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  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I am not sure why practitioners should avoid advanced dream practice as another style I practice, Sleeping Qigong from Nan Yun, is openly taught but rare. Sifu Terry himself says FP practitioners are known to have more lucid dreams and better sleep, so I am not sure I understand what youโ€™re saying or what reasoning behind it is.
  2. my mind is full of shit

    Easier said than done. We live in the age of information. Shit everywhere man. But thanks for the advice. Its good advice. I focus on my breathing untill the mind just stops chattering all kinds of things. And I just focus on my breathing. In an out. Untill I fall asleep and dream of bullsht. And then I finally wake up and I can take a good shower after such a bullsht dream and then I can focus on my breathing again. Its meaningless but its better than bullsht. I hope truth grows like a cancer and one day we can live in a more clean world.
  3. This will surely invite mischief,...but, I'm always in joy, least I don't recall not being so for several years. I haven't a soul-mate,...never had a partner that could engage in conscious love,...don't own a home, only vehicle has been in a transmission shop since Nov 27,...haven't lived to work live since 1974,...haven't been bored since 1972,...I find that the absolute bodhicitta lojong are absolutely true. Imagine stepping into someone's dream,...fully understanding that you stepped into someone's dream. No matter what was being drempt, you see it for what itis,...a dream,...and it's very amusing. The key, or what both Taoism and Buddhism are ultimately pointing to, is seeing things as they are. That is the punchline of prajnaparamita. The heart of the prajnaparamita is the Heart Sutra,...the best available commentary on the prajnaparamita is The Heart Attack Sutra. Most people can uncover reality through the Heart Sutra,...although the shortest prajnaparamita Sutra is just a one syllable word. Hui Neng (later to be the 6th Zen Patriarch) supposedly heard one sentence written by Hung Jen, and instantly was said to have realized Enlightenment,...which could translate to a somewhat state of enjoyment. What is enjoyment? Is it nirvana? What's nirvana,...except for the opposite of samsara,...both are impermanent. My impression is that neither Lao Tzu or Sakyamuni wanted people to stop at nirvana,...but go further. As for my response, enjoyment comes from observing the false.
  4. The Bon Tradition is a very rich tradition who's practices I find great value in, for those of you who practice in the Bon tradition which are your favorite practices and why? I find the following essential and indispensable 1.The nine breaths of purification: This can of course be done for many many rounds and in my experience is very refreshing and does help clear the Lung and the mind and the emotions making them more stable. 2. Tsa Lung: This practice helps circulate the lung in the body and really helps re-energize and clear blockages as well as clear out stagnated lung. This also further clears and calms the mind 3.Guru Yoga: Guru Yoga is such a beautiful loving heart experience and even though I learned of Tapihritsa and Shenla Odkar almost at the same time I favor the connection with Tapihritsa. Tapihritsa resonates best with me as a closely felt heart love connection that brings tears of joy and deep gratitude to my eyes that goes beyond just respect. In this practice Ah, OM, Hung, White, Red & Blue lights connect at Crown, Throat & Heart Chakras. Body, Speech & Mind we connect to the lineage through the guru of the lineage. This to me is very important because the guru introduces us to Buddha so the guru is very important. We connect to the attributes of the guru and not only get purification but our mind via induction aligns and become more like the mind of the guru thereby helping us to perceive the Buddha. I have some experience of tummo described in another thread but find the basic first version I learned to be best as the book learning just added complexity to what I was gifted and without direct teaching not as good. Due to years of Lucid dreaming and it growing ever stronger I have begun learning dream yoga of the Bon Tradition. I welcome a constructive dialogue and am eager to learn from the more experienced in this tradition thank you for taking the time to read these words.
  5. something attacks me

    it all began when i was 5 i could see spirits talk to weird stuff i talked to a smaalll shadow person but cant remember shit at that point i was like wathever then i was 10 and start getting thease weir stupid dreams am in the dream but i feel like a million pounds is o top of me and i feel this entiti and it alwais would take advantage of me eating my energy nobody used to help me nobody would beliave me it would always happen at that time i live alone with my mom and my father had passed on i would dream about him too but but this evel shit wont go away 11 13 14 15 i started to learn meditation 16 it would happen less 17 the evil shit got me in this weird dream i had no legs no arms and i felt like million pounds on me and i said thats it u peace of shit let me go i overcame his streng and he said you wish you were not even born since then when it happens i fight it this week i got one dream the thing became a demon and said give me ur energy i said u are not eating my energy f u i didnt let him i overcame this and just right know it happen again i fellt a million pounds on me the thing had me in apartmen i escaped it a teeling u this shit ruined my life i dont even go to school am alone and always meditating but wen sleep it takes advantage i tell u i fight this shit i beat it but it comes back imeditate i used my heard chakra i love but when i go to sleep and go uncounness it takes advantage i would like to hear if this has happen to any one
