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Found 1 result

  1. Acting on your true will

    Hi Bums, If you are anything like me, there are all kinds of things that you want to do, have, be. Also, there are frequently plenty of obstacles seemingly just designed to keep most of those things you desire off limits. How are you going to handle that dilemma, once you heard the call? To be brutally honest with you, most people, most of the time, won't handle it at all. They haven't been taught how to do this! What they have been taught is to be content and not to challenge all those boundaries imposed on them pretty much from the moment they were born. The latter take many forms. Some are disguised as 'common sense', meaning what you are "realistically speaking" able to do, given your internal and external circumstances. Others are implied by social rules, with their endless "dos" and "don'ts." And some are the result of apparent expectations by those you care for (and I say "apparent" because those expectations are not always what they seem to be on the surface!). Not to forget, the spiritual tradition you follow may be singing from that same song-sheet of acceptance and humility. And don't get me wrong, getting rid of a particular limitation may not be your best choice in every case. At any rate, it can't always be done right away and without some sacrifice. Now if you look deeper, you will find many of your boundaries to actually be self-imposed. Typically they are based on fear of doing the wrong thing and getting in trouble; on lack of confidence in your aspirations and/or in yourself; on reluctance to move out of your comfort zone. Here you have summed up some of the major reasons why a lot of people content themselves with second best! Yes, accepting the challenge of living your life to its full potential may indeed be daunting at times. It may well involve letting go of your sense of security. However, make no mistake: what seems like a safe way to play the game may turn out not to be so after all. And those unsatisfactory things that you pretend not to acknowledge and therefore leave alone tend to come back at you and hit you right in the face - especially when least expected! By the way, have you seen Matrix Resurrections yet? (Remember, all Matrix movies are required 'viewing' for spiritual seekers! ) Well, if you have, you will know that Neo tells Morpheus that he has "fought enough already" at first. And as a result, he gets whacked around quite a bit! That is, before he finally gets the message, turns the tables on his relentless mentor and blows him right through the dojo wall... As will be seen later, Neo needed that lesson; by the time The Analyst counts on him and his 'twin flame' Trinity to go back to their pods and have themselves reintegrated into the virtual bliss of the Matrix (as no doubt the average person would prefer to do) he's got enough fight back in him to not play along and change things big time - not just for himself, but for everyone around him as well! (Boy, you really gotta love those Matrix movies - and watch them more than once - for all those profound messages they contain! :D) Alright, now let's contemplate Aleister Crowley's central message once again : Liber Al vel legis I:40 Jesus, that one is spiritual dynamite! If you actually implement it, chances are it will change your life for good. Without any guarantees that you will prevail. Without a return ticket at hand. And trust me, there be dragons! However, the gods will help those who dare take a chance. Whose greatest regret would be not having lived their life to the full. Who aspire to be the best they can be - regardless of the consequences. Because they will recognize them as being of their own kind. Thoughts, anyone? Cheers Michael