That's the sound I heard yesterday during walking meditation. At the end of the full moon, Yin peaks before letting Yang take control. In that moment, it's easy to get in touch with other astral planes during meditation practice.
It was quite disturbing, other times I have seen ghosts of children coming to me and asking for help, one even touched lightly the back of my neck. Other times I have seen them wandering around as if they were lost.
It's pretty much a nasty plane to be reborn into, no hope for perfecting the mind or developing compassion and helping fellow sentient beings.
Sometimes I hear laughs of young children and a parent, usually a mother when I practice in the cemetery near the park where I train. They are also ghostly beings, it's striking that some seem to be happy...maybe there are various categories of ghosts...ones that pass away less violently than others hence their rebirth is marked with a more pleasant time in the ghost realm.
One time in University, I met a fellow student who told me that in her place there was a family of ghosts that was also a resident in their house. Four members in total. She and her family were very used to their presence. Interesting girl, an Aquarian by the way, older soul.
Thanks for reading this stuff.