  6. What are you reading right now?

    just finished dream yoga by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche and have had deepening dream experiences based on the practices. They take time to exact their full effect, but lately i have been having more vivid dreams which are easily memorable. Also of note, dreams within dreams which yielded insight into what i was dreaming about, and last nights dream of a weeklong meditation retreat (all 7 days of it). The exercises are very simple and work with the energy of A and thigle and the unconditioned mind, so if you practice with those energies or with guruyoga to Samantabhadra or any dzogchen practice, its just a matter of incorporating your practice into your bedtime routine. just received and now reading: The Cycle of Day and Night, also by Norbu RInpoche
  7. This expresses some of the background ethics, world view and attitudes which orientate practice in a particular tradition. A long read and perhaps only for the dedicated but worth it anyway. Advice from previous great masters Root guru, precious and most kind, Lord of the mandala, sole unfailing lasting refuge, With your compassion, take hold of me! I work only for this life, not keeping death in mind, Wasting this free, well-favored human birth. Human life, lasting an instant, like a dream - It might be happy, it might be sad. Not wishing for joy, not avoiding sadness, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. This human life, like a butterlamp set out in the wind - It might last a long time or it might not. Not letting ego's hold tighten further, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. A life of luxury, like a bewitching apparition - It might come to pass or it might not. With the ways of the eight worldly dharmas cast away like chaff, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. All these underlings, like a bunch of birds in a tree - They might surround me, they might not. Not letting others lead me around by the nose, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. This illusory body, like a rotting 100-year-old house - It might last, it might fall into dust. Not caught up in efforts to get food, clothes, or medicines, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. This dharma behavior, like a child's game - It might go on, it might stop. Undeceived by things that don't really matter, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. All these gods and spirits, like a mirror's reflections - They might give help, they might do harm. Not seeing my own deluded visions to be enemies, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. All this confused chatter, traceless as an echo - It might be interesting, it might not. With the Three Jewels and my own mind bearing witness, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. Things that may prove useless in time of real need, like a deer's antlers, - I might know them, I might not. Not placing my confidence merely in the arts and sciences, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. These gifts and money given by the faithful, like deadly poison - I might receive them, I might not. Not spending my life trying to accumulate evil earnings, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. This lofty station, like dogshit wrapped in satin - I might have it, I might not. Knowing my own rottenness at first hand, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. Friends and family, like travelers who come together for a fair - They might be vicious, they might be loving. Cutting attachment's tough cord from the heart, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. All these possessions, like the wealth found in a dream - I might own them, I might not. Not using tact and flattery to turn others' heads, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. This rank in the hierarchy, Like a tiny bird perched on a branch - It might be high, it might be low. Without making myself miserable wishing for a better position, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. Practicing the spells of black magic, like deadly weapons - I might be able to cast them, I might not. Not buying the knife that cuts my own throat, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. Doing prayers, like a parrot saying 'om mani padme hum' - I might do them, I might not. Without boasting about whatever I do, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. The way one teaches the dharma, like flowing water - I might be expert, I might not. Without thinking that mere eloquence is dharma, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. Intellect that makes quick discriminations, like a rooting pig - It might be sharp, it might be dull. Not allowing the barbs of pointless anger and attachment to arise, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. Meditation experiences, like well-water in summer - They may increase, they may lessen. Without chasing after rainbows as children do, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. This pure perception, like rain on a mountaintop - It might arise, it might not. Without taking deluded experience to be real, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. These freedoms and favourable conditions, like a wish-fullfilling gem - If they are lacking, there is no way to accomplish the holy dharma. Not throwing away what is already in my own hand, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. The glorious guru, like a lamp that lights the way to liberation - If I cannot meet him, there is no way to realize the true nature. Not jumping off a cliff when I know the path to go on, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. The holy dharma, like a medicine to cure disease - If I don't hear it, there is no way to know what should be done and not done. Not swallowing poison when I can tell benefit from harm, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. The changing cycle of joy and sorrow, like the changing seasons - If this isn't seen, there is no way to achieve renunciation. As a time of suffering will surely come around to me, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. Samsara, like a stone fallen deep into water - If I don't get out now, I won't get out later. Pulling myself out by the rope of the compassionate Three Jewels, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. Liberation's good qualities, like an island of jewels - If they aren't known, there is no way to begin to make efforts. Having seen the advantage of permanent victory, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. The life stories of the great masters, like the essence of amrita - If they aren't known, there is no way for confidence to arise. Not choosing self-destruction when I can tell victory from defeat, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. Bodhicitta, like a fertile field - Unless it is cultivated, there is no way to achieve enlightenment. Not staying idle when there is a great aim to be accomplished, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. My own mind, like a monkey's nonsense - Without keeping guard, there is no way to avoid conflicting emotions. Not acting without restraint, like a lunatic, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. Ego, like a shadow one is born with - Until it's abandoned, there is no way to reach a place of real joy. When the enemy is in my clutches, why treat him as friend? May I truly practice the sublime teachings. The five poisons, like hot embers among ashes - Until they're destroyed, one can't remain at rest in the natural state. Not raising baby vipers in my pockets, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. This mindstream, like the tough hide of a butter-bag - If it's not tamed and softened, one can't mix mind with dharma. Without spoiling the child that is born of itself, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. These ingrained bad habits, karmic patterns, like the strong currents of a river - If they aren't cut, one can't avoid acting contrary to the dharma. Without selling weapons to my enemies, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. These distractions, like never-ending waves - If they aren't given up, there is no way to become stable. When I can do as I like, why practice samsara? May I truly practice the sublime teachings. The lama's blessings, like spring warming up soil and water - If they don't enter into me, there is no way to be introduced to the nature of mind. When there is a short-cut, why take the long way around? May I truly practice the sublime teachings. This retreat in the wilderness, like summer in a lush place where herbs grow - If I don't remain here, there is no way for good qualities to be born. When high up in the mountains, don't wander back into black towns. May I truly practice the sublime teachings. Desire for pleasure, like a bad-luck spirit entering the house - If I'm not free of it, I'll never stop working toward suffering. Not making offerings to voracious ghosts as my personal gods, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. Mindfulness, like the lock on a castle gate - If it is lacking, one can't stop the movements of illusion. When the thief is surely coming, why forget to bar the door? May I truly practice the sublime teachings. The true nature, unchanging, like the sky - Until it's realized, one can't completely resolve doubts as to the view. Not letting myself be chained by theories, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. Awareness, like a flawless piece of crystal - Until it's seen, intentional meditation cannot dissolve. When there's an inseparable companion, why go off looking for another? May I truly practice the sublime teachings. The face of ordinary mind, like an old friend - If it's not seen, all that one does is misleading. Without groping in the darkness of my own closed eyes, May I truly practice the sublime teachings. In short, without giving up This life's preoccupations, there's no way to accomplish the sacred teachings after death. Having decided to show myself great kindness, May all that I do be toward the dharma. May I not have wrong views toward the guru who has given instruction in accord with the dharma. May I not lose faith in the yidam when misfortunes occur. May I not put off practice when circumstances are hard. May there be no obstacles to attaining siddhi. All these activities are pointless, like making a grand tour of a wasteland. All this trying just makes my mindstream more rigid. All this thinking only adds confusion onto confusion. All that passes for dharma to ordinary people only makes for further binding. So much activity - nothing comes of it. So much thinking - no point to it. So much wanting - no time for it. Having given this up, May I be able to practice according to instructions. If I must do something, may Buddha's teaching bear it witness. If I must do something, mix mindstream and dharma. If I must accomplish something, read the life stories of past masters. What's the use of other things? Spoiled brat! Take a low seat and become rich with contentment. Try hard to get free of the eight worldly concerns. May the guru's blessings enter into me, May my realization become equal to the sky. Grant your blessings so that I may reach Kuntuzangpo's throne. Written by Jigdral Yeshe Dorje for his own prayers, Condensing the essential meaning from the vajra words of advice from previous great masters. This was offered with prayers for the continued blessing of H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche, Jigdral Yeshe Dorje, and for the long life of his emanation, for the sake of all beings.Translated by Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche and Constance Wilkinson. Sarva Mangalam
  8. I'm never really sure what New Age is, quite a few of the things people call New Age practices are actually very old and traditional. For what works I read recently about some Dairy farms which were not performing very well so they brought in what would be called a New Age healer who did a number of adjustments including things like strengthening Ley Lines in the farm, psychic clearing, earth acupuncture etc and apparently by the end of the Summer their milk contained its highest ever protein content and the milk fat was so rich that could include butter in their line of products for a first time. Even if a lot of this stuff is just using the power of basic intent it can be quite powerful I think, or maybe it can allow you to dream a better dream even if it doesn't lead you to escaping from the dream altogether like some other paths try to achieve.
