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Each one of us here on Earth is an Individualized Manifestation of the Very Source of All That Is!God is nothing but the Very Consciousness that pervades the entire Universe!!Your soul script or what all you will go through and what you will become is more or less decided before you are born, though many things are flexible and can be changed to a considerable extent based on the choices you make and the choices that others around you will make in your current life.Your soul script for the current life is decided by the sum total of experiences that you have had in your previous lives and the new lessons that your soul would want to go through in order to achieve a state of balance.The Real Purpose of Our Lives is to Have Blissful, Fulfilling, Enriching and Transformative Experiences. Our Soul Spirit needs these experiences and we keep reincarnating again and again until we have learnt all our lessons across the entire spectrum of experiences.As long as we don't learn our lessons and keep repeating the same mistakes, we will keep going through the same experiences.Then, once the state of contentment is achieved, the soul spirit will have a choice of either achieving Nirvana (Dis-individualization and merging back with Source/Universal Godhead) or to take Greater responsibility and move on to newer experiences in higher realms / dimensions / universes.Thus, everyday, Learn to Live it King Size, stop living it pint size as it comes. Develop a Zest for Life and start creating opportunities for yourself. Take ownership and stop blaming God, rather be thankful to God for granting you this infinite Gift of Human Life.It doesn't matter in what context you are born, in what family and settings you have grown up, know that this is how it was intended to be to enable you to have the required experience that your Soul seeks.In the process, different souls choose different paths, some choose dark/ service to self/ left hand path while other choose light/ service to others/ right hand path. There is no need to feel guilty about your past or present no matter what your background is because all will eventually merge and become One.Always remember that the potential for the Greatest Good and the Greatest God is Already present in each one of Us, All we need to do is to unravel ourselves to the inner most core to uncover the true nature of our own reality that has the Highest Purity, the Greatest and the Mightiest Power of God within it.Realize that each of our lives is invaluable and highly coveted, know that extra-terrestrials from far off stars desperately seek a human incarnation on Earth because this is where lessons are learnt. It is our planet that offers an environment for super fast learning and expedited evolution unlike anywhere else in the entire galaxy.The real evolution is that of the spirit and not the flesh, as our souls learn their lessons, the next birth may be in a more advanced body form in a different dimension commensurate with the settings needed for inculcating the next set of lessons on the souls incredible journey back to Godhead.The absolute truth is that the One Godhead (Paramatma) divided itself into infinite souls (Jeevatmas) so it could have infinite different experiences in infinite different ways.Life in this Universe is an endless pursuit of SAT-CHID-ANANDA. Sat (TRUTH) - Chid (KNOWLEDGE/WISDOM) and Ananda (BLISS/JOY/HAPPINESS).Everything is Science, Everything is Energy, Everything is God. There is no contradiction !What matters is to imbibe the Truth and accept your current state objectively and in a balanced manner. This way, we will be able to further advance the real purpose of our lives by contributing to the greater cause in whichever way we can and thus also serve the group consciousness (our soul families) in the most efficient manner.I searched for God everywhere, I only found myself !I searched for myself in everyone, I only found God !!
I have all of Stephen T. Chang's books about taoism and love them. I find it very intriguing that he often pays tribute to a man called The Yellow Emperor, a pioneer of taoist healing. However, further research into the origin of the man known as the yellow emperor points to a possibility that he was a being from somewhere else in the universe who landed on earth for the purpose of spreading taoist healing principles and practices, amongst other things.... Have any of you heard of The Yellow Emperor, and does anyone know where he came from?
