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  1. Thoughts on this ? Anyone ?

    there are lots of forums on this subject -- but, I have not made it to them yet - as there is too much content to deal with already from the audiobooks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- actually thats not true - I have made it to the dream forums - I just got discouraged because the one I picked would log me out after being online for a few seconds -- I was trying to log my dream journals & it was becoming very frustrating - I finally gave up on the forum altogether -- Sooooooooo - anyway I just registered at a new one & I find it very interesting - I'll see if this one goes any better
  2. Question about stages in Neidan

    The day I activated the LDT I put some heat in tailbone and put it into my head from there and it felt like the crown of my head had been flooded and when I opened my eyes it was like a waking dream. Then for 6 hours my pelvic region got hotter and hotter. During that time I did the MCO and each point felt warm when I put qi there. The only two points I didn't feel anything were the crown of my head and the forehead. So feeling heat in my forehead the other day was the first time that had happened for me and it's not obvious I can even move the energy around the MCO now the way I did on that first day because I've only been breathing wherever the heat has gone since that time.
  3. Thoughts on this ? Anyone ?

    I almost signed up for one of his dream workshops back in January... perhaps soon. A few of us here tried a shared dreaming exercise for about a month or so recently and it demonstrated great promise. I found it very rewarding. Dreamwork has always been central to my living experience. I've learned so many things about my own inner nature in dreams, that its value to me is as relevant and necessary as my waking life. I have most of my adult life, lived with this nagging, continual sense that one moment I will awaken in the 'real world' in the same manner I have become lucid in the dream state a myriad of times. To me now there is this palpable sense that waking life is a varied frequency and resonance of dreaming. One that is a shared dream in the slower vibratory realms with all of our fellow dreamers, stone, animal, insect and element alike all sharing in the slow, resonant process. These thoughts are well echoed in the words of our ancestors and even the modern vernacular of the Aboriginal Australians and their honoring and holding space of the DreamTime. And I'm with you on audio books. I banished commercials from my life years ago and now have no tolerance for broadcast tv or radio any longer. So, I have really come to appreciate audio books in a deep way. Especially with the long, slow commutes of Los Angeles... it's amazing to have that time be so pleasant, productive, or relaxing, when it used to be an energy sink. I've never taken anything herbally or chemically to help my dreams specifically... perhaps with this next round of reading Dream Yoga, I'll head to the new Tea shop that opened here in Torrance and see if they carry anything to augment the work... I'm sure some Bums here have relevant experience with this...
  4. Thoughts on this ? Anyone ?

    yea, I find dream work is extremely effective and necessary for my path... has been that way all this lifetime for me. That and sometimes it's just purely joyful and playful and fun, to be awake in the dreamscapes.. it's invigorating. My earliest memory is of a lucid dream and all through my life I regularly experience extremely vivid dreams, both lucid and passive. I rarely go more than a few nights without vivid dream experiences that I recall in minute detail. I have not had the experience of vivid dreams being problematic or causing a lack of rest, so I don't agree with Marble on this being problematic, but I don't consider him wrong, we are just different. I think the pivot is to be sensitive to how you are affected. Your bolded sentence really affected me and has spurred me to action... it's like the fifth or sixth almost verbatim reference of The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche which is one of my most cherished books on dream work. I've been feeling a shift approaching in my practice but wasn't able to pinpoint where... now it's become clear. Time for some focused dream work.
  5. Thoughts on this ? Anyone ?

    What about tibetan sleep & Dream yogas ? I don't think this is a problem If you study lucid dreaming you will find that the brain goes through different stages during sleep - some people have learned to meditate in their dreams the brain gets it's rest & then it does other things
  6. Thoughts on this ? Anyone ?

