me here! Specifically, I've been boning-up on different traditions and practices of dream yoga. Though practicing off and on for years, recent experiences encourage me to cultivate some more. I'm from San Luis Obispo, California, currrently in New York, going soon to Portland, Oregon. I'm a writer and bibliophile; been studying the occult, yoga, meditation, philosophies and religions. And keep finding myself, well, taoist. Glad to have found this site, and look foward to any interactions with y'all! In love, jim scaife
  11. full Moon

    We're made of water. Stand there. Yun-Kuan Tzu Chaos- pearl of no price where waters red, the harvest muddy roiled but blinding bright held in the hand like the hand of a lover divines, divines, against what passes in this world for clever no tricks nothing doing. the sun and moon endure their rush and don't grow old. sail backwards? row against the flow? to hell with that. you'd better be known for being quiet clear water-sound fine mountain colors nothing to do with right and wrong bamboo's shade on a rush huts window heres music in a way you cannot say to any man light wind in bamboo deep flowers shadows moving a cup of strong brew a couple of lute chords reveal a dark contrivance hoard marvels I may use dream an empire of ants wake to know the world is vapor is a dream. by willows shade in shadows of the pine back up against all karma stopped the monkey heart is skewered the racing mind, coraled the moon bright, the breeze pure alone i speak of endless life. Han Chung-li an officer of highest rank dreamt an empire of ants and cast the seal of office down straw sandels are light a bramble staff is firm go laughing with the sun and moon to end of endless lift. Lu Tung pin is gone beyond his spirit suns a thousand other worlds merit, fame, and grass and mustard seed the same the old guy took his bramble stauff and smashed up all distinctions. Chang Kua lao popped riding his white ass backwards through illusion born in purple clouds coiled in ruby mist every night he folded that old ass up swallowed it to sleep in bliss. Lan Tsai ho left the common world in her hands the bamboo castinets cold jade shaking heavens gates wobbling the axis of the earth: pure air, bright moon and she, there singing endless life. Old Moon-toad Liu, prime minister of Yen. back from a dream and freed from flowers mysteries departed, took to sea put a snow flake in a rosy stove and wrought a golden image. Kuang Cheng tzu aged 1200 rests in Kung tungs cold white clouds teacher of emperors, teacher of kings heaven and earth were all he needed all things are one within this nameless visitor from nowhere. Old Fan li, preprared the rise of Yueh now floats with the moon at Five Lakes. right and wrong forgetten fame and profit out of mind sounds the flute savors the reed flowers snowing Chang Liang helped raise the Han then cast off all accomplishgment and fame now dwells in mountain blueness munching dragon livers, chewing phoenix eggs made the pill of endless life a bottomless basket full. ancient Lieh Tzu, master of Pu Tien in a breath rode beyond the realm of dark and light called to the Morning Star summoned the Dipper dreamed omens of an Empire awoke And Lang Jan-tzu changed his sack of skin to a toad of gold and flew away ghosts and spirits flew heaven and earth turned white there is a face you could not paint with any colors. my homes in the flowering mountain my joy in the purest idleness in a rush hut by a blue grotto at the end of a crazy winding path at noon I take simple meal and when I'm full I take my staff and wanter to the mountain top and gaze. who envies you oh high and mighty all done up in purple and dangling your bade of rank my heart's at peace I'm satisfied with me there arn't many in the world today to match this crafty rascal. Done with the world and pure as darkness nothing to hold me nothing restrain the old guy here within the grove before blue cliffs the moons companion. mad and singing drunk and dancing smashed, polluted with the wine of endless life. when I'm drunk I sleep and even when I'm not I loll my head and stagger east and west completely shameless there is no spring there is no fall toot toot, woo woo the music keeps me young gathing simples, going home white clouds flying mists melt black mountains and this wandering mystics straight astray blacke apes gall and green birds cry a magic crane goes before me, dancing leads me to my cave. back to the cave pull the brushwood door shut call out the boy and lets play chess if we get sad we'll have a few cups drink toll we trip on our sandals of straw and then fall asleep with our clothes on these peaks and cliffs are strange and rare blue pine and cypress all around it's quiet, few men pass a light hearted sadness to live here distant, at leisure. the flours gone sour the grain in the bin has gone stale my ladles busted, and even my old wooden bols got a hare lip no salf, just a couple of onions contented hearts my portion; it's sweeter than the sweetmeats of the world. in straw sandles and a belt of help in a rush raincoat dangling an old gourd ladle half like a fisherman half like a woodcuter my head like a raspberry patch and my face like a dump I'll bear your laughter. laugh at me, I understand the moon and the wind are my friends I sleep in the clouds I play a jade flute and taste for these may be difficult for you to learn one time hungry next time full wander n my patched old sheep-skin coat with half a brike for a pillow I nap in a heap in a pile of grass listen to them, laughing laugh in you want I understand so I've used up a fortune... I've thought it over carefully, and it doesn't bother me. I'll just straggle down this road 'til I've dance to some paradise.
  12. emptying or filling ?

