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  1. Real Feng Shui? Water dowsers recognize that sheep, like most mammals (except cats) instinctively know how to avoid geopathic zones. So why are cats different? Types of Geopathic Stress The basic three types of naturally occurring Geopathic Stress are underground watercourses, earth grid systems and geologic anomalies or earth fractures. Underground water courses (or water veins) emit an energy that is draining our body's bioenergetic field and can be harmful if a person is spending long periods of time above those areas. It makes no difference how deep the water is down in the earth or how many floors a person lives above ground. Even on the 20th floor of an apartment building the effect can be clearly felt, sometimes even stronger due to the enhancement of iron in reinforced concrete in the ceilings. Earth grid systems consist of straight lines or paths of Geopathic energy. In fact they are more like energetic walls, go deep into the earth, but also reach miles above the surface. They are referred to as "cubic" because they are three-dimensional. Geologic fractures are naturally occurring earth faultlines, but can also be caused by blasting or quarrying. Vortexes, an irregular type of geologic energy, are considered in this category, too.