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Found 1 result

  1. Today is Thursday the 18th June 2015 and here in the UK it's a bright, sunny & warm day. Exactly 200 years ago, there was an enormous battle near the small village of Waterloo, in Belgium. The day started out dull, overcast & it rained hard, making the ground wet & slippery. A hotch-potch Army led by the Duke of Wellington of (mostly) Anglo, Irish & Dutch Regiments, together with some Brunswickers were the only thing in the way of the Emporer Napoleon reaching Brussels. By the end of the day, and with the help of our Allies the Prussians, led by Field Marshal Blucher, the French forces were in total disarray & Napoleion had to flee for his life. He was captured a few days later & sentenced to Exile (again) on St. Helena. A small island in the Atlantic, where he died a few years later. Now how, do you ask, is such a pivotal battle in European history being commemorated in the UK ? by....absolutely nothing whatsoever, it appears. In Belgium, on the site of the battlefield there's a huge ceremony going on. Belgium have also struck a coin, to mark the event. The French are pretending they won (how's that for a PR spin!!!) Perhaps those in charge here don't wish to upset the French, as we're all now part of the EU. (Edit: To add link)