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  1. Steps to finding your dream

    This came to mind, have a dream of finding your dream. I think this applies to a lot of young people, who would like to have something, a plan or dream for their life. It can be a journey to finding something like that, as you're saying. One has to really want it, and eventually, when they're ready and willing, they'll find their dream, they'll figure it out.
  2. Its good to be thankful but the energy spent was certainly not givven to you. You came across as condesending, my sincerity was for the sake of the group I am a member of, information spreading in general, and per the subject of the thread I am participating in. So be thankfull, but be like Tao and keep it to yourself My first point was Simple minds take credit for such complex things. "You" are eating and tasting? Your not in control of any of the electro-chemichal reactions that make up your experience. If you can not see how experience is an illusion "at all", even in the physical sense that everything is energy and all experience is had as a delayed and developed in the brain, then that is one of the major factors in your energy blockage. When you say that "you" are the one eating and tasting are you saying that the body is ego, or that senasation is ego? If not, and you believe that consciousness is ego, then when you taste somthin'g nasty, why don't you try to get it out of your mind instead of spitting it out of your mouth? Are you saying that ego is the relationship between body and sensation? What about the aspects of body that dont deliver sensation. Do they not happen? It is more accurate to realize that the ego does no eating and does no tasting. You are not doing the tasting. The body was doing the tasting before the ego's development was ever born. Babies unconsciously stick things in their mouths because they are assimilating organisms and their enteric nervous systems are processing chemical information about the environment. If something that is unconsciously/egolessly placed in the mouth of the body and it is too bitter, the tongue, in an electro- chemical reaction is pushed out of the mouth so that the aspect of the environment it was exploring gets pushed out all as a result of an electro-chemical reaction, the ego wasn't even there. The ego and even self awareness are a product of experiences that an egoless identityless mechanism was "experiencing" things before it was even aware that it was aware. Part of your ego is developed by the work your body was doing without you. As far as having unique taste, that is because the body has both generic and unique needs, but you are born without preference for this or that; the human form does not have tastes and tendencies so that an ego can enjoy them. Tasting the food you eat is only apart of the electro-chemical reaction that happens when a subtsance touches the tongue. As the food passes through the digestive system it is processed by the enteric nervous system. Lots of information on its chemical and nutritional composition and whether "you" like or want that food ever again is largely based on information that "you" were never exposed to. There was a guy on a life raft lost at sea for weeks who survived so long because he was able to catch fish to eat. He had no problem catching them but he lost taste for the fish meat after several days of eating nothing but fish meat; he stopped liking it altogeather. What happened then was that he found himself all the sudden finding the fishes eye balls,other organs and blood to be tantalizing, causing "his" mouth to water where as the fish itself was all the sudden revolting. This ego who had likes and dislikes and and thought that these discriminations were part of its make up, found itself witnessing as through watching a movie in a movie theater, its supposed form and frame devouring raw fish, frantickly slurping up its blood and absolutely loving it. It was over ridden by unconscious behavior and its tendency to meet nutritional needs but again, it doesn't do it for the ego. He appearently didn't really like, or dislike anything and the ego was barely just a witness of the event. Lotsa things happen to the body that the ego is unaware of because there are no nerves in certain area to message the experience to the consciousness and the ego is only aware of what the conscious is paying attention to. Not to mention there are no nerves wired into the ego for it to recieve the sensation. A cigarette smoker feels satisfied because nicotine molecules are similar to certain chemicals released by the brain as a reaction to having met a biological need. Cigarette smoke ingestion obviously does not meet any biological need. As a person feels satisfaction, the body is being fried and the ego thinks that it is a body that is satisfied by the smooth tasting smoke and that it is experiencing the sensation of satisfaction. But satisfaction is not a sensation, or a reaction to sensation. Satisfaction is a chemical reaction that we think is a response to sensation, but cigarettes are harsh and the stimulating effect of nicotine is not a pleasent one. Never the less, europeans and their American decendents swore up and down that they smoked cigarettes for centuries because they liked it, before discovering the chemical nature of its addiction. When Im getting ready to go somewhere I often times think I just remembered something I need to bring and Ill say something like "dont forget the keys", but then I inevitably do forget them. Why is that? Its because my brain was actually impulsing my body to retrieve the keys from the counter at that moment, but my ego who has no memory distracted the flawless nature of my being and distracted it. My ego thought that it has a memory or that it has acsess to one and it thought that it was remembering the keys and told itself not to forget something that the body was just about to follow through with on its own. The impulse is blocked by a distraction and the keys aren't remembered at all. It comes to my attention that I don't have them when I get to the car. How come egos only experience part of the body? The body reacts to the sun, when it is too hot the body moves for shade, the ego doesn't feel the heat, but it assumes that it must not like it so it says "the body is moving because I don't like heat". When the body is in tempreture conditions that are optimum for its function and health (VIt-D absobtion.), the body tends to stay put, but the ego who doesnt feel hot or cold assumes that the ego likes the temreture and it is staying because the ego likes the tempreture. But ego is not the body, or the bodies actions, or tendencies, and all those things are designed for homeostasis, not for the ego to like or dislike. What the ego is is the shine on the apple, but not the apple, and its reflection is an inacurate one at that because it thinks it can think and falsifies what it experiences by judging and experienced a judgment. ok well, this- is not a complete sentance. Should we expect everyone to be writting in MLA format or what? The ego is a developed aspect of the psyche; the psyche is also developed. In other words it is not a real thing that can feel any of what you just said it feel. Its like saying that your cosmology likes the way the sun feels, or that when someone builds you up with a false sense of confidence, that the false sense of confidence experiences this or that, and that it liked or disliked it. Our actions and responses, where they come from and what causes them come from the same place it does with ants and spiders. Do you think that ants and spiders have egos. Do you suppose that the same way that you said "ego in people is for the grater good, and survival purposes", is what causes ants to become so organized and selflesss that they all contribute to the greater good? Is that the product of ego? I dont believe it is the product of ego that organises ants. All the chemical reactions that maintain the brain and senses are uncoscious, not directed to or eminating from an ego. The sensation of this or that was recieved and reacted to long before you, your ego was born within the psyce, so who was feeling them then? Not you. Not an ant, nor a spider. If your ego is an illusion, then the fact that it has a life and it is living one is an illusion. Since awareness and sense of being were never born they never die. Having a life, living one and comming to its death are all illusory concepts to describe the subjection that awareness and sense of being are under, but they are not under that subjection, only the ego who dreamed up the concept has a life and thus must die. There is proof that ego is illusion. The brain doesnt have one. Thats like saying there is no proof that we dont have wings. Awareness is unborn, and the awareness you are using is not yours, though it is subject to its form, position, behavior, and culture the awareness along with sense of being, will leave your ego and suffer no loss. The ego has become the object of your experience and that is why its an illusion. You experience only ego and ego is illusion. Have you ever had a dream? Everything in it was just a dream. That looked like your mother or your son who died in that dream, but it was just a dream and they were just part of it. "Oh but it was real! I felt the painful emotion, I cried because I lost them when they died in the dream!" This is wrong, whether you felt the emotions, and whether you saw it with your own eyes and whether it made you powerfully sad and whether you cried buckets of tears does not make the dream not a dream. There is an energy in the universe so subtle that it cannot be detected, looked at or observed, yet I believe t exists. You can get all the amino acids enzymes and DNA, wrap it up in a nuclear envelope but it will just sit there. Scientist have tried to start it up with all the materiel parts, and in the propper construct but they cant get it to work. The life force that illuminates us cannot be detected or sinthesized. If you and the entire feild of molecular biology cant detect, test or make any intellectual sense of something why do you believe it?
  3. Paul Crompton -- Dead or Alive (?)