  9. Third Eye

    Can you see the Tao? haha. Nope. My blog is -- I'm a luddite which means I don't have a camera, don't know how to load photos, don't like photos, etc. I'm at my mom's computer now as I'm helping her out today -- in full lotus shooting chi energy up through the ceiling into her. haha. So I sit in full lotus on the sly -- that's why I post online because using a computer is considered to be a good thing these days. So I can be typing while at the same time I'm in full lotus transmitting energy into my parents. haha. The "small universe" is a great exercise at first but after the macrocosmic orbit stage is achieved -- the immortal breathing -- and the third eye opens up -- then you want a good environment, a more harmonized environment, since you're more aware of energy blockages around you. So Chunyi Lin says you want to be in a place that has foxes and deer, etc. -- which my dad's house has. So I'm glad I moved out of the city -- and now I focus on healing my parents and then I help them out with some labor. I'm clearing 10 acres of invasive buckthorn with a pick axe -- digging out tree roots and clearing the thicket, etc. Plus I planted a garden and chestnut trees. Last fall I shaved my head before I went into a Buddhist monastery. But the monk who lived there didn't practice full lotus and his electromagnetic essence was stuck in his lower chakra -- he was a perv! That was way too bad because most men are not pervs so to have a perv monk is very unfortunate. Of course none of the supporters and uses of that monastery -- which was just a house set up -- knew about this monk's real electromagnetic status. I had to fast when I moved in there because my diet had been real bad as I was working a part-time nonprofit environmentalist job and then just literally scavenging for food. So I was sitting in full lotus and fasting -- but I needed about three days before my energy system would be running clean. Didn't get a chance -- the monk was trying to suck off my energy and then the main layperson supporting the monastery told me that sitting in full lotus and fasting was not Buddhism. haha. So I just left the place -- in the middle of the night -- biking off into the cold rain. Anyway since then I haven't cut my hair -- so now my hair is getting long and shaggy. I like the wild look -- I don't shave but I do trim my beard. I'm 150 pounds and 5 feet 11 inches. I'm blondish-brown hair with green eyes and I've always had females pursuing me. Unfortunately my jing energy is weak because at the age of 2, before I can remember, my mom was drinking martinis in the kitchen and she says she saw me walk down the sidewalk out of view. She said that my two older sisters (age 4 and 6) were down at the neighbors so she figured they would watch after me. Anyway she says I returned home with a scratch on my shoulder and I told her that an animal had bit me. I don't remember any of this but the result was I got 24 rabies vaccines in my stomach. At the age of 12 I realized that my extremities were slightly out of proportion with the rest of my body -- I was something of a runt. haha. Mercury poisoning -- my symptoms matched it perfectly and there was a good chance the vaccine as a mercury perservative. Still I always was in the top of my class for grades and I was on the homecoming court in high school, etc. I then focused on environmental activism but in high school my focus was on music and philosophy. I played soccer growing up and I went fishing everyday. I grew up across from a lake and I had a nice big house and yard and lots of old trees -- but still I was right in the city of Minneapolis. My dad was a "power attorney" and had been the assistant attorney general in Minnesota. So he is far right wing while I'm far left wing. haha. In 1994 I was arrested protesting nuclear waste storage on the Mississippi river and then in 2000 I searched my dad's name online, discovering that his first big win as a lawyer was when he worked for the nuclear power company in 1971 -- right when I was conceived and being born. haha. So I continued on in activism -- went to Hampshire College my first year (in Amherst Massachusetts -- experimental activist school for rich kids -- no grades). I dropped out because it was too elitist and I then worked in Alaska for 6 months, living in the wild training sled dogs -- and working in the fish factory. I was just south of Denali. Then I went to University of Wisconsin Madison and I lived in a hippy commune cooperative house for 35 people -- and I did tons of populist radical activism. I got my degree and moved back to the Twin Cities, taking a night job working for a nonprofit relay service for the deaf community. I did more activism and my girlfriend went to Africa for the peace corps. I worked on an organic farm, then I visited her in Morocco for a month -- going to the oldest, most traditional village in Morocco. By now I was studying qigong but not meditating yet. I saw Effie P. Chow -- and I was doing tons of research. That's when I had the prophetic dream that came true 3 years later in great detail. I had written down that I thought the dream would come true -- of my activists friends on the roof of a house holding an activist banner to protect a wooded area -- and standing with Native Americans. So the dream was in 1995 and it came true in 1998 when I saw a photo of the exact same dream -- a photo from the newspaper. In 1997 I got into graduate school at the U of Minnesota -- part-time school and then I worked in a nonprofit for human rights in Latin America, against U.S. imperialism. I moved into a house with Latinas and one of them, from Venezuela, told me how she had meditated with Chunyi Lin. At this time he was not known much at all. So then I went to Venezuela with my new friend from there -- in 1998 -- and that's when I had a near death vision in the Andes. My life flashed before me - and it was inspired by my love for my friend. My heart chakra had been real hot and so I had to sing at night to calm myself down -- in the Andes -- and then suddenly my brain just switched into this visionary state which I couldn't stop. So my life went before me but it was not chronological -- it was psychological. I was shown how something years later had resolved some other psychological conflict from years before -- and how it was all connected but not in a linear fashion. By that time I had been practicing Yan Xin qigong and I went to see a Tibetan lama -- and when I got home from his lecture which I had listened to with rapt attention -- I noticed that I thought I had a headache. Only it wasn't a headache -- it was a pressure just exactly in the center of my forehead! That really intrigued me -- activated from listening to the lama. So for my graduate research I was doing tons of activism still and I got the University of Minnesota to divest $1.5 million of stock from Total Oil, the French company using slave labor in Burma. That issue is still going through the courts in Europe today. And then in 1999 Chunyi Lin gave a presentation to my graduate studies class in spiritual healing. Since I had studied qigong already -- particularly David Eisenberg's book on Encounters with Qi -- and since I could feel his energy as I sat right up in front and I could feel this strong heat coming from him. I knew Chunyi Lin was the real deal. He still wasn't very well known at this time -- 1999. Now I was writing an activist op-ed column for the U of MN Daily newspaper read by 50,000 a day. I was now getting professor support and I was debating the lawyer who runs the University -- the presidents come and go but the lawyer stays the same. So the issue was the University's multi-million dollar contracts with apparel companies (Nike) using young female sweatshop labor -- people working in horrible conditions, barely paid -- in the third world. So finally after a year of meetings the University joined the Workers Rights Consortium -- I had organized a coalition of student groups and I had organized protests and then the President of the University emailed me asking me not to go on hunger strike. haha. Well I got to see the corruption of the University leaders directly -- and so I knew that the elite of society were fakes -- were parasites and thugs. So I dropped out of my graduate degree out of disgust. My parents wanted me to finish my degree. At this point I was working part-time at an environmental nonprofit. So I said I would finish my graduate degree if I focused on just taking the qigong classes from Chunyi Lin. I did a self-directed study in nonwestern African philosophy from the perspective of nondualism -- using the book "the Racial Contract" as the pretext. 