    I doubt that anything definite can be said regarding this. This is because we each are different people composed of different "stuff" and energies. Trial and error are the most efficient way to find what is best for each of us. If we toss and turn while trying to drift off to sleep there is a problem. If we can't fall to sleep there is a problem. If we dream vividly during sleep there is a problem. (Sleep is supposed to rest out brain too.) And I will suggest that there is more than just one cause effecting our sleep.
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    All right, I'll share a few things that happened at least the past couple days! My jing has definitely started greater production--even with very little water intake, during and after the form, I have a lot of saliva, and--warning to those who are a little squeamish--I dreamed that I was doing the forms and woke up in the middle of the night to an orgasm. This is especially significant as far as I understand because as someone who does a lot of internal styles, jing is very important. My other styles of martial arts have greatly improved to the point that I can't pinpoint a moment when I don't feel the influence of FP's unique qi. When I was up in the mountainous area of Sagada in the northern Philippines, where the barrier between the spirit and mundane world is very thin, locals were very, very receptive to the practice and I attracted quite an audience (of both the human and non-human incarnate variety--think of the kind you might see in the film Princess Mononoke). There was a very distinct blue glow when doing forms in the forest at evening twilight and some other colors that made my energetic body resemble a peacock feather. While healing a rape and incest trauma victim, an abused and grieving youth whose partner was killed, and a gout patient, each of them described that while preparing with Flying Phoenix forms before I gave them ear acupuncture, there was a big shift in the outdoor garden we were in, as though it were another universe. After the needles and when I began transmitting Reiki, they all said that I disappeared and seemed to penetrate every cell of their body, removing things that were dirty within them and letting them awaken from a bad dream. The garden also seemed to have a few "visitors" as well who joined in on the fun. Lastly, I look like I've been de-aged at least 10-15 years and a different face I don't even recognize in the mirror, resembling somewhere between Sting in the 1980s and Duran Duran. I already look quite young for my age, but looking both younger and having an entirely different face and energy behind it, around it, and within it makes me feel like I'm no longer me per se, but the original me, an ancient incarnation of me, or even something beyond me. EDIT: wanted to add that I remember actually waking up TWICE the other night. Before the jing explosion, the first time I woke up, I felt as though I were falling UPWARDS and was afraid I was about to hit the ceiling, and I dared not open my eyes. I then remember hurling down towards the bed and a bit of a bounce before opening my eyes in the dark. I could have either been seriously levitating or having my first out of body experience. This is what happens when one does Moonbeam Splashes on the Water right before going to sleep and at approximately 11:11pm when I started doing the form.
  8. Well everyone is already the water itself, they just don't realise it. Even those that realise it the majority of the time can temporarily get caught in the dream that they are something else. I don't see any examples in the real world of anyone who never gets caught in conditioning and separation from time to time, it seems to be the human condition, to fall again and again. From my perspective those people who say they are 100% realised 24/7 are basically hiding out in the transcendent realm as a means of avoiding the difficult realm of their humanity.
  9. First of all let me clear that I only care about Vedanta. If you like to mix and match I am not sure my responses will be helpful. Secondly I answered dwai first and then you. I didn’t think of a potential connection between you two. You added questions and I answered to the best of my ability. And yes, it was to your first post (post #10). Thirdly.. And here it get’s confusing. I will try to make sense of it, but remember that I read your questions as your questions and that they had nothing to do with this character named dwai. That is sort of the crux, since ”dwai” - just like ”me” and ”you” are all jivas. All according to Vedanta (which is the truth ) - so again, if you just have a fleeting interest in Vedanta the following comments may mean very little to you. I’ll go by the question marks! (Also, apologies to dwai if you feels singeled out here. It’s only semantics.) 1. Fundamentally yes, but remember: you are the Self. There is no discrete entity named ”Jeff”, ”Boy” or ”dwai”. However, this does not in any way negate the control you have over your own body and mind as an individual/ego. Furthermore, the Self is not a doer, but through Ishvara and the power of Maya things appear to be and happen. Come to think of it, it’s actually quite similar to Plato’s cave. Or you watching a movie - for a moment losing yourself in it, believing you’re the main actor. Or a dream. It’s that simple, but you have to realize it for yourself to remove doubt. 2. No. ”dwai”, ”you” and ”I” are the jivas - normal folks with free(ish) will. Then there’s the idea that there couldn’t be any free will because of cause and effect etc, and that might represent Ishvara - the totality/creation. And then there’s the Self/Brahman/Parabrahman etc. which is signalled by your subjective realization that everything you can possibly perceive cannot be not you. This is not mysticism or magic. Just the truth. 3. Again, the jiva is just (the apparent) you. Nothing spooky. 4. No no. We all have an unconscious side to us (as normal people/jivas). We don’t know everything about ourselves and we probably never will. The point is that from the perspective of the jiva - which is all we have go on as humans - we are limited (uphadis!) but from the perspective of the Self we perceive everything. When we see it 5. Yes I believe so. Reiterating. Ok, i did as best I could. (Please come back if I missed something essential!) Your questions are well founded, but they go into a kind of nitty gritty that is unnecessary if you want self realization. I went through hell myself, so I surely sympathize, but.. words are just pointers. You need to see that you are not who you think you are. When you do, it will all become clear. And if you’re better with words than me, perhaps you could pass it along. Normally I’ll just refer to sruti. Nonetheless - Thank you Jeff! Much love!
  10. Many years, when I was a beginner, I dreamed a lot. I dreamed of flying, running, big moon, big son, explosion, buddhisatva, dancing water, fire,etc... Now, I use dreams to exam my state. If I dream, I know I need more meditation. Because the block of the heart make me dream. It is called five covers. If I have no dream, I know I get better.
  11. So what's the deal between qigongs and dreams?