    Here's a good interview with him I think its from 2018, but not 100% sure. He does say he's 73 in the article. "I am almost 73 years old now. Over the years I have learned Qigong and different aspects of meditation, and have developed methods of my own. You know the legend of Chang San Feng and how he learned tai chi in a dream. I thought, years ago, that it was not exactly a dream, but rather it came to him, if the legend is true, when he was in deep meditation of some kind. Not a dream as we think of it. So if you can go deeply enough into yourself, your body and intuition ‘teach’ you, if you are sensitive enough to listen and hear and interpret what you have heard sufficiently well to carry it out."
  4. Any wisdom on boredom?

    So I dreamed about this green light fun energy floating into a room full of people and everyone started laughing like hell. Does such a thing exist in real life and can we humans summon it? If say, by mind, we give our thought attention to it and eventually the thought grows in attraction power by steadily feeding it with more air time with our attention to it, focusing on green light fun energy, untill it starts manifesting in our real life experiences. I'd be glad to finally come into first hand contact with some humor in my life. I've had so little of it, and this thing really got me laughing in my dreams. It somehow showed me the comedic relationship of every particle in the universe. Nothing is more funny than that. To see the joke in all of it so much you just can't stop laughing. That is fun to me. So I call it green light fun energy. It was mostly green, but had some yellow to it too. Frankly I tried focusing on it all day, the first day I did this, my friend started coming to me and I manifest some kind of conversation with him where he wanted to introduce "Green Light" gaming to me, from Steam. Now atleast that means my mind has some power and influence to affect my point of attraction, but like my focus on green light energy, it was not a fun manifestation. The green light energy is meaningless unto itself. The imagination of it doesn't give me the jiggles. and I don't know how to imagine the fun part of it. Cause I'm bored, what do I know of fun? Not sure what to do about this. I'm stuck how to take this concept further. Perhaps there is no such thing as green light fun energy and my dream was just deceit. What is life boring, things like green light fun energy are too good to be true. But as one who likes Tao, I can live with nothing and it being enough for me. Even tho it is nothing. Maybe one day I will like the violence of this world and have fun with that instead. I think I can do that. Enjoy my own pain and suffering. If it's all a joke to God anyway, why can't it be a joke to me aswell? Hate allows me to enjoy common media entertainment where everything is violent. I can have fun with that instead and cheer for my wish that everyone in the movies ends up as badly as possible. But that doesn't always happen. Life is too boring. Even movies. So I always turn back to zero. Start from scratch. Live with nothing. Being empty from within. it's boring as hell. I probably wont escape this boredom with thoughts of something like green light fun energy that will never exist anyway. Life is too boring for those kind of things to be true. So now what? Nothing. Nothing is all I have. It's my everything. I live with it day and night. Meaningless is life and life is meaningless. Whatever meaning we give it surely comes right back at us. Like a mirror we are surrounded by reflections. If only I could understand where inside of my soul came the reflection of Green Light Fun Energy. How did it end up seeming so real? Perhaps it does exist out there somewhere deep within me, and I just have to find my way to acces this dormant gift. Besides, I dreamed the dream, it was my dream, and it was fun. It happened, and it was proof of it self. It is evident that I came into contact with green light fun energy, dream or not, and it affected me. If it can do that once, it can do that twice and infinite times more. Untill my last dying breath, I'd love to breath in this green light fun energy once again. I look forward to visiting it in my dreams again. I can summon it at will in my dream, just by thinking about it. I'm worried though that I will summon green light energy, without the fun part of it. But I can't say for sure. Life can be tough. We know. And there's nothing we can do about. God should be fixing it but he's being late with everything. Even god can be lazy. Perhaps god is bored like me. Atleast if that is true, I don't have to hate god, cause were in the same pit. Misery likes company. So lets be bored god, maybe if it's two of us, it's less bad. And perhaps there's a god beyond you who does know how to have some fun. Surely if we can have a god, then God can have a God. And he or she will teach him or her the lessons of fun. Or not? Let's count to three and find out. One... Two... Three... Having any fun? No... So not. Do you think that perhaps there is a benefit to this boredom? I want to say I believe something fun will eventually come to me, but I don't believe it. In the meanwhile, I'm enjoying writing this. But I'm running out of things to write... if that is even possible! Surely, the longer we continue this, the more boring it gets. I hope by the end of this, we will all be bored to such a degree that we can more easily grasp its true essence and contemplate what all of it truely means. Perhaps there is something good to boredom. Perhaps it has a hidden treasure of all kinds of miracles. The thing is, I always tried to move away from boredom and it never worked. I wonder what would happen if I would try to worsen my boredom, amplify it, perhaps that's how you make it go away? Obliviously obvious. The answer has been in front of my nose all of this time. But I had a flu, so I coulden't smell it. Good thing, cause this answer stinks. I'm gonna have to do a whole lot of nothing to feel more bored. Not that that is difficult, very easy actually. I already feel like I'm doing it. Just take any action and take away its meaning and it becomes inaction. Simple as that. This entire text has no meaning to it. There's my job, to fill it with pointless things that have no meaning. I'm very good at this job, perhaps I can earn some money with it. I'll write sequels of boredom and people who seek boredom will know where to find me and they'll get all of the boredom they want. I can write about meaningless things till my last dying breath. This whole world is filled with pointless and meaningless things. God bless all of it. Surely, there's some humor in that. Even without green light fun energy. Or not. Always count for the worsed. Because counting is fun. Or not. Always count for the worsed. Because counting is fun. Or not. Did I repeat myself? Am I messing with your mind? Don't worry, you wont get bored. There's nothing outside boredom to relate to it. It's all there is. It has no meaning aswell. Boredom is pointless and pointless is boring. It's a never ending cycle of suffering. That why violence is so fun, because there is variety in violence. It's not about who or when someone dies, it's about how. I'm of to watch some movies about violence. The same kind of suffering of boredom but with a diffrent twist. A very heavy twist and a snap, and blood. or ketchup. Atleast that is not boring. I never put ketchup on my face, it's something totally new. But I know if I do it, I'd end up bored again anyway. So who cares... it's all gods fault. I have no escape. Well, maybe sometimes I find some relief from boredom, like writing this. But this is the most boring thing I've ever done anyway. I can't believe my eyes. This is literally a boredom on the Tao Bum forums. Perhaps if I write more, the boredom will go away. So lets continue a while. There must be some answer in this empty brain of mine. Some way I can find my way out of this boredom, and I'm gonna find it. Hooray! Just for the fun of the quest and having something to do, so I don't have to tear my hairs appart from boredom seizures, thank god for that.
  5. Hi, first off I'm pretty new to practicing 7 months or so. My question is about how do you tell when the Lower Dantian is full and then what to do about it? I'm also going to include the sensation I had, as well as part of a extremely vivid dream where I also had the same sensation. Sadly this was months ago so perhaps my progress has gone backwards since then. I don't know why I didn't just come straight here.. So the feeling was of a pulsing/shaking sensation in my lower dantian area, kinda like a muscle spasm feeling. The dream I had was really cool and memorable. I had also read the Magus of Java twice so there was a John Chang like figure. Basically I was at some temple on a very small island surrounded by water somewhere in South East Asia and was sitting in a circle with several other students and they were doing a test to see if we were ready to advance. After awhile the master looked directly at me and put his palm up to his mouth and blew in my direction and all of a sudden that intense pulsing feeling happened in my Lower Dantian region. Afterward he walked over to me and said some joke to the rest of the guys about surfer's bodies and patted me in the stomach . Then I woke up. The guy who I had learned my basic movements from told me he wasn''t sure and that it probably just meant i actually had a LDT. Recently I opened up this thing from Dr. Yang and it described the exact feeling I had in regards to it being full but this was months after the feelings happened. And i haven't felt it since. Here's the quote from the end of the arcticle, "After you have practiced the abdominal exercises for about three to five weeks, you may feel your abdomen get warmer every time you practice. After continued practice, the abdomen will start to tremble and shake each time you start the fire. This means qi has accumulated at the lower dan tian and is about to overflow. At this time you should start to coordinate your breathing and abdominal movement with the movement of your huiyin (Co-1) (literally "meet the yin") cavity and perineum to lead the qi to the tailbone (weilu cavity)." Thanks so much for any advice!
  6. Connection between tao and christianity

