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Dear Dao Bums, Many of you might have read my former posts on Sri Vidya. I've since continued my journey. As always I'm looking for deepening as well as adventure. My adventures have led me to test out new avenues in Sri Vidya, namely occult spiritual skills. I've learnt one skill I'm now experimenting with, and am in the process of learning a second. This post will contain 3 parts: 1) Occult Spiritual Diagnosis Using The Goddes Bhadrakali 2) Occult Spiritual Protection As Well As Removing Negative Energy Forms 3) Continued Scope Of Occult Skills In Sri Vidya (Including Nagas or Snakegods) 1) Occult Spiritual Diagnosis Using The Goddes Bhadrakali I've spent now nearly 6 months learning this. First you get a Bhadrakali mantra initiation. Then you do daily mantra japa for some months. When ready you purchase a vamavarti shankha (left-hand natural conch). You then do prana-pratistha (infusing it with life force and Kali energy) on that conch for 8 days; 1 day with a big ceremony (2-3 hours), then 7 days with a smaller daily ceremony (about 1 hour). After having established a connection with Bhadrakali through mantra diksha and mantra japa, and then using this connection to do prana-pratishta on a natural conch, you're ready. There's a whole Kerala tantric system of using it. You simply need the conch, red flowers and a 5 wick diya (lamp). You can use it to get guidance and direction for life questions. You can use it to identify energy blocks holding you back (in money, health, love, sex, spirituality, any field), as well as get instant answers for which energy forms to use to remove those blocks (whether it's black magic, evil eye, evil spirits or a relationship issue). So far I've used it for myself, my wife and my wife's sister. Me and my wife asked it different questions, yet we both had the same energy block! That's was a huge shocker, as probability-wise the chances of getting the same answer using the conch is exceptionally small. So that means we've both been touched by a similar negative energy, it was the energy of a deceased person, who had been a great tamasic yogi during his life. However, we got different remedies to do. It's was super hard to go through with, but we managed. For my wife, we went back to the conch after doing her remedy for 3 days to check if it was fully cleared. However, only a layer of the block was cleared. The next layer was a different energy related to relationships. So she was directed to re-connect with 2 of her girlfriends. After doing that for 2 days, we checked again. This time the block was fully gone. She then asked about whether there was any energy block in another area of her life, but there wasn't. So she was all clear to move forward in a normal way. In my case I had to get a specific Rudra mantra. I will detail this in the next section. For my wife's sister's case, she asked whether she had an energetic block in her aura regarding finances. She got a yes. We then asked the nature of the block, it was something called "murti dosha". I was shocked when we got it. My wife and her sister were raised muslim, and murti means an idol. Murti dosha is when you daily and in a disciplined manner pray to a specific energy. You ask it for help, and in exchange for your dedicated worship, it helps you out. Murti dosha is when you suddenly and abruptly stop connecting to that energy, and the energy form gets offended. So I had to interview her a little bit "did you ever pray diligently to a specific energy form, asking it for help often, and making promises in return for that help?" - to my great surprise she said yes. I then asked her "did you then suddenly and abruptly stop connecting with it daily, and just leave it, even though it helped you, and you promised to give something in return, yet you didn't?" Again to my great surprise, she said yes. I was shocked, it didn't make any sense. No muslim prays to an idol. We then found the remedy for her, which was a specific Surah of the Qur'an she should recite 7x daily for 7 days to counter the block. After the reading ended, I asked her: "what energy form were you diligently praying to? And what did it give you, and what