    I used to do a lot of dream work and kept up a very detailed dream journal. I was able to recall a significant amount of dreams each night (to the point where writing down all the detail was kind of a chore). Correspondingly, in my day time practice I was becoming more aware of the thoughts I had throughout the day. In the end, I realized the vast, VAST majority of my dream content was just leftover or recycled thoughts, either from that day or from the past week. For example, I'd see someone in my dream and think it was a big deal... then remember I glanced at their name when scrolling through my phone contacts. Okay, just subconscious processing of stuff. I've had some interesting dream phenomena from time to time. For the record, I DO think dreams can be used from a spiritual development standpoint. However, I also think that you need to have spiritual development enough to be able to distinguish between, say, internally generated mental thoughts and externally generated psychic thoughts. And that takes a bit of work. If you aren't at that point (and I myself, am not) I would suggest not attaching too much to dreams, if something stands out hold it loosely in your awareness, and if something happens something happens. If it's real, it will stick around/keep coming back.
  12. Where can I buy legal psychedelics online?

    psychodelics mimic lucid dream. You need to have a genuine lucid dream what appears because of conditions met on normal level. And from normal level, you met the conditions without intent to have lucid dream.. edit: you also have narcotics what present you the dark dream..both equal. But psyhodelics people think pshyodelics are harmless. Read alcohol vs weed discussions. (i don't care which one weed is..put lsd there then)
  13. Where can I buy legal psychedelics online?

