1. How do I know I am training in iron body correctly?
Forget about using that line of seeking out professional instruction as each instructor has their own style of training but also most instructors are too far away, and plus I already have a system from Chris Lomas. My concern is long term...I want to be sure I am doing it right otherwise I hear you can get deformities, whole body inflammation and other damage. I still ejaculate once a week too.
2. Do I really need a dat da jow? In Chris Lomas's training vids he doesn't mention anything about dit da jow unless your practicing iron palm.
3. My muscles do feel sore from time to time. I only have had 45 training sessions so far, and so far I only bruised once. No significant pain that I can tell. I can touch areas of my body that were trained and it doesn't hurt so hopefully thats a good sign that I'm not hitting too hard. But sometimes I feel a deeper sensation in the muscle of minor pain(1, for a 10 point pain scale, where 10 is most painful). Is this normal?