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  1. Shop Talk

    Seems we all like to talk,and rehash the days events,in our heads or with someone. Usually topics are light and funny and can be repeated several times when particularly interesting. Nothing odd we all do it,to some degree. What happens when the stories don't stop,and you subjected to a prolonged barrage of regurgitated 'need to tell'stories from the workplace. If it is a casual acquaintance,then we can make a real or fabricated excuse and move on. Not always possible if a more personal significant other/partner. The brother in law is a lawyer working or defending persons with a disability mostly,sometimes he will take on a criminal case,especially if there is a prospect of actually being paid. Anyway at times when we meet,he just lets fly,the judge this the client that,the outcome was ?,the point is,you can see he is passionate and excited,the stories are interesting,but there is very little two way exchange,after 15-20 minutes,there is a degree of tension building,as consider what's happening,and the stories continue. Limited is the insight,as to the effects his style of story telling has on his listeners.It's FULL ON. After 30-45 minutes listening mostly in silence,just the odd "yep" "yeah" "etc". The partner sister in law,then unloads about the same thing,not so bombastic,but similar style of ventilation of pent up emotional tensions,and around in circles we go. "Talk to him about it ?" "Aw he knows,but he can't help himself,and he just keeps talking,now I give him ten fifteen minutes,then I put up my hand.'Talk to the hand'. 'Talk to the hand'is tool that can work,have used it with few workmates at times. So anyone care to talk to the hand,share experiences.