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Found 3 results

  1. Parenting

    I'd to hear your experiences as parents. The tips, tricks and experiences you'd like to share. I'll offer some of mines but it's too late for me to start now!
  2. I am beginning what some will call a difficult, yet rewarding goal. In the next year or so, I will be reading and writing on the well known "Dr.Eliot's Five Foot Shelf," known as The Harvard Classics. My goal is to finish 51 volumes in the next year. I hope is to use this Blog as my Journal, which will enable me to engage with my thoughts, ideas, confusions, logic, and analytical triumph in understanding these classics. Once I complete 51 volumes of "The Harvard Classics," I intend to dive into the Great Books also known as the "Great Books of the Western World." I know that there are many other important works of the Eastern Canon and other cultural importance's out there, which I intend to read, but I have to begin somewhere. I will write up a more in-depth summary of Dr.Eliot's "The Harvard Classics," and the Mortimer Adler's "The Great Books of the Western World," as I proceed to read,review,annotate and chew on these classics. I will proceed to write about each book,page and paragraph as I see fit. If you'd like more information, or simply looking to chat about these historical classics, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] This is a beginning of self-education and self-improvement and I hope you will join me. You can follow my journey on my Blog -
  3. I mean its common sense everyone has a degree. With many sites like: and - it is going to absolutely be "worthless." Experience will rain again, as well as connections and personality. I guess this is good and bad? Higher Learning needs a shake-up? Care to agree to disagree?;