    Wonderful! Thank you so much. You are Master Sharer of Taobums, Dao Zhen. No one shares as well as you do As usual in your posts there is so much to absorb I cannot comment on much other than what I immediatly recognice. Or what your words awaken in me, so to speak. My experience with lucid dreaming, and pellucid dreaming, is that when I meditate before I go to sleep it is much easier to wake up in the dream. I used to do that a lot many years ago and had full control of my dreams every night. I had sex with everyone I wanted, could fly everywhere I wanted, change the dream in every way I wanted, I did all kinds of things. I even died at one point by choosing not to wake myself up in the middle of a falling dream. It all got boring after a while. So I started getting pellucid dreams, where I just let the dream go on and only interfere occationally. From there Ive deteriorated back to regular dreaming like I do now. From what I can gather, based on my own experience and others teachings, the no-dream state means that you dont dream, you are still awake even though the body and brain is asleep. You do inner work as usual, cultivate your self as usual(meaning not like we do now, but like a master do it when he is at the level where he reaches the no-dream state..., I can only dream to imagine how it is done). And when you wake up you dont "return" to wakefulness. You dont awake, or go to sleep, because you are in the same state of awake awareness 24 hours a day. I guess the only difference from sleeping and waking is that while sleeping you dont do dishes or wash clothes with the body. Dr. Joseph Dillard, creator of Dream Yoga(not Tibetian Dream Yoga, no), wrote me a letter a while ago explaning how enlighenment is not enlightenment if one is not enlightened even in ones dreams. Makes sense to me. Its about transcending duality, both this reality and the dream reality, and enter into onness, where the awareness is never asleep or awake, just completely aware. This does not have anything to do with the psychosis many people experience from doing lucid dreaming techniques where one dont know what is real and what is not. It cannot be achived with one technique, but only though a totality of developement of ones entire being. It seems to be a natural state to enter at some point in our awakening evolution. We wouldnt be fully aware if we go to sleep, would we. I would say that if we get fully aware, but then at some point go to sleep again, we werent fully aware in the first place. Only partial, still limited to space and time.
  13. emptying or filling ?

    I am a student, and have only studied with one teacher deeply in these arts, thus I can only offer a limited view and perhaps a partial picture of this whole process. The act of "dreaming" is related to the pattern of the Metal conquering Wood; Or the Po suppressing the Hun during the night. The Po resides in the Lung Sphere and may be thought of in one regard as Metal Element. Hun resides in the Liver Sphere, and may be thought of in one regard as Wood Element. Po sponsors Death and has a relation to Jing. Hun spsonsors Life and has a relationship to Soul. When the Hun is suppressed by the Po at night during sleeping, The Hun wanders away from the sphere of the liver, and the resulting experience is dreams. As Jing is transformed into Qi, and the Hun is strengthened, there is less and less dream activity during the sleep state. This will also reflect in the strengthening of Yang and the uprooting of Yin; so many Yin quality will be transformed or uprooted. I think the most important starting point is the Cleaning of the Heart Mind, or to Still the Mind and Clean the Heart Mind of All Desire. After this point, one may begin the process of transforming the Jing back to Qi. This is the Stage of Burning the Slow Fire or Lighting the Fire. There is a method and technique taught and a transmission given for this practice. Later it becomes a very natural state; with no artificial method or technique used, and takes place naturally. Signs from this practice include: ~ an expansion and feeling much like a vast clear blue sky. ~ a steaming, or something heavy from below becoming light, and rising up ward in an expansion that is full of a kind of bliss. ~ shrinking of the genital organ and the testicles after the transformation; like the "ball" shrinks to a very small size if you feel it after practice. ~ mental stillness, and lack of dream activity. Signs that the transformation was not done properly or enough: ~ The whole abdomen feels very wet, or damp, like there is something on the skin in the area and also something inside - but when you feel it, there is only dry skin. ~ A moving in the Dantian as you lie down to sleep, like a worm moving around. ~ much dream activity, and emission of the fluid in sleep. After such a stage has been taken for a time, with Jing transforming back to Qi, the Yang Qi will begin to be cultivated and harvested. In my experience, as Yang Qi begins to come on the scene of the practice, there can be light, strong dropping into a deep emptiness, erection, and a great overwhelming heat and most notable is the loud vibration and roaring sound........ the sound that is outside, and inside, and a sound and a substance, with a feeling, vibration, density and more..... This sound is one of the main signs of the arrivalof Yang Qi. When the Heart Mind has not been stilled and cleaned enough, there can be grasping and mental activity when the Yang Qi arrives. This will lead to a great heat and a huge volume of sweat will usually pour off the body. This is a sign that the Yang Qi has transformed to a physical or Post Heaven state, and is discharged and lost. Yang Qi derives from the Emptiness that surrounds Heaven and Earth; thus it is attracted to Emptiness. So one of the aspects of the "timing" is to have "no timing" and to fall into the emptiness at the time of the arrival of the Yang Qi........ Usually one may use the "power" of the ears to "listen" and "follow" the sound...... Following it back to it's origin and root. Around this time of practice one may begin to move into the Large Water Wheel state - or the begining of this process being started. So the Yong Chuan will begin to pulse and vibrate along or in rhythm with this sound. Also the Qi moves with such a strong force and surging motion, like it wants to run its own course and has its own idea of the course it wishes to take, along with the arrival of the Yang Qi. It was taught that at this time, one should begin to practice "lying" on the back. You lay down on the back, with the belly facing the ceiling, and let the qi run its course, and allowing the Yang Qi to arrive on the scene. You forget all aspects of self. You forget all aspects of the corporeal body. You forget all aspects of ego. You fall into the deep empty state, and allow the Qi to run its course freely from Yong Chuan to Bai Hui - though really it has nothing to do with the corporeal body nor any location we may map or chart on the corporeal body and its related landmarks. This is one aspect of sleeping practice. You practice at night, and as it is not a difficult posture to hold, you may train for many, many hours in the night. The first stages of: Tempering the Heart and Cleansing of All Desire and Stray Thoughts Transferal of Jing to Qi Small Water Wheel Harvest of Yang Qi Large Water Wheel All these stages can be done in the city, and while leading a normal life. The stage of Incubation is the time one must move into an isolated place and live away from people and noise in order to complete. I just came back from Huashan and spent time with my companion of tao there. He trains in the sleeping practice of Huashan and the Dream Yoga. We sleep in caves together, and he has never given any formal teachings or ideas about such a practice. Just we lie down and face each other, and waves come over one, and states are experienced.... Deep states of emptiness, and profound Qi circulation....... Like falling into an ocean, and then rising up into the sky, then expanding into the entire vastness of the sky..... I asked him about "Sleep Practice" and he just laughed and said it is just the same as doing the "meditation" work, only you do it lying down..........
  14. full Moon

    Sweet. I woke up at 1:30 a.m. last night and went into full-lotus. Immediately the violet light was strong. Awesome. Stayed in full-lotus until McD's opened. Continued full-lotus there doing O at a Ds while reading Samuel's amazing tome: Civilized Shamans. Also came up with a new book title: DUMPS OF THE DREAM FAIRY: ON THE IMAGE OF INFINITE TIME AS VIOLETS TICKLING MY BALLS. by Drew Hempel, MA
  15. emptying or filling ?

    Not having personal experience I unfortunately have no way to answer your question in details, but *I think* it is not like meditation - just nothing (no dream). Practice/inner work *should* come before that attainment. I seem to recall that Chen Yinxi manual of "shuigong" had been translated in one early issue of the (now defunct) 'Taoist Resources' magazine. Check out the Society for the Study of Chinese Religions website, I think some of the old issues might still be available. YM
  16. emptying or filling ?

    But is the no-dream state like meditation while lucid dreaming? (without making any comparison ) One more question, is there anything that replaces the dreaming? Any inner work, practice or things like that? Or is it just emptyness?
  17. emptying or filling ?

    Thanks. But I guess this no-dream state is not the same as not remembering any dreams. Is it more like the tibetian lucid deraming where you enter meditation while you are lucid in dreaming?
  18. emptying or filling ?

    It is actual no dreams. In the Daoist view normal dreaming is generated by the hun/po spirits who roam around at night without control, so the first step is to put the spirits under control. Daoists have created a number of practices to address this specific issue. Those most common are ascribed to Chen Yinxi (Tunan) and are known also outside of the daoist entourage under the name 'shuigong' (sleeping practice). Sleeping (laying) is one of the main four standard practices of that are: laying, standing, sitting, moving. Sleeping/dreaming in daoist history has been also often emplyed as a tool of learning, the famous "Golden Millet Dream" comes to mind together with Zhuangzi's butterfly: "Once Chuang Chou dreamt he was a butterfly, a butterfly flitting and fluttering around, happy with himself and doing as he pleased. He didn't know he was Chuang Chou. Suddenly he woke up and there he was, solid and unmistakable Chuang Chou. But he didn't know if he was Chuang Chou who had dreamt he was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming he was Chuang Chou. Between Chuang Chou and a butterfly there must be some distinction! This is called the Transformation of Things." YM
  19. emptying or filling ?

    I believe it is called pellucid dreaming. Much more fun than controlled lucid dreaming. But YMWong, could you explain more about the "no dream" phase? I have seen Dao Zhen mentioned it here too a while ago. Do you mean that we actually dont have dreams, or that we are just as conscious in dreams as we are in waking life, meaning no difference between the two states?
  20. emptying or filling ?

    Patrick, we do practice lucid dreams but they are only part of the process. The goal is not to achieve lucid dreams. The goal is to obtain lucid dreams of which we have full control AND YET be able to show no attachement and let it *play* as a standard dream. Later, a 'no dream' phase will happen. Finally somebody whose name ("neidan practictioner") and words go hand-in-hand Thanks ! YM
  21. emptying or filling ?