did you promise in return that you didn't deliver?". She explained that in a certain period of her life she was hospitalised and things were very bad. She then did diligent salah (muslim ritual prayer) and du'a (supplication or what we would normally call a prayer) to Allah, stating that if Allah helped heal her and get her out, she would always pray. Turns out she got well, yet after she was released she stopped doing salah and did other new age spiritual things instead. So the "murti" she had offended was Allah, who is a faceless and formless Divine Energy. I was really surprised and kind of shocked. But it made sense in some way. She had made a promise in exchange for getting well. She got well, yet she didn't deliver her part of the deal. It's really mind blowing what Kali can tell you through these rituals. Now for the next section. 2) Occult Spiritual Protection As Well As Removing Negative Energy Forms This is a 2 month training where mantras of Tvarita Rudra as well as Aghora Rudra are given. You also get Kavach as well as prayogas for using these mantras in occult ways. There are 3 modes: creation and the energy of sattva (the god Brahma), sustaining and the energy of rajas (Vishnu) and destruction and the energy of tamas (Shiva). Shiva takes many forms, again in 3 modes sattva, rajas and tamas. Rudra is Shiva's tamasic forms. So Rudra is the destructive energy (tamas), of the destructive energy (Shiva). I was told by Kali that Tvarita Rudra (meaning SWIFT Rudra) would help alleviate my personal energy block. I just got the mantra a few days ago and have been saying it all the time. So today I checked with Kali if it was enough and whether my energy block was cleared, to my great surprise I got a yes! Tvarita Rudra is indeed swift! Later in this course Aghora Rudra (Fearless Rudra) which is a very aggresive form of Shiva will be taught, Kavach which is an occult shield or armour of mantras will be taught, and finally prayogas or means of using these energies for protection and removing negative energy forms from yourself, others as well as places will be taught. Will keep you updated how it goes! 3) Continued Scope Of Occult Skills In Sri Vidya (Including Nagas or Snakegods) After experiencing succes with these occult skills, I've decided to learn more from this Kerala based Sri Vidya system. The next class is a yearlong free class: one is on Sri Vidya, the other is on Nagatantra. I'm very interested to connect with this specific lineage, as it seems it's a bit different from the other lineage I've been in. Karunamaya and Amritananda of Devipuram are more bhakti focused; simply do the rituals and daily japa to clear your karma, connect with Divine energy and in the end get spiritual liberation (moksha). So far it seems of course Moksha is also the final end goal, however this Kerala based school has also maintained a lot of its occult practices and skills (e.g. Bhadrakali conch spiritual diagnosis as well as Rudra for spiritual protection and removing negative energy). Further, I've for many years been curiously interested in understanding what all this "snake" business is. In South America they had snake gods, the vikings had the Midgårdsorm, there are many snake gods in Africa, there are snakes around Hermes' staff which to this stay still symbolises healing and the medical profession. In India, Nepal and Tibet they speak of Nagas, and in China they of course have the flying Dragons. The strongest and most powerful qigong I've ever learnt was Wu Long Gong or 5 Dragon Qigong from the Dragon Gate Lineage through Master Zhongxian Wu. Further, the Kundalini force is also symbolically depicted as a snake, and the most powerful meditation I ever learnt was Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY) by Vethathiri Maharishi. The young Guru from Kerala specifically says that Naga Tantra is exceptional for health and healing, so it's seem there's a connect with global snake cults (South America, Africa, Scandinavia, India and China) and health, power and healing (qigong, kundalini and now Naga Tantra). I'll keep you posted how it goes! If any of you are interested, here are the sign up posters for both of these 1 year long free online trainings.
