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Found 5 results

  1. Samsara

    "The rising of thought (the rising of the first thought, ‘I am so-and-so’) itself is birth, and the forgetfulness of Self itself is death. The mind’s phenomena of such thinking and forgetting is called samsara. When the mind, freed from its impure state of thinking and forgetting, stands...
  2. Self-Abidance

    Very succinct. This may help... ADVICE FOR BEING IN SELF-ABIDANCE Be quiet. See the mind as it is. Grace action starts. Then Peace occupies your Heart. Then be still. The Grace of Self burns all your tendencies. No question or any practice is needed. You already reached the destinatio...
  3. Lately, I discovered that my meditation was actually hacked by a mind function that conceptualizes and creates an image of an experience and faked my experience of reality. an example: the experience or state of no-thoughts, at first it was a genuine experience and it felt really nice, during m...
  4. Apparent Reality VS Reality

    This is something I wanted to share from my blog. The original post is here: I am reading Adyashanti’s “Falling Into Grace” and at first this text was really speaking to me. But then the author started talking about “accepti...
  5. Thought I would share this YouTube vid given by U.G. Krishnamurti. He says a lot of interesting things about thought, thinking, space-time, science, Descarte's I Think Therefore I Am and most of all - what he calls The Mystique of Enlightenment - which is the title of the Youtube vid. Ever since I d...