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Found 1 result

  1. Xiao Yao Pai

    I have made my opinions and miss-givings about this system openly and frankly on this board about the way that people off the street can walk in and the Taoist master make them a 'student' and so called connected to Immortals. My last posts on this subject were met with insults and derision from various XYP members, even insulting my Divine master. I decided that enough was enough and I'd given enough of my time on this board, so I haven't come on again and do not intend to post on here again after this. But I wanted to further elucidate some experiences I have had that concern this cult. It is a cult for no Taoist master would teach, whether they were mortal or Immortal someone who was not ready to be taught, who had not been properly tested or considered, both physically, mentally and morally. But the XYP do, the numbers of people are more important than anything else it would seem. My experience was this: I was about to go to sleep when a communication was sent to me, it came in words and vision. It was feathery and a tunnel and the voice said to me, 'do not interfere with us Flowing Hands'. (I had previously expressed my concerns on this board about XYP) I replied; 'I am within my rights to say what is right.' The voice repeated its statement and added a threat. The master who had established this communication began to withdraw at that instance when the threat was made. I sent my weapon down his pathway to Indonesia and stabbed him in the head, just to let him know I wasn't to be threatened or silenced. It was only a tap so I did not harm him. Some weeks later Lei Gong the black faced thunder deity comes to my door. He is very sheepish and eventually says that he has been commanded to do me harm. (Thunder magic) I say to him 'well you better get on with it'. I drew my weapon there upon he vanished saying 'I mean you no harm.' The first and the second incidences may not be linked, but it is highly probable. A member on this board when I was trying to give my point of view and to express my miss-givings, wrote that I should be completely ignored. A system including the master should be open to criticism without threat or insults......this is one aspect that concerns me. The mind/brain is our most powerful organ in our body, it is little used to anywhere near its capacity. It is very easy for us to be duped into thinking lots of things. Our minds can make us feel and do things that we think are impossible, it can very easily lead us astray. The Immortals do not teach mortals very easily, nor do they interfere with the world. To get them to teach one must prove oneself worthy of their time. With respect, Wu Shi Flowing Hands Student of Hua Tuo Xian Shi, Li Erh Xian Shi, Chi Tien Da Shen