6 months later I had achieved the Dharmakaya state described in chapters 9 to 11 in the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality." The energy was too intense. I saw dead spirits, I had precognition, telepathy, telekinesis. I accidentally pulled this old lady's spirit out of the top of her skull and she immediately bawled nonstop for at least 15 minutes. I healed my mom of a serious case of "smoker's legs" so she no longer needed surgical stockings -- and that was the cumulation of me going 8 days on just half a glass of water. My mom freaked out as I was doing a spirit exorcism of her from my energy. A friend of mine also freaked out when we were hanging out and just chatting about stupid stuff -- but then even though he was 10 feet from me -- he suddenly say: "Hey what are you doing to me!" haha. He also took classes from Chunyi Lin later on but then he got married, worked full time and didn't keep up the practice, moved to California. Anyway once I had finished my degree I just kept working part-time at the environmental nonprofit because I supported the work -- but the place was taken over by the corrupt politicians due to the new campaign finance reform law. I still kept at it since there were really no other better jobs in terms of the type of working getting done. We got some laws passed at the state level -- working on clean water focus -- but the place got more and more automated and yuppified and sold-out. So the workers formed a union which pissed off the nonprofit and a corporate lawyer was brought in from New Jersey. haha. Then the working conditions got real bad and everyone was getting fired and the workers left were real paranoid and always fighting. So I just kept sitting in full lotus all the time at work. But ever since I had done my bigu fasting training for the third eye opening I had to be on a really pure diet. During my training I had been vegan and then I had gone salt-free. But after I got to the Nirvikalpa Samadhi state with the spacetime vortex spinning around my full lotus meditation -- then I was totally detached from body and mind. I had come back from the dead and I knew experientially that the body and physical reality were not real -- just a temporary shell. The true emptiness was neither healthy nor unhealthy -- beyond dualism. The Tao could not been seen. So after that I just ate whatever food, even though it caused energy blockages -- because people had been pushing bad food on me -- my boss would walk around the office giving everyone crap candy which I felt obliged to eat to kiss ass, etc. haha. Since I wasn't making any money I just said -- whatever -- people have no idea what is really going on so I'm just going to scavenge food. I was friends with homeless people who ate out of dumpsters and people all over the world have to survive off trash scavenging. Meanwhile in the U.S. everyone is trying to be all materialistic and yuppie without considering the effects of using so many resources. I was living in this real cheap room and my housemate was this old perv dude who would stare at me and then every night he would masturbate in our common shared bathroom -- which was right behind this paper-thin wall so I could hear him. More importantly I could feel his nasty energy as he was always trying to suck me off -- but that's reality. Evil is real - and so I just sat in full lotus as much as possible during the night to try to prevent him from sucking me off in my sleep. He would wait for me to fall asleep then prey off my energy. I lived there for 8 years -- again because I was making next to no money at a place I supported for the most part -- it was the best choice of bad choices. But things were getting worse. I was also reading one book a day, posting my research online and sitting in full lotus. I continued to take qigong classes off and on up till 2005. Meanwhile Chunyi Lin got a healing center in a suburb but then got another healing center in a really far out surburb. He had started out teaching in the city -- but now he was way out in the far suburb and I didn't have a car. Nor did I have the money for the classes. I was biking all winter in the cold -- and I wasn't maintaing the ascetic vegan diet anymore. In 2006 I was hanging with a book friend in McDonalds and I was in full lotus. I took to sitting in full lotus in public because otherwise females were chasing me down and hitting on me real strong -- sucking off my energy. So at night I would always have to try to reverse their damage but sometimes I wouldn't be able to since I was too tired or I had ate too much food. You have to reverse the sex fluids -- burn it off -- ionize it back into jing eneryg and then the jing energy has to go into chi energy in order to sleep safely. Anyway so I'm with my friend and were chatting away and I'm in full lotus and suddenly this young female stands with her backside right in front of me -- in front of my full lotus position. So she's 5 feet in front of me with her backside to me and when I look at her - she's a McDonald's worker -- anyway suddenly she lets out this cry and her back arches as this energy shoots up her back and at the same time I have an internal climax shoot up my back. So I just keep sitting in full lotus and try to pretend nothing happened -- but I knew what had happened. We had just had a mutual climax at a distance! The next day I returned to see my friend and this young female was behind the counter but not at the register. She was giggling in bliss when she saw me and she pushed her coworker off the register so she could serve me. At that point I knew for sure what had happened. So then I decided to test this out to see if it was real. I sat in full lotus somewhere else across from a female -- and sure enough we had THREE mutual climaxes together. After the first one she just put her head down on the table across from me as if she was going to take a nap. After the second mutual climax she raised her head and looked at me and then put her head back down. At the third climax she looked up at me but she had tears in her eyes. So I felt really bad about that -- but at the same time it confirmed what had happened. We had three mutual climaxes together. Anyway now I'm kind of freaked out but the next day I'm at a coffeehouse using their computer and I'm sitting in full lotus. So then this dad and his young daughter sit at the table right next to me. His daughter sits so she's facing me but I just keep typing and sitting in full lotus. Still I realized that my chi energy was shooting into her and then as the energy built up suddenly the girl threw her leg over the arm of the chair -- so that she was spread eagle facing me. Then she pumped her leg a couple times and then we had a mutual climax. And then she immediately threw her leg back over the arm of the chair and as far as I could tell her dad didn't know what had happened. Now I'm shocked at this but at the same time I'm thinking -- look I was here first. All I'm doing is sitting in full lotus and typing at the computer -- it's my body -- I'm not moving. But then the same thing happened again -- the energy built up and she threw her leg over the arm of the chair, pumped her leg and we climaxed together. Then it happened a third time -- but I'm thinking now hold on. This female is young yet she knows exactly what to do -- she's