    I agree with the initial post that powers, whether physical or mental/psychological, have bugger all to do with the flow. In fact we have all been warned time and time again not to abuse personal power. Cultivating Occult powers is a trap for the ego and although this does not result in anything so bullshit as soul-lose it can and does eventually result in massive damage to the ego. If you've ever visited a secure psychiatric ward you'll know what I'm talking about. I have on occasion talked to people that can lucid dream and they tell me how they would love to be able to achieve such a state at will. I of course point out that the blurring of this world with the dream world (astral/bardo/loka) can end in schizophrenia. As I've said in other posts here I have experienced/had many occult powers although I choose to not develop them. The only ability I still have, which I think all people have to a greater or lesser extent, is to see prana. Look at the blue sky on a sunny day and hold a finger about twelve inches away from your face and you should be able to see bright sparks spinning around each other. I've never been given a modern scientific explanation for this phenomena although there may well be one. Anyway, as said occult powers are an ego trap, if not an ego trip, so it's much better to spend your time learning a musical instrument but please don't yearn to be famous as that's just another trap!
  22. Here it is (btw, Heavenly Mountain is the current place of HT and Winn): ******************************************* "April 16, 2004 - by Earl Kaplan Dear residents of Fairfield, Heavenly Mountain, the Spiritual Center, and whomever else may want to read this letter: Over the past several years my brother, his family and I have been attacked verbally, emotionally, spiritually and financially for leaving the TM movement. I have not said anything during this time, not wanting to fight with anyone. However, I have now come to realize, for the sake of those who want to listen and for my sake as well, to clear my conscious of all that I have learned, heard and known, that I must share the knowledge that has come to me. We should all be free to listen to our hearts, to follow our own inner voice and not to be subject to a movement and a so-called "spiritual master" who rules through lies, fear and deceit. This letter is really for those of you who have been feeling that something is wrong. Remember in the Matrix when Trinity told Neo they had been looking for him because they knew that he could just feel there was something missing, something out of order but he just couldn1t figure out what. Well, that is how it started to be for me and TM. I knew something was wrong. I remembered that when I started I was promised enlightenment in 5-7 years. I remember in 1975 Maharishi promising that now that there were all these governors that there would be world peace. I remember in1977 at the end of the siddhis course Maharishi saying that it was just the hard knots of stress in the environment that needed to be cracked before we all started to fly and that he would call us back in a few years when we were ready to take off. I remember in the early 90's, Maharishi told my brother that if we built the spiritual center that he would fill it up with 1000 Purusha and 1000 Mother Divine. He said as soon as we finished the buildings and he moved Purusha and Mother Divine there that people would start to fly, they would go into enlightenment. He also told me that if I gave him enough money for his India project that he would create a 10,000 group that would bring world peace right away. For 30 years I listened and responded and devotedly donated more money to Maharishi's projects than anyone ever had. I had this deep yearning to try to help mankind. I wanted to help create a peaceful world and I wanted to gain my own inner enlightenment. I never wanted any public attention and for many years no one even knew I was the leading donor in the movement. After I had given all this money and waited patiently for the results that Maharishi had promised, I started to wake up. I started to realize that I had been misled. WE ALL HAD! Where are the 7000 pundits Maharishi had raised hundreds of millions of dollars for and had repeatedly promised to bring to the U.S.? Where is the world peace he promised us all those years. Where is there one person who has gotten enlightened in the TM movement? Maharishi said even a person in Cosmic Consciousness can perform the siddhis successfully and fly. In unity consciousness the prescriptions of Patanjali are not needed to get the results, they just happen. Please show me one or two people who can fly, who can perform the siddhis successfully, who are truly enlightened and I will admit that I am wrong. But really, no one in the TM movement can do so. The true believers in the TM movement actually become incensed when you ask them to give you a concrete demonstration of their abilities. The truth that I have come to realize is that the enlightenment that some of these TM people think they have is just a total delusion. There is no real substantive proof because there is no valid spiritual experience. The TM experience is an illusory experience, a sort of dream state brought about by using a technique that traps one in one's own mind. Since I retired three years ago I have been researching spiritual techniques. I have spoken with a number of holy men from various traditions. I have traveled to India and met with enlightened Swamis and visited many of the sacred and holy cites. I have spoken with pundits who were in charge of the pundit groups. I have spoken with Dr. Triguna and other individuals who had been high up in the TM organization. I interviewed members of Guru Dev's family. I spoke with people in the TM movement who had looked at some of the financial records of the TM organization and I have spoken with investment people who said they have been in charge of investing some of the movement's assets. I have spoken with old time skin boys (Maharishi's personal assistants) and old course participants who were involved with Maharishi sexually (verified by the old skin boys). I have had the good fortune to come across wonderful alternative healing practices that really work and wonderful spiritual practices that are taught by the real representatives of age-old traditional lineages. I have been shocked to discover the secrets behind the real TM organization and the secrets behind Guru Dev's death. I have read an extended interview from the real Shankaracharya in which the true traditional spiritual teaching of jyotir math is discussed. I have talked with many higher up people from the TM movement and many people outside the TM movement and all the discussions point to the same thing. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has pulled off the biggest spiritual scam in modern history. He has successfully diverted a large group of sincere spiritual seekers from the real spiritual path. He has accumulated hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars in assets for his family, the Shrivastavas. He has not only made up his name (he is not a Maharishi) but he has made up a meditation practice which is mechanical and repetitive in nature and which leads to brain washing by occult powers and a siddhi practice which has nothing to do with Patanjali. He has brought to the west a watered down version of ayurveda and a skewered version of Shtapatya Veda. Finally, if you look at all the poor people on Purusha and Mother Divine who are anemic and have advanced stages of osteoporosis, you will know that he has ruined many lives. The true believers in the TM movement will tell you these are all lies. They will tell you that even though they may be suffering from cancer or be penniless, they may be 50 years old, childless and living with their parents, they may have had much better experiences 25 years ago than they do today, they will insist to you that Maharishi is a God and it is their shortcomings that have caused them to be in such a predicament. Well let me tell you, these poor people are totally brainwashed. I feel bad for all of them. But sympathy is no longer acceptable. I want to share my experiences so that maybe you can wake up. You don1t need to be trapped in the Matrix. There are so many wonderful, loving people in the world and so many spiritually advanced souls walking the earth. Unfortunately, there aren't too many in the TM movement. This version of my story really starts about three years ago. I was sitting with Maharishi privately, because at the time I had an open invitation to come to Vlodrop and sit with Mahesh whenever I wanted to. At that time I knew that Mahesh had many tens of millions of dollars, the money he needed to create a 10,000 group. He was talking about building big buildings, buying airlines, etc. etc. I said, Maharishi, since you have the money and supposedly you have enough pundits, why don't you create a 10,000 group in India and then the world will experience peace and the TM movement will gain great support of the laws of nature and our other activities will then work out. Mahesh looked at me like I was crazy and said: "Earl, if we created the group then we don't know if it would create world peace or not. We would have to have the group and then see what effect it has." I have to tell you, this sort of shocked me after Mahesh for years had been raising hundreds of millions of dollars for his world peace groups. To be perfectly honest, though, this response was somewhat in line with the other responses he had been making to me. When I would ask him spiritual questions he never had answers more than what he offered in the seven steps. Or he might launch into one of his hour long circular discussions of the Ved and creation or the Ved and human physiology. I finally started to realize, Mahesh doesn't really understand the spiritual process and if I wanted to get enlightened I better take responsibility for the process and seek out people who had been successful in getting others enlightened and who really knew what was going on. So, I started to read and research the subject (two things Mahesh told us never to do, otherwise we might confuse ourselves) and I spoke with numerous people and these are the things I have learned that I think are the most important 1. Even though Guru Dev was a great teacher, he never gave Mahesh spiritual instruction and he never taught him to teach others. In fact, he told Mahesh he would never have anything to do with anything other than material success. 2. There are very strange events around Guru Dev's death. The real current Shankaracharya and Guru Dev's nephew and two Swami's independent of each other had very similar stories. It is believed that Mahesh had Guru Dev poisoned. During the funeral he then went back to jyotir math and stole the most powerful spiritual artifact Guru Dev had created, a gold and jeweled Shri Yantra. Mahesh, after traveling throughout India, found a man who could activate the outer portions of the Shri Yantra. This gave Mahesh certain occult powers and control over certain astral beings. Mahesh then created a meditation technique and certain mantras that would help people blank their minds. In this blank state (which has nothing to do with transcendence that is talked about in the yoga sutras) these astral beings would brainwash these meditators into certain beliefs and certain actions. In addition, Mahesh would put blocks on people's nervous systems to block their Kundalini from rising and to siphon off their energy. Now I know this sounds pretty wild but think about it for a while. Why do so many meditators have such a dazed and confused look about them? Why do meditators find it so hard to focus? Why do most people who have been in the movement for thirty years admit that their best experiences in TM were in the seventies and since then their meditations have been going downhill? Why are so many people asleep in the dome? Why do you need to lie down and rest for 10-30 minutes after you have meditated? Why is there so much unstressing? Why are so many meditators so sensitive? They have to go to sleep on time? They can1t watch movies; they have to be careful about their diet. They can't stand loud noises. They get tired in the middle of the day. It is not for the reasons you have been told. It is not because you are experiencing a refinement of the nervous system. Your physiology is getting weaker. It is because the process of TM is sucking your very life energy out of you. After you meditate in the dome you have to lie down just to recover. When you do proper spiritual practice as discussed in the yoga sutras (and which I have studied), you just need a minute or two to regain an outward direction and then you can get on with your activity with a very clear mind and very good energy. 3. TM is not really a spiritual practice. It does give good rest to a lot of people who lead busy lives, but it does not necessarily rejuvenate the physiology. To understand this point you have to start to read the spiritual texts. You have to understand the yoga sutras and you have to study the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the major treatise on Hatha Yoga. Many older TM meditators (from the seventies) started TM and were interested in getting enlightened. They were interested in spiritual evolution. Mahesh with his practice and teaching has done an amazing thing. He has diverted the focus and efforts of a large group of spiritual seekers and made it so impossible for them to have spiritual progress that most of them have really lost interest in the idea of getting enlightened. This was one of Mahesh's true purposes in teaching TM (his other two being to make billions of dollars and to suck energy from his followers). He has succeeded very well. In studying the basic Hindu texts and various other Tantric texts, I have come to understand that spiritual evolution is not a complicated process. