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Found 1 result

  1. Hearing Loss

    It has recently been brought to my attention (thanks cat, and others) that there might be a Qi Gong practice that could assist with my hearing loss or even repair the damage that has been done. My hearing loss has become a part of my life weather or not I wanted it to be, and I've been growing accustomed to the issues associated with being unable to hear fluidly and consistently in conversation only recently. I lost my (good) hearing when I was about 11 years old when I fell and hit my head and got a concussion. It's been a few short of 20 years now, I can read lips pretty well, but I don't know much sign and I have never known a practice I could implement into my personal cultivation that might assist or even repair my hearing loss. I can hear quite well mind you, but as if someone transposed the frequencies up a few hundred thousand hertz; I cannot hear low frequency sounds such as, but not limited to, my own voice lawn mowers, bass guitar, and Dart Vader, but high frequencies are crystal clear, so much so that the sound of crystals themselves gives the phrase a whole new meaning. I would love to be able to function more normally in conversation and social situations, however, I would miss the frequency gain if I had to sacrifice it to retrieve the frequency loss...