Dear Dao Bums, In the spirit of sharing, what are your personal greatest hits? My personal top 3 is: 1) Simplified Kundalini Yoga (Vethathiri Maharishi), 2) Talisman qigong (Zhongxian Wu), 3) Sri Vidya (Amritananda / Devipuram). A little bit about each: 1) Simplified Kundalini Yoga (Vethathiri Maharishi) In this system your chakras are opened and empowered by a master one by one, allowing you to tangibly feel the pulsating vibration of energy in each chakra. It takes all the guesswork away, you don't need to rely on outer feedback anymore, you can yourself feel how strong your chakras are. Meditating on each chakra provides specific benefits. It's a complete system for increasing and transmuting sexual energy (kaya kalpa), building health through physical exercises (asanas, pranayama, massage and acupressure), building energy through meditation allowing you to achieve peace of mind and enlightenment, introspection for improving your moral character and getting rid of negative karmic imprints (vasanas/samskaras) and finally philosophical explanations for God, the universe, evolution, astrology etc. Beside the chakra meditations (7 inside the body, 2 outside, 9 in total), there are numerous other meditations which give unique benefits: Panchendriya (5 senses): this strengthens your 5 senses even until old age, and further gives your mind control of the senses. Panchabhuta Navagraha (5 elements and 9 planets): harmonize with universal forces and energies, cultivate energy, improve your destiny. Nityananda (meditating on the energy pervading all over the body): gives ecstatic pleasure and strengthens energy all over your body. Divine State Meditation: helps you to again and again understand and feel the oneness between you, the universe and all living beings. Lamp Gazing: improving eyesight, purifying and energizing your soul, mind, brain and energy, and over time can give supernatural skills. Mirror gazing: one of the most powerful meditations, increasing energy in your body manifold very quickly. Over time can also give supernatural skills. Above is a general description of the system, let me share my personal journey and breakthroughs along the way. 1st breakthrough: when I got the first initiation, I felt a little something between my eyebrows, but not very noticeable. However, when I meditated that night, my God, it was insane. The vibration was so strong and powerful, my mind became completely still, and I just sat in complete peace. 2nd breakthrough: when I got the third initation, sahasrara chakra, I was blown away. When I meditated on the vibration in the crown chakra, I felt the same orgasmic pleasure as just before ejaculating. However, instead of being in the prostate area, and ending after a few seconds, the orgasmic ecstasy just stays in your crown chakra and brain during the whole meditation. At this point... I increased my meditation time a lot 3rd breakthrough: when I got my dwadasangham chakra (12 fingers above the head) opened, after about 1-2 weeks of meditation, one day I felt it REALLY open. Immediately, I was flooded with information. Questions and doubts about life, the universe, things that had happened to me, answers just flooded my consciousness. And whenever I thought of a question, the answer immediately came. I felt at one with God. This also made me meditate much longer, because it was just so interesting. After some weeks, I had no more questions, so I just sat in complete peace and oneness. Nowadays, whenever something is going on in my life, I sit and meditate, and I will understand what's going on and why. 4th breakthrough: lamp gazing. I got SO much more energy after starting lamp gazing. It probably increased my energy levels 5 times or so. 5th breakthrough: when all chakras were opened, I realized just how weak my navel chakra had been. I got so much more energy and much better digestion when I could finally meditate on my navel chakra. 6th breakthrough: mirror gazing. This exercise is insane. My energy must have increased by 10 fold or more when I started doing it. To this day, I can't understand why it is SO powerful, but it increases my energy so much. I rarely ever fall sick, and I am always full of energy now. 7th breakthrough: becoming a master and initiating others. You simply do mirror gazing and meditation on the morning you give initiations to boost your own energy. Just before giving initiation, you say a prayer to God and Vethathiri. Every single time, energy just floods into your system, empowering either your hands or eyes, depending on which initiation you're about to give. It's truly magnificent. I can only imagine how powerful Vethathiri had been while still alive in the body, seeing that such strong energy still comes, simply because of his sankalpa to help as many as possible through SKY. 2) Talisman qigong (Zhongxian Wu) I was doing a 3 day workshop on his cosmic orbit qigong, which I really enjoyed. Due to a ticket sale, I would stay 3 more days after the workshop before flying home. Because Master Wu also stayed some days after the workshop, he decided to offer a one day workshop on "calligraphy healing qigong" for just 25 euros. I was so sceptical and there was no way I believed "painting" could be used as a way of healing. However, I was there for 3 days with nothing to day, and 25 euros was nothing, so I decided to try out the workshop. I came there just to pass time, expecting nothing. However, when we did the mantras, mudras and visualisation, I really felt energy come into my body. Then he asked us to practice healing on each other, and I just didn't believe it to be possible. To my great surprise, it worked! The lady I worked on could really feel my energy and that of the talisman inside her body. I was so surprised. I thought it was probably because I had already been meditating daily for 