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This video is very inspiring. It shows the history of the Universe, from every vantage point, physical, mental, and spiritual, which is something you don't really usually ever see. The Eternal Story-
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- The Eternal Story
- Fa-Rectification
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The Children of the Law of One & The Lost Teachings of Atlantis
Immortal4life posted a topic in General Discussion
The Children of the Law of One, & the Lost Teachings of Atlantis free onine books, meditation techniques gadgets, atlantis Jon Peniel's painting of the Himalayas Free Chapters from the Lost Teachings of Atlantis by Jon Peniel who was the head monk of the order of the Children of the Law of One and who first made the unadulterated teachings of the order available to the public. Before that, the teachings of the Children of the Law of One were taught only in Tibet or the Pyrenees mountains of Spain and could only be found if someone went there. Everything is in these teachings! The CLO was probably the first spiritual order on Earth, and the energy practices are the original energy practices. Most major religions have their roots in a teacher of the CLO, although most people who followed or now follow the religion would not usually know the founder was a CLO monk/teacher. Shargung La is the final place where the Children of the Law of One retreated to after the final destruction of Atlantis in 10,500 BC, they also went to Egypt, the Pyrenees, and the Yucatan. Many of the world's energy practices originate from Tibetan mountains and even the Shargung La area in Tibet, a warmer subtropical area inside the deepest gorge in the world, amidst the freezing Himalayas. Most energy or spiritual practices are related to the Children of the Law of One in some way or another I believe. What the CLO emphasize is unselfish love over all else. You can identify the true CLO teachers by their emphasis on unselfish love for all beings , returning to God by regaining universal consciousness and contact with god by direct experience, returning to oneness with god, and not emphasis on abilities, phenomena, power, or anything like that. Even in this world of darkness, selfish consciousness, and pain, there have always been the CLO who love all beings, who feel pain and compassion with understanding for the beings on earth and the condition of the beings on earth. They have always been lights shining in the darkness, guiding humanity, and are here for those that really are ready, those that can awaken to their inner being, and truly improve themselves to return to their original angelic states and transcend the human world. However, in 1990 the CLO monks in Tibet and elsewhere were attacked and many were killed, there are now few left in this world and in 1998 the teachings were made public for the first time in history since the days of Atlantis Here is the opening chapter of the book "The Children of the Law of One and the Lost Teachings of Atlantis", from the first 2 pages Survivors of Atlantis- stargate atlantis? Survivors of the real lost city/continent. Free Chapters of the Lost Teachings of Atlantis Lost Teachings of Atlantis Foreword spiritual journey Chapter Three Sources and Descendants of the Teachings the religion of atlantis? Chapter Six Different Points of View Chapter Nineteen The Children of the Law of One Basic Meta-Physics of Science-Magic More articles- Frequently Asked Questions about us and spiritual growth earth changes spirituality articles Does God exist - who are you and what do you want? Jon Peniel New Year 2001 Message. New Year resolution and spiritulity An offshoot branch of the CLO( Children of the Law of One) that people can practice in modern times, is the Golden Rule organization or GRO. Benjamin Franklin's secrets to relationships & personal success- 18 replies
- Jon Peniel
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You sometimes will see that there are people these days who always like to portray the past religions and past spiritual traditions in a negative light. They like to blame the stumbling blocks, limitations, and mistakes in human history on Spirituality and Religion. However, in reality humanity is simply growing and progressing over time. Ultimately, building on the foundations of the past, progress is always made, and greater and greater understandings towards a higher spiritual ideal are ultimately realized. 3 major paradigm shifts in Human History- http://childrenofthe...lisone-paradigm Glossary of terms for the new millennium and future paradigms-
Here is a documentary I found to be very interesting, and it's central theme and message rings very true to me. Some people tend to view sex as sinful or something that is easily perverted by humans. However, it is also known that it can be a way to spiritual development. In any case when you think about it, what is Sex? It is the interaction between 2 opposite polarities. It is the perfect interaction between, and perfect balance between, Yin and Yang. This does not only exist in biological creatures, but throughout all the Universe. The center of an atom is it's own polarity, the positive, or male polarity. The electrons are attracted to the positive polarity and are thus, the negative, receptive, or female polarity. We see the same thing in Solar systems. A Sun is the Male polarity, it gives energy to and attracts Planets, who are the Female polarity in relation to the Sun. It is in the interaction of these Polarities that the power of creation manifests. Throughout the Universe, the perfect and most natural state of all beings, is to be in a state of "Sex". Sex- The Secret Gate to Eden- Here is some more information on the primary pattern of creation and procreation in the Universe, Soulmates, and Meta Physics-