working me like a pro or something. Strange but twisted. So I'm pondering this -- and the next day I'm reading at BK in full lotus. Same thing happens. A dad and his daughter sit across from me and the daughter sits facing me. My energy shoots into her -- only now she and her dad are speaking spanish. Well I'll spare you the details but at this point I'm feeling kind of sick about the whole thing because I now realize I've entered into this secret world of female internal climaxes in public that I didn't know about -- at a distance -- mutual climaxes. O.K. so that was four years ago. Since then I continued to sit in full lotus in public -- reading a book a day -- and having mutual climaxes -- chi going out my third eye and jing going into my perineum - with several different females a day. Some females I had several mutual climaxes with at a time. A few females I had several sessions of mutual climaxes with. In those later cases then I realized the heart chakra really opened up and it was true love -- which was wild because I wasn't necessarily physically attracted to these females. I had some female stalkers but then I also started to get the Perv Attack as well. Finally I realized it wasn't just sexual energy that was transmitted -- I could read if a person was really sad and I knew it was from lung damage -- I could read this even from a block away if I had eye contact with the person. I would heal the person from a block away if I was in full lotus. I could do healings of liver anger blockages. Also pancreatic worry energy -- and also fear of the kidneys. So I was sitting in full lotus for hours every day -- usually in hour or half hour stints. I was doing healings but my diet was terrible. So I was also constantly leaching toxins out of my brain -- off-gasing bacteria from my lower body. I had to be on a really pure diet -- next to no food, vegetarian -- and here I was eating out of dumpsters or eating fast food! haha. I ate garlic as an anti-septic. I was biking everywhere and so I used up too much physical energy and so I had to eat too much to compensate for it. My coworkers would get regular healings from me and would come to me to get charged up. haha. Yeah it was out of control -- I would sleep in full lotus sometimes as well since my cheap room was contaminated by the perv attacks. Finally I had to quit my job because I smelled too bad from my diet and my whole department had been destroyed due to the office getting a speed dialer supercomputer deal. I was given a new job but it was a bad position and the office had been automated -- and the nonprofit wasn't really doing any activism anymore -- in fact it was rapidly losing money from having to lease the speed dialer and pissing off people from automated calling too much. Besides my dad was now a bad alcoholic and he needed my help -- he was also chain smoking -- in his mid-70s. I tried moving into the monastery -- it didn't work. So I biked up to my parents and have been doing full lotus healing and helping them out for the past year. It's been fascinating to see some pretty deep energy changes in my parents -- but it takes a while to clear out some serious deep blockages. Slowly my diet is better -- I finally did a 4 day fast which helped cleaned out my system from years of bad diet.
  10. Q's...ONLY Teachers may Answer.

    This is from Teacher Dao Zhen. Much wisdom here, I probably quote this twice a year. Some things he recommends are simple, but simple is..relative By Dao Zhen On Sexuality and retention I think for serious students, this is a big hurdle to overcome. It is best to not get into the habit of gaining depression when an emission happens in sleep. It is natural, and go slow and do not force anything, nor become obsessed with "saving" jing. Keep practice, follow solid methods and guidelines. With time, all will become secure quite naturally. I have found the following to be a help for me in my practice. Yet this is by no means advise from an expert, as I have very little experience. In the tradition I am learning, it is generally accepted that a serious student is celibate. - Points to help prevent emission during sleep - 1. Change conditioned habits and patterns in regards to viewing and interacting with women - on the street, and in the manner we speak and deal with them in public situations - If we flirt, and have playful interaction with women, it may stir things up quite a bit, and cause trouble during sleep. Honor and respect women as your sisters in Tao, yet do not view them as sexual objects, nor project sexual fantasy on women. 1-a. Do not view pornography video, magazine, or sexual movies. 2. Diet. Do not over eat, and do not go to bed while full. I have found it best to eat the last meal of the day around 5pm or so. Also in the tradition I am learning, it is thought best to follow a simple vegetarian diet, with no spice, garlic, onion, scallion, chives, and cilantro. 3. Do not have very heavy blankets on the body that will create too much heat when sleeping. 4. Do not sleep on the stomach. Sleep on the back with one leg crossed over the other โ€“ hands resting below the navel, or on the right side with one leg tucked behind the bottom leg at the knee level โ€“ right palm cupping the ear โ€“ left palm below navel area. 5. The most important point I have found that helps is to sit for 1 - 2.5 hours or so in proper seated meditation practice before sleep. This is perhaps the most important point, and will yield the most results. In this tradition, we have a method to transfer Jing to Qi that is taught. It is termed - "Lighting a Fire", or "Burning a Soft Fire". It is very effective, and yields the effect of the Jing being transformed to Qi, and really is like something burns away and evaporates. There is great warmth generated in the Lower Dantian area that moves, and steams upward during the process in a manner that is very pleasurable and uplifting. One is left with a feeling of great expansion, and the sign that the Jing has been completely transformed, and it is safe to sleep is one has a feeling like a vast, expansive, clear blue sky. The sign that one has made some gain in transformation of Jing over a period of time, is generally one will stop to have dream activity. There is a great stillness in the sleep state, and no real strong dream activity. This is also related to the pattern of the Metal conquering Wood; Or the Po suppressing the Hun during the night. When the Hun is suppressed by the Po, it wanders away from the sphere of the liver, and the resulting experience is dreams. As Jing is transformed into Qi, and the Hun is strengthened, there is less and less dream activity during the sleep state. One sign I have also come to notice is that if I was lazy and just lie down for sleep without practice, there will be a feeling of something stirring in the lower Dantian, like a movement, or maybe even a worm or something is really moving and stirring. This is a sign that one will experience an emission during sleep, and it is important to have a strong will power, and sit up and cross the legs and sit to Burn the Soft Fire. It is also a good idea to get into the habit of getting up from sleep at any time in the night when you awake and there is a stirring in the sexual organ, or a strong erection. Just sit up, cross the legs, and lightly gaze over the Lower Dantian area and sit in stillness. In this system, they also teach a standing method of body movement, contraction and breathe retention in the first stages to strengthen the lower gate, to help prevent the emission during sleep. This stage does not last forever. It is as if the body and being is at first in a habit to let the liquid flow out, and loose the essence. Yet with slow and steady practice, the body and being learns another way. It becomes the natural state to preserve the essence, and no loss is experienced. It is an investment of time. So it takes a strong and steady will power. Constant and steady daily practice over a period of time. Persevere.