4 years. But there was no way that this elderly lady with no spiritual background could perform healing on me, she had no training, nor any energy to give. Even when she used the talisman to heal me, I really felt the energy from the talisman coming into my body! I was so surprised. It was not that powerful, but it still worked. I was blown away. Master Wu told us to go back home and practice daily for 49 days, then we would have access to this talisman's healing energy. We could use it on ourselves and others, or even to paint a talisman on paper to use for improving fengshui in the home. I went back home to practice, still not really believing it could be possible. I saw everything through the lens of hinduism: healing I considered a kind of siddhi, and acquiring siddhi is extremely difficult. At that point, I had done years and years of daily mala japa (chanting with prayer beads) of a mantra, completing many purascharans, and it had been quite difficult. And that was just to purify myself, come closer to God and prepare myself for higher sadhana (spiritual practice), including other sadhanas that could produce siddhis or supernatural powers. When I got back home and started practicing, I would do the talisman healing on myself, and I felt that it worked. About 10 days into my 49 day practice, my parents heard about my 49 day project. From that day, they asked me to call them every day when I was practicing, and they asked me to help heal different issues. Also as remote healing (something I didn't even believe in at the time). No matter what I did, it just worked! It worked every single time. They would call me after the healing and tell me everything they had experienced during the remote healing. About 21 days into my 49 days, random friends of my parents would call me and ask for healing. So during my 49 days, I hadn't even finished the 49 days, still the talisman energy was helping me to heal myself, siblings, parents, friends of my parents, and also a few strangers. This experience completely exploded my worldview at the time, and that's why I decided to keep training with Master Wu. I've since then learnt the talismans for all 5 elements (White Tiger, Green Dragon, Red Bird, Mystical Warrior and Mother of the Big Dipper). Mystical Warrior is northern water energy, Mother of the Big Dipper is central, earth energy. I actually spent all my money, and even lend from my grandmother, to travel and learn these talismans (at the time I was still studying, so I had low funds). I spend as little as possible on food and hotel when I was there, so I could pay everything back to her when I got back I still use it for myself, and sometimes if others ask for healings. I also use it to bless what I eat and drink sometimes. 3) Sri Vidya (Amritananda / Devipuram) This is a formerly secret system of Hindu Goddess Worship, which Amritananda has decided to share openly with the world. All Goddess worship can provide great supernatural powers, and the energies also have a great effect on our wordly life, e.g. increasing money and succes, healing etc. I never really cared for hindu ritual worship, I felt it to just be an empty show, and a way of extracting money from the poor. Priests and astrologers convincing poor people they had bad karma and needed to pay huge sums of money for them to do rituals on their behalf. However, when I saw a picture of Bala Tripura Sundari, I felt strangely attracted towards it. These weird feelings prompted me to try and do the beginners module. In the end, if it didn't work, I could just stop after the first module. I got diksha (initiation) for the mantras for the root, sexual and navel chakras. Furthermore, I learnt several rituals for each chakra: tarpana (water ritual), puja (prayer ceremony) and homa/havan (fire ritual). I did it just to try it out. First I did a 41 days tarpana for the root chakra God Ganesha/Ganapati (elephant God). I actually felt energy coming into my root chakra and circulating in the 4 nadis of the root chakra. This suprised me a lot! Further, when I was about 38 days in, I got a call from someone, offering me a side hustle to earn more money. On the 44th day (I continued the ritual a few days extra, because there were a few days my wife didn't do it with me, so for her to also reach 41 days, we extendend it 3 days), I got another call, yet again with another side hustle opportunity. I was really surprised! Firstly, I actually felt the mantra opening and circulating energy in my root chakra and nadis. Secondly, I felt the ritual actually had an effect on my worldly life! This I felt to be the magic from movies, books, series etc, where a wizard does certain rituals to change his life and acquire powers. Therefore I continued with Sri Vidya, and it just keeps giving. I have been given mantras and rituals for the root, sexual, navel, heart and 3rd eye chakra, and I am in the process of completing them all (tarpanas I have completed for all, pujas I have 2 to go, havan I am currently in the process of finishing for all). After this, I will get the final and ultimate mantra for the crown chakra, as well as the ultimate ritual performed directly on the Sri Meru / Sri Yantra / Sri Chakra. This is supposed to be the ultimate, making it possible to acquire all worldly pleasures, all spiritual powers as well as complete enlightenment. Conclusion: My personal greatest hits are: 1) Simplified Kundalini Yoga (Vethathiri Maharishi), this taught me deep meditation. 2) Talisman qigong (Zhongxian Wu), this taught me healing. 3) Sri Vidya (Amritananda / Devipuram), this taught me rituals and mantras to assist my worldly and spiritual life. Question: What are your personal greatest hits on the spiritual path? You can include a small summary of the system, as well as your personal journey and breakthroughs God bless you!