    I'll echo that sentiment... Insatiable curiosity about natural and incredible states of consciousness I experienced as a young man and the profound levels of awareness I embodied as a very young boy, forged in me a primal pull to be able to replicate and return to them. It's why I was drawn to explore Taoism and the Internal Arts. I have many visceral memories of my body growing light when breathing and seeing a certain way... of floating and hovering as a small boy, as well as a deep, abiding sense memory of complete dissolution of body/individual self into samadhi/satori. In researching ways to replicate these experiences, Taoist philosophy, martial arts, meditation, Vedic and Tibetan cosmology kept popping up, as well as opportunities for experiences with a few natural entheogens and the usual man made offerings of the mind. I tried most of them and I will say unequivicolly, the most potent and beneficial experiences to manifest for me were not chemical at all, for me it was pranayama and tummo breathing. But as for ingestibles, I highly recommend natural entheogens as opposed to things 'bob' made in his bathtub or spare room. I'll echo the words of others and suggest that when you go the plant/chemical route and are new to it... always have one sober buddy there to keep you anchored and if you've never tried something before... you never know how you'll react, so try a tiny amount first. It's how our ancestors discovered the myriad medicinal properties of the pharmacy of nature. Also, I found that my mental state for the previous six to ten hours before a trip was of paramount importance and sets the overall potential atmosphere of the coming journey, not just for you, but for everyone who is there with you... you will all affect everyone else. So if' you're planning on taking a mental journey in the evening and have had a really intense emotional exchange/experience that day, know for certain that when the doors open via the substance, that experience will likely be a focal point. This can bring amazing healing, or more trauma, depending on the nature of it and how you respond. I've talked many friends out of bad rabbit holes of consciousness when they spin onto a topic and get lost in the inertia of it. However, it's the hard places in us, that are where awareness is needed most and where the most potent healing comes from... I myself have had two life changing vajra/healing insights while using psilocybin. Experiences that melted years of ignorance and pain in a moment of insight. Above all, who you have with you, really important you love and trust them. As for me, any more if I want to incite insight a shift in awareness I drop into my body via the breath, or I extend out via the breath. Quickest way to alter consciousness is through the breath. One of my experiences pranayama breathing exceeded all previous experiences with entheogens and chemicals... and came closest to the states I deeply sense recalling as a boy... Now aside from it being free and utterly essential to life, let alone illegal, it may well manifest spontaneous self healing! I highly recommend it. I also have had success with purely physical pursuits. I got deeply and dangerously into free hand/no gear rock climbing to induce changes for a while. The kind of focus and intensity required for some portions of climbing can result in dissolution of self and some remarkable experiences, but at such a potential cost, thankfully that desire receeded early on. On my honeymoon, I nearly fell off a 600 ft vertical while climbing alone in The Needles area of The Black Hills in South Dakota. Breath is key in climbing. Calm, steady, focused, alert, non-spastic... lol. I also find water to be potent. Once a profound waking dream state and out of body experience overtook me while I was taking a shower. Or the blissful state I used to get into... swimming in this very slow repetitive languid manner for unknown minutes on end as a boy... again that related to breath... when the body is empty of breath... in the breathing out... when you bring in the next breath... those rhythms... the pulsing of it... it's really all inside you all the time. Accessible right now as you read these letters. Fields of energy that the body and mind manifest within, it's all just resonane, frequency and vibration... Tesla was on to that shit, no doubt! I wish you insightful journeys mate.
  14. Realize vs Experience of SELF