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika talks about the eight limbs of yoga. The first two Yama and Niyama are really about living a good life. That is the basis for spiritual evolution. You live a loving, purposeful life. You are directed in your activity, you look after your family and friends, and you do good. In terms of spiritual practice, you have a balance of proper asana positions, pranayama techniques, hand mudras (which enliven certain brain centers) and meditation practice to bring about a holistic growth. The whole point of these practices is to enliven or wake up your kundalini shakti. This term is basic to any discussion of spiritual evolution. Every person has this latent energy in them referred to as kundalini (not creative intelligence, please!). This energy, which lays dormant in the lower chakra, needs to be awakened. It needs to travel up the sushumna enlivening the various chakras until it travels to the crown chakra and reunites with Shiva (pure consciousness). This is the real experience of unity, the reuniting of Shiva and Shakti. It is an experience beyond space and time. It is not the experience of silence moving into silence that the million dollar course participants and Mahesh talk about. It is the genuine spiritual experience discussed in all the scriptures of eternal bliss consciousness. The proper physical, breathing and mental practices, done diligently, have a holistic effect in improving one's life very quickly. The purpose of spiritual practice is to improve one's life, not t o make one a slave to that spiritual practice. Most of the long term meditators I have talked to tell me that TM has not brought them good experiences for many years. The ones who have branched out and learned good yoga practices and found good alternative healers seem to be making some progress, a lot more than those who are diligently following Mahesh's programs. 4. In traditional spiritual teaching in India, an enlightened teacher takes on a few students and gives them a very unique and particular set of practices (asanas, pranayama, hand mudras and meditation techniques) that are geared just for that person. Each person has a different set of practices because each person has a unique physiology, psychology and spiritual make up. The teacher's responsibility is to help the student with his practices so that both his worldly life and spiritual life improve quickly. The spiritual practices a person is given are like a combination that allow the kundalini shakti to be directed up the sushumna and reach makara point, the chakra of the upper brow. This is the beginning of a seeker's spiritual life because only the 6th and 7th chakras are considered the spiritual chakras and have to do with spiritual experience. The first five chakras have to do with material life so experience dealing with those chakras is material experience. Because most TM meditators have not had this type of kundalini rising, they are still caught in the material world and have not really begun their spiritual transformation. What brings about spiritual transformation and the refinement of a person's physiology, psychology and overall life is the infusion of divine light into their being. The establishment of the kundalini shakti at makara creates a situation whereby the shakti, each person's own inner divine goddess, starts to take over and direct a person's growth. Only then is real spiritual progress possible. Only when the divine light begins to be seen and infused into a person does real progress take place. In the yoga sutras of Patanjali yoga is defined as spiritual absorption. When one meditates properly they do not experience blank mind. What happens is that a person learns to turn their attention within (pratyahara) and then through one pointed focus on a proper mantra (dharana) they quickly start to become absorbed in the divine light, the self-effulgent self. With the right practice this progress takes place in a matter of days, weeks or months, not decades. If you do not have the right practice then it will take lifetimes to have real progress. 5. I cannot prove this, but I have spoken with a number of people high up in the TM organization and with investment advisors of the TM organization and they have all told me the same thing, Mahesh has accumulated billions of dollars in assets for his family. 6. Mahesh is not a spiritually enlightened Vedic master. I know this is a really hard one to believe and the last one I let go of, but it is the truth. First of all, the darshan which people experience and the experience people have around Mahesh has nothing to do with how spiritually enlightened people are. It is true that Mahesh has strong presence, but so do movie actors and famous athletes. Enlightened people usually don't project energy like Mahesh does. They keep it more to themselves. Also, people have amazing visual experiences and bliss experiences around Mahesh. But I have now come to see they are illusory. They are an occult trick Mahesh uses to brainwash his disciples. In reality, Mahesh is not interested in spiritual things. In the sixties and early seventies he had sex with a series of girlfriends. I have spoken with some of them in detail. Why do you think the Beatles left? It was because Mahesh put a move on Mia Farrow. She didn1t make it up; he really went after her. Mahesh has been interested in power, in the accumulation of money, and in women. Why does he live in a big house, own helicopters, airplanes, etc? Why does he spend most of his time involved in business planning about making money? It is because he is a businessman who has the desires that other wealthy businessmen have. His spiritual front is his scam and the way he gets people to give him their time and money. 