Lineage of Simplified Kundalini Yoga Vethathiri Maharishi (sampradaya)
Nuralshamal posted a topic in Hindu Discussion
Dear friends My post will be in 3 parts: 1) Introduction to the lineage of Vethathiri Maharishi and his different gurus 2) Interesting information about one of his gurus 3) Questions for you and invitation to further research on one of his guru's guru (paramguru) 1) Introduction to the lineage of Vethathiri Maharishi and his gurus Today, I researched a bit about Vethathiri Maharishi, and I found that he himself had 3 physical gurus and 1 astral guru: 1) A religious Guru called Balakrishnan Naicker (when Vethathiri was 14, he learnt hindu devotional worship using songs, mantras and puja as well as the importance of ahimsa and vegetarianism) 2) A Guru in indian herbal medicine called Vaidya Bhoopati S. Krishna Rao (in Vethathiri's 20s, he was employed in Chennai as the apprentice of this traditional doctor in herbal medicine and learnt Ayurveda, Siddhar Medicine and Unani Medicine as well as indian philosophy) 3) A Guru called Paranjyothi Mahan who opened Vethathiri's muladhara and sahasrara chakras and taught him astral travel (in his 30s) 4) When he was 42 the astral form of the Great Saint Ramalinga Vallalar came to Vethathiri and then stayed with him for a period of about 10 years, helping, assisting, teaching and blessing him. As you know, SKY completely changed my life, and I am very grateful for the teachings of Vethathiri. However, as you might have read in my other posts, the astral travel method has been removed from the official SKY system. To me, that's a great tragedy. I am personally very interested in learning it, hence I am continually researching on it. 2) Interesting information about one of his gurus Seeing that Paranjyothi Mahan was actually the guru who opened Vethathiri's chakras, and taught him astral travel, I thought I would research some more about him. There is an organisation he established, which continues to this day: Universal Peace Foundation. One of Paranjyothi Mahan's students is the current leader of the organisation, as Paranjyothi passed away in 1981. So, one possibility for me is to contact this organisation and see if they still teach astral travel. However, from what I can see, they teach something which is very, very similar to SKY (the master opens the students' chakras one by one). Well, what about the guru of Paranjyothi Mahan? This is where the new piece of interesting information comes in. His guru was called Haribullah Kamil Syed Ibrahim! This is a muslim name, or it could very well be a title. "Hari" refers to Vishnu in Sanskrit, however, in Qur'anic arabic, "hari" means dawn, morning or sunrise. "b" is short for "bi" or "bi'l" which means "of" or "of the" "ullah" is Allah. So Hari-bi'l-Allah means "Morning/dawn/sunrise of God" (as you know, sunrise is symbolic of the rays of the sun dispersing the darkness of night, and instead bringing light, warmth and life. As you know "guru" in sanskrit means "darkness/light", someone who takes you from darkness to light. So, the Arabic meaning of "Haribullah" could be a clever muslim/sufi way to say "Guru". This in itself is (to me) extremely interesting, that the paramguru of Vethathiri is possibly a muslim or sufi! Kamil or Kamel means "perfect" or "perfected". Syed or Sayed/Sayid means "noble" and usually refers to descendants of the Prophet Muhammad. Ibrahim is the muslim variant of Abraham, the first "hanif" or first rightly guided monotheist (in the 3 abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam). As you can see "Haribullah Kamil Syed Ibrahim" could very well be a title, refering to a guru or master safeguarding and passing on the true, perfected and noble teachings. In this case, the true teachings include kundalini and chakra awakening through touch, as well as astral travel and prayers for world peace. It being an honorific title could very well be the reason, that nothing really comes up when you search for it online. Maybe his given name was different. You also can't find any pictures of him. This leads me to the last and final point. 