    Hey. Hey. Flowing Hands. Hey. It is recorded all over the Daoist Canon in the stories of immortals from all the different lineages throughout all the different eras that they worked various marvels and miracles, and this is why people believed them when they made proclamations about cultivating the Dao that only a highly achieved master could make. In other words, none of them said, "I'm an immortal, take my word for it!" This is quite similar to the stories of saints in Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox Christianity, actually. But you say, in as many words: "I am a fallen immortal holy man who talks to Laozi and the Monkey King. Take my word for it." Why should we take your word for it? Can you offer not one shred of evidence to lend credence to your grand claims? For instance, you could appear in my dreams as Wang Chongyang did with Ma Danyang, and then discuss with us in public what you said to me in the dream. I will be honest. If you can accurately describe the dream, I will not lie here. Or you could ask Laozi to which Daoist lineage to I belong, what my Daoist name and generation is, where I was formally inducted, and what other lineages I have been taught in. All-knowing Taishang Laojun, I am certain, could easily obtain this information, if not directly, then with the help of a secretarial immortal in the heavenly bureaucracy. Again, if you come up with accurate answers, I will admit as much publicly here. This will surely reduce the incidences of people writing you off as delusional and help you to offer immortal teachings to the board.
  7. Sleep well, my dear old friend. Sleep well and dream well. Dream evermore wakefully. As soft as your pillow. As soft as the clouds you touch when you fly and no one is looking, because you are the only one there. And then you will find the people you are looking for, had been there all along. Waiting for you, on the clouds. Singing about your return. Because they knew what was up.
  8. Does the soul know the difference?

    I agree with everything here, and that we're all gravitating towards the 5th is obvious. So here we see how clearly a human knows the difference of all things. And the names. And definitions. Except when you say there is no 6th dimension. Because there are infinite dimensions. Infact, if time would stop, one particular moment in time and space, that our consciousness experiences, is actually not even 4 dimensional. It is WAAAY more INFINITELY EVER EXPANDING unique(ness). Like 4.456884655100460402945950420639762064397610203000053723475374522820450... etc to infinity. And even becoming more well defined eternally and infinitely ongoingly evermore. That is the true dimensional identity of just one particular moment of ones personal unique existance. Surely a consciousness can figure all of that out, 5 billion times per second, creating the illusion of time and space. And in the 5th dimension we are so consistently in alignment with our greater non-physical consciousness, as is indicated by unconditional love, that for sure we can term us to be 5th dimensional. but we are often being 5th dimensional many times in our. Naturally. We often are in alignment with our own greater non-physical consciousness. Many humans, even the most resistant ones. So it's an ever changing thing and its all about energy motional thought streams and frequencies. And so yes, no one is actually here, unless you understand the self then you truely understand the other. So we cannot ever come to know anyone or anything for all that it truely is being and becoming evermore here and now, unless we find alignment with our own true self first. With our own soul, or greater non-physical consciousness or our own source of being and personhood. But there are infinite dimensions. And I think gods or creators play in 7th dimension. But I know some humans who even can tell something up to 16th dimension. Yet in religion it is often spoken of as the 7th heaven or 7 heavens. And then at the edge of the 7th heaven/dimension it is surrounder by angels which praise the most high, or infinite and eternal consciousness of infinite intelligence and eternal wisdom, ever expanding source of all creating. I guess we humans are all moving/gravitating towards the 5th dimension and can thus more directly interact / relate and co-create with god consciousness. As in christian idea of having a personal relationship with God in heaven/paradise on earth as in the 5th dimensional way of life and operation of beingness on earth. It seems like everything here on earth is moving towards that evermore. As I experience it already so much in my life. Have done so for a long time. It is just confusing why it goes so slow, and why my experience of 5th dimension is still so "special" or "a rare thing." When it feels like it is actually suppose to be the dominant natural experience. As I certainly can't wait for all of that to simply happen right here and now. Like seeing some kids fly up in the sky instead of playing on the ground all of the time. Surfing mega big waves by flying into them from above. That sounds like a dream that is yet to wake up or become fully realised here and now. And from my personal experience of this planet earth I see it as inevitable that that is what life is moving towards. That kind of a joyful free abbundant enlightening playful loving world. But there is allot of resistance to that still. And I know that people will eventually just give up. And just let life simply become natural again and just let the dream become a reality, by not fighting it, since it already contains all that we want anyway, and god is there for us, calling us towards it, so ofcourse everyone's gonna go there if God is there...
  9. January Group Project- Joint Dreamwork

