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Found 1 result

  1. I Ching - Hexigram 16 - Daughter Under Mountain?

    I've been busy these past few months getting much deeper into meditation and trying to get through assorted blockages. Recently I'd swear that for brief moments my 'center of being' has moved from my head to the center of my chest. I guess that is the heart center (heart mind)? Tonight was a good meditation session. I'd been ruminating briefly about the text . But something came up unbidden tonight that surprised me and I do not know what to make of it. I'd swear I got the impression a Taoist Being (Immortal?) visited me only a few moments ago (I could sense him plain as day!) and granted me these lines: Hexigram 16 Daughter Under Mountain In Winter Old Yang becomes Yin Hexigram 16 And then he left!! And I am absolutely befuddled. I have never studied the I Ching ever so I do not really understand what these lines are telling me. I do have a copy of the I Ching (Master Alfred Huang) so about the only thing I could figure out to do was simply look up Hexigram 16. Master Huang translates 16 as Delight Then he goes on to discuss what this hexigram means (I presume) depending on which line it's placed in? There were many different interpretations for just this one hexigram. Some were of seemingly good omen (lots of times they seemed variations of 'persevere and you'll be rewarded' type) but others seemed to indicate pride and conceit which leads to woe. Or I guess as a westerner might say "pride goeth before the fall" So I do not know if these lines are the Tao telling me to persevere and I'll make progress in meditating or if I'm scheduled for some sort of woe this coming winter. Does anyone have any idea what this might mean?