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Found 1 result

  1. As we are under the influence of this hexagram right now, and actually seeing its effect upon ourselves in threads, I thought it might be helpful to open up discussion about this particular type of unraveling change. This is the type of energy occurring right after the the waxing of yang at the full moon, after the summer solstice, and right after true solar noon, when the tiniest bit of yin is entering the fully culminated yang. Hua-Ching Ni, The Book of Changes and the Unchanging Truth: In particular, we just had a thread here, where one member was having trouble with overcoming a habit (the yin line), and several other members (the yang lines) each interacted with this habit in their own way, but ultimately the pressure of the situation became too great and the one member volunteered to leave the community. There is no blame or right or wrong here for any of these members, it is about recognizing the pattern as a manifestation of natural energies. The I-Ching almost literally describes what happened - the I-Ching is so incredibly literal at times... and the lessons are usually quite clear. ..... Does anyone have experiences or reflections on how that one seed of yin comes to threaten an entire established system? In modern society I get a chuckle seeing the image of 5 jocks boisterously walking along, only to meet a seductive and flirtatious girl.... and then suddenly the brotherhood is gone and they're all competing for the girl, to her amusement and glee... only to chose none of them. Gosh it seems so easy to collapse that jenga tower with one fell swoop.... ...... Also, is this related to this yin convergence classic? It would seem so... but I haven't gotten a change to study it too in depth yet, and a surface reading didn't seem super related.