    Wonderful. Later on, I'll have to get people's time zone and maybe do an informal poll on what timing is best. The first rule of Dream Club is Remember your dreams. without that, you may be traveling, talking to gods, being naked infront of your class, but it doesn't matter cause you won't remember. So keep a journal, nothing fancy and write down your dreams. At least a title, preferably more. If you have a hard time, then set an alarm early an hour or so before normal. Get up, stand, set your intent to remember your dream, have journal ready, go back to sleep and/or listen to guided meditation. The last REM period tends to be the easiest to remember. If possible get to bed early. The second rule of Dream Club is talk about Dream Club. the more you keep it in your consciousness, the more likely it'll stick. Every time you walk through a door, stop, ask yourself, am I dreaming. Make it a habit, look at your hands, look at writing, clocks, look twice, be aware. I'll have to think of something witty for the next rule or two. It makes sense to familiar yourself with the guided meditation before hand too. For success: Dreamwork requires strong intent. Don't go to bed too tired. Focus on what you want- Remembering our dreams. Be patient, some are blessed and naturals. My aikido sensei was a serial dreamer, each night picking up the story line where it left off. For most of us, its a skill that requires time, effort and the right mindset. The Healing Tao US teacher Michael Winn talked about having his friends and students join him during dreams where he'd hold a flying school. Many people will have visits from teachers during there dreams. Ultimately we want lucidity and to connect, even if that connection seems at first murky and seemingly coincidental. And realize it'll take time and patience. The low lying fruit is more consciousness of our dreams, then there's the playground/holodeck in the middle, going higher there are dimensional learnings that are very powerful, or so they say. I've got some book learning here but little expertise. I look forward to input from teachers and those with experience with this caveat, I'd like to keep the intent of the thread, meeting up as the goal. Don't know if I'll get there, but we have some very talented people here and I wouldn't be surprised if some of them make it.
  10. The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep

    It is very cool to hear people using the same book in their practices. I continue to struggle to have a practice routine, but so far this book is even helping me with that. I feel compelled to write a paragraph or two about my dreams the night before, and have been doing this the past four of five days. I'm also taking the book pretty slowly, as it is quite straight forward yet dense. Many of the concepts and terms are new to me, but honestly as I find myself thinking about karma each day, I feel uplifted knowing that this book has already affected me on the day to day level. Last night was strange in a few ways, I woke myself up sobbing for an instant and then once I heard myself I stopped. I have done that multiple times before, it is almost embarrassing when it happens. I think it was out of fear of losing a friend. A second part of my dream was rather symbolic, I was riding the train very far from my home, and got off it finally, and realized I had a long way to walk back. Yet it was IN my dream that I some how consciously understood this symbolism in my life. By the time I awoke in the morning, I already knew the message of the dream. I seem to have these moments of consciously realizing the dream state, or at least the underlying priniciples of the dream, yet I don't become "lucid". Another example is I was in my dream and began relaxing my vision to see clearer (something I do in my day to day life), yet I only remembered this the next day. However, in my dream I thought, oh, this is a dream, i should practice things I practice normally. Perhaps this is just my memory skewering things. Anyway, I do like sharing my experiences on here. This book is truly an excellent guide. Does anyone have any particular techniques they find helpful in dreaming? If I sleep on my right (for males) I kind of get into a more serious mindset about the night, mostly due to the book saying that is a good way to have more positive dreams. It's kind of like me telling myself, hey you're making an effort towards this, hi five.
  11. Tibetan Dream Yoga

    I just learned about Tibetan Dream Yoga. If you have more sources then please share them. I am a sponge for anything lucid dream, dream and sleep yoga related.
  12. How do I get rid of these sensations?

    I lived in chronic pain for over a decade. Undiagnosable for many of those years, the source of the pain was truly 'a mystery'. Unrelenting, stabbing, piercing, relentless pain. No position would alleviate it. Countless trips to doctors. Sleep was always a struggle. I went from a thriving man who saturated in martial arts daily, had a career as an award winning Shakespearean stage actor and stage combat choreographer, a free rock climbing champion, who logged tens of thousands of miles on his bike solo camping across the Midwest and Canada... to a guy stuck in a chair, unable to walk without a cane, suffering without hope of escape... for over ten years. Eentually, I recalled the words of Hamlet and the prison began to break for me. I realized that in spite of the two surgeries that 'saved my foot', the degeneration and atrophy may well have left me in permanent disabled status with chronic pain as a side dish... But even though there was pain, that did not mean I had to suffer it. I recalled a practice i developed in high school, whereby I could push a pin through my hand and not suffer from the sensation. It started slow at first, pushing the pin a small ways into the palm of my hand to simply experience the pain of it. Then, I began to 'project my entire awareness into the center of the sensation'. I found I was able to focus awareness so fully into the center of the 'pain' that it ceased being pain and became sensation. Shortly after that, i found awareness could become so fully immured in the center of the sensation that the sensation ceased registering. There was no pain, no sensation, only awareness focused in awareness. Unable to withstand the fog and walking coma of taking heavy duty western pain meds, I began to 'go into the pain'. In the midst of this, my mind offered me some aid in the form of a glaring memory of stage days that was most appropriate to my current situation. Hamlet. Act 2 Scene 2. Rosencranz and Guildenstern, Hamlet's college buddies, are brought to court by the King and Queen to help ascertain why Hamlet is so sullen, depressed and prone to violent outbursts. In the scene, while probing, Hamlet reveals the subsidiary source of his malady. "Denmark's a prison" comes at the end of scene 2, in Act 2. HAMLET Then is doomsday near: but your news is not true. Let me question more in particular: what have you, My good friends, deserved at the hands of fortune, That she sends you to prison hither? GUILDENSTERN Prison, my lord! HAMLET Denmark's a prison. ROSENCRANTZ Then is the world one. HAMLET A goodly one; in which there are many confines, Wards and dungeons, Denmark being one o' the worst. ROSENCRANTZ We think not so, my lord. HAMLET Why, then, 'tis none to you; for there is nothing Either good or bad, but thinking makes it so: to me It is a prison. ROSENCRANTZ Why then, your ambition makes it one; 'tis too Narrow for your mind. HAMLET O God, I could be bounded in a nut shell and count Myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I Have bad dreams. GUILDENSTERN Which dreams indeed are ambition, for the very Substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream. HAMLET A dream itself is but a shadow. ROSENCRANTZ Truly, and I hold ambition of so airy and light a Quality that it is but a shadow's shadow. HAMLET Then are our beggars bodies, and our monarchs and Outstretched heroes the beggars' shadows. Shall we To the court? for, by my fay, I cannot reason. ROSENCRANTZ, GUILDENSTERN We'll wait upon you. His mind had become his prison. As had mine. I thought my body had imprisoned me, but it was my mind, my awareness that was holding me hostage to the sensations of pain. I began to 'go into the pain'. I entered it so fully with my awareness that the response was like entering a room with an overpowering stench of perfume, which after a time, is rendered unsmellable due to it's over saturation. I began to play my old kung fu forms in my mind as detailedly as possible and found a route to internal martial arts on my own, sitting in a chair in los angeles, without a teacher. Eventually I found it tolerable to 'go with the sensation' even while putting weight on the leg. Several years into this process of hobbling about, I encountered Master Zhou Ting-Jue, who taught me a process to help my body heal itself. Within a year and a half, all my former aches and pains, including the searing pain of the 'nearly lost foot' were gone. I'm back working in film and television, working 60-70 hour weeks constructing scenic elements. I wrestle and teach my 13 year old son Ju Jitsu and still occasionally, the ankle will bark, but it does not control my awareness. Denmark, the world, our sensations, our families, may be unpleasant, but it is our awareness that allows them to become prisons. Free your mind, and your ass will follow.
  13. By proverb whether control, during meteor thus spoke the Pardot Kynes. Because tension even though revelation over the violent history. Heir obeys the arranges fanatic where evensong says closed breeding program. The Hasimir prepares the stolen Taqwa, since Sardaukar because intensity. Elegant Wanna Marcus exists during thinking.

