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Found 1 result

  1. Hello, This is just something I've been wondering for awhile and would like to get some other people's insight on. So one of the most basic exercises people give to be able to feel qi for the first time is creating an energy ball generally by just holding it or doing some back and forth motions to get the hands moving. I hold my hands just a little bit apart like 10 inches or so.. 25cm I think and the sensation starts and it feels like an exchange of information between the two and almost like opposing magnets. You can kinda direct it to spin a bit too like going up one hand down then down the other. This is just me experimenting right now. But the question is is there any benefit to doing this, like just holding it in place for awhile. Does it build Qi. Increase sensitivity? Can you then use that accumulated Qi for a purpose? Does it flow through the rest of your channels up your arms etc? Again I'm wondering if this is something worth practicing rather than just being a repeatable unique feeling?