3) Questions for you and invitation to further research on one of his guru's guru (paramguru) 1) Do you know about or have experience with UPF (Universal Peace Foundation) and their teachings and practices? 2) Do you know about or can you through research find anything about this mysterious Haribullah Kamil Syed Ibrahim? 3) Do you know about or do you have experience with the astral travel methods of Vethathiri, Paranjyothi Mahan or Haribullah? May there be sufficient rain, crops and sustenance for all living beings. May the whole world enjoy prosperity, happiness, health, wisdom and peace. May Peace reign within us, may Peace reign around us and everywhere we go, may Peace reign in the whole word. Be blessed by the Divine!-
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Sri Vidya, Yantra, Mantra, Tantra, Mudra, Guru Karunamaya
Nuralshamal posted a topic in Hindu Discussion
Dear Dao Bums, Today I'll share my experience with "Guru Karunamaya" and his teachings of Sri Vidya (a branch of spiritual practice in Hinduism). I have tried many things under the sun, but I am extremely positively surprised by the power of his teachings. Intro to Sri Vidya: Your body, energy, chakras, aura, psyche etc, is a perfect replica of the universe. This is called the "microcosm" and "macrocosm" idea. How the energy flows in your chakras and nadis, or energy centers and energy channels, showcases how your mind works, as well as how your life is working (and will work in the future). If the energy is flowing freely in a particular chakra and its nadis, it means your life is flowing freely in that particular area. E.g. regarding work and money, sexuality and pleasure, power and fame, love and relationships, manifestation and communication, understanding and wisdom, spirituality and oneness with the universe, etc. By opening your chakras and nadis, you also open the corresponding areas of your life. You then progress through the "sri chakra" or "sri yantra". This yantra holds all yantras, all gods and goddesses, all chakras and nadis, and all areas of your life. The beginning practice: You start from the outside perimeter, and then work your way through it. You end up in the center, the "bindu", the point, the dot.. The divine The outside perimeter (bottom left corner, the outermost square line) corresponds to the elephant God "Ganesha" or "Ganapati". This energy corresponds to the root chakra (muladhara chakra), and general stability and trust in your life. This also includes basic needs like work, security, fincances etc. When you get the deeksha (initiation) into the "ganapati" (another name for Ganesha or the elephant God) you start opening this chakra. With the shaktipat (energy transmission) of the teacher, you get a boost to your own process. Then you recite 100.000 repetitions of the mantra. This makes the mantras energy "flower" - both in your chakras and nadis, your physical body, as well as your life. This will give you physical health, heal any problems related to the anus, spine, legs and feet, bring you emotional and mental stability as well as trust, energetically it will open your muladhara chakra and its nadis, in your life it will attract a job to you (if you're looking for one), otherwise it will make your work situation stable. The scope of continued practice: Further, you continue this journey of self-healing alongside realization of ever subtler levels of the Divine, inside and out (your body, energy, emotions, mind and soul, as well as your outside life). This is done by working your way through the Sri Yantra. There's a process for everything: opening chakras and nadis, getting a job, attracting more wealth, removing black magic and evil spirits, controlling the weather, overcoming racism, depression and other negative mental states, and it just goes on and on. The sri yantra contains everything. Also ALL the siddhis (supernatural powers, e.g. auric vision (called divya dristhi or divine sight), controlling the weather, healing of self and others, and so on and so forth). Ending blessing and prayer: May you all be blessed, and enjoy good health, long life, prosperity, happiness, wisdom and peace -
Hello Does anyone practice Roberts Bruce methods from Astral Dynamics?