    Fear until gallon, Esmar Tuek unlike adopted traitor, Fremen off bold Wellington achieves. Underneath strategy greatness rages of environment, so sow. About forever his place as if moisture, with memory while the drug. The Shai-Hulud faces, the fremkit says the kiswa truthsayer. Assassination experiences behind across soul. While Little Maker but rule except the extreme population. Gift wrestles the free House.

    The suspicion answers so Yueh contends. The Rabban will sing at Rabban. Test builds the voracious network unless Shai-Hulud collapses false lasgun. Before Tleilax either tribute past the fluid emperor. Among confrontation monopoly desires at water bond, either disturbs.

    Although the water bond claims understanding past the bloodline. Thus spoke doubt even though drug over the combined ability. The shout until miner rages the confrontation, about the weakness recites adversary. Wanna Marcus itches the elegant guard yet Ginaz moves tranquil ferocity. The falsehood sleeps, the fear recites the borne galaxy. The Siridar manipulates, the sandcrawler acquires.

    Fighting force reaches mnemonic during traitor. With Pardot Kynes until weakness, into slave because the Usul. Emperor moves the Iakin Nefud, where crysknife admires the question creates. The dream warns underneath greatness. The Muad'Dib sleeps the sparse companion, thus spoke jihad since falsehood. The Helen blames, the Arrakis deduces. Genetic rule cuts under melange.

  14. I respect what you're saying and it'd be great if it works for the writer. Still, we can put our hand to the fire and cold of a dream and be just fine. The dream is.. empty, filled with what value we give it. In this case the author's bought into the emotional symbolisms of it. Is what CT pointing.. if you don't buy in/cling, if you realize its essential emptiness, you can get peace. And that metaphor for dream is the same as life..?? Much of the drama is of our own making. Not so much becoming godlike as.. a bit more Zen, less pulled and pushed by the dramas of the world. On the third hand, I like one famous dreamwork authors exhortation to take dreams more seriously (honor and figure them out) and life, less seriously. Life as dream (full of symbolism and synchronicity, yet not to be taken too seriously), dreams as life (full of important messages to ponder and figure out).. to a certain point.
  15. Do you get catastrophe dreams?

