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Found 1 result

  1. Mind Control is Out of Control

    Mind Control is Out of Control I happened to come across some info about the MK Ultra Project Monarch, including testimonies from people who have escaped the programs and been rehabilitated. MK Ultra consisted of Nazi scientists being recruited into the United States for a variety of purposes, including the study of mind control and brainwashing, and also to be planted into scientific and educational institutions. It's basis was methods of brainwashing and psychological warfare developed by the Nazis, however, some of their mind sciences were based on ancient Egyptian occult practices, where mind control victims are subjected to severe sexual toture and abuse from the time they are young. So for the MK Ultra Project Monarch, children who were sexually abused from the time they were young were recruited. One woman who was rescued was Cathy O'brien. She had been abused by her father from birth, from the time she was very, very young. Eventually her father and her Uncle were both arrested, so they made a deal to be granted immunity from prosecution, they sold Cathy as a young child into the MK Ultra program. Basically , through torture and various brainwashing methods, she became totally compliant to anything anyone said to her and almost never thought about anything herself. Her brain and memories were "erased". She just followed all orders like a Zombie. Her thinking and memories were compartmentalized in her mind, so she would instantly forget about all the sexual torture she had endured, until certain "cues" are used by her controllers, only then she could remember things in the past. She was used as a sex slave for many poweful politicians. Also, used to run drugs. Mk Ultra victims could be used for assasinations, suicide attacks, anything, they were mind controlled slaves and didn't think for themselves. If they were ever captured they couldn't really think or remember much. They also played "The most Dangerous game" where they would be stripped down, and let loose in the forest, of course fenced in by barbed wire. When they were caught they were raped, and this would reinforce their conditioning that there was no way to escape. At one point, as part of a Nazi/ancient egyptian occult practice she had a face of Satan/Belial/Devil carved into her Vagina. Articles Mind Control-The Ultimate Terror Former Nebraska Senator John De Camp mentions he belkeves the lowest form of hell is specifically reserved for those involved with Project Monarch The Franklin Cover-Up by John DeCamp Mind Control is out of Control- Trance-formation of America- Cathy O'brien-