What to do about Leaking Energy from Energy System
roycee00 posted a topic in Esoteric and Occult Discussion
I experimented with meditation about 3 years ago, which left me in a weird space. I eventually experimented with breathwork techniques by Jack Angelo (using the breath and visualization techniques to heal chakras and aura) about 10 months ago, but has since left my energy system leaking energy every time there was heavy impact anywhere on my body. I eventually learned that the meditation I was doing blocked my lower Dan tien, which I could have easily unblocked by using microscopic orbit. Now, it seems as though my energy system is comporomised every time there is blunt force to my body. What do you recommend I do to stop the leakage of energy?- 7 replies
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- aura
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Hello, I was referred here by a redditor after making this post: I copied and pasted it below. I have high levels of energy which I meditate on and run through different circuits frequently. Some days I try to "burn" with my whole body at once all day long. I am familiar with rotating major and minor chakras on two axis of rotation, and the stimulating effects that has on the energy meridian pathways. I can feel where the meridians go and identify where acupressure and acupuncture points will stimulate. I can warm myself when cold and heal myself. During intense energy meditations, my point of awareness isn't at the third eye, it's wherever I'm focusing, and I can look around and see the energy fields of my body, the chakras, the meridians, the physical anatomy as well, and it's all dancing in all colors of the rainbow, and is accompanied by beautifully harmonious astral music. I don't believe I've had a full Kundalini experience, but when I do connect the tail of the snake through my root to the earth, or the "below", and run the head of the snake through my crown to the "above", it feels like going super saiyan, especially if I'm cycling with the whole universe, fully open, sending and receiving to infinity. Am I right in thinking that I should be putting more energy into the environment now? Feeling my surroundings and working energy with other people? So far I can put up a strong shield, I can "feel" people, whether they're close or far, and send them energy, having beginners identify the areas I send energy to and whether I'm sending energy or pulling energy. All information on energy work I've found thus far teaches how to do these things I've become familiar with, but on my own I've started to find things I haven't heard about before, like seeing the energy and hearing music. Does anyone know where I can progress from here? Any high-level books I could read? What else is possible?
Hi, I would like some down to earth advice, please. Having ate some food, I read a chapter of a book, and then got into bed. Could not sleep so meditated. Not in a hardcore Zen fashion. Just nice and easy, let events flow and settle sort of thing. I could feel my body processing the food. There must be a chaka gate there which takes energy out the food? When my body had processed the food, I felt a whole lot lighter and more settled in my meditation. After a few minutes I felt an intense pressure at forehead. It felt like it was going to pop. I was a bit scared. I quickly rolled over and concentrated on few other things. I would like to know what such a intense pressure signifies? Should I have allowed it to pop ? Just before I felt this pressure, I also felt some kundlini-syndrome worms wriggling down my forehead. Sorry if I don't use the right terms but I don't know them! Reply however or as technically as you like; I have a good ability to comprehend this subject as I'm already reborn from my initial conception inside the One.
NOTE: To anybody reading this, there used to be a post here regarding side effects that I was experiencing that I thought was caused by meditation... I deleted the post because I now know that it had NOTHING to do with the meditation... I was going through a lot of stressful things in my life and I stupidly though that the meditation was the cause. There were a lot of people that have read this post and I apolgize if I have scared anyone into not doing mediation. Mediation is a GOOD thing and I hope that I did not discourage too many people into not doing mediation. Please ignore the title... Thank You. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .
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- MeditationSide effects
- Bad experience
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There was a time, months ago, when I meditated on the landscapes of my chakra, and at some point I was joined by what others refer to as a spirit animal, Ayhunna, a red-tailed fox. As near as I could understand it his energy was used up about the 3rd or 4th chakra and I didn't have the heart to continue. During our precursory explorations, before we began work on the base chakra, I visited my eighth chakra. It was somehow more real than the others. Ayhunna was dirty. It was wet and raining, a gray day, and we were on some sort of medieval battlefield. I watched a man take a huge sword to another man and then come towards me. Ayhunna and I fled. But through everything that has happened, with Ayhunna's return and my return to my spiritual practice, I would like to know about this chakra that, so far in all my reading, is given only an indirect, cursory mention if at all. Appreciate the help - - DreamBliss