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Found 1 result

  1. ostentatiousness grudge gambling ingratitude dipsomania ambition dominance faithlessness manipulation stinginess pessimism hostility abuse debasement sexual lust sarcasm humiliation jealousy gluttony unruliness hurt cruelty unkindness obstinacy envy indifference negativity furtiveness sadism enviousness derision falseness high-handedness know-it-all rage aggression rapacity effrontery disrespectfulness hard-heartedness eagerness for power lying insidiousness self-denial inattentiveness contempt wrath haughtiness greed for money seducement vindictiveness insatiability voluptuousness excessiveness censoriousness dissatisfaction egoism ignorance hatred greed impudence imposture cursing imperiousness lecherousness callousness malignancy torment intolerance blasphemy shamelessness irresponsibility obsession prejudice arrogance violent temper garrulity dogmatism presumption intransigence oppression prodigality lack of comprehension obstinacy pride conceitedness delusion quarrelsomeness self-hatred violence vanity hypocrisy stubbornness baseness pretence mercilessness disrespect ridicule masochism tyranny capriciousness deceit anger discord calculation unyielding desire for fame deception Which of the Five Elements do these vices correlate to?: Fire - Heart/Small Intestine Earth - Spleen/Stomach-Pacreas Metal - Lung/Large Intestine Water - Kidney/Bladder Wood - Liver/Gall Bladder