    I haven't read Castaneda works. ---- Lucid dream ends with dark. There is also different dream what is dark and fearful and end with light. there are punch of people clinging to lucid dreams, psyhonauts etc..edit: can be misleading.
  15. How absolutely telling this dream is - especially since it was a Classic coke bottle. It's as though the Rinpoche had an awareness that his classic thoughts and the teachings of his prior gurus no longer fit him, that he had to figure out where in the universe he specifically stood - beyond anything that a teacher could give him. He outgrew the teachings of others and had to get to the moon on his own. and how wonderful the Buddhist Science of the Mind clip was. Thank you, CT. As a metaphysician, the whole concept of Science of Mind has been with me since being hauled off to Christian Science meetings as a young child, and seeing what the mind can do. And yet, late in my spiritual career, I have taken to Buddhism like a hand to a glove - because of the compassion and the humanity of the idea behind it. I had no idea - and I certainly don't profess to being a Buddhist because I followed no traditional Buddhist path at all. However, I think it is impossible to not​ run into Buddhism if one is a true seeker. My Christian aunt and uncle scoff at Buddhism because they are of the opinion that Buddhist 'worship' Buddha, much as they worship Jesus. I've tried to explain otherwise, but their minds are set in that Christian type of arrogance that is convinced that only Christianity is the true path, and will lead them to eternal life. They were confused when I ask them if they've ever considered that eternity runs in both directions. It is as though reading all the metaphysics has great benefit, but it's not until it is put into practice in a Buddhist sense of compassion and seeking self understanding in order to See the reality of life. And I too am trying to loosen my bonds to logic - the tendency to see only in the way I was conditioned to accept what others have called reality. I have much work to do, and I know nothing.
  16. If the dream is not due to a energy vampire at work then I'll go with my first comment on this thread. Your subconscious is probably telling you that you are being poisoned, and this is nothing special since almost everyone is being poisoned these days. i myself got repeated psychic messages that I was being poisoned, and it took awhile to sink in, but when it did sink in I got the fork out of the Northern hemisphere.
  17. I like everything Zhongyongdaoist said. Use your intuition, try them. They may well bring you peace. and if they don't. Consider that it might have been the same kind of anxiety dream most people suffer from, only a bit worse but that can be due to the timing of waking up. If the above doesn't work then you may want to see the culprit in this drama is you; maybe your subconscious. In that case- just don't feed it, don't worry about it. It was nothing, a bad dream. Go on with your life, or perhaps to honor the dream, by doing something positive. A practice like fusion or 5 elements.. something that provides an avenue for growth. Sometimes, even when faced by the devil himself, you gotta stick out your finger, and live your life normally.
  18. Last night, I was reading "Tibetan Yoga of Dream and Sleep". The author says, if you meet some one that has never tasted salt, it is impossible to describe in words, to convey the taste of salt, to that person. If a person has tasted (experienced) salt already, then yes, we can talk to them about salt.
  19. ~ DZONGSAR JAMYANG KHYENTSE RINPOCHE ~ It occurred to me today that I will have to work much, much harder if I am ever even to get close to this thing called ‘enlightenment’—especially when I think of the strange dream I had recently. I was in some kind of a restaurant and drinking coke from a classic coca cola bottle. As often happens in dreams, the ‘absolutely impossible’ suddenly became all too real, and I found myself—my entire body—being sucked into the bottle! And because I’m so attached to my ‘normal’ terms of reference, I really hated being stuck in that bottle. It felt completely wrong! I was furious about not being able to push my head out of its narrow neck, and as there were no hooks to grab hold of, I kept slipping further and further into the belly of the bottle. Then I thought about how absurd and bizarre my situation was. The idea that I’d been sucked into the bottle in the first place defied all logic, so why was I trying to apply logic to get myself out? And I realized that the fact my familiar tool ‘logic’ didn’t work was what I hated most of all! Children are far less fettered by reason and logic than adults. I’m constantly amazed by how carefree they are, and am reminded of something Claudia’s daughter, Sachiko, once did. She was playing with her Barbie doll one day, and as she really liked the doll’s skirt, she decided she wanted to wear it herself. So, completely unselfconsciously, she undressed the doll, convinced that the pretty skirt would fit her. For myself, I can see how tightly bound I am to logic, and if I needed any further proof about just how far from enlightenment I really am, I just have to look at my inability to accept the death of my devoted attendant Karma Lodro. That he was too young to die is a foolish notion, actually, because it suggests that the death of someone older is somehow more acceptable. But this is the dichotomy I’m left with… along with my tremendous gratitude to Karma Lodro.
  20. Realize vs Experience of SELF

    why? darkness has to be cultivated too. Its that it feels many times longer, is tedious and the urge to change the object or do something is many times more likely happen. Nothing seem to satisfy and if see an object then the desire is strong but can't satisfy it no matter how much you do there still is something missing. If someone describes blissful stuff, life is magical; the night will come soon. edit: there is special consciousness to be discovered, a way to concentrate. What it does is make the link between dream(legs, hands) and wakefulness, so that you wouldn't sneeze, caught, throw up(etc) but your body would have a path to head.
  21. Thanks, I was too just thinking I was opening myself up to these thoughts too much, I should just block them off and go to how I was before I had this surreal dream. EDIT: Locking this because I currently believe that I had a one time psychotic episode and shouldn't look too much into it.
  22. I dreamt a lot of stuff one night, but the stuff I keep on remembering was that inside me there was a entity on my liver like sludge with a face on it, and the impression I got was that it was feeding off my energy. Secondly there was octopus-like creatures with no face that I can remember. One giant one was on top of my whole head, and there were other ones as well. They seemed like they were helping out, utilizing energy in order to do things like pull out spikes in my brain and other areas. Thirdly there was some entity that was made out of blackness and eyes, flat and without a specific location. This didn't leave me a big impression, I thought "if I leave it alone, it will leave me alone". The liver entity gave me the largest impression. I have chronic fatigue and it seemed like it was the culprit sucking up all my energy. Does anyone have anything for defeating energy parasites? Were the octopus creatures actually helping or just pretending? Or is a dream just a dream, even though this one gave such a large impression on me? Alternatively I can continue practicing FP chi kung even though I feel it is eating my energy.
  23. Realize vs Experience of SELF

