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Found 1 result

  1. Hello from NZ

    Hello all, Kiora! Thought I would introduce myself to the forum. My primary interest is martial arts especially the internal styles. I am currently practicing a type of Wing Chun that places a huge emphasis on achieving a certain state of having a raised spine or a feeling of expansion between each vertibrae Ive heard this described as achieving "sing". A yoga teacher I met said that she has this feeling in her spine which makes yoga much more enjoyable. I was also told by another yoga teacher (I dont do yoga, it just happens that I know a couple of teachers) about the kundalini. Another aspect of the art I do (although it is to be achieved at a much later staged) is the driving of motion with the mind. Anyways after searching the net extensively, this seemed to be the forum that talks about these types of subjects extensively so thought I would join in. Other secondary but important priorities for me include having more energy (often feel quite drained especially in the afternoon despite various diet changes etc). Also more control over my sex drive which often seems to control me. So yeah, look forward to talking with you all. Reading over the KAP course description I felt quite intrigued. However, not sure I can justify the cost at this stage. See ya!