  11. Because there are so many Taoist gods so people think that Taoism is a religion; in fact, those gods are originally humans , it is only because they can refine their qi into Shen , which appear to people as supernatural abilities , that they then become gods and worshiped . Besides, the time duration of these gods' life stretched once Shen is attained , so they live very long ,even forever, therefore people also call them "immortals" . As a saying tells us : "What is called Shen is something not entangled by yin and yang"("้™ฐ้™ฝไธๆธฌ่ฌ‚ไน‹็ฅž") ,and beause the balance and struggle between yin and yang implies change, which also means time ,so Shen is also changes-proof and time-proof . "Religious " Taoism gives philosophers unlimited energy , wisdom and forever life that hardly can they think of , dream of.
  12. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    alright. pros: >enhanced dreams, lucid, vivid, inception style >dreams that are all black but still have things happening (this is called something in one practice but I forget what it is. I found it later in a book on dream yoga) - happened to me but may not happen to everyone >enhanced awareness of what you're doing to your own body >getting a look at your subconscious in a very mechanic way >faster self-progression, enhancements to the energetic system even when not using the techs >got better at breathing >increased manual control of bioelectricity (nervous system) >electrical disturbances >more logical thinking and reading of other people's emotions >more visceral experience >I feel like I own the body I reside in more than I did before starting it. I can radically shift what i'm feeling emotionally, chemically, and sensationally with very little effort, but it isn't loose enough to where it is troublesome. >insanely strong with celibacy >gets the body hot. good for the dantian things I didn't like: >some of things which may have had a practical truth were written in ways which I did not interpret well, or rather, were abused by my subconscious. one man's woo is no more sane than anyone else's just because it's more logical woo. I prefer things in gross technical physical terms. this is why personally, I enjoy the techs, but find that having no philosophy is the best thought system warnings: take the warnings seriously. use what works for you.
  13. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    why limit yourself to this one world all possibilities are endless but I will say, one of my goals has been to be able to go IN while the outside functions. compress time by slipping inside the body. like when you spend weeks in a dream over an 8 hour period of time. I imagine this isn't too unfeasible, but maybe not quite worth how much work it would take. however, if one could successfully do this, the end goal would have been accomplished instead of going UP, into this world's higher field, going IN to your own inner field. it would just require the body to be comfortable with you "disappearing."
  14. Mind and the Brain

    I think this brain v. mind distinction is important and wanted to start a thread off of it. To respond, one might say: 1. In the dream, you don't necessarily dream that you have a brain. Also, dreams, unlike waking life, are inconstant, change at a higher rate, and fade away. I've woken up from a dream into waking life many times, but I've never woken up from waking life into a dream. 2. This second proof sounds like Anselm's proof of the existence of God, and I think is more due to quick wordplay than anything. I would like to see this one broken out into simple pieces.
  15. Liked ya post spec the bit : " Fortunately, I don't believe everything I think. I do still like to play with thinking a bit though." maybe I am the opposite ; I have a range of beliefs, but I dont assert them as 'what I THINK ... to be 'true' . Eg, 'religious beliefs and afterlife' I aspire to my indigenous shamanic beliefs, at this stage of my life . But if someone asked me what I THINK will happen when I die ? : dunno .... I might express what I 'hope' or have 'come to realise as possible' or even state some 'facts' - qualified by my 'wants' - like retuning my composing elements to 'M other' ( nature ) . But maybe we are saying the same thing ? I am pretty sure we are both NOT the type to think our own beliefs thoughts facts and reality are all the same thing and that is 'just how it is' , with no awareness of the processes of how we ended up with that view of 'reality' Obviously I spent far to long here today ..... but Dream Bliss ... I like that little fox .... I will check your stuff out later ... in the meantime ; enjoy I used to do it with water droplets in my Tibetan singing bowl .
  16. Mind and the Brain

    Marblehead, this really depends on your experience. You have admitted in the past that you are not all that interested in dreams, which is fine with me. However, if you take a dismissive attitude toward the world of dreaming, you can't really make intelligent and credible statements about it in a debate. So when you state that the body doesn't rot away in the dream world, you really don't have a lot of credibility. I say the body rots in the dream too, you just don't dream long enough or pay enough attention to notice it. Things break apart in dreams and there is entropy in dreams. Broken eggs tend to stay broken in the dream world as well as in the waking world. OK, good! So we have some common ground then. If logical inferences are valid, it then becomes possible to infer spiritual reality, other realms, life after death and so forth.
  17. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    What does it mean when someone says to you that their greatest dream is to ride on a dragon? That's actually an honest question I've had for a long time. Like I think I am always confused because everyone has a different perspective of what a dragon is actually reffering to. For example This is the complete opposite of an asian dragon, I think.
  18. Takaaki's "American Taoism"

    Chinese Daoism is part of the Dao that can be told by the Chinese. Western Daoism is part of the Dao that can be told by westerners. The reason why you are unclear about America being the land of the free is because it is the American Dream. American citizenship gives you the opportunity to realize that dream. To make it happen, you need the Three Treasures of the American Taoist: self-reliance, love of abundance, and dare to be first in the world. Since you love him, here is the King and his dream:
  19. Buddha kept silent about God

    When I say that the world is a dream, you should not mistake it and confuse by thinking that everything in the world is a dream. If you analyse your wife and child, their souls and gross bodies are real. But their subtle bodies which are made up of feelings (gunas) are unreal. The vessel (gross body) and the water (causal body) are real. But the waves in the water (subtle body) are unreal, which constitutes the whole drama โ€“ dream. All the actors and the materials used in the picture shooting are real. Only the story, dialogues and the feelings expressed like attraction and hatredness are unreal. The Advaita scholars misunderstand here and say that the entire world is unreal.
  20. BON What are your favorite practices?

    I have begun practicing The Yoga of Dream and sleep which works out well as I have a split sleep schedule due to the difference in hours I work versus those of my lady. If I get a few hours sleep after work I can be awake and spend time with her at night till around midnight or 1 at the latest then fall asleep and get up at 6 and go to work. This way I can do my BON practices as listed above and to make it all better they are a part of the Yoga of Sleep and Dreams. In the last few weeks I have been experiencing a great deal of pain from the death of my Mentor a friend I have known for 32 years since I was 17 years old. We were very close he was like my father. When the emotions and pain ride high Kriya practice becomes impossible. Kriya is primarily about Cleansing the Nadis, Chakras and central channel and using the triple divine qualities to take the mind into deep absorption but there is a problem here. The heart chakra is the place for pain where pain of the mind collects this is where it is held. Having a heightened awareness of the subtle body from and by the practice of Kriya without the tools to heal from loss and pain makes things much, much worse. The heart center is very important but is also a center that takes a long time to clear and fully mature. So Energizing the heart center and cleansing it with Kriya practice is not so good during difficult times. Cleansing has it's place but not with raw, recent, new trauma all it does is magnify it and cause it to multiply. With the multiplication of pain the multiplication of thoughts. Even when the thoughts are not verbal but felt thoughts. I have made a few posts on the bums here recently and was seeking advice on how to deal with this. Last night I was looking for a different video by TWR and instead came immediately to his talk on turning pain into the path. Once again I am astounded by the wisdom of this Lama and would like to share this video with you all, watching this is very liable to change your life. It is changing mine. Something very important he said was : One can not clean blood off of ones hand with a blooded hand. If you try to clean blood off of your hands by using blood you will never be clean of blood. If it is your goal to replace the first blood with the second blood then you will succeed. In this case you are replacing a thought with a thought and this is not the way through pain. I think I will continue to share insights of this video and other teachings of his so I can continue to work things out and maybe we can understand better together?