7. The TM-Sidhi program has nothing to do with Patanjali's teachings. I was on the course when Mahesh made up the program. He simply experimented with different sutras until he came up with something he thought would work. Do you really think that Patanjali had people do the sutras in English? It is not Mahesh's genius that he figured it all out. If you really want to know about the yoga sutras why don't you buy four o r five translations and see what the top scholars have to say. The first thing you will find out is that the proper mantra to be repeated in meditation practice (and this is exactly what Swaroopanand, the real Shankaracharya after Guru Dev says) includes the pranava, which is Om, at the beginning and end with the name of your personal deity in between. There is nothing wrong with the repetition or saying the word Om, it is the holiest of sounds and only brings good to life. Mahesh is the only so-called spiritual master I know of who has instilled fear in his disciples about saying Om. I think the problem Mahesh had in people repeating Om is that in the presence of its repetition astral beings lose their power and any evil influence is redirected back to its source. One other important point is that the mechanical repetition of a mantra without meaning or devotion brings no spiritual progress whatsoever. This point is referred to in the yoga sutras and in many discussions of great spiritual teachers. The mechanical repetition of some meaningless word brings no opening of the heart, no love in one's life, and no unfoldment of true spiritual values. Haven't you ever wondered why so many people in the TM movement seemed so heartless, especially the administrators at the early courses. It was because their mechanical repetition of a meaningless word was actually closing their heart, not opening it. That is why so many people in the TM movement have suffered a sort of disassociation with so much of their life where they don't have the same feelings they used to. It's not because they are more highly evolved, it is because they are disconnected from their hearts 8. There are no pundits and there will never be a group coming over to the U.S. I spoke with people who had helped organize the early group that was actually in existence but was disbanded long ago. I also spoke with one of the pundits who were in charge of training the pundit boys (the students). There are hardly any real pundits (there used to be around 15) because the movement would use them and then not pay them. I even spoke with Mahesh who personally told me he would never send real pundits to the U.S. because once they got here they would get better paying jobs. He said they would only send the pundit boys because then they could control them. It turns out several years ago my brother actually got approval from the US State Department to bring a group of one or two thousand pundits to Heavenly Mountain. When it came time for the TM movement in India to give the U.S. embassy the names of the pundits who would be coming over, we got word back that Maharishi had change d his mind and felt it was not a good time to send them. We realized then that the pundit thing was just a scam to raise money and since have had this verified by a number of different people. 9. Mahesh installed his own Shankaracharya and keeps him on the payroll. This way when he sends people to India he sends them to his own Shankaracharya who tells people whatever Mahesh wants them to hear. The real Shankaracharya was chosen by the other Shankaracharyas and sits at important spiritual meetings with them. They will not even allow themselves to be seen in the same hall with Mahesh's Shankaracharya, lest someone get the wrong idea. 10. Mahesh wants your money and he wants it badly. After I had donated so much money and fulfilled all of my commitments, a friend of mine heard Mahesh ranting about the fact that he had not gotten the last half of my fortune. I warn you all, Mahesh will keep milking you for every penny he can get from you until he bleeds you dry and then he will discard you as so much dead wood. 11. The TM organization will stop at nothing to protect their secrets and to smear anyone who tries to get in their way. My brother is now the number one enemy of the movement. Before that, Deepak was the number one enemy. There is always a number one enemy. If you really want to understand the dealings of Mahesh and the TM movement, please read "The Guru Papers, Masks of Authoritarian Power" by Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad. Reading this one book will go a long way to helping you liberate yourself from the years of brainwashing and mental anguish you have suffered at the hands of the TM movement. 12. Mahesh has told everyone never to talk to psychics. I have finally realized why. My brother and I have talked to a number of very well known psychics in the U.S. and we have been amazed. Most of them have never even heard of Maharishi and when they put their attention on him they say the same thing. They find he is a very dark and evil being. They talk about his greed, his sexual liaisons and his need for power and to control his disciples. They talk about astral beings he controls who are able to control other people's minds. These same psychics can tell you all about your life and things that have happened. I am not into talking to psychics but I think it is interesting how Mahesh always steered us clear of them. We thought it was for our protection, when in reality it was because Mahesh didn't want you to hear what they had to say about him. Mahesh deals with psychic and occult powers as opposed to the celestial realms and gaining real knowledge. He doesn't want you to know about this. 13. Finally, I have known some very enlightened children who, upon meeting Mahesh, would comment that what they saw was an evil demon in disguise. At the time I thought they were unstressing. But now I see what was really happening. Mahesh puts on this guise of being a warm and loving spiritual master when in reality he is after money, power and control. These children would actually see his real form, a form most of us are not able to see. 14. Why are people in the TM movement told that if they want to make some real spiritual progress then they have to meditate every day longer and longer periods of time, they have to be far away from normal people, they have to eat certain things, do certain things, live certain ways. It is because TM is not a real spiritual practice; it is a cult. In real practice you start to feel the brotherhood of all mankind. As you become more established in the Self you have more flexibility. Less and less affects you in a negative way. You become less dependent on your outside environment and more dependent on who you are. You are able to see the joy in all situations and be more and more in the moment. Are you trapped in a cult? Are most of your friends TM meditators. Do you live in a Stapatya Vedic house? Do you donate money to the TM movement? Do you not feel so good unless you go to the dome? Do you read other discussions of spiritual texts or do you feel that would be wrong t o expose yourself to others' opinions? Do you feel a little funny about your family members because they don't meditate, they eat meat; they haven't come across the true knowledge yet? Do you feel TM is the highest knowledge and really the only way? Does your mind create circular arguments in discussing your own evolution or spiritual knowledge to make the point that everything Maharishi says is exactly right? Do you feel a little bit sorry for