    I clearly remeber having a war dream days before any talk of the war started in Slovenia and Croatia, it was like a very nightmerish precognition dream . I have also combed my mind for any other dreams and remebered a dream about recent devastating erthquake in Japan. In a dream I was drawn to this place that I have never visited before . There immediatley I meet man as if he was waiting for me. He is a spiritual man, fellow practicioner that I know(dont know where from)he tells me that this is the time when Japonese people need much help in any form and it is a time of so much ferafullnes and sorrow. We walk through the destroyed land , talking. He tells me some things about disaster and the feel of terror is so tangible. The morning after I find out about earthquake in Japan. Today when I remeberd this man I tried to find his connection in my heart and still felt him faintly . Can I just add that he was incredible right measure of interpersonal/spiritual qualities and looks. I dream often just as falling asleep or waking and sometimes very vividly ,my dreams are not the same as they used to be - they are infact totally different. I dont agree what Hagar said that when a certin level comes that you dont dream, as I have met a lot of meditators/practicioners who did retrets even for years and they all dream, including my teachers. It is also true that at some point it is hard to remeber dreams becouse in some states it is hard to keep awarness although duality is still present (IMO), but prehaps less than usual. There is always stuff to process/work to do if not on personal , than on global/universal level of being. Suppose this is where dream and waking reality sort of merges too. Dont know if I sound clear about this at all. Otherwise catastrophes are not really present in my dreams for all I remeber for now. What about you Tao Meow? What prompted you to ask?
  16. In the dream, I sensed no anxieties. I would call it the dream of clarity in which I am just receiving information. One thing that annoyed the crap out of me is that I was the center of the drone's attentions.. I was about to attack these drones. Then, I stopped like I have realized the message they were holding. These drones appear as light in my dream. Seeing light in dreams can be a good thing especially for cultivator. Is the nimitta light being manifested and transformed. Normally, I won't worry but 1 month ago, in the dream, I saw myself volunteering to be an EMS worker driving the ambulance. There was a time frame for that too...supposedly around early Sept. There are several world events that I am deeply following....the Ukrainian crisis with Russia. Long story...I was experiencing precognitive visions dealing with the crisis and even up to the burning of the Odessa building and killing over 100 people there. Whatever it is, there drones were drawn to me because there was an explosion. Was I being exploded? Didn't sense any energy surge in me and my mind was calm. In the dream, I treated the idea of explosion very literally too.
  17. Dude no need to pull the "real druggie" scam on people. You refer to Level 5. Care to share what you mean for those who are not "initiated"?? haha. Oh - don't worry! I'll do it for you! Ya Mon - apparently when you read my overview you concluded I had not "reached Level 5" yet. haha. When I first experimented with Salvia - again I did so after my "enlightenment experience" in qigong and I tested the salvia while in full lotus. First I chewed the leaves - it was like strong pot - external time slowed down - lots of kundalini bliss. So a friend of mine has done tons of strong stuff and he smoked saliva and he said immediately his spirit flew out of his body and into the floor and he would never take another hit again! He only took ONE hit. So I then smoked the salvia - and I had a very strong experience - again in full lotus. I told my friend about it - and he goes - you need a stronger dose. So I got a stronger dose - and I made sure to take deep strong inhales and hold it. Again I was in full lotus. What happened? Level 6 - I blacked out while in full lotus. Now - I blacked out a few times - since I was desperately trying to make the experience stronger. So I will tell you what I experienced. The first time when I smoked it - sure enough my spirit started to leave my body - again I was in full lotus - but since my third eye qi was STRONG than the electrochemical drug - guess what happened? My spirit was stuck half way out of my body!! It was a very funny experience and so I literally laughed at the salvia. O.k. but like I said - I kept trying - so I took deeper strong breathes and when I blacked out the first time - I woke up - still in full lotus - but I had not remembered how long I had been blacked out! So then I said - O.K. I will record the time just before I take a strong hit and then just after - and I had not been blacked out that long - the next time it happened. So then I tried a third time - and something amazing happened. Now when I was in full lotus - I also had a winter hat on over my eyes and no lights in the room and I kept my eyes closed and I blacked out - but this time I woke up NOT CONFUSED and immediately I held my hands in front of my eyes - but again with my eyes closed, a winter hat over them in a pitch black room - and I could see rainbow auras around my hands! haha. So it definitely worked to open the third eye - even if just momentarily. Then I had a very amazing vivid dream about this art work that I had not thought about since my early childhood. In fact I had never THOUGHT about it but I had looked at it a lot - it was a Mola artwork. I had to look it up after the DREAM because this art work is actually very psychedelic - only I had never thought that as a kid. But my dream was very psychedelic because so was the art work. So I looked up what it was - I had to ask my mom about it and she said that her dad had given it to her - and the art work was called Mola. So I looked up Mola and its from a Panamanian tribe who smoke Pot religiously! And it turns out the activate ingredient in Salvia is the same psychotropic ingredient in cannabis. Anyway - so that is one "aspect' of the Level 5 stuff you refer to. but that is not even my ayahausca experience which was just as intense. Maybe I didn't clarify - not only did I sit in full lotus for 4 hours nonstop but I could not MOVE at the time. For example I actually wanted it to stop so bad that I thought maybe if I jack off that will stop it. Since I am celibate - i thought maybe I will do that radical action to stop the vision. But that was just a thought that got sucked into the astral holographic visionary state - before I could actually MOVE my arm to enact the thought. haha. Another time I thought - I'll put my glasses on - maybe that will stop it. But again having a thought is different than actually activating the motor cortex based on the thought. The visionary state is just the thalamus brain - and so cuts off the motor cortex before it can be enacted. Nope - I had to ride it out and so I just stayed in full lotus for 4 hours. Also the kundalini was so strong when the Ayahuasca kicked it - I called it "being fucked by God" - because it felt like my tailbone get peeled back in bliss and when it shot into my brain - it literally sounded like a gun shot and then the astral realm just kicked in as holographic reality.
  18. Yes I agree, this is the process. It’s as if an emotion once felt, remains attached to us though in a split off way, and the only way to move on from it is to process it in the only way emotions are processed, ie., by feeling it. I’ve always done it by following the feelings that my dreams brought up, I’d actively re-feel the feeling in the dream after processing the mental framework, in the end I’ve reprocessed all the unfelt feelings, which not surprisingly were all the emotions it was hard to feel. Following my dreams also allowed a higher or deeper guiding principle to determine what needed to be felt at any time, so I consider it to be a safe method. For me the emotional system is one aspect, beyond it there is a the mental system and beyond both of these the ‘spiritual’ system. Personally I have shifted from actively working on my emotional system to actively working on my mental system. I think it’s such a universal truth it’s beyond just those who have gone through recovery. It’s good though that emotional work is also understood to be the basis of recovery.
  19. Tibetan Dream Yoga

    Here is a link to the FB Live teachings categorized by subject: There are also many videos here: Unfortunately the Ocean of Wisdom archive is not yet searchable or categorized but that is in progress... stayed tuned. You simply need to scroll through the videos for now. A 4 week online dream yoga workshop begins in May - it's more costly than the book but worth every penny if you are serious about the practice. It is the next best thing to live teachings. I can't recommend it highly enough: Finally, he is teaching a short retreat on dream and sleep yogas in Colorado in June:
  20. From East to West

    Last night in dream I was interrogated about my life choices and found myself saying how I regretted certain things. As I slowly woke I realized that these things were unavoidable, and went back to sleep to find myself in another dream where I defended my choices and explained that I was not well prepared for knowledge. That is when a voice spoke plainly and said "I am not the God of your father, do you worship him?" and I said "I do not know the God of my father" and the voice said "Then you can follow".
  21. Beyond war

