I've studied Shori Ryu ( Sensai Toshshiaki Gillespie), Shorinji Ryu, Nenriki, Taijiqaun Yang 108, Philosophy (Master Kim) through Sensai Dunphy, 18 Buddha hands Chi gung, Taijiqaun Yang 108 (Sifu Ginney Gooding), Taijiquan Yang short and long, Reeling Silk, Push Hands and Six Harmony (Sifu Mancuso) and I have studied Yang 108 DVD (Terry Dunn) and Chen styles DVDS (Adam Hsu.) I never forget my place in the Realm of these studies and maintain a Beginners a mind: everything is a new experience even past experiences. The tree changes through the seasons and grows old; and has many new features to study and learn. Its roots have grown and mine with it but there is fast unyielding growth. Keeping a peaceful, quiet Beginners mind seems to allow your consciousness to be free and open to except (past,present,and future) experiences and Knowledge throughout life's growth.