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Found 4 results

  1. Ni Hao!

    Hello everyone, I've enjoyed reading the posts here for years. I study TaiChi, Qigong and practice Traditional Chinese Medicine. I'm currently hoping to get a good discussion going on here about Dao Yin, it's classical roots and texts and it relationship to Yoga. I have been gathering together bits and pieces of classical Dao Yin techniques to restore a Daoist Yoga. In Gratitude, Kai
  2. Hello!

    Hi, I'm from India and have been studying and practicing yoga for few years now. Since recently i have grown an interest in Chinese Wisdom and as a result have found this gem of "Daobums"!!! A great site full of knowledge. I wish to advance myself and contribute in anyway I can! Thank you!
  3. HIYA!

    HIYA! Yes, there is really a person typing this. Or ... better yet, I'll say that there isn't so far as I can tell, a bot typing this. Don't know what a bot is though. Since I haven't yet made up a profile, I'll say that I like all the non-dual teachings that I've so far heard. At the moment, Adyashanti's teachings are my main vehicle. I live with a Buddhist group in Thailand called Santi Asoke. I'm about to leave the group, after two years. Spent four years with them from 2000 to 2004. I'm really interested in opening a spiritual center here in Thailand to have non-dual teachers come to teach. In looking for people here in Thailand who are familiar with Adyashanti, I came across a posting in this website that interests me. I want to add to the discussion, and PM a couple of people. I eat mostly raw foods. I saw someone, I think a moderator, say in their interests that their interested in veganism and raw foodism. Same here. Troy.
  4. Hello

    Hello I'm 23 yrs old, french guy. Interested since forever by so-called "spiritual matters". Practicing quite seriously since 5 years, with more or less effects. I was very imerged in the teachings known as the "law of attraction" and changing your mind/ vibration for the 3 first years. I practice semen retention (not perfectly) since 3 years i think. Did a good bunch of kung fu for one and half a year, with a real monk teacher! Achieved concrete eyesight healing As you can see i am quite a serious dude, and willing to stay so. Okay that is a short introduction for me, and i'm here to discuss about semen retention, building up energy and intuition, and i am very much interested in knowing more about "advanced" yin yang theory, as i think i have grasped the basics. If you can tell me about a very good book ont hese matters, i am interested.