  21. Say something completely undisputable

    Therein lies your attachment to dukkha,...Gore's quote in the context of my post was quite valid,...but instead of addressing the quote, you attack Gore. IMO that qualifies as neurosis. I use collage. A collage uses various existing forms, and refigures them into a new picture, not in the same context as the originals were intended. I do this several reasons,...such as, to keep VMarco removed from the focus of the dialogue, which unfortunately only works with prudent posters, more readily observe neurotic posters, that is those who attack the character of the person who is attributed to the quote used in the collage,...and also to identify other neurotic folks who despise the use of quotes because to them they suggest the poster is not an accomplished individualist. As to the other part, me, all scientific explanations are just so much faith-based idiocy. First,...a truth cannot be realized through the 6 senses. To me, Buddhism, that is, the prajnaparamita Buddhism I practice, is very specific about that. Thus, I could type out many truths right here, and none will be realized as truth. The only way to realize a truth, is to see things as they are. That is the Noble Truth of Buddha,....Dukkha is a consequence of the desire for things to be other than they are. Everything seen with the 6 senses alone, are other than the way things are. So, people who see the world as other than it is, cling to various faiths to make their perceived lives appear more palatable. In Buddhism, the 6 senses are called the 6 Consciousness'. Buddhism discusses a 7th and 8th Consciousness. However, faith cannot cross the threshold to those higher consciousness', because they are beyond the attachment to the lower 6 consciousness', of which faith is part. When a truth is uncovered, there is a also a disrobing of that which had obscured the truth. It is the nature of bodhicitta. It isn't the same as faith-driven scientic theories that must be continually reviewed. For most, truth and reality have little value in everyday life. The majority merely desire dependable descriptions of an objective world that they consider intelligible. The wisdom and reality that arise from certainty would undermine the survival of their object-based beliefs and conceptual imagery. Few seem to realize that those considered priests of the scientific method have neither uncovered nor explained truth. That is not their job. Scientists have little interest in truth or reality, for their paychecks are derived from the pursuit of facts about objects. Science builds its theorems or working hypotheses upon previous beliefs, and therefore it often labels any discussion of absolute certainty as absurd. For example, to say that there is no "present in time" is antithetical to scientific established beliefs. Truth and reality confuse the priests of the scientific method. Their paradigm, or fixed set of beliefs, is founded on concepts of a materially existing world; that is, sciential theorems, not the sapiential truth or the reality beyond objects. Scientists, like most others who are uninterested in truth, are as characters within a dream who think that the dream is real. As truth and reality are taboo in the scientific groupthink, they cling to a faith in objects, to make the dream and their attachment to separateness more palatable. As the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Charles Townes said, "Many people don't realize that science basically involves assumptions and faith." ใ€€
  22. I don't view the non-dualistic "nihilistic" version of enlightenment to be a bad thing, I am just saying that if a person achieved this version of enlightenment that they (as defined by egoic terms) would cease to exist. They would no longer be attached to any loved ones, or things, as those people and things would be apart of the dream they left behind when they awoke. If you went to sleep tonight, and realized you were dreaming, would you worry or get "stressed out" too much about anything? In your dream your place of work called, and told you were late, and if you weren't there in 20 minutes you were fired, would you rush to make it in time? What if you were offered millions of dollars, in exchange for a full nights labor? What good is dream money outside the confines of your own mind? If you knew for certain it was a dream, like the ones you have at night when you sleep, I don't think you would be to concerned about anything except enjoying it. Relaxing and absorbing all the mystery and wonder and knowing it all emanated from your own mind. Well thats what I would be doing anyway You wouldn't care much about other beings in a nightly dream. After all they were your own subconscious creations, and had no existence outside your own mind, and really were just parts of yourself interacting with you. For all intents and purposes here to us the "dreamers" an enlightened being in this regard would be the same as dead. A being who is completely empty, and hollow. I don't think most people are really searching for this or would even want it if they found it. Thats what I meant by my warning. I am not sure really this non-dualistic state of consciousness is true enlightenment, or perhaps the beginning stages of it. but from what I have read it won't stop the rebirth process, which to me is the whole point. What good is truth if you just go to sleep again and forget it. To me stopping rebirth takes priority above truth, because truth thats forgotten is pointless. Certain schools of neigong offer a way to fuse together your yin and yang aspects, and escape the cycle of rebirth. That is really what I am seeking, I will worry more about enlightenment after that milestone if I ever achieve it.