    When you speak of 'it' being in your bones, your marrow, etc - I think you are saying the same that others are. It is the underlying Intelligence contained within all. Ancient Toltecs would call it the Manitou. No, it's not just my appreciation of aesthetics. The sense of bliss happened to occur during a particular beautiful moment, and those are the ones that are easy to come by. The more difficult ones are sitting in traffic, or having someone cut you off at an intersection, or waiting in line, or sitting and waiting for results in a doctor's office. But I imagine that a truly liberated person, liberated totally from ego, will experience those moments nearly constantly during the day, because he/she realizes in his core who, or what, he really is. He is​ the underlying force and as such doesn't fall prey to the dream. He realizes that his physical self and his ego are merely the shadow in Plato's cave. The essence, the fire, is behind him. To me, at this point in my practice, it becomes solely a question of remaining in Awareness of what I am. I am the cosmic broth in the cosmic vegetable soup, each vegetable one of the 10,000 things. Only there is no limit to the soup - it is all there is. We are Everything, and we are Nothing. We are the potentiality prior to the I Am. That thing that is warm inside us, that limitless sense that doesn't move from point A to point B, which remains constant regardless of what is happening to us - that is who we are. And we all share it, the same Consciousness, the same Awareness - just filtered differently from the inside to the outside.
  24. Your mind wondering like that is very normal. The way I always thought about it was.. the mind doesn't like silence, it likes to think, it is use to being in charge. It is very normal to focus on the breath and then the next thing you know you are noticing that you are lost in some day dream. That is perfect. Once you notice just gently go back to your breath or method of focus. You will lose it again and come back to breath and lose it again.. It is that space between you focusing on your breath.. then you are gone, and then you are noticing you are day dreaming. Over time that space between will grow and grow.. Just know that the brain will come up with many excuses and tell you, you are doing it wrong.. your not.. just stay with it. To help calm the mind, one thing I would suggest is to focus on your body, start at your feet and relax them, go slow and do your entire body, your face, cheeks, lips, forehead, top of the head and just relax it all, let go of all stress. This kinda calms the mind so right when you have let go of all of the tension you move next to focusing on your breath. Just know that what you are doing is correct Know the mind is kinda fighting you and just don't let it talk you into quitting or convince you that you are doing it all wrong. Good luck.
  25. Realize vs Experience of SELF

    A very practical view! This is about as good as it comes to exploring the physical. My view is that my universe is not the same as yours or anyone else's. We can't possibly see the same thing, at the same time, in the same way. We remanifest ourselves from second to second from the great underlying consciousness, but it is filtered through your brain, my brain, Prasanna's brain in different ways, because our conditioning, our memories, our mental habits, our karma, our attachments, our aversions are different. In some Sutras these would be called Buddhalands? (My understanding may be wrong there, and I would love a correction from Prasanna if that's the case) These universes are ad infinitum, springing from the nothingness of consciousness - consciousness which encompasses the past, present, and future as Now. This not only works in the breadth of quantity, but the height and depth of time, size, universes within universes, universes within atoms, that which we can't begin to imagine because of the limitations of our brains. Our universe may be contained within an atom, for all we know. This is actually a practical way to live, not an outdated meme, as I see it. The more I keep in the front of my awareness the unreality of the play that is playing out in front of my eyes, and don't buy into the separation of the 10,000 things, the more peace of heart I have. There is no cause for alarm, for anxiety, for stress. I walked my dogs this morning through a beautiful Florida group of trees, Spanish moss hanging, an eighth moon shining through the trees, a soft breeze hitting the receptor sensors on my skin. The sky was a mix of blue and coral. I started to cry, because I realized at that moment of bliss that 'I was all of this'. All of this was the dream contained within me, a projection of the Awareness of both the oneness and the nothingness of all of it. What is it? Neti, neti?