other people who haven1t quite realized that TM is the truth, the light, the only way to God? Do you think that even though you haven't gotten enlightened yet that it is just around the corner and you know that some day it is coming? Or else, by now it doesn't matter because you know that some day Maharishi will take care of all that? Do you feel sorry for me that I have fallen off the path?! Fellow spiritual seeker, I say a prayer for you that one day you can wake up and take back the responsibility for your own spiritual progress and for your own life. The world is a wonderful place and there are so many wonderful people from so many different walks of life. There are so many successful paths to God and to Love and to Self-Realization. Mahesh's influence and power have diminished significantly. So many people in Fairfield are starting to wake up from a thirty-year dream to recapture their life and to enjoy what is left of this turn on earth. Good luck! With sincere prayers and an open heart everyone can find the truth. But you have to start to look! With love and gratitude to all my friends and acquaintances in Fairfield. One day may you say to yourself, for many years I was a seeker, but now I can honestly say I have become a finder. Love, Earl (see more below:) P.S. Some of the things I have said are pretty far out, but let me ask you this. If you have been meditating for thirty years, do you feel you are making progress or do you just hope one day things will get better. Is your body feeling healthier now than it was 30 years ago? Are you more limber and more energetic or do you have growing health concerns? If you are feeling better, is it from TM or is it because you have started doing Pilates or a yoga practice given to you by someone else or some other good form of exercise? Considering all the meditation you have done and all the ayurveda you've done and all the yagyas you've done, don't you think you should be feeling great? Most people who have invested thirty years into something don't want to give it up. Maybe when you were a teenager TM got you off drugs. Maybe teaching TM gave you a good direction in life. But come on, that was 30 years ago. TM isn't working, the TM organization is dying, Mahesh is literally dying and becoming irrational as well, and you're wasting your life. The good news though, is its not too late. You can improve your life. You can heal your body. You can improve your spiritual process. But if you continue to do what you've been doing for 30 years in the prime of your life and it hasn't worked, I can tell you; it's not going to work any better the next thirty years. So good luck, you can wake up. You can disconnect from the Matrix and start to become a real person. It is not too late, but as Vasishta said in the Yoga Vasishtha, it is only through your own self-effort that you will make progress on the spiritual path. I pray for you all. To make a transition is not an easy thing, but I can guarantee you, it's worth it! Earl Kaplan As most of you probably know, I was by far the biggest donor in the history of the TM movement. For many years I donated money privately and never sought to have public knowledge of this. I had become very successful and wanted to try to help the world by donating money to build the spiritual cente r of America and later to help create a 7,000 group in India. Maharishi (or better I call him Mahesh, since Mahesh paid some pundits to give him that title) promised David and I that if we built the Spiritual Center, he would fill it with 1000 Purusha and 1000 Mother Divine. He said once this was done that people would gain enlightenment, that they would have mastery over the siddhis and that world peace would be created. He also promised me that if I donated money to India he would create a 10,000 group that would automatically create world peace. These were just a few of the many promises that Mahesh made to me that he never was able to follow through with. Most true followers in the TM movement believe tha t it is okay for Mahesh to lie, cheat and steal because he is an enlightened sage and anything he does is in accord with the laws of nature. I have to tell you that the laws that apply to Mahesh are the same that apply to each of us. If you lie and cheat and steal you suffer the consequences. Why is any man above being a good, righteous person? I don't think they are. The amazing things I have learned over the past three years have helped liberate me from a cult mentality that runs rampant in the TM movement. If you are reading this thinking, "poor Earl, he is such a deluded soul," then I feel sorry for you because you are indeed caught in the matrix of delusion that old Mahesh has so successfully spun over the last 30 years. Why did Triguna leave the movement? *******************************************
  23. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    hi to everybody This is my first post. Some things to say... 1)A big thanks to shidoin and to Jim for allowing us to see this film. 2)No. The doors are not open for david's teachings, as previous was written. The doors are open only to wealthy people with lots of money. Not to the average person out there. These teachings has nothing to do with millions of dollars or euro. Nothing. Period. There is no need for excuses about charging someone those big numbers of money... 3)The Greek man's dream was not the same. Sorry. The Greek man never asked for money for his teachings. He just had his own criteria of who could be a part of his teacher's lineage. Plus, his credentials for his titles etc were open to everyone. He had nothing to hide. Now, his book make other people make millions of it, just by "selling" their teachers in rich Westerners in the name of "Magus of Java". Sad.... 4)David is not a student of John Chang anymore. This is common knowledge to everyone in the Mopai. Everything else is just not true. 5)It is very sad everytime that someone writes something about Mopai, etc, David's associates and his "bussines" plans to come to the surface. Neidan is not a copyright of anybody.... The same goes for MoPai. This has nothing to do with David's teachers etc. But you have to know that the "smell" of all these overexposure is not good to most of the serious people and teachers out there.... Once again, thank you Shidoin.
  24. Does god exist?

    God and Gods? I think it's like the Tao! We can talk around it and even point at it but... Some mystics like to dwell on the idea that infinite beings are within each of us as well as without us. This is kind of a child like hippie dream which most of us will have remembered but have forgotten. So those that follow the Tao care for all things but not because, but just because. So what is beyond the boundless? Err the boundless! LOL What is small and what is big? Is the fool a great king?