  23. Sincere call for Help

    Hi Sunshine, I never experienced something like that no, but I think like apech that its the hypnagogic state and or a night terror (there you can't move many times like in the experience that you shared)- and if that is the case, it might be good to think of it as not "others" violating you, but parts of your psyche being in an uproar. I do work with my dreams and one thing I learned is that all of the happenings, persons and even the places are symbolic representations of myself - not "other" or "outer" "alien" phenomenon, thinking like that you have also more power. Otherwise you are merely being a victim to powerful outer enteties invading your dreamlife, what could you really do against that? If they are dream images of your own psyche, then you have much more power to deal with it If you can overcome this quiet intense time you might find yourself transformed and a better human being, you might also gather useful information to help others who go through similar experiences and help them overcome those difficulties - so be strong and don't give up. I also second Gerard, stop your astral traveling (if you do that) and do grounding bodywork I would like to share a very good method to ground yourself and clean your energies that I learned from my girlfriend, she got it from a Baba in India. I tried it many times and it is the most grounding thing I found so far... do it for some time, it is nothing esoteric involving breathing techniques or visaulizations, very simple and not dangerous and harmful in any way 2 ways to do this, in the shower or even better in a bathtub youneed good rock salt or sea salt if possible not too fine satl crystals. make yourself a hot bath and fill it with around 250gr of salt - lie in it, relax, after some time use another big amount of salt to scrub yourself - your arms, shoulders, neck, throat, chest etc. everywhere let it soak in a bit - rub the salt in and then lie in the water again - as long as neccesary its great for your skin as well, you'll have baby skin again after that bath (but scrub yourself, might be a bit painful but nothing too bad) you can do it also in a hot shower (if you don't have a bathtub) with maybe 250gr of salt - just shower for some time, and then scrub your whole body with the salt - keep it on your body a bit and then rinse it of (not more then once, you'll know why, you be so heavy you need to lie down and chill out after one round of the salt on your body, cover your whole body, also the face but be careful with your eyes) you can chant purification mantras while doing this, or whatever prayers of purification you know some back ground story: my girlfriend was doing alot of asthanga yoga that time and had a major energetic overdose (she had an excellent teacher, and is herself a teacher by now), one baba found here after she collapsed at the ganges and couldn't move anymore, he treated her with very simply aryuvedic food and made her do the salt baths, her energy became normal in about a month or so I use the salt shower once in a while when I'm traveling and translating alot for example or when I'm very tired or some energy is stuck in my subtle body, its incredible way to ground yourself and clear your body energies of impurities, and that in turn might help your dream life all the best, tell us how you are doing, please try the salt baths, any other daobums reading this who suffer from toooo much energy or toooo little energy can try it too, its a great method
  24. My ideas for you: Taoist but not monastic. No rituals, only pay respect to ancestors from time to time as a sign of respect for all the hardships they had to endure and their legacy for future generations. Disciplines: it's obvious,a place to purify the mind and get in tune with the laws of Nature (seasonal changes, 5 elements, yin & yang, bagua, etc.) Schedule: practice 24/7 and wandering from time to time according to the movements of the celestial bodies and seasonal changes and yearly changes [fire horse year (2026) move north and close to running water to cool down the greatest Yang; excess metal, move south; excess wood, move west and so forth...these changes will vary according to the practitioner's date of birth, i.e. someone born in the year of the rat will benefit from a southern location]. Wandering would vary: could be a week, a month or one year away from the centre. ........................................ Good you opened this thread, the timing is right, I am about to renounce mainstream society. My dream-project: Have the funds to open a small spiritual (no New Age just hardcore practice) centre deep in the mountains in a valley with plenty of running water and surrounded by mountains, or alternatively in a mountain facing the sea. Either location is good. Place: China. I wonder what's the Chinese Gov. like when it comes to open a centre run by foreigners, are they open? Examples: Lao Shan Note: I like the spirit of the dog guarding the mountain, a Fu dog, very auspicious and great Feng Shui. No wonder why that place is sacred to Dragon Fate Taoists. Wonderful location for stay and practice! Mount Siguniang Rules: stated above but no females though (unfortunately) for obvious reasons; nothing to do with sexism or discrimination of any kind. Rituals: stated above Diet: vegetarian. This is my dream, anyone welcome to join but for good, no short stay as this would be a place for serious practice away from the world. Anyway, if anyone has plans to open a centre, I'm keen to join and will teach Baguazhang to the highest level. Best! Thanks again.
  25. The Magus of Seattle

    You are speaking of such a small truth. It's not even that this universe isn't capable of remembering that truth. It's just that the truth is so much bigger than that. The universe cannot even attempt to become less than all that it has become. The reason you live a better life as an assassin, is because you release resistance, to the greater truth, by killing someone. The reason you release resistance, is because you naturally don't like killing someone. So when you do, you let go of resistance. And then you are free. That freedom does not require killing. It's just a conditional permission slip that you use. Now, if you realise, that you don't have to kill someone, in order to accept that life and death are insignificant to the greater truth of who you are, you no longer have to explore the temporary illusions. And come back home to your eternal realisation. That doesn't require you to change anything. Then you can do the thing you actually intended to do here in this life. You simply allow the change, that is always gonna happen anyway. Like, yeah, I'm always gonna be killing someone. So what? What has that got to do with anything? The people you kill are going to die anyway. I assure you, assassin is not actual terminology to describe a human being. When you realisethe eternal nature of the people you kill, then will you wake up to the fact that you cannot kill another human being. You actually never have killed anyone. You only think that you did, because your memory tells you that. But that doesn't make it the truth. It is only truth, when you focus upon it. And thereby insisting that it remains your truth. There's nothing wrong with that. We all do it. It is natural. But eventually, you will always want to learn the greater truth. Which is that the people you kill are only ever those that you love the most. It has always been this way. We simply do it because we can. That is what makes people rebell and outrage. So that they can find comfort again. That it's ok, even if you did kill someone. That doesn't make you any less innocent. Not even a little bit. You woulden't even feel inclined to kill, because there's nothing special at all about killing! Infact, every death is a suicide. If you haven't realised that by now, then you will one day. So you are actually giving everyone your power, not taking it away. That's just hilarious, especially if a soul withdraws it's consciousness from their physical body. They just come back, because it's so insignificant in the bigger scheme of things. Sex and violence truely is as normal as a handshake. Nothing more and nothing less. If you go running around feeling extatic shaking hands with everyone, well...? Eventually you'll grow up, and be like, ok let's explore life a bit further maybe shall we? Why not try and build a relationship with someone. Isn't that more scary and exciting?! Because, you have to realise, relationships are eternal. If you think a relationship, any relationship, is not special, then you haven't had a relationship yet. It will forever change who you are. And if you express your authentic self, completely naked, to another, it will forever change who they are. By allowing yourself to be who it is you truely are, you tell the universe, I am ready to remember again who I am. I am ready to know again who I am and who everyone is. Who I am not. You need the other in order to define who you are. And that vulnerability does not make you weak. It makes you infinitely and eternally powerfull. You need to allow your mind to dream, beyond death. Because death is such a meaningless concept, you will get confused in that idea. You have to understand there is only life and more life. So if you are atleast willing to begin with the life that is you, then you don't have to co-create with the idea of death, because your life will show and teach you and guide you to ALL THE MORE LIFE THAT IS ALL OF EXISTANCE AND YOU CONTAIN ALL OF IT ALREADY ALWAYS RIGHT HERE AND NOW! You never go anywhere when you die. This is all you. You're literally killing yourself for the point of exploring a different perspective of yourself. And if you want to remember all of it, then you might wanna stop dismembering all of it. Get my point? It's really an easy point to make isn't it? I suggest you take hostages once in a while. Just for fun, and if you don't like it, you can always resort back to killing them if you wish. But really just try it out, for once atleast. What have you got lose. Am I right? It's not like you're afraid of it, are you? Especially if you're an assassin. All the more reason to do it.