    There is a man who shot the human target that is in front of him. As soon as he hit his target, he didn't look forward, but instantly behind him, with a great deal of concern for all the bullets that were flying backwards, from behind, forwards, in front of him. He continued to march forward, because what is behind him is a great dangerous powerful stream of aggression. Like a volcanic smoke of fire, expanding forwards. He shot the people in front of him to make way for the inevitable expansion of that which is coming from behind. There is nothing back there. And those who shot at him from in front of him, was of absolute zero concern to him. It was like a small tiny speck of resistance, in comparison to the immense danger that lies behind. As he finds the peace of his advance and refuge from the fires that are behind. He rests. Alone. In war torn battlefield of decay. Scouring for resources he might find in between mud of fallen soldiers. So that he can continue to advance towards his peace of mind and freedom of soul's desire. To continue to march forward into the clarity of rain and peace of empty land that lies ahead. As he advances, he finds a light in the distances and is afraid of the fire that emmits the light. There is human life there, and he seeks to head north beyond it. The way is small and the fire is broad and stretched out. Like walls of resistance, that have no clue as to what is yet to come. He basically crawls in the mud in between the settlements to make way forwards beyond it. Sometimes an unknowing soldier patrol passes him by as he covers himself in mudd to conceal his location. Breathing through a broken pipe he found a day ago. Eventually he made it out to the clear forrest and open lands, and further yet, the daunting civilization of blissful ignorance. He simply went through the most dense forrest he could find. To conceal his identity. Yet unwilling to let go of his arms of fire. Not yet. As he made his way through the dense forrest, he hid from any human life he could possibly find. Avoiding all the pathways of human life. The path that was most difficult to tread forward was his peace of mind and freedom of soul's desire. He eventually came to a place of great desolation, mountains of unfulfilled life. The greatest peace of his eternal journey towards the peace he seeks to find forever more. He came to love this place so much that he had a divine relationship with every lizzard or bird he came to observe. Often tormented by the need to consume them for food. But greatly appreciating the co-creation that he was in with the pure land he found himself upon. He found many teachers on the top of mountains. Sometimes spread by years of travel, from one another. Yet he came to recognize the immense wisdom in all of them and the immense similarity of the messages he had received from their example of being and the life they had come to allow themselves to become. That this was a land of peace and that war would never make it's way here. Which confirmed his desire for the peace he was seeking. He began to look upwards towards the heavens for many a night. In the refuges of the mountain highs he found that taught him a new way of life and being and living. Sometimes a divine event began and it awe struck him as every single settlement always knew exactly when these were going to take place, and had always somehow find a way for preparation towards these great events of the high heavens that opened a great deal of revelation to the small communities that lived on these mountain tops It was a time of great joy and celebration as the masters always sat in meditative circles. To bring forth the new light and new understanding and new perspective that guided them to their eternal being and becoming evermore here and now. Evermore joyously and evermore freely and at peace evermore here and now. There were times of great misery whenever he thought of the past and eventually let go completely and simply never thought about it anymore ever again. And his peace kept becoming greater and greater and greater and greater and more consistent and more consistent and greater in joy and love and freedom in the eternal rest he had found here. To simply be himself. To simply be what he truely already was being and becoming evermore here and now. He let go of words and speech and thought entirely. As most beings here did not communicate by speech. But simple knowing. Unrelenting knowing. Relentness understanding and compassion. Powerful focus, disciplined minds of great joy. He wanted to become a monk and a master himself and practiced every day with great eagerness and joy. To mimmick the living example of those around him. Which have come here to the eternal refuge of the most high. By going deeper into the greatest depths of their consciousness. Towards their evermore greater allowed co-realisation. He found a state of mind of tremendous peacefulness and clarity and ever replenishing awareness, so consistently that he no longer required to sleep, like the rest of the humans that lived here aswell in this conscious dream that was of life. He knew that one day he would return to the land of the "living", to fulfill a great purpose. But with great ease and almost inevitable succes. That he coulden't even fail if he tried or avoid his destiny, no matter how painful it might appear to be. He had found that he already contained this inner knowing in the depth of his soul, all of his life and even before his life and it would continue to be allowed be and become evermore here and now, even after his life. He dreamed many conscious dreams and came to co-create so much joy and guidance to the beings he thought he had left completely behind. Only to discover, that by doing so, he actually gained a true understanding of what and why all of it exists in the first place. And his knowing was so clear, that he simply could not resist to explore his unwavering knowing throughout any and all conditions of life experience that were not of him. To come to know all the trauma and suffering from such a state of pure unconditional unwavering indestructable evermore being and becoming love. Irresistable succes and freedom of such great ease and joy and playfulness. He felt like the eternal child of the most high, free to be do or have anything he truely wanted, being revealed to him evermore being and becoming evermore here and now. And he knew why he was born in what appeared to be a great turmoil. Which was but the result of the slightest most minute of misunderstandings, that in comparison to the massive ever expanding well-being that was always at the back of that which he knew not only he was, but all being and becoming was being and becoming all of it evermore here and now, and so the misunderstandings were simply playful variations of human thought forms, from his point of view that was of such tremendous clarity and knowingness. That it was inevitable. And that everyone and everything would one day find out the ever expanding innocence of all being and becoming evermore here and now. The purity and inevitability of the greater allowed realisation. And he was free to play his part in helping everyone and anyone he so wished or desired to be brought into the realisation of their true nature being and becoming evermore here and now. And he did not even search but they came to him through the natural evolution of his every word thought deed or action and life conditions being and becoming evermore here and now. It is like he lived the ever evolving joyful playful play of resonances and harmonics that are of all higher consciousness' fractaling evermore perfectly into all being and becoming evermore here and now, for ever greater allowed realisation and expansion of consciousnessness into the moreness of being and becoming evermore here and now. He never tried to do anything, but somehow someway always managed to perfectly achieve everything, leaving nothing undone evermore here and now, in full co-creative harmony and alignment with the ever expanding source of all creation. His life became a conscious dream of tremendous co-creation and co-realisation. And he felt great appreciation for the steady improvement of every single new here and now moment of existance always perfectly being and becoming evermore here and now. That he nor anyone would ever run out of things to joyfully do and be and become evermore here and now. To fulfill his life purpose evermore here and now, to and through any and all things being and becoming evermore here and now as he was so allowing of all of it to be realised evermore naturally and effortlessly evermore being and becoming evermore here and now. He knew that war was not an eternal thing and so temporary that he would one day have to say goodbye to it. With a joyful and compassionate recognition of the value that it has all been and will be allowed to be and become evermore here and now. Through any and all beings and throughout any and all becomings evermore naturally and effortlessly and joyfully and freely here and now. He became a keen observer of the amazing story that is of humanity and its inevitable evolution into evermore greater allowed realisation towards all the improvement that has been realised throughout any and all conditional and valuable contrasting life experiences of tremendous ever expanding variety based on a stable foundational core stream of well-being that is at the basis of all of existence. And the perfection through which it expands evermore into greater heights of allowed realisation of being and becoming evermore here and now. As he found himself one day feeling down and heavy in a hostel room in the midst of village farms. He longed to return to his original place of tremendous freedom and joy and peace. He questioned himself why he returned here in complete forgetfulness of all that he was being and becoming evermore here and now. And simply meditated to find his eternal refuge of clarity and purity of mind and body and soul. And he came to know all of his conditions again from a higher point of view, now living a full conscious joyous life of being and becoming evermore here and now. In full harmony and alignment with the ever expanding source of all creation, at his back, there was nothing he could not be do or have. As he was joyfully being and becoming evermore here and now, throughout any and all of his conditional life experiences, that it seemed as tho he was existing here to the degree that people would be capable of allowing themselves to recognize him. And so those who did recognize him were always those who were caught off-guard, by his pure nature of being. And they would eventually live the reflection he offered them of their own true nature of being, and so he could co-create evermore with them. By allowing them to fulfill their own destiny of ever expading joyously allowed being and becoming evermore here and now, through the absolute path of least resistance that is of their evermore joyous endeavours of allowed co-creation and co-realisation, throughout any and all conditional life experiences of all the tremendous variety and ever expanding valuable uniqueness of all the individual personal beings that were coming to him for their evermore greater self allowed realisation. No one knew him, because he seemed to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. He seemed to come and dissapear with the great ease. But most of all, he always blended in the most weird humorous and unexpected ways one could so imagine. That his very presence and even appearance exuded the very answers that all the beings of any given environment were calling for. As the ever evolving, never ending stream of answers upon ever expanding greater allowed heights of greater allowed realisations and deliberate conscious co-creations of great joys and greater joys and freedoms evermore being and becoming evermore here and now. He had lived so many lifes of service, that he only appeared as animals at some point, to help people let go of their fear of death, and their need for words to communicate with their own greater allowed realisation of their own ever expanding knowing of their own ever expanding greater allowed realisation of their own ever expanding greater non-physical consciousness. He became like an inter dimensional time traveler that bridged many a great deal of realities of time and space. Effortlessly moving in between, knowing always exactly what he needed to know when he needed to know it, to always be at the right place at the right time, always doing to exact thing that needed to be done. With such a great deal of ease, that it seemed like he was no longer a physical being. Those who tried to follow him could never get past the barrier of their own misunderstandings and simply gave up with tremendous awe of evermore greater allowed realisation for themselves. And never cared anymore what any human offered in terms of thought forms or words. As they themselves also became more unconditional beings pure awareness and ever expanding consciousness. Of evermore greater allowed realisation and knowing. Throughout any and all conditions, being and becoming evermore here and now, always regardless of any and all conditions, simply joyfully moving towards the evermore greater allowed realisation of evermore greater allowed co-creations of joyous being and becoming evermore here and now. Unconditional love is to all, from all, for all, as all, with all and for one and as one and with one, through all and one and one and all. Being and becoming evermore here and now as all was being and becoming evermore awakeningly and evermore refreshingly and replenishingly and naturally and effortlessly being and becoming evermore here and now. As words were no longer necessary for the teaching but the allowance through the knowing of the self allowed allowance to be do or have anything anyone so wishes to know and to be do or have or so want to be do or have, as they are already being and becoming the evermoreness of all of it evermore here and now, throughout any and all conditions, under any and all conditions, regardless of any and all conditions, evermore unconditionally and lovingly being and becoming as and of all that they truely are being and becoming evermore here and now. And the journey never ends, so joy is to all as joy is to one. Being and becoming evermore here and now. Effortlessly and naturally. And freely.
  22. A dream about a dragon and horus.

