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Found 1 result

  1. Hey I just have a quick q re: chakras. I've been alarmed recently by apathy and lethargy and I've been frustrated and posting frequently looking for answers, and of course I attribute this to kundalini (all my problems have been caused by this). But yesterday I ejaculated and noticed that my semen was quite thick. This can be caused by many things (not drinking enough water for one), but is frequently caused by low testosterone and DHEA. Of course this can also cause apathy. So maybe hormones are (at least partially) responsible for this. I am 100% certain that whatever biological process is going on, which you guys call kundalini, messes up the hormones, and the fact that it is burning out my heart and limbs probably means it is changing my hormonal constitution. Maybe it's shutting down DHEA production in favor of some other hormone that I don't need. Since it looks like I can influence hormones by consciously sending heat to various parts of the body, I figure that I need to heat up the adrenals, which are responsible for DHEA production. The adrenal glands are quite high up in the body, lying on top of the kidneys. But a quick google search says that the root chakra is responsible for the adrenals. WTF??? The root? In the perineum? Really? That's way way lower than the adrenals. What is going on here? Shouldn't I be heating up the upper abdomen, where the "third chakra" is located, instead? That's closer to the adrenals. Or even attempting to heat up the adrenal glands directly on both sides? Thanks. EDIT: lol, my status says "tao wizard" now