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Found 1 result

  1. Drawn to the Occult

    Hey everyone, I've got a black mark on my third chakra and I need some answers lol. Let me put it into context: I've been seeing a bioenergetic therapist for about 2 years now and as time has gone by I couldn't help but notice a strange black mark on my solar plexus chakra. It came to my attention because that is precisely the chakra I've been working on lately. And what has made itself obvious to me as I progressed through my energy work is that the more I moved forward with what I was doing the more the black mark became increasingly smaller. My therapist says it now has the shape of an "S" or a snake (Kundalini serpent?). What possibly could have happened to me--and it seems more and more likely the more I go into this stuff--is that I have been a victim of black magic, where some individual (Or individuals) have targeted my solar plexus chakra, the seat of your energetic system, and litteraly sucked the life out of me for all these years. Is it a coincidence that the more my energetic levels go up, the less visible the black symbol becomes; and the stronger I become, the less I attract those people who drain my energy levels. It's no coincidence. I've come to the point where I feel the need to discuss this with somebody (Other than with my therapist). I hope I've come to the right place. Thank you for your time. Best regards