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Found 1 result

  1. blurred vision/cross eyed

    Hello everyone! This is my first time on this site but i wanted to ask a question about vision. There was an older post relating to eye sight which was quite helpful, but it didn't answer all of my question so I was wondering if any wize, (or unwize) souls could help me out here. Every morning i meditate and I love it, I just use a simple having a wonder round the body losening things that need loosening sorta thing and it's great. I also do Kung fu and go to ch'an buddihst teaching hour. The thing is, after kung fu and the teaching hour my eye sight goes crazy. It's a mix between cross eyed and then swimming all about the place and colours getting more saturated. At first it scared me alot, but last time i just decided to see what would happen and relax into it abit and it was ok, my neck felt alittle looser and i felt alittle less spooked out by it. I still am quite spooked by it though, i suffer from quite server dyslexia so it might be that, although that sort of thing only happens when reading and definatly not to the same extent. I would very much like to know what it is though as i'm not sure how good a thing it is as i don't feel very present when it happens. Miranda