Was wondering if we could have a discussion about the difference in how to cultivate Yin vs Yang energy in the context of the idea that I recently read that the difference between chi Kung and nei kung is that while chi Kung only cultivates Yang energy, nei kung cultivates both Yin and Yang energy.
Now the caveat is can it be in simple and plain language using few if any Chinese terms and no Chinese characters. Because Tao is not contained by any culture or language and is best understood using metaphors and contexts our minds best grasp (at least mine coming from a Wesrern mileau).
And no Mo Pai. No Taoist Yoga quotes (which I’ve learned is indeed incomplete and NOT a step by step method but a guide on helping u understand milestones on the path). And sorry Drew but no harmonic quantum third eye ionic orgasm talk or lengthy random citing dense barely applicable scientific studies, just lets speak like Chuang Tzu about it. Simple, direct, basic language to be understood by a neophyte like me. Can someone of knowledge provide a breakdown?