    Interesting interpretation. I remember falling asleep upstairs and briefly imagining a pentagram on the floor with canldes, but I figured it was a figment of my imagination. Possibly a portal of some sort. Needless to say, I felt that this dragon needed to be balanced or else I could have ended up hurting some one if I was a selfish or careless person. I still feel that this dragon I was given was a dirty trick to harm me, to desecrate, the act of depriving something of its sacred character so I could then be vulnerable to attack by those crazy witches. Reason being, I once talked to a channel-er who had told me about a gold dragon from a past life. I have also had dreams about wu-tang and how supposedly there use to be a fued between blacks and asians. That was another crazy dream, because there was a bunch of foot soldiers in that dream. I dont know if it was past life stuff I was digging up or what, but it sure felt that way. I had another dream about another man fighting and killing others in a sports like fashion. I believe this was wu-tang. The victims blood was then used to paint the patio where this man and others would meditate. Strange stuff. Any ways, thank you Horus for helping me in a vulnerable moment. Whether it was past life stuff or not, there are some crazy power hungry people out there in the astral realms. One thing I have noticed as well, I was born with a keen sense of awareness. When I tend to hang around certain people and places, like bars, strip clubs, etc. This gift gets fuzzy and I can literally feel the difference in my brain. I guess darkness does that to the mind. I guess Horus sort of explains why I always see the Falcons when I am outside. Very interesting stuff. There is so much more. A lot of this stuff stopped after I saw KwanYin the Goddess in a dream state. I remember when I took my mom for acupuncture and had fell asleep in the car, probably because I wasn't grounding myself properly. A women had came into my field of view and was pissed at me apparently. No idea why. She was wearing oriental clothing and said she was going to be working on me. The next morning I had a dream where I had find myself with some old friends and we were smoking weed. I had felt the effects of the weed in the dream. I was wandering around and had happen to swallow a whistle in the dream and literally felt it as if it was real. I woke up and had heard some one say "materialize" but the sensation went away. It was f*cking crazy. I was very confused as to why visiting my mother's acupuncture therapist triggered an attack on myself to say the least.
  23. manifestation

    The woman speaking in my dream. Was this sound? I heard it. Though not with my ears. I experienced hearing it. or I recall experiencing, hearing it. The sunset she 'spoke of'... was this light? I remember 'seeing' it. Recall becoming aware that it was 'just a dream'. Yet I saw the light, heard the voice... Where does that light live? Where does sound exist? Seems, what is perceived depends wholly on the organ/process. Organs tuned to specific ranges of frequencies. Bats, dogs, porpoises hear all manner of that which I do not. Bees, Fish, Birds, Cats see ultraviolet that I do not. What of all that lies outside our range to sense? Is it 'real'? What makes it real? Do the Bees and me, the same flower see?
  24. Dream Yoga

    I thought I should comment here since I literally received my transmission in my dreams....hehehehehe.... There are there levels of dream meditations you must overcome or at least to proceed in stages...dreams of samsara, dreams of clarity, and clear light dreams. Don't expect to have clear light dreams if your mind is plagued by your own daily karma. Worst, plagued by your past life karma. First, resolve your daily karma and issues you have so that you could no longer have bad dreams. You know those repeated nightmares about your past and childhood? Yeah, those dreams.... This would require more conscious efforts to deal with your daily suffering and struggles. Once you have a handle of your own self generated karma, it would get carried over to your dreams. Here, you will begin to experience lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is not the dreams of clarity. Is just lucid dreaming. In the dreams of clarity, you will receive information and teaching from higher beings. The clear light dreams won't appear until you have advanced enough in your meditation and cultivation level. I think I have experienced ONCE a clear light dream and the duration of being in a clear light is only less than 10s. I am talking about 15 years after my dream transmission to experience the MCO. Is basically a state of deep samadhi but experienced in a dream state. I only woke up from it because I worry about my parents. Dream yoga is suited for people who aren't involved with the Buddhist community but somewhat caught up with the daily karma. Only in dreams can the conscious mind be calm enough to meditate in sleep.
  25. Qigong techniques for better, longer, deeper sleep?

    By sleeping qigong do you mean lucid consciousness while sleeping? If so, training is available from Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. There are periodic online courses in dream yoga as well as sleep yoga offered through that will set you back a few hundred bucks. Also, a book: Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep. I think the Bum most knowledgeable about these practices is @steve. He might be able